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What Yeshua Means (Read 2422 times)
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What Yeshua Means
Dec 21st, 2008 at 4:37pm
The man/god called Yeshua or Jesus

He/she is not male or female, but both, perfectly composing both negative and positive, subjective and objective energy within a consciousness state we call ascended, to mean “above it all.”

He is balanced perfectly in other words. He is of the Light that we are of, only he became conscious he was of the Light. That is what we do in ELS, become more conscious, as we are in the becoming process and unable to foresee what it is like to reach an end point of that becoming process.

Others have achieved the ascension process and more will do so as linear time marches on, yet Yeshua was one of the first. He is not human as we think of what it means to be human with our human frailties, yet he remembers what it’s like to be within the flesh, and our problems.
He does not go onto whatever the final reward is, not while he considers his influence upon the world at large and the many misconceptions about him and his work here which have arisen. He takes responsibility for that influence and those misconceptions.
He is able to utilize messengers to send personalized messages to those who request insight of a spiritual nature. The messengers are able to take his directives because they are One with him in purpose.
Because we are one in truth, this means we are one within the truth of PUL.

When the master said as reported “If I ascend unto the heavens I draw all men unto me” Yeshua meant he left his spirit of truth here on ELS, which has been labeled Holy Spirit. Holy, to mean the Whole/Oneness, the spirit of that, which unites us, which is Love, which is pure, undistorted by any belief system, and does not require a return of what was given, for the choice remains with the individual, which is called the free will we all have to choose constantly, love or a fear thought. Holy in other words can also mean without holes. Something solid you might say. Only Love is real, and love is all you need is a polular refrain in our music, because it alludes to something true.
Yeshua pulls all mankind in uplifting of the spirit within through any of the words spoken by him, which were not distorted or misused in some manner.
Whatever he said as a man, was merely a repition of what he had said the day before wrapped up in different words. In this way he never contradicted himself. In this new century we have need of different words that say what was said long ago by this most influential being.

It will happen, as what we have need of is known by the Watchers, the Planning Intelligence, the Speakers, the Teachers, the Healers, etc and it’s various gophers and messengers, both physical and nonphysical.
Everyone is connected to everyone through the collective mind. The veil between the two worlds is being busted wide open at this time.

Let me explain about turning the other cheek for this is something Yeshua might have said.
Let me put some old wine into a new bottle. To turn the other cheek when attacked does not mean to curl up in a ball and play dead. It is a spiritual injunction.
It is relevant to align this concept with that of another, which said “resist not evil.”
By resisting what is a perception of evil, it gives the evil perception strength to endure itself and perpetuate it’s seeming reality. By the act of resisting, in other words, you would be keeping evil alive and active in the world.
This is an incomplete analysis however. Because you may ask what is the behavior alternative to smiting the evil perception, if I cannot attack it, and yet I cannot roll up in a ball and play dead either?
The inference is to be still and now that God is with you at all times, and therefore what you see is not real, because God does not desire that you be smitten with evil acts, or attacked. Only love is real, only God is real. Therefore we are instructed in the art of retrieval the same thing. When coming upon something which seems threatening to you in the astral territories or in real life, “see it not there.” See it as not real. I am speaking primarily of disease manifest, or mental illness in the astral territories. That is the way of the healer or retriever. No other action is required of the retriever other than to “see it not there.” Or as not real, not authentic, not of truth, of that person being retrieved to their wholeness.
In physical areas, the same, if you find yourself being attacked upon the body, or perhaps challenged, to strike back is to reinforce the other’s position by saying they are correct, in that you feel threatened.
The idea is to not feel threatened at all. Yet to show by your example, their thought system is not threatening to you. If you do not feel threatened, you are in essence, fearless then. To be fearless, is to allow unconditional love to enter and the situation becomes instantly resolved. As you know fear and love do not abide in the same space compatibly.

We are to achieve what the master achieved. We will do miracles the same. God bless you all. You have no idea of his Love, and the magnitude of it.
Be faithful to love’s purpose. You do not have to proclaim Christianity to know the truth that sets you free.
You do not have to undergo baptism, nor any ritual, nor follow any particular path or ascended master.
You could pray to a tree and get the same result by becoming one with the tree, it would reveal it’s essence to you. Great men and women are examples of humanity evolving into truth of what is real and what is merely proclaiming to be real.
Only love is real. We each leave some legacy behind when we die, within the collective areas of thought and consequent deed. We all contribute to the collective some work. Any action which has to do with Love of God, the world, our children, our profession, if it is done in Love, you are leaving your legacy for future generations.
These words is my Christ gift, my Christmas gift to you. There will be some who send gratitude to me and we will keep the ball rolling this way!
I’m glad I came here during this time in our history.
It took me 62 years to say I love you all and with fearlessness to speak of Love. It came about while reading your posts which inspired me further. I find each one is valuable.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: What Yeshua Means
Reply #1 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 12:58am
 Nice and well written post Alysia.  Thanks for it and the reminder of the more important parts of what he was about.  I guess its pretty close to the time that is focused around him, so apropos post.  Wink

 Well i know it wasn't really his b-day on the 25th of December, but this is a good time to celebrate now in present time since it is now the date of the Galactic Center Winter Solstice Sun alignment.   Because of that, this is the time of the year when the Galactic Center's powerful, spiritual energies become strongest and most amplified on this little rock and in our little system, at the date of the start of the sign Capricornus.  

 Methinks there was perhaps a deeper reason for choosing this date for his birth since our general times are going to be pretty connected to that period 2000 years ago when he was born.  U know, the multi-layered and evented 2nd coming and all...

 Besides, in one reading Cayce's guidance said his real birthday wasn't far off from the time we do currently celebrate it, and then said in another reading that our date of Jan. 6th would now be the time/period which corresponds to/represents his birth date back then.    Course, it was called something different back then.   It would perhaps be less confusing to just say that he was born with his Sun in the tropical (fixed) Zodiac sign of Capricorn.
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Re: What Yeshua Means
Reply #2 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 1:30pm

I like your words. We might not agree about you know what, but I believe we both have our heart in the right place. I like how you included the word "gopher."   Grin  You managed to include your unique humor.
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« Last Edit: Dec 22nd, 2008 at 9:08pm by recoverer »  
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Greenville SC
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Re: What Yeshua Means
Reply #3 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 5:22pm
That is a very beautiful post. Thank you for such a delightful present.

Beau Smiley
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All the world's a stage...whose stage?--that is the question!...or is it the answer...Who is on first.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: What Yeshua Means
Reply #4 - Dec 24th, 2008 at 2:57pm
Yeshua is the original Hebrew proper name for Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish Rabbi (and more) who lived from about 6 B.C.E. to 27 C.E. (A.D.) In other words, Yeshua was the name His mother called Him when shall called Him for supper.

Jesus is a mis-transliteration of the Greek mis-transliteration, Yeysu.  (Some say the name Jesus probably developed from the name of the pagan god Zeus, but there is little or no evidence for this.)  It is true that Emporer Constatine mistook Jesus for the Greek god Apollo, but that is another story.

It is the most proper to call Him Yeshua, since only in the Hebrew does His name have any meaning.  In Hebrew Yeshua means both "Salvation," and the concatenated form of Yahoshua, the "L-RD who is Salvation." The name Jesus has no intrinsic meaning in English, except as it is known as His name in English. (Therefore, we cannot deny the name Jesus, since this name commonly identifies the Messiah to English speaking people.)   

I looked this up, as I don't have any Jewish friends to help me with the name. I knew, of course, it referred to Jesus, but I like to research the background. I love to learn.

In my simple mind, I often have asked "to the air around me", if God knows all and Jesus is part of that plan, the mustn't Jesus has forseen what humans would do to his teachings so far into the future? IE: the 21st century??  What is he/they thinking now? The basic teaching is there: Love. In all the religions that I have read up on, Love is the major theme.  What fickled tricks have we humans played and called it "Love"?  Murder an enemy and call it love for our country?  Hand out political favors for those who are the highest monitary bidders, then call it love of our people?  I sure you get my jest.

How disappointed is Yeshua that his very words of wisdom have been distorted over the centurys by mis-translation and self serving interpretation?

This is a wonderful thread, my friend. It continues to make me ponder.

Love and Light to All-- Carol Ann
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Re: What Yeshua Means
Reply #5 - Dec 24th, 2008 at 8:16pm
A jolly christ mass to u folks! Cat, I'd like to add some concepts to what you've written: quote: if God knows all and Jesus is part of that plan, then mustn't Jesus have foreseen what humans would do to his teachings so far into the future?   The basic teaching is there: Love. In all the religions that I have read up on, Love is the major theme.
Yes, I agree the basic teaching is there, yet I recall on this board, not too long ago, and this more than once happened that we have discussed, and came to no consensus on what "love" is exactly.
The picking apart of what we call PUL here, if it's picked to pieces here, surely it's picked apart here, everywhere else in the world is the same.
People have different opinions what love is; doesn't make them wrong, doesn't make them right either. & we return to the idea of a diverse, evolving world, and all with a hungry heart.
Here's what I've learned so far from Seth. I share this with Cat in friendship.
to answer your question whether Yeshua knew, because, you say he was one with God, what would happen to his teachings..the answer is a resounding yes and no.

His I/there knew. His entity knew. the entity is likened unto the disc, sometimes referred to as a group soul. The group soul is also likened unto the Planning Committee as Monroe termed it.

You can also think of your disc, your I/there, as combining all the lives lived that your entity has projected within ELS. All these lives you have lived (I can only recall a dozen, but there are more I'm sure, personally speaking) In that sense each person here is a disc, or each of us has an I/there.

So too, we understand evolving or becoming this way, and that becoming does not reach an end point.

As I understand what Seth is saying, Yeshua had himself many lives projected from his I/there; these lives represented in specific terms personalities which have continuance in their act of becoming more.

Yeshua's personalities were 3 rolled into one within history. Each continue within the I/there, as individuals. John the Baptist came before Christ or Yeshua, then Yeshua arrived, then came Paul who was also known as Saul, to further confuse identities here.

The personality who was Paul, tried to deny who he was until his conversion. pg 331 Seth Speaks. allegorically, Paul represented a warring faction of the self that fights against his own knowledge and is oriented in a highly physical manner. It seemed he went from one extreme to another, being against Christ and then for him.

Paul's job was the portion of the Christ head that was to deal with physical reality and manipulation and these qualities were strong in him.  Paul was to implement the spiritual ideas in physical terms, to carry on after Christ left, so to speak. In so doing, he grew the seeds of an organization that would smother the ideas.

thus when Paul's life came to an end, unlike Yeshua and John, Paul was not satisfied and that is why Christ returns utilizing the Paul personality to straighten out Christianity in this century.

The Christ entity was aware of these issues. The earthly personalities were not, although in periods of trance and exaltation much was made known to them.

Paul also represented the militant nature of man, that had to be taken into consideration in line with man's development at the time.

punchline coming: That militant quality in man will completely change it's nature and be dispensed with as you know it when the next Christ personality emerges. It is therefore appropriate that Paul be present.

In the next century, the inner nature of man with these developments will free itself from many constraints that have bound it.

Not exactly a heaven on earth, but a far more sane and just world in which man is far more aware of his relationship with his planet and of freedomwithin linear time.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: What Yeshua Means
Reply #6 - Dec 24th, 2008 at 8:29pm
recoverer wrote on Dec 22nd, 2008 at 1:30pm:

I like your words. We might not agree about you know what, but I believe we both have our heart in the right place. I like how you included the word "gopher."   Grin  You managed to include your unique humor.

tanks R, I intend to go out laughing. laughter disengages my innate negativity energy. it balances me. However, ironically, the very thing that we disagree on (u know what) is what caused me to start laughing.
I have come to terms that personal experiences, like emotions, cannot be shared.

knowing this, I can be at peace that we differ. and I'm glad to be a gopher myself.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Dahlonega, Georgia
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Re: What Yeshua Means
Reply #7 - Dec 25th, 2008 at 10:17pm
There have been times I thought Paul was the Anti-Christ, but I guess we would not be having this discussion without his influence. He never met Jeshua, as you know.

I wanted to say Thank You for your beautiful Christ Gift, your CHristmas Gift post. YOU are The GIft, dear One.

Greatest Wishes for a Wonderful Holiday Season,

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