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What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE? (Read 3758 times)
Alan McDougall
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What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Dec 21st, 2008 at 4:32am
Greeting all people,

Instead of my usual long monologue, I thought about this question

What are the differences between a near death experience and the outer body astral travel experiences.?

There are differences as well as similarities!!

I have a few ideas but will respond if any interest is shown in the topic

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Alan McDougall
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #1 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 11:09am
I keep starting my reply, Alan, and erasing it, and then my computer shut down as soon as I finished a reply I felt was adequate -- it needed more power.

Perhaps I should just listen first. What are your thoughts, my friend?

Begun later (my mind is quite curious now): Also, what do you mean when you say "outer" body travel? Are you talking about the out of body experiences or are you talking about something else? I believe that here on this board we talk about more than one kind of traveling, more than two kinds of traveling. Perhaps there are many more.


It seems to me that the perception of 'self' is stronger in an OBE than in other forms of traveling, and that the exploration begins from a focus which is very interested in exploring variations of physical sensation and movement.

Kind of like a baby learning how to crawl and walk. I think that is the most obvious difference that I can see there.

If someone can master such a different state of being, like Bruce Moen has, they must have developed a fine-tuned instrument to be able to do so.

When people simply move into a meditative state of being to travel, I think that there is much less emphasis on the physical body. The sensation of time passing seems different, from the descriptions. It seems much much faster, although time doesn't exist the same way in either states, in my opinion.

I am just making a guess here, but I suspect the near-death experience is much more comprehensive than short 'hops' here and there. Not all of it may be remembered upon return.

If so, how do we know what our memories actually are until we have them?

Okay, I'll be quiet now. You have really got me thinking, Alan!

love, blink
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« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2008 at 12:23pm by N/A »  
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #2 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 1:10pm
Well, I would guess that NDEs represent a more valid form of OBE, only because it's easy to mistake a lucid dream for an OBE.

This raises 2 other questions, however.

1.  Assuming OBEs are real (and I'm not aware of any conclusive evidence that they are, altho you would think it should be easy to set up experiments to verify), would that in itself provide evidence that we survive death?  Is it possible, in other words, that under some circumstances it is possible to project consciousness via means that so far have been undiscovered?

2.  Re. NDEs, how do they differ from experiences induced via the administration of ketamine?

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Alan McDougall
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #3 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 2:54pm
Blink and Rondele,

In the conscious (not vivid dream) outer body experience as far as I know, there is no tunnel and meeting with a being of light.

Also there is "not the great sense of peace and love" in the OOBE like nearly all have in the NDE.

This of course in my subjective understanding, I have had the conscious OOBE  many times it starts with an intense buzzing like a million bees buzzing in your ear.

There is also the sleep paralysis just before shooting out of ones body.

The near death experience also has this buzzing noise, like out of body experience, but the destination is different

What do you guys think?

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Alan McDougall
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #4 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 3:27pm
This is a good thread for me...very interesting. From what I've read and the little experience I have with the subject, NDE's are a gift when the body perceives it is dying so to me it stands to reason the light is available as choice for the ultimate journey, but when we OBE we usually exist in an astral plane where things are duplicated as almost exact as the physical but not quite the same. I haven't experienced it, I've only read about it over a number of years. As with Ketamine, isn't it tricking the body into thinking it's dying? So how would that be different from the actual NDE? I may be way off base here as I've only read a wee bit about Ketamine. But that was the impression I got. Perhaps the physical body triggers the initial experience to open the door way for the NDE. I don't understand why more people cannot remember their experiences with the NDE, I think the number is less than 14% who are resuscitated after Cardiac Arrest.
My mother had an NDE when her heart stopped and it was the classic story. She met a bearded man that she took for Jesus, even though she was not really religious at all. When she died 25 years later she didn't even want hymns played at her funeral or the mention of Jesus. I think she had a wholly different idea about what was going on and didn't want to play into common practices my family wanted to associate with death. She was a very brave woman, who lived confined to a wheel chair and gradually losing her ability to move even her arms over the years. She certainly made the greatest impression on my spiritual life of anyone and she was very open to almost anything. I didn't stay as close to her as I would have liked as she was in the throes of her last days--I think I was still dealing with childhood fears of death even as I was approaching 40. I've read Sam Parnia's book: "What Happens When We Die?" and it's interesting, but I think the premise for his experiment to prove NDEs is a little hokey. The idea of putting those signs up above the room so the NDEers can read them and them tell about it later seems like a dead end to me, but I don't know really why I feel that way. I guess I still think it's going to a subjective experience on some level and not given to the mundane reading of signs above the eyeline of the room. My mother didn't remember anything about the operating room she was in, only the journey and being told it wasn't her time. When she did finally pass I remember she confessed just before that the same door she had entered many years before was closed and she was afraid it would remain closed to her when she actually left. I never got to talk with her again after that but she went very quickly when she finally did go. I hope that door was only closed until she was ready to make the trip....she was a scrapper. Good thread, hope I wasn't too
off base. Wink
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #5 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 5:41pm
One difference between an NDE and an obe, is that an NDE generally only happens once in a lifetime, (excluding Ms.Atwater) who had several.

and an obe generally provides impetus for further obes throughout the life. A lucid dream is a matter of a degree of an obe, in that a lucid dream can provide a leaping off place into a full blown obe.

we each have an emotional body, which is considered or labeled the astral body while it navigates the astral realms.
an emotional body is conscious of itself while it is exploring the astral counterpart of physical area.
In phasing, which is not full blown obe, the mental body is employed, and this will often produce dual consciousness..awareness of the physical body sitting in a chair, and awareness also of viewing, or partaking in a conversation with another, for example. There may be subtle emotions involved, but not as explicit as the astral body when it has it's journeys, nor even the NDE, where both the mental and emotions are active and receptive, and in some cases memories of former lives are in the NDE if that belief is entertained within the individual.

The importance of the value of PUL was shown to me personally within an obe where I believed I had died.
As a budding retriever I had asked myself what is the mindset of those whom I would be entrusted to retrieve?
And what would be their feelings as well?

In the obe I found myself as a wanderer who had a willingness to seek, certain I would find what I sought. Yet I still wandered about attempting to speak with physical beings, most of whom were not aware of my presence, because I was not physical, nor could I be seen with their retina. I could be sensed by some. In a psychic manner on their part.

Finally, tired of wandering about unable to find others who could interact with me, I thought of my daughter and was instantly with her. She was still physical, but I was certain I could communicate with her. I perceived myself as floating near her body, slightly above her. I perceived myself in a light weight body form.
I was watching her do dishes, thinking, oh god, I'm so glad I don't have to do dishes anymore because I somehow knew I was in another dimension where dishes and like chores were not important.

I asked her where I was. and why couldn't others see me or hear me?
She was crying and said I had died.

That explained everything! For this is what retrievers do; they inform others that their transition has occurred as the number one rule.
Not everyone gets stuck with not knowing they have died, just a small percentage of the population may go thru this confusion where they feel cast out of the body identification and don't know where to go.
So retrievers assist awareness that transition has taken place.

My daughter knows nothing about the dynamics of retrieving; yet she loved me. Love itself is very important to awakening to the awareness that death of the body has taken place. I was shown in that instance my accomplishment in life circumstance was this Love between us. and thus it is Love which does the retrieval.

also upon death, many NDE'ers report the gravitation to family members is automatic. I assume those who do linger in the astral lower planes for what to us is a long period, is because they have not developed sufficient love with their family, nor a belief system which would propel them into that level to find the like-minded.
as well, linear time is belong to the surface of the planet, so that what is years to us, is perhaps only weeks to the perception of the deceased. That is why we sometimes say consciousness is frozen in time while we are physical. it's slowed down here. It's quite quick on the other levels of nonphysicality.

Upon learning I was dead, I wondered why I, of all persons had not been prepared for death?
I chided myself but briefly and knew what to do then. Certainly, I would go see God. God was simply symbolized in the obe as the vastness of the skies and I shot up like a bullet, in effect dying a 2nd death to all ties to the Mother earth, including family, knowing we would meet again.
The emotional body was caught up in bliss of being released from body and the chores of the earth, the perpetual struggle of staying alive.

The bliss was all around me though. In the sky. In the air. In the very atmosphere, in the flight upwards as symbolized. I knew if I kept going higher I would meet God. I wasn't quite ready for that, as I blinked out during the 2nd death. When I came back to consciousness, I entered a roomful of retrievers and was welcomed back as if I had been on a journey to do a job and now had returned.
all of the folks there had only one purpose, to be assisting the shift in consciousness at this time in history.

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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #6 - Dec 21st, 2008 at 9:49pm
Interesting thread.  Great responses. 
Here's my two cents:

The OOBE and a NDE begin similarly.  Often in either the person's consciousness can perceive his/her own physical body and hear/see what is going on around them. 

The complete separation of consciousness from a living body seems to propel most of us toward the afterlife and our loved ones.  Often we are visited by them, and/or other important figures, such as JC.  The life review is often mentioned (though not universal).  There is, however a sense of all encompassing love, and light for the person moving on - this is by no means common in OOBE. 

In planes close to the physical plane, OOBE are considered to be experiences on C1, where we float around and see events in the real world.  The problem with this idea, is that even adept travelers such as Monroe reported seeing objects and scenes that did not correspond to the physical world.  The explanation?  Some assume that the lower astral realms contain a blend of objects from the physical world with other objects we don't see.   It gets kind of goofy, however, if you are looking for scientific proof that a traveler OOB can PROVE they were in fact seeing real people/objects/events in the physical plane.

I personally believe that most OOBEs are lucid dreams.  As such they are creations of our own mind and imagination.  Since either lucid dreams or OOBEs show us that we are more than our physical bodies, I believe they are helpful in spiritual awakening. Interwoven into our own thoughts may be subtle lines of communication from others.    We have to try to discern what comes from our own mind and what comes from experiencing a true interaction with others.  We know this when we just "know it." 

The problem for those who insist our consciousness travels OOB in the physical plane, is that there are objective thinkers (like Don) who will look for proof in the physcial, that these events have occurred.  Sometimes there are "hits," many times "misses" in terms of corroboration. 


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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #7 - Dec 22nd, 2008 at 12:37am
 Similar along Matthew's lines, an NDE tends to be much more "instructive" and deeply affecting in nature.  I've had an OBE, but not an NDE, and the former yeah helped to show that we're more than our physical body, but other than that it was pretty mundane.  

 Many people who have NDE's say that there experiences were so spiritually powerful, that it changes their lives permanently and usually for the positive.  

 It seems that when NDE's take place, they are usually experienced in rather fast vibratory dimensions.   OBE's on the other hand, while they can be, often the "classic ones" just don't tend to go that "high" so to speak.   But they are similar in that  we are just shifting our focus of attention into different dimensions/focus levels different than "physical".  

 I suspect the reason that Bruce, i, and some others here haven't experienced that many "classic" OBE's is because our inner vibratory states are on a faster vibration than what classic OBE's entail.   This concept is also talked about in Rosiland McKnight's book by her guidance.  
 The OBE i had had, was during a time of unusually slow vibrating energies in my life and self.   I was being more negative, unloving, and unentered around that time.  I was also a hell of a lot hornier than normal around that time.   Essentially i was concentrating my energies and focus a lot more in my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Centers than usual.

 Which again corroborates Rosiland's guides info, because they say that sexual energy is usually strongly involved with the classic OBE's which happen with the 2nd, Etheric body, which is more "dense" and slower vibrating in nature than the Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual bodies.  

 I suspect that when one has a classic OBE, the 2nd Chakra/Center is very active at the time.  Rosiland's guidance also says that fear is a common experience involved with nonphysical exploration/experiences involving the etheric body and such classic OBE's.  
 But, it also seems common experience (like it was later with Monroe) for experienced explorers to initially "leave the body" (a misnomer) via the 2nd body, and then during their journey to phase into their faster vibrating levels of being.   At that point, their experiences start to feel "less real" in general, because they are more removed from physical energies which to most seem to be the "real reality".  

 In my OBE experience, at first it felt very real and physical in nature, but started to become less so.  

 NDE's seem to usually take place at levels connected to the Heart Center, up to the Brow and Crown Centers in the very expanded,  very God aware, and loving experiences (at least the positive ones that i've mostly read about).  
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Alan McDougall
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #8 - Dec 23rd, 2008 at 6:36am
Beau, and others

Nice responses,

It seems that one remains in the material realm during an OOBE. of course with an ethereal body observing the surroundings.

And in the NDE higher dimensional realms are encountered or heaven if you like.


The  use of  Ketamine to induce a fake NDE can lead to a horrifying experience and I would advise no one to try this.

I think you moms abandonment of religion is very understandable. God is not religious in my view it is a concoction of man , and she was brought to that understanding during her NDE. What to you think?

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Alan McDougall
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Alan McDougall
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #9 - Dec 23rd, 2008 at 6:47am

The OBE i had had, was during a time of unusually slow vibrating energies in my life and self.   I was being more negative, unloving, and unentered around that time.  "I was also a hell of a lot hornier than normal around that time".   Essentially i was concentrating my energies and focus a lot more in my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Centers than usual.

Well your explanation validates your OOBE as a true one if I can use that phrase

For some reason , of which I have no idea why, the separation of the awareness for an OOBE is driven most often by intense sexual energies and vibrations.

Do you other people concur or is it only I and Justin that felt this heightened sexuality?

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Alan McDougall
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #10 - Dec 23rd, 2008 at 9:15am
Hi Alan,

Yeah, thanks for the advice on Ketamine. I would never try it even from what I've read before, but I will also take your anti recommendation to heart.

I think you are right about my mom, too. I don't think she was fed up with her own search, but disappointed that others in my family could not follow her ideas. I'm sure she was tired of people telling her she would be healed of her affliction in this lifetime. And for those people to then say she had given up--well, that would get under anybody's skin after awhile. It was almost as if my mother's eventual healing was going to somehow give credence to the rest of my families belief system. Sure, healing happens, but I think the message my mother brought here was that everyone isn't here to be healed. Some of us are gaining valuable insight from where we are. I think my mother was a believer in those healing powers, certainly she saw them at work for others, but I wonder if she ever came to terms with why her healing was not to be. I guess if people say long enough, "if you were a better Christian, or believer, or prayed harder you would get well" something is bound to crack open eventually. My family was weird though...they were great blame throwers...for Christians. Oh well what can you do...I guess in some ways I'm grateful since it sent me on a very different path. I agree with you that religion is a concoction of man and I think the period after my mom's NDE when she was able to really reflect on it was the big changer for her, but really it's semantics when you talk of such an experience. It must have been the whole thing from beginning to 25 years later as she put her pieces together that opened her up. Of course my family would say she was shutting herself off...religion can be funny that way, I guess.

Cheers Beau
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #11 - Dec 23rd, 2008 at 6:23pm
I will share two stories of NDE and one OBE.
When my mother was only 24 years old, she had an operation called a suspension. This is what she told me: The nurses brought her back to the hospital room and attached her to tubes to drain and her IV.  When the nurse turned to leave the room, my mother died. My mother remembers "being in the color blue". It was the most beautiful blue that she had ever "felt".  A lady's face appeared in the blue and my mother preceived this to be Mary, the Blessed Mother.  The Lady spoke to her. "Dolores, it's time to come with me now." My mother said she felt a peace that she still hasn't felt again to this day. Mama answered back, "I can't go now. My husband would be left alone with our two children. Who will help him?  He can't take care of two babies by himself."  The lady answered back, Because you have asked for your husband and children (on their behalf), you may return."
The next thing my mother remembers is a great pressure on her chest, opening her eyes to feel and see a team of doctors and nurses fighting to revive her. She is now 78 years old.

When I worked on a switchboard when I was in my 30's , one of the operators was Ruby.  She was a tall stout woman with red hair, then in her 60's. She relayed this story: she had a heart attack the year before. She remember's suddenly seeing an arch shaped bridge. On the other side of the bridge were all the relitives and friends who had predeceased her. She walked to the middle of the bridge, then stopped. One of her deceased relitives walked over from the other side with a huge, beautiful  bouquet of red roses. The relative handed her the bouquet. She said the scent was overwhelming and the color the most vivid red. She knew that all she had to do was walk to the opposit side of the bridge with her relative to be "home". 
Suddenly she felt like her whole chest was being crushed. Her eyes popped open to see the medics working on her. She told them to stop, she wanted to go back. 

Those are two of the NDE's that have been relayed to me. Now my own OBE.  I was under great stress at the time. I was 27 years old and going through a divorce. I was very fatigued that day. While my sons were in school, I went and layed down becaused I was so exhaused.  Suddenly, I was back in  my kitchen. But, the colors where acceptionally brilliant and acute. I decided to walk over to the kitchen table and move it. However, I was able to lift the table off the floor with one hand. There was no weight to the table. I started to logicalize the situation, as everything about the incident "felt" and looked real. I deduced, if I am astral traveling I can then put my arm through the wall.  I went over to the opposit side of the kitchen and placed finger tips against the wall. I gently pushed my hand forward and saw my hand disappear into and through the wall up to my forearm.  I suddenly "woke up" in my bed.

Carol Ann
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: What are the differences between an OOBE and NDE?
Reply #12 - Dec 23rd, 2008 at 11:31pm
   Alan, that is interesting to hear that you have a similar experience with the classic OBE state.

  Looking back, and understanding what i now know, all those years of intensely wanting to have a classic OBE was rather silly, as for me, it would indicate retrogression of spiritual attunement. 

  As Rosiland's guides state, and which i sense is true, phasing and exploring via the other, faster vibrating "bodies" or levels of being/dimensions/Centers helps one to bring along less human "baggage", and hence it's easier to expand ones perceptions and very beingness in these latter states. 

  Also, they said that when is phasing out of the etheric body, as in a classic OBE type state, there is a potential for "possession" of one's physical energies by other beings, because there is less shielding left behind to act as an automatic barrier to that.   It is better to leave the etheric body still in strong resonation with the physical body, then. 

  Course humbly, sincerely and appreciatively asking for help prior, from sources on high so to speak, will also greatly lessen that potential, and one shouldn't go into this kind of stuff with any active fear, lest they attract those kind of energies to begin with.

  Unfortunately for us still largely (shadow side) repressed humans and society, even in (or maybe especially in?) the New age world, we're not supposed to talk about unpleasant stuff like that.  It's just better to avoid it all together and sweep it under the rug.  We would like to believe that such things don't happen after all, kind of uncenters and scares us to hear of such things.  But we're definitely growing, heck even some 40 years ago, we weren't suppose to talk about, and rarely did, Uncle John Doe and his molesting of his nieces or nephews for example.

  Eventually we will be able to freely communicate about pretty much anything without judgment and back lashing from the majority of whatever group one finds themselves in.
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