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Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds (Read 28325 times)
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #75 - Dec 17th, 2008 at 5:33pm

Sometimes deceptive influences come into my life for a bit because I see their books on bookshelves. Fortunately, I developed somewhat of an ability to determine when I grabbed something off of a book shelf that is deceptive. My ability isn't the result of making excuses for those who seek to deceive.

I also believe that deceptive spirits exist. If we take on the mentality of letting books deceive us, perhaps it'll be easier for unfriendly spirits to do the same.

Misleading influences exist partly because people make excuses for them.
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« Last Edit: Dec 17th, 2008 at 9:00pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #76 - Dec 17th, 2008 at 9:11pm
I disagree that anyone is trying to be deceptive. what I would suggest is you ask Spirit, or you may call it Christ if you want, to help you choose your reading material. this always works for me.
One book that you may consider deceptive, to another is just what they need to read.

it's all in your mind. this way you don't have to waste your time making excuses for whatever. why bother making excuses?
Just ask for guidance, see how fast it shows up.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #77 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 1:02am
Dear ALL,

I did not mean Jane was channeling Jesus but that she was getting comments about Jesus that I do not agree with,

"In my opinion", Seth is an invention of her colorful imagination, and your doctor Phil could give just as profound without going into a glassy eyed trance "In my opinion"

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I Am Dude
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #78 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 2:22am
I disagree with the idea that Set is deceptive.  I have read 7 of his books now, and have a very good idea of what his motives are as well as a fairly good understanding of his concepts.  Going by not only my intuitions, but my personal experiences to varify the truths that Seth speaks of, I feel Seth may be one of the most important sources of truth today regarding the nature of reality as it exists in all levels.  If I felt this wasn't true I would not have bothered buying book after book and reading them. 

For Seth to be deceptive, that would mean he was purposefully dictating false information.  This is nothing more than an opinion, unless you can prove that what he says is indeed false.  Otherwise its Book One vs. Book Two, both providing no evidence whatsoever, but only words.  I understand you say your intuitions lead you in one direction, but mine lead me in the other direction, and perhaps its not a coincidence that I have more knowledge of Seth's material ( Not to mention I am rather unbiased when it comes to the subject of Jesus and Christianity, which tends to give a person a better chance at seeing the truth without any strong belief systems intruding and deluding) It seems the only aspect of Seth's work that people have a problem with is his Jesus material- which is not only probably the least talked about subject in all his work but one of the least important IMO.. He offers interesting insight into the Christ entity, but most definately does not negate J's existence or importance.  If a disagreement about a subject that is 1/1000th of the totality of a source of information causes you to see that source as deceptive, something is obviously being overlooked.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #79 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 4:32am
I Am Dude wrote on Dec 18th, 2008 at 2:22am:
I disagree with the idea that Set is deceptive.  I have read 7 of his books now, and have a very good idea of what his motives are as well as a fairly good understanding of his concepts.  Going by not only my intuitions, but my personal experiences to varify the truths that Seth speaks of, I feel Seth may be one of the most important sources of truth today regarding the nature of reality as it exists in all levels.  If I felt this wasn't true I would not have bothered buying book after book and reading them.  

For Seth to be deceptive, that would mean he was purposefully dictating false information.  This is nothing more than an opinion, unless you can prove that what he says is indeed false.  Otherwise its Book One vs. Book Two, both providing no evidence whatsoever, but only words.  I understand you say your intuitions lead you in one direction, but mine lead me in the other direction, and perhaps its not a coincidence that I have more knowledge of Seth's material ( Not to mention I am rather unbiased when it comes to the subject of Jesus and Christianity, which tends to give a person a better chance at seeing the truth without any strong belief systems intruding and deluding) It seems the only aspect of Seth's work that people have a problem with is his Jesus material- which is not only probably the least talked about subject in all his work but one of the least important IMO.. He offers interesting insight into the Christ entity, but most definately does not negate J's existence or importance.  If a disagreement about a subject that is 1/1000th of the totality of a source of information causes you to see that source as deceptive, something is obviously being overlooked.

 Hi O.O.B.D,

I know you weren't replying to me in the above, but i do have some honest questions if you don't mind?  

 I'm asking you since you seem very well read on Seth, and i'm not.  In your understanding, did Seth give multiple instances of info along any kind of material lines, which were able to be verified in a more convincing, broad, holistic kind of way?   What i've read of Seth so far, is a lot of philosophy, and i'm wondering if there is a more holistic aspect to this work.

 Like for example, some predictions that actually came about or what not?  Historical info that was later verified when more historical data was found, etc. etc. If this is the case, and there are such multiple verifications found in connection with this work, i would be open minded enough to give this work a try again.

 As an add on, speaking for myself and not for Alan, while i'm a big fan of Yeshua, i've never been a fan of religion or any dogmatic beliefs.   Perhaps my only skewing about Yeshua comes from a source which all in all, was very universal, tolerant, and deep in nature, and one that was integral to jumpstarting both what some call the "New Age" and the holistic health movements, not only in this country but in the world in general.  

 So, having not been raised by religious parents, having never joined any religion or really any group of any belief system, i would say that i'm fairly unbiased when it comes to this character.  Heck, i haven't called him or thought of him as "Jesus" in many, many years, because that is part of the Roman/Greek skewing that went on, and a history that i much dislike.  

And when i speak about him, i'm not just speaking from the outer psychic source i just mentioned (which happens to have many kinds of verifications in many fields), but also experiences and dreams about him.  

 More specifically about your post and some of issues you brought up with Alan, well i also like Spooky disagree with some of the theory about parallel selves as presented by this source.   As i mentioned, in the Seth material i have read, i get getting a strong emphasis on the little self, too strong an emphasis.  Seth in what i read, talked very little about things like PUL, or a Creator (beyond the little self).   You seem to say that he does later on talk of some of these things, but why are they so absent in what i've perused?  

 If PUL is the fundamental core to our reality and the means to freeing oneself from all illusions around same, it should ever be the main emphasis in any truly spiritual, and expanded work and source.   In some psychic sources we find this, and in others we don't at all, or kind of bit and piece here and there.  

 Also O.O.B.D., i'm curious as to your opinion on this...  Would you or your intuition say that Seth was what Monroe might have called a "completed consciousness"?    Seems to me a completed consciousness wouldn't have given such contradictory info on any kind of subject.  I must say that it does kind of remind me of a simple human being who says one thing awhile in the past, forgets consciously, and then says another rather different thing in the future?

  I know and love you Aquarian born folks well, and one thing i've learned about this unusual pattern, and consciousness indication is that they can appear very open minded, but really be some of the most mentally stubborn and hard to change their minds folks around.   I'm married to a person with like 4 major Aquarius placements, and have been close to many with the Sun, Rising, or Moon in same.   I also have a dose of it myself.

More to the point, are you as truly open minded as you would have us believe, or that you seem to believe about yourself?  Or, are you like most of us mortals, that to some extent you believe in what you want to believe and believe and perceive based on like attracts/begets/resonates with like law?

 Btw, i do believe there is info of worth in Seth, and generally speaking, if this work makes people more open to nonphysical reality, then despite whatever inaccuracies my mortal/uncompleted self perceives, then to some extent i'm for it.  But at the same time, i'm more for love.   Every person whom i've met so far, who is really into Seth in a deeper way, has struck me as a person who still has a lot of Heart opening up and balancing to do, and who seemed very mentally polarized.   You know, kind of stuck in the head too much.  It takes one who has been there, to recognize one sometimes.  Seth had the affect to pull me more back into that mode, when reading same.  

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #80 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 5:06am

You quoted
For Seth to be deceptive, that would mean he was purposefully dictating false information.  This is nothing more than an opinion, unless you can prove that what he says is indeed false

I will investigate Jane Roberts further as there is no such entity as Seth, it does not exist "my opinion again"

I would like you to take up the challenge and prove to me Seth ( who was in reality just Mrs Roberts) is a source of absolute truth.

If you can I will become an immediate disciple, as I have searched for truth all my protracted life and I remain confused by the millions of conflicting truths

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Alan McDougall
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I Am Dude
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #81 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 5:59am

Seth gives many suggestions and techniques for his readers to practice for various areas of personal growth in all of his books.  Here is a link with page numbers for each exercise.  These can all be practiced and the truth of Seth's concepts can be experienced first hand through these mental/spiritual exercises. 

As for future predictions, I have not come across any as of yet.  I have read that many of Seth's clairvoyancy tests have been verified, however, and Jane's as well.  This information can be found in Robert Butt's notes throughout the books, as well as Jane's book Dreams, Projections of Consciousness, and Seth. 

I do not believe Seth emphasizes the little self.  Perhaps you can give me an example of what you mean.  He speaks a great deal of a Creator, calling him/it All That Is.  Actually, I just read Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fullfillment, and this book goes into great detail about our creator and the creation process.  He also speaks of love, how it is of upmost importance to love not only our fellow humans, but all of nature.  He believes it is absolutely wrong to kill or do harm in any way to any aspect of nature.  Many of this material is found in his later books.  This is a fact, and not just something I am making up.

Seth does emphasize PUL, although he may use different terminology for the same concept.  He delves into all areas of physical and nonphysical reality, PUL being one of them, but certainly not the only one, for there is much more to the inner workings of the univerise and our consciousness than to simply say, PUL is the answer.  It is the answer at a basic level, and Seth recognizes this, but he expands beyond this base level into the more complicated unknown aspects.

Do I believe Seth is a "completed consciousness?"  No.  Does Seth?  No.  He, just like everyone, is on a never ending quest of growth and fulfillment.  I believe he knows a great deal more about the true workings of the universe and consciousness than we do, however.  I don't believe it is possible to be fully complete, for that would imply there is no more room left for growth, which I believe is never the case.  Our yearning for greater and greater value fulfillment is what drives all consciousness. 

I don't know if you were referring to me as Aquarian, but if you were, I am Capricorn.  I feel that I am open minded.  Of course everything is filtered in through my believe system, just like everyone else, but I believe that I have a belief system which allows me to assimilate information in a way that doesn't receive much interference from negative emotions and false beliefs. 

I am very deep into Seth's concepts and material, but I feel I actively experience and show love quite often, definitely more than many others I observe.  The Seth material has not hindered my spiritual growth in any way, but has expanded it.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #82 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 6:03am

I cannot, nor do I want to, prove that Seth is a source of absolute truth.  I just feel he deserves more credit than what he is being given.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #83 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 7:14am
Do I believe Seth is a "completed consciousness?"  No.  Does Seth?  No.  He, just like everyone, is on a never ending quest of growth and fulfillment.  I believe he knows a great deal more about the true workings of the universe and consciousness than we do, however.  I don't believe it is possible to be fully complete, for that would imply there is no more room left for growth, which I believe is never the case.  Our yearning for greater and greater value fulfillment is what drives all consciousness.

Well if Seth is not the divinity that many claim he is then he is fallible and finite like us is he not In fact is "he a he?" So his views might have profound truths and also be profound incorrect.

We all know the source of absolute truth is God  but of course it is not wrong to absorb truth from someone you know and trust to be honest

For instance just one example a quote from a Seth quote You are the  creator of your own reality and future.

You say he knows considerably more of the true working of the universe and consciousness than we do, I dispute this in the absolute give me just one example of some truth he has revealed to humanity, that little earthly being known as Alan, does not know about.

My mind can expand to embrace all of existence and it has done this, has this entity done this?

Your thinking can lead into or out of poverty.

Come to Africa, and look at people born and living in unspeakable poverty, even pigs would be disgusted to live like this. So I must according to Seth go into these hideous slums and tell , look people you it is your fault you have to live in this filth and disease

Now go and tell the survivors of the holocaust that they created that reality.

I just can not put some unknown entity on a pedestal and follow it as some sort of perfect truth.

I am in myself a most imperfect vessel , but I can concoct similar guides to living and I have done just this in my writings, but I do not need an entity to do this , my life's journey, my experiences both  painful and joyful have given me wisdom , without consulting a trance medium.

If I desire absolute truth I go to the source of absolute truth to get it

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Alan McDougall
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #84 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 12:49pm
I Am Dude wrote on Dec 18th, 2008 at 5:59am:

Seth gives many suggestions and techniques for his readers to practice for various areas of personal growth in all of his books.  Here is a link with page numbers for each exercise.  These can all be practiced and the truth of Seth's concepts can be experienced first hand through these mental/spiritual exercises.

  Thanks for the info and link. 

As for future predictions, I have not come across any as of yet.  I have read that many of Seth's clairvoyancy tests have been verified, however, and Jane's as well.  This information can be found in Robert Butt's notes throughout the books, as well as Jane's book Dreams, Projections of Consciousness, and Seth.

  Thanks again.  I wonder what these tests entailed, and how they were set up?  Is Butt's a prior "fan" of her and this work?   Is there  a possibility that he is biased?  Are there independent, non associated persons that vouch for her clairvoyant accuracy in written, signed documents, etc?   Could i personally see copies or the originals of these documents?    

  Monroe met up with Jane, and interestingly enough that's all that's in 1st bio, is that they met up.   Yet when talking about another well known psychic that he met up with, he did talk about meeting her guide.

I do not believe Seth emphasizes the little self.  Perhaps you can give me an example of what you mean.  He speaks a great deal of a Creator, calling him/it All That Is.  Actually, I just read Dreams, Evolution, and Value Fullfillment, and this book goes into great detail about our creator and the creation process.  He also speaks of love, how it is of upmost importance to love not only our fellow humans, but all of nature.  He believes it is absolutely wrong to kill or do harm in any way to any aspect of nature.  Many of this material is found in his later books.  This is a fact, and not just something I am making up.

   I perused some of her work quite awhile ago, and don't remember much at all of the specifics, but do remember the general impressions that i got at the time.   Sorry, thats oft how my memory works when long periods of time are involved, and i'm not overly interested in something to begin with.   I remembering perusing 2 of her books before, one was Seth Speaks and another well i don't even remember the name now.   

  But i don't generally remember reading much about PUL in any form, and i remember that because that one is, and has been for a long time, a big one for me.   You say it's in the latter works, and i believe you...but well i can't help observe or get the feeling that perhaps this info is not coming from a very spiritually mature guide, but rather from the unconscious of a human who is constantly evolving her own belief system and eventually starts to concentrate more on PUL like beliefs and ways of being.   This also might explain some of the very self contradictory things said about say Yeshua and his life, no?

Seth does emphasize PUL, although he may use different terminology for the same concept.  He delves into all areas of physical and nonphysical reality, PUL being one of them, but certainly not the only one, for there is much more to the inner workings of the univerise and our consciousness than to simply say, PUL is the answer.  It is the answer at a basic level, and Seth recognizes this, but he expands beyond this base level into the more complicated unknown aspects.

  Again, i believe you that this is in the latter works, but again to my mind there is the strong possibility that it's coming more from Jane's own unconscious, and since everyone has an intuitive, psychic side to themselves, i don't doubt that occasionally she had some more accurate impressions.
But please understand that i'm coming from studying an enormous, very long term, very deep work that has multiple, independently verified stuff in various subjects all on paper for anyone to see (and numerous signed affidavits from people helped with health issues), and well lol guess i'm a bit spoiled in that regard and thus demand more from psychic, channeled sources than apparently most do.   I'm not overly right brain predominant, and definitely tend to lean a bit more  to the left brain on average.

Do I believe Seth is a "completed consciousness?"  No.  Does Seth?  No.  He, just like everyone, is on a never ending quest of growth and fulfillment.  I believe he knows a great deal more about the true workings of the universe and consciousness than we do, however.  I don't believe it is possible to be fully complete, for that would imply there is no more room left for growth, which I believe is never the case.  Our yearning for greater and greater value fulfillment is what drives all consciousness.  

  Let me explain more fully what i meant by that.  My understanding of this term that Monroe used, was for 1, when he had his "ultimate experience" wherein he temporarily but more fully merged with Source Consciousness and communicated with what he perceived to be "completed" consciousnesses fully consciously intune with same and with all energies.  He was told he couldn't "stay there" because he was still incomplete. 
  Or in other words, if they were a human, we might call them things like, "enlightened", or others might call them a Buddha, or a Christ, for example.   You're right, they are not done growing, but they are done "learning" in the sense that we learn, for our learning is a re-remembering, and they have remembered everything about the little self and the Total, Whole Self. 

  For them now, they are more enjoying being a fully conscious, Co-Creator with Source, and creating new Universes, systems, worlds and, new dimensions and birthing new Consciousness patterns to experience and enjoy these new dimensions.    So yes, still growth going on.  From that perspective, would you say that Seth was a completed consciousness as per more Monroe's use of the term?

I don't know if you were referring to me as Aquarian, but if you were, I am Capricorn.  I feel that I am open minded.  Of course everything is filtered in through my believe system, just like everyone else, but I believe that I have a belief system which allows me to assimilate information in a way that doesn't receive much interference from negative emotions and false beliefs.  

  Sorry about the mistake, i'm usually really good with stuff like that, and could have sworn that i read sometime that you were born right near the cusp of Aquarius/Capricorn or Capricorn/Aquarius, somewhere around Jan. 19th or 20th--i believe i even wrote you a happy b-day post once?   If that is the case, then as someone who has been into astrology for a long time, and who is good at tuning into others along those lines, i would say that even if you were technically born just barely still in Capricorn, you have very strong and predominant Aquarian energies going on.  (a compliment in my book btw).   

  Btw, i'm a Cappy too, born Jan. 8th.  I've always felt more Aquarian than Capricorn, and this due to both some highlighted Aquarius in my chart, and more so that Aquarius's main ruler, Uranus, is very highlighted in my chart.   Lol maybe i'm projecting onto you, but really it is a compliment for me to say that you are more Aquarian than Capricorn in tendency and feel.   

  And yes, regarding your beliefs and tendencies with same, i do get a sense that  you are fairly clear in that regard, fairly intuitive, and especially so for someone your age.  I wasn't trying to imply that i look down upon you, about the Aquarian thing and all, because i rather like that sign and Consciousness indication, but i've observed both in myself (also its a Capricorn issue too) and in other folks with really strong indications along those lines, sometimes are too head polarized and more stubborn than they first appear (also applies to Capricorn, except that Capricorn doesn't usually come off as open minded and unusual as Aquarius does).
Not that they are unspiritual, unloving people.   They just tend to have to work more at the "heart" and feeling stuff; mentally they are often quite advanced and easily understand and intuitively perceive very abstract and deep info about reality.  And they often tend to care about humanity as a whole in a detached kind of way.  Now add a little Pisces, Neptune, Jupiter, and/or strong Venus to the mix, and on average, you got one spiritualzed, truly and deeply loving chart indications.
I am very deep into Seth's concepts and material, but I feel I actively experience and show love quite often, definitely more than many others I observe.  The Seth material has not hindered my spiritual growth in any way, but has expanded it.

  That's good to hear.  From what you've been telling me, and from my experience, if it were me, i would stick more with the latter stuff because it is more PUL centered.   

  The fact that i'm debating this stuff with you to begin with, shows that there is plenty of work that i need to continue doing with self, and thus i'm probably not the best one to transform anyones beliefs if there were a need for that to begin with. 

  That's usually best done by example, rather than debate, logical analysis, or overly generalizing a person, a source, and those into same that i don't know that well.   Please  forgive my ignorance in this case.   
So, i'm done with debating this subject, but will definitely read any replies from you re: it.   Guidance mutters, "geesh, about time."    Like i said, i have a stubborn side as indicated by the strong Capricorn and Aquarian (and like) energies in my own chart.  I may want to talk to you more about some of your questions re: Yeshua and his life pattern/example, but if i do i will take it over to my "resurrection" thread in the off topic section. 

  Btw, like you, i also don't have much belief system baggage, and am fairly clear and intuitive in that respect, so where does that leave us? Cheesy Grin  Stalemated, because we both believe that we have the more accurate, clear, and expanded viewpoint, or at least it seems that way.
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #85 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 1:35pm
I read a channeled source which said that Seth was just making a joke when he said the below, because nobody loved others during his time period. Much of Seth's humor was lost.

Dude, you can interpret Seth's words any way you like,  but he did indeed state that Jesus was just making a joke when he said to love your neighbor as yourself.

[quote author=OutOfBodyDude link=1228834578/75#81 date=1229594360]Justin

He also speaks of love, how it is of upmost importance to love not only our fellow humans, but all of nature.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #86 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 1:56pm
  Hi O.O.B.D, i left a reply to your question and reply to my earlier post re: resurrection/Yeshua, over at my Resurrection thread in the off topic section. 

Hope to see you there.  Very little about Seth and nothing about Roberts is in there though.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #87 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 2:11pm

I suppose your right, we are here trying to show we have a more accurate perspective regarding this subject.  Its funny though, debates tend to strengthen one's belief about the topic rather than change one's mind.  


That is simply rediculous.  I posted the quote.  He said Jesus' statement was IRONIC because at the time people didn't trust each other.  Then he stated Jesus had humor.  He did not say Jesus was joking.  He said that Jesus had humor.  There is HUMOR in IRONY, and this is why he said that.  Simple concept.  What Seth said does not negate the importance of Jesus' quote in any way, it only states a fact about the circumstances of the time.  You, my friend, are the one interpreting Seth's words in a skewed fashion.  
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #88 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 2:19pm
To those debating the entity Seth

Part 5
The comments in brackets and higher case are mine and are my own opinion

The Inner Senses expand normal consciousness and allow us to become aware of our own multidimensional existence.  (HOW?)

Undistorted and yours for the asking, is the knowledge inherent in the inner self, pertaining to reality as a whole, its laws, principles and composition.  (MAKES NO SENSE EXPLAIN PLEASE?)

In the inner self you will find the innate knowledge concerning the creation of the camouflage universe as you know it. You will find the ways and means by which the inner self, existing in the climate of psychological reality, helps create the various planes of existence, constructs outer senses to project and perceive these, and the ways by which reincarnations take place within various systems. Here, also, you will find your own answers as to how the inner self transforms energy for it purpose, changes its form, and adopts other realities, and the mechanics involved.  (A CONVOLUTED MISHMASH OF VERBAL NONSENSE)

These will enable you to perceive reality as it exists independent of the physical world. You must learn to recognize, develop, and use them. The methods are given in the material, but you cannot utilize the material until you understand it.  (AS AN ENGINEER I CAN HANDLE AND UNDERSTAND THE MATERIAL BETTER THAN GHOSTLY SETH, I HAVE UTILIZED THE MATERIAL ALL MY WORKING LIFE, OH AND I CAN PERCEIVE REALITY WITHOUT HELP FROM THIS ENTITY)

You must, first of all, cease identifying yourself completely with your ego, and realize that you can perceive more than your ego perceives. You must demand more of yourself than you ever have before. The material is not for those who would deceive themselves with packaged, ribboned truths that are parceled out and cut apart so you can digest them. The material demands that you intellectually and intuitively expand.  (PACKAGED RIBBONED TRUTHS WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?? )

Consciousness can be turned in many directions, but you are in the habit of directing it along one certain path, and you have forgotten that there are other paths.  (HOW CAN THIS ENTITY STATE THAT  I  OR ANYONE HAS FORGOTTEN THAT THERE ARE MANY PATHS OF CONSCIOUSNESS, I KNOW THIS WITHOUT THE HELP OF SETH)

If you consider the conscious mind that you usually use as one door, then you stand at the threshold of this mind and look out into physical reality. But there are other doors... It is true that when you close one door there may be a moment of distortion before you open another, and you may need to learn the methods by which you can perceive other realities, other conscious portions of yourself. But these portions are as valid and as real as the consciousness with which you are ordinarily familiar. (WHERE ARE THESE DOORS I CALL THEM PORTALS))

There is only one way to learn what consciousness is: by studying and exploring your own awareness, by changing the focus of your attention and using your own consciousness in as many ways as possible. (I HAVE DONE THIS ALL MY LIFE WITHOUT HAVING TO CONSULT SETH)

When you look into yourself, the very effort involved extends the limitations of your consciousness, expands it, and allows the egotistical self to use its abilities that it often does not realize it possesses. (CONVOLUTED NONSENSE WHAT THE HECK DOES THIS MEAN?)

The Inner Senses reveal to us our own independence from physical matter, and let us recognize our unique, individual multidimensional identity. (WHAT DOES THIS MEAN, SETH EXPERTS EXPLAIN PLEASE?)

Properly utilized, they also show us the miracle of physical existence and our place in it. We can live a wiser, more productive, happier physical life because we understand why we are here, individually and as a people.  (WE ARE MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD AND HIS SPIRITUAL LIKE THIS , THIS CONCEPT IS AS OLD AS HUMAN HISTORY)

The Inner Senses can help us to use telepathic abilities. This means that in family, business, or social contacts, we will intuitively be aware of what another person is saying to us: we will know what is beneath their words. You will also use words better yourself to communicate your inner feelings since you will better know what those feelings are. You will not be afraid of them or feel the need to cover them up.  (EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT INTUITION SETH THIS IS NO NEW TRUTH)

Using the Inner Senses, we simply increase our entire range of
perception. The point of learning how to use the Inner Senses is that you will learn what reality is... This self-investigation initiates states of consciousness with which you are not usually familiar, and these senses can be used as investigative tools. ( INNER SENSES WHAT THAT IS? EXPLAIN)

Books cannot tell you this. Even if you use psychoanalysis, you are still only exploring the topmost levels of your personality, and you do not have the benefit of those altered states of consciousness that occur when you look into yourself. (I HAVE EXPERIENCED PROFOUND STATES OF ALTERED CONSCIOUSNESS WITHOUT THE HELP OF DEAR OLD SETH)

You are not the creators of the universe, but are the creators of the physical world as you know it..  (OH NO UNTRUE GOD IS THE CREATOR OF THE PHYSICAL WORLD)

YOU create your own reality (tell this to the victims of the holocaust or those dying of hunger and disease)

Thought is energy. (RUBBISH)

When you are in a state that is not the usual waking one (asleep or "daydreaming") you are conscious and alert. You merely block out the memory of this experience from the waking ego. (SO WHEN I AM SLEEPING I AM AWAKE A REAL OXYMORON NONSENSE BE REAL)

Electromagnetic energy units are the forms that basic experience takes when directed by the inner self. These then form physical matter and objects. (RUBBISH THIS IS A STATEMENT BY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT PHYSICS, ELECTROMAGNETISM DOES NOT HAVE UNITS IT IS EITHER A WAVE OR A PARTICLE OR BOTH AND CHANGES FORM WHEN OBSERVED AND DEFIES HUMAN LOGIC)

When a person dies (having chosen their own death, although not "consciously"), you must tell the person that they are free to leave, and that you joyfully give them their freedom. Let them know that they need not stay close, because you realize that you will be reunited.  (NO ONE CHOOSES THEIR OWN DEATH UNLESS ONE COMMITS SUICIDE?)

Your expectations send telepathic suggestions. (HOW WHERE INTO THE VOID WHERE?)

The conscious ego rises out of the "unconscious" ego, but the "unconscious" being the creator of the ego is necessarily far more conscious than its offspring.(AGAIN A CONVOLUTED MISHMASH OF ABJECT NONSENSE)

Energy projected into any kind of construction, psychic or physical, cannot be recalled, and must follow the laws of the particular form into which it has been molded. (WHAT???)) EXPLAIN)
Dreams can give clues to all kinds of behavior.

When you dream of others, they know it. When they dream of you know it. There would be nothing gained, however in conscious awareness of these conditions, at this time.  (THIS IS JUST NOT TRUE I HAVE DREAMED COUNTLESS TIMES ABOUT A PERSON WHO DID NOT KNOW IT)

The self has no boundaries except those it accepts out of ignorance.  (SO THE SELF OF HITLER EMBRACES ALL EXISTENCE, I DON’T SWALLOW THIS NONSENSE)

Later, in your time, you will look into the physical system at others in a position like yours now.
Within your physical atoms the origins of all consciousness still sing. (CONSCIOUS DOES NOT RESIDE IN ATOMS , IT IS SPIRITUAL AND ETERNAL , ALL ATOMS GO INTO ATOMIC DECAY AND ALL VANISH OVER TIME )

Your idea of space and time is determined by your neurological structure. The camouflage is so craftily executed and created by the inner self that you must, by necessity, focus your attention on the physical reality which has been created. (HUH!!)

The single line of physical experience is merely the surface thread along which you seem to travel. In actuality, following this analogy, there would be an infinite number of threads both above and below your own, all part of one inconceivably miraculous webwork.

The purpose of existence is, quite simply, being as opposed to nonbeing. (VERY PROFOUND SO SETH KNOWS SOMETHING EVEN ALMIGHTY GOD WILL NOT TELL US)

I am telling you what I know, and there is much I do not know. (SO I CAN TAKE WHAT I PRECEIVE IS TRUTH AND DISMISS HIS NONSENSE, LKE I AM NOW DOING)

“A quote of mine Alan one must know what they do not know”

I know that help must be given one to the other, and those extensions and expansions are aids to being. (JESUS PUT IT MUCH MUCH BETTER “DO TO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO TO YOU”

Each self, as part of All That Is, retains the memory of the state of agony before their release into actuality, and so each consciousness is driven toward survival, change, development and creativity.
There are answers to some questions that I cannot give you about the origin of All That Is, for they are not known anywhere in the system in which we have our existence.


I again put out a challenge give me one quote one idea that is unique by this entity and I will become a follower

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #89 - Dec 18th, 2008 at 2:22pm

I agree with you for several reasons:

1. Some of the erroneous things Seth supposedly said are ridiculous. Jesus wasn't crucified with an explanation that "can" be debunked if a person takes the time to do so. In the books I have three of Jesus' most famous verses were spoken of, and in each case they were completely misinterpreted.  If ordinary people have the sense to interpret Jesus' verses in a reasonable manner, why was it so difficult for a supposed higher level spirit being to do the same? If a spirit can be so wrong when it comes to these misinterpretations, how trustworthy is this being? My feeling is that the same dishonesty that enabled Jane to be a hoax channeler, is the same kind of dishonesty that enabled her to purposely twist Jesus' words.

2. Jane Roberts wrote things that don't relate to Jesus that are also very questionable. For example, the world is created when energy oozes out through the poors of our skin. Love and hate are the same thing. It is okay when you get angry with one of your loved ones and fantasize about killing he or she. Seth (Jane) claimed to be a pope in a past life, it was found that this pope didn't exist, and to defend his-herself, he-she claimed that historical records are inaccurate.

3. Jane started out as a science fiction writer, that didn't work. She tried to be an ESP teacher, that didn't work. She pretended to be a channeler, and wah lah.

4. Would a higher level being actually be channeled for 20 years or so?

5.  Not only did she supposedly channel Seth, she also supposedly channeled Rembrandt, Paul Cezzane and William James.

6. The fact of how she was a science fiction writer and wrote the oversoul adventure books without the help of Seth, shows that she had enough imagination to pretend that she was channeling an entity.

7. Much of what she said wasn't original.

8. Her/Seth's dialogues tend to ramble and are repetitive. Would a light being ramble and be repetitive?

9. I read an article where a man who worked for her publisher said it was well known that Jane Roberts made up Seth. He said that her husband would speak to people before supposed channeling sessions, and pass on this information to Jane. This source seemed credible.

10. Another source said that Jane Robert's admitted on her death bed that she made up Seth. I don't know how credible this source is.

11. Does it make sense that a person would make contact with a higher level spirit being through an Ouija board? Plus, Seth was supposed to be a part of her greater self.

12. She died of an autoimmune disease. Why wasn't Seth able to apply healing energy?

13. I watched a video of Jane when she was supposedly channeling Seth, and Suddenly she stopped speaking in his voice in order to say: "We'll take a break in a moment." It seemed rather curious that she could break out of Seth's voice so easily.

14. That routine of throwing her glasses on the couch, drinking wine and I believe smoking a cigarette seems a bit much. It seems put on.

Alan McDougall wrote on Dec 18th, 2008 at 1:02am:
Dear ALL,

I did not mean Jane was channeling Jesus but that she was getting comments about Jesus that I do not agree with,

"In my opinion", Seth is an invention of her colorful imagination, and your doctor Phil could give just as profound without going into a glassy eyed trance "In my opinion"


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