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Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds (Read 28239 times)
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #15 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 4:59pm
If the multiple world viewpoint is true, at what point do new branches extend?

Say there is version number 1 of you, and one of the many subatomic particles in your body rotates at a 45 degree angle for 2.36 seconds, does another universe have to be created where the same subatomic particle rotates at a 45 degree angle for 2.37 seconds, and then one at 2.38 seconds...and...and it doesn't stop here, because what is the relationship between the movement of one of these particles, with the movement of all of the other particles that exist in your body and the rest of the universe?

Perhaps when we do something such as stopping a child from running into traffic, that's it, because there is no other suitable choice.
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« Last Edit: Dec 10th, 2008 at 9:03pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #16 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 5:36pm
Hi David I do understand what  you are saying but if we are living different lives in parallell worlds then there would be no need for riencarnation and riencarnation is offered to someone who feels they need to return to the physical to learn what they felt they did not learn from the life they have died and left.I and my husband ended up hateing each other but i dont beleive that i am in some other world living happily ever after with him.

If parallell worlds were out there,then we would  have no need to bother learning  different things, if our other selves are already doing it elsewhere in the universe,so what would be the point in us being here and when we go to spirit,the higher spirits say"Well what do you feel you have learnt,we would just say"Well i learnt about love and hurt ,but i did not bother about the rest because all my otherselves are standing with me and each one has learnt what i didnt bother trying to learn,so i know it all because of my otherselves".

But i feel this is not the way it works,we are put on this earth to learn about all things that go wrong in our life and also the good things,its the natural way of things,thats why we are born and eventually die.

I'm not saying i'm right David and your wrong,i just dont beleive that parallell worlds were part of God's plan,it seems like what Recoverer has said poppycock.

Captain Kirk says on star trek "The needs of the one outway the needs of the many"not quite sure what he meant but they were good words. Smiley

Love and God bless   love juditha

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I Am Dude
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #17 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 2:08am

I don't believe Seth misrepresented Christ... in fact he elaborates on the truth of his greater spiritual being.  He simply has a different perspective regarding the crucifixion- a perspective which no one can prove right or wrong.  If you distrust him because of this, so be it, but it is hardly a reason to reject everything he says, especially when these same things are being confirmed by not only others experiences, but now by science. 

I'm not trying to convince you or anyone that the parallel universe theory is correct.  Instead what I would like to do is offer a perspective which will help you see it in a different light. 

The idea is that God/Source/AllThatIs contains within itself the potential for infinite varieties of consciousness and infinite varieties of experience, and desires the actualization of these.  This allows for maximum - infinite- spiritual growth.  This is one of the main driving forces for all consciousness.

This should take care of the "Why?"

Seth stresses that we create our reality and therefore should take control of our lives in order to manifest our most ideal one.  This in no way contradicts the parallel universe theory.  Rather, what it implies is that the potential for all possible choices exists in latent form, and we simply need to choose the best ones.  The options we don't choose are actualized in other levels, however, and are experienced by another portion of our inner selves, allowing maximum experience and therefore maximum growth by our higher selves- once again, the main driving force for consciousness. 

So the question is, Is God/AllThatIs a power of infinite creative consciousness?

I believe so..

And if this is correct...

Then consciousness must be infinite, for All That Is is pure creative loving consciousness which creates, and its creations posses that consciousness as well.

So if consciousness is infinite, then the universe must be infinite, for the universe is a physical manifestation of that consciousness, which is infinite.

So if the universe is infinite, then that means all possible dimensions exist, and the parallel universe theory is valid.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #18 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 3:53am

Ill have to check that out sometime... I'm on my 7th Seth book right now- Dreams Evolution and Value Fulfillment, which may just be the best one yet... I wanna bust out this saga and then move on to other authors for a while.  I wish I could just download all this information right into my brain... I have a list of books to read larger than santa's wish list.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #19 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 4:45am
Hello. I'm new to the town  Smiley.

I have never read any of Seth's books or any other books on the subject but it might be interesting for the discussion if I described one dream I had some longer time before.

Treat it as another theory or just a dream, but it happened to me and was totally surprising.

In the dream I approached to some kind of line (ressembling assembly line). I was told that this is line of my life and almost on every stage of it there are works being conducted. It means that on every stage my aspects from my energy are being made which test the results of different choices, different decisions. Paralel worlds are created all the time but I suppose they are temporary (maybe they are only astral projections of my copies-aspects). I make a distinction between of what I saw and my interpretation, the latter is my interpretation.
I was not feeling well in days preceding the dream although I could find no reason for that. I was told in the dream that this was because I had made too many aspects involved in other experiences and my energy and consciousness is lower.  Wink
I was also told that it is called "expert way" as not all the people make such "assembly line", some choose go straight without that effort catching random experiences, it is a choice everybody makes themselves. I was also shown an observer - a being which was going to incarnate someday but beforehand wanted to look what it's like.
After that I had a good idea to jump into that line at early stage. I was suddenly in my childhood (maybe 2-3 yrs old) - looking into the details of the house we left some time later and observing my family members which looked younger. Afterwards I woke up.

Reading your posts I suppose that the theory of paralel worlds may be linked with reincarnation. In our point of view time is something real, but in afterworld reincarnation exist simultaneously in different layers of consciuosness. This explains how we can help our aspects or reincarnations spread somewhere living their lives. The theory of disc helps - as a center of consciousness with exploring agents being placed in some interesting areas.
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seeker of truth&&&&follow no path&&all paths lead where&&&&truth is here
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #20 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 11:04am
Greetings, Conchita,

Welcome to this site!  Smiley

Your dream and your interpretation of it are both very intriguing!

Could you say more about this part, please? : "
It means that on every stage
my aspects from my energy are being made
which test the results of different choices, different decisions. "

--How do you mean "my aspects" ? Are they alternative situations? Did ou see alternative "yous" being made on the asembly line?

Thanks for posting!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #21 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 11:24am
Greetings You-All,

So in our dreams we could be visiting
some of our alternative selves ?! 
Except they wouldn't really be us anymore, since who a person
is defined in part by their own relationships and surroundings.

And what if we meet a person who has met our 'double', (not a double really but one in a 'million' Huh of other aspects I share) --our dopplegangers?  Does that mean that the alternative universes folded or passed through each other?
Our double is not a random coincidence but the result of previous choices?

I'm thinking that the choices that create a new aspect are based upon bigger choices, such as major attitudes toward loves or loves denied. Does that sound possible?
I say that because the gas station attendant who serviced my double's car the day before mine said it was full of kids I'd said were mine,   but I have none.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #22 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 1:44pm
Oh, give me a break Dude! Jane Roberts Seth comes up with a story that a mentally disturbed man was crucified instead of Jesus, "and Seth just stated his persective." You say that nobody really knows, yet Seth supposedly knows.

Jane Roberts Seth also spoke of three of Jesus's most famous verses and despiritualized them (In the books "Jane Roberts Seth Speaks" and "A Nature of a Personal Reality"). Conversely, there were no verses that Jane Roberts Seth supported. Jane Roberts Seth said that when Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself, Jesus was just making a joke. No wonder some fundamentalists do some of the unloving things they do. They read Jane Roberts Seth and figure that Jesus was just making a a joke when he said to love your neighbor as your self.

Apologetics often = confusion

Infinite creative ability doesn't mean that there aren't any parameters in particular situations.
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #23 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 2:35pm

Well, maybe Seth knew there was an alternate reality wherein Jesus was a comedian, and was making His followers laugh by advising that we should love our neighbors as ourselves.  Maybe Jesus was the Seinfeld of his era.

Actually, this whole alternate reality thing might also explain ACIM.  Maybe in some other parallel world, Jesus really was the author of this book.  Obviously it wasn't the Jesus of the New Testament, since the ACIM Jesus tells us that there's no such thing as sin because what we think of as evil acts are really just illusions.  I'm sure that is good news for the woman who lost both her husband and teenage daughter after they were executed during the Mumbai massacres. 

And after watching Gordon's Mumbai video, I now know that the terrorists who were killed arrived safe back at their training camp, and joined in the happy celebrations going on at these places of comfort.  I also learned that these murderous thugs were really freedom fighters.  It's heartwarming to know that these terrorists enjoyed such a happy reception after they slaughtered innocent civilians.

After the Columbine killings, Bruce posted his own explorations involving the teenage killers.  They were in a very dark place.  They certainly weren't found in a celebratory/comforting environment.

I think retrieval accounts are greatly influenced and colored by the personal beliefs of those doing the retrievals.  For example, if a person already feels sympathy with the "cause" of those carrying out terrorist acts, he or she will also put a positive spin on what happened to the perps after they die.

The interpreter overlay of the person doing afterlife explorations is powerful and no doubt explains the many contradictions that abound when reading this stuff.

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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #24 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 3:14pm
I see what you're saying Rondelle. Regarding what Gordon saw,
I wasn't able to watch Gordon's video, but going by what he wrote I don't believe he was apologizing for the Mumbai terrorists. Sometimes spirits end up earthbound for a while and go to the place/people they are attracted to. Deceased terrorists might be attracted to the people they knew before they died. Eventually these spirits will have to move on and become honest about what they did.  I don't believe that Gordon denies that lower realms exist and some spirits end up in such realms according to their overall state of mind.

Regarding the retrieved terrorists Gordon wrote about, I wouldn't assume that they went to a higher realm. I have reasons for believing that when spirits are guided away from being earthbound, some of them are directed to a lower realm if such a realm matches their overall energetic (needs?). Even moving on to a lower realm can be a part of a spirit's growth process, if this is what a spirit needs. If such a spirit stays earthbound, it will be less likely to acknowledge the mistakes it made, and end up being a problem for the person/people it tries to influence.

Regarding the terrorists being courageous, can deluded people be courageous? I don't believe they were loving. If anything, they were hateful, self-centered men that were hoping to get rewarded with 72 virgins.  There's nothing admirable about being self-serving in such a way. Men who end up this way tend to be men who grow up in a culture where they get brainwashed in such a way.  Do they have enough freedom of mind to choose differently after being brainwashed? I don't know. Perhaps what they needed was for somebody to tell them to love their neighbors as themselves. Or do only jokesters make such statements?
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #25 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 4:29pm
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #26 - Dec 11th, 2008 at 4:49pm

What if a person, let's say his name is Albert,  has a really good friend that he really respects and loves, and an author named "What the hell" wrote some things about his friend that are false. Would Albert be inclined to have a what the hell attitude and read some "great" quotes from "What the hell," or out of respect and love for his friend would Albert be inclined to find another way to find the knowledge he needs to obtain, with the faith and understanding that the universe is able to provide the information he needs, without the assistance of "what the hell?"

Is it uptight for Albert to be loyal to his friends? Does his loyalty deserve any respect, or should people make posts out of spite? Do PUL and spite go together?

I didn't write my posts out of spite. I did so to address "possible" false information.


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« Last Edit: Dec 11th, 2008 at 9:06pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #27 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 1:05am
It is unnecessary for you to take my post personally, Recoverer/Albert.  I have shared a link I enjoyed with anyone who is interested. I do appreciate some of what Jane Roberts/Seth has to say.

love, blink
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #28 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 1:17am
  "Seth" could be summed up in one of "his" quotes, "You create your own reality."

  One thing i was getting when reading Seth/Jane Roberts, was an emphasis on "self", as in the little self. 

   Rather, we "Co-create our reality."   Slight change in wording, but major, major difference in meaning...

  Otherwise, nice video Blink though I don't think Roberts was all that accurately psychic or intune, and most of her material has an overall slow vibrating quality to my perceptions. 

  But i do like some of what Seth/Roberts said here and there.  It is always well to look for the good in all no matter what.  Besides, i love Sarah's work and voice.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #29 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 3:45am

I have respect and love for Jesus.  Just the other day I had an experience in which I nonphysically met and communicated with Jesus and channeled his words to some friends of mine in the dreamstate.  Its funny, because the Seth material actually strengthened my trust and understanding of Christ, whereas your belief system has caused the opposite reaction. 

I was not bothered by his alternate story of the crucifixion because it was simply not important in the grand scheme of the message, which was Christ is an entity deeply in touch with his divine inner self and wanted to spread his knowledge, and that there is deeper symbolism to the Christ event than what is commonly thought. 

Please provide the exact quotes where Seth despirtualized Christ's words, because I feel you misinterpreted what was said.  I highly doubt Seth said Jesus was joking when he said love your neighbor.  From what I remember, Seth took some things which were said by Jesus and provided an interpretation which ties them more into these universal truths which we are beginning to realize as we develop as spiritual beings.  Jesus couldn't come out and say, "you create your own reality" or "God is not actually a "being", but is the source of all being and we are all connected in an infinite web of consciousness."  Christ spoke in terms of the time, and as the times change the deeper meanings emerge which were before inconceivable. 

It appears that having a slightly more neutral perspective and not allowing my emotions to interfere has allowed me to see this, whereas someone with their defenses way up will shut out all positive and only see negative.

I am not saying that parameters do not exist in certain situations.  We experience parameters because we have chosen so.  If there were not parameters we couldn't have this type of experience.  However, we are speaking of other aspects of our much larger selves involved in a system of experience which we cannot fully comprehend now.  These parameters exist in our world... the point here is these are not the only parameters that exist.
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