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Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds (Read 28253 times)
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #120 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 4:53pm
Rondelle started the thread? I forgot about that. What was the original subject?  Smiley Smiley Smiley  Imagine how much creativity would be stiffled if we couldn't get sidetracked.

Justin, if you and I ever ( Wink) met in person, our conversations wouldn't be allowed to get sidetracked.

 Rondele, are you bothered that i and others have so sidetracked your thread?

 If you are bothered by the side tracking, i will go and erase my side tracking posts/replies.

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« Last Edit: Dec 19th, 2008 at 9:02pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #121 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 6:27pm
Heck no, I'm not bothered!  It turned into a very rich thread with all of its twists and turns.

It's always the detours that take us to the most interesting places.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #122 - Dec 19th, 2008 at 11:58pm

Rondele, are you bothered that i and others have so sidetracked your thread?

If you are bothered by the side tracking, i will go and erase my side tracking posts/replies.

Please don't do that, your posts and opinions are as valid as any other. A thread belongs to the forum not to the initiator, so we must let it meander, life a river with tributary of new thought entering as it flows

No disrespect Rondele


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Alan McDougall
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #123 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 1:37am
 Thanks for letting me know that Rondele.  

  Alan, thank you for the sentiment, and while i understand what you are saying, i also think it can be rude sometimes to so side track a thread which is originally about a very different subject to begin with--especially rude to the person who started that thread.  I try to respect the forum rules and intentions lately, but don't always, and this one of those latter cases.  I got too personal in my debate with O.O.B. Dude, and criticized another's belief system.  

 Technically speaking, that's against the rules here.  I think that most people here are aware that my intentions were overall positive though--even if they disagreed with my behavior or my beliefs in this case, and all in all my temporary negativity was rather mild, balanced, and more impersonal than not.  I certainly did use some self restraint at one point.

 I figured it just was the considerate thing to do, to ask the starter of this thread if he was bothered by such side tracking.  I had a hunch he wasn't, but wanted to be sure since i'm not a complete mind/heart reader.    
I've been on and connected to this forum for a long time, though not as long as some.  Sometime during that time, i went through a very challenging and uncentering period for a bit in my "real life" and in my I-net life and relationships, and temporarily got really negative and personal with a few members here...

I took some time off, came back and decided that I owed it to the group in general, to those specific individuals, and to Bruce to be more respectful, considerate, and constructive in the future.   And i do try, but sometimes my Celtic, Fiery Leo Rising and Mars Jupiter conjunction side, gets the best of me.
 I don't believe you were here during my negative outburst period, but suffice it to say, a lot of people here had a lot of patience and real PUL with me, including Bruce who had every right to permanently ban me.   I tell you all this, to show you where i am coming from.   I'm basically a lovign and conscientious person, but i have a responsibility and duty to this forum i feel.

  Albert told me once that he got a guidance message about me, and his guidance said that i'm someone that could really help Bruce with this forum.   I've wondered about that, because sometimes i feel not that helpful, and have wondered maybe the best way i could help is by leaving.   I dunno.  But thank you much for your kind words and sentiments.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #124 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 4:55am

  Alan, thank you for the sentiment, and while i understand what you are saying, i also think it can be rude sometimes to so side track a thread which is originally about a very different subject to begin with--especially rude to the person who started that thread.  I try to respect the forum rules and intentions lately, but don't always, and this one of those latter cases.  I got too personal in my debate with O.O.B. Dude, and criticized another's belief system.

You are a decent guy a gentleman and I must learn some restraint at times my very volatile nature and up and down moods gets the better of me and for this I apologize deeply to the whole forum

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Alan McDougall
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #125 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 5:10am
  Thank you Alan. 

  I for one don't hold any of that against you.  I have a strong hunch that much of some of those issues come more from an imbalanced body/vehicle rather than your consciousness, beingness, intentions, motivations, and tendencies of same. 

  You are a bit of a spiritual "genius", who is close to the borderland ie. "super sensitive", and sometimes when you combine that with an imbalanced and unhealthy body, well volatile, erratic, and unrestrained states can be felt and expressed.   

  The Celtic blood/genetics, does innately tend towards the rather energy sensitive in nature, did you not know?

  If you choose to have another physical life (which you don't have to do), you may find yourself focusing more on maintaining physical health from the start and having the experience of a more healthy and vibrant vehicle for expression, and thus will be able to unleash more of your full potential, in a more balanced manner than currently experienced. 

  I hope you do choose to come back, because this World could surely use such help and energies as i see yours potentially being when in a healthier and more balanced body. 

  Pretty please with sugar and strawberries on top Wink   Do not get down, or overly hard on yourself my friend, it's your deeper spiritual intentions that matter, and not always the temporal reactions that we experience or express in this material life with its MANY influences. 

  I feel that some of this just came through a mix of my Greater Self and the One we both highly respect and love.  He is there for you, and always look to Him for help and guidance.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #126 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 7:30am

Thank you Alan.  

I for one don't hold any of that against you.  I have a strong hunch that much of some of those issues come more from an imbalanced body/vehicle rather than your consciousness, beingness, intentions, motivations, and tendencies of same

Yes correct Justin, I have suffered from manic/depression most of my life. It is fairly well controlled but at times manifests in anger based on nothing . Just some form of intrinsic, innate endogenous anger and irritability.

I use the term manic depression as the term bipolar disorder is a watered down word for a horrifying sickness.

Manic depressives are very highly sensitive as you stated and  many great people of enormous influence battled with what is often called "The brilliant Madness"

The world would be a much poorer place, without the contibutions by remarable people

But I am not crazy, I know you were not suggesting that I just included this statement for other members who do not know me well


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Alan McDougall
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #127 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 1:34pm
Alan, i bet the planet Uranus, and probably Neptune to some degree as well, is very highlighted in your astro. chart.  

 The physical planets that we see and perceive physically....well are just like Earth in that they have their nonphysical counterpart as different and relative nonphysical dimensions.  
These various and varied dimensions correspond to the very "Afterlife" itself!   (sounded a bit like "V" in V is for Vendetta just then Cheesy.)

  When our Greater self rolls together another physical life for itself, an aspect of the Whole figuratively steps out of same, and enters from a particular nonphysical dimension (there are 8 main ones, and in the 7 of those main 8, there are ever 7 sub dimensions within same) into the 3rd dimension of physical matter and Earth.  

 Uranus then, corresponds to extremes, psychism, the ultra and unusual on many levels but especially mentally, and tying up loose and challenging ends karmically.  It is both a difficult vibratory level, and yet a very catalytic one if used aright will lead to much spiritual growth for the personality who entered in from same.   Personality's strongly indicated by same, tend towards the manic depressive and super sensitive in nature.

 I know it well, as my just "past life" self came into the Earth directly from the nonphysical dimension that physical Uranus and its relative position in our solar system, represents.   And it is a fairly strong, but more background all in all, energy and vibration in my current life and psyche.  
When a Planet is "Rising", or close to the Ascendant/Rising sign degree in a chart, it is then at its MOST amplified, as amplified/indicated as it can get (and otherwise rather strong and conscious when in or close to the other 3 "Angular points" in a chart).

 This then, the law of attracts, begets, and resonates like between both physical and nonphysical sojourns is what creates the so called "influence" of astrology.  Rather it is not an influence, but an "indication", a quantum map of tendencies, Consciousness involved in physicality, and probabilities if you will.  

 We are not the way we are because of the Planets, Stars, and Signs are in this or that position or sign, but rather the Planets, Stars, and Signs are in their specific positions at birth because of how we have lived using our freewill in our other physical lives and where we "end up" because of that in the nonphysical dimensions.  And that we choose to be born at a specific time in which the outer indications match up to the inner consciousness and energies.

 Our chart, is a static, symbolic picture in space/time of our karmic blueprint/map then.   Astrology causes nothing, in and of itself.  

 It is one of the deepest and most multi-layered studies on Earth today, if studied aright and intuitively.  Most do not study it aright, and think that astrology actually somehow "causes" events, character, etc.  They don't understand the Quantum field nature of it all.  And they don't give enough power to Freewill.

 Edgar Cayce's guidance claims that Yeshua himself, studied it himself for a time in his teenage years, because his teacher, the prophetess and leader of the Essene's at the time, wanted him to have a good grasp of prophecy and cycles of unfoldment beyond his  intuition which was quite sharp even when a young teenager.  He studied it when he first went to Persia, which is where some of the "wise men" who came to his birth, came from originally.   They were astrologers and intuitives, and knew his birth had come about via astro. indications and from inner guidance.   Some said they were led by a "Star" to his exact birth place and then led back to their homes by this seemingly moving "Star".  

  My hunch is that this Star, was really an UFO of some very spiritually developed E.T.'s. who wanted to emphasize the special and transformative nature of this birth.   Christ and these are brothers and Co-Workers in helping to unstick a mostly stuck humanity.  
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #128 - Dec 20th, 2008 at 8:51pm

Thank you Justin for the astrological explanation of my psyche. I have studied astronomy from the time I was a boy and had a few telescopes over that time.

The last telescope I had was a 12 inch reflector (mirror) Newtonian German Equatorial telescope, a most unuser friendly beast.

I stopped my astronomy a few years ago because of local light pollution.

Our astronomical society had a few astrological guys as well. I know from my science, physics background, that every particle in the entire universe is interconnected with every other particle, both huge and down to the smallest fundamental particle.

So I accept what you state, what I do, where I am in time and space, and the moment of my birth and death have a deep profound effect/affect on myself, other people and the whole universe

This has been validated by quantum mechanics and many of the hard core scientific community are at last looking at the possibility that astrology might be a real science in its own right


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