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Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds (Read 28205 times)
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Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Dec 9th, 2008 at 10:56am
There was a fascinating program on History Channel about the universe.

Some scientists believe that there may be many, in the millions or billions, of multiple worlds.  These are parallel worlds to our own, sort of mirror images.

Moreover, billions of copies of ourselves exist in these worlds.  They don't exist in some far reaches of the universe, but in the same "space" as planet Earth.

What really got my attention was the premise that we ourselves spin off these alternate worlds each time we come to a decision point in our lives.

For instance, we decide to marry person A rather than person B.  In so doing we then spin off a parallel world in which we married person B.  And so on.

For anyone who read the Seth material, you'll remember that this very same scenario was laid out by him.  And the original Seth book dates back to the 1970s, before the string theory came into play that some physicists cite as the basis for the multiple worlds theory.

This whole theory also seems to tie in to the aspect of probabilities.  You could almost say that these parallel worlds are also probable worlds.  In other words, when we choose a path in our life, whether it's marriage or taking a job or whatever, we create a probable world in which the path not taken in this world is in fact taken in another.

And when you think this through, it could also explain the riddle of reincarnation.  It's difficult to accept reincarnation if we link it to this one world in which we live.  Obviously with billions of people now living, they all could not possibly have lived before on this planet.

However, suppose that there are countless billions of planet Earths!  Then it becomes entirely possible that all of us could easily have lived other lives (not "previous" lives but really simultaneous) on other planets identical to our own.

This would also explain deja-vu.  We visit a town in which we've never been, but we can find our way around it with no trouble and know what's around the corner before we even get there.

Maybe we never were in that town in this world, but we were there in a parallel world.

Hopefully the History Channel will re-run this program.  Some pretty eminent scientists subscribe to this possible scenario.

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I Am Dude
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #1 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 12:42pm

Very neat stuff aint it?! 

To expand on Seths explanation of things, he says we have three main types of physically oriented selves:

1. Simultaneously reincarnated selves- other aspects of our higher being/oversoul/disc incarnated at any given time on earth.

2. Counterparts- reincarnated selves alive on Earth during the same period of time.

3. Probable selves- what Rondele has described, versions of us existing in parallel worlds.  Each moment we have the freedom of choice, and as infinite beings our experience is not limited, so as we chose one possibility each moment, probable universes are created in which our probable selves experience the other possible choices.

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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #2 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 1:58pm
Physicists came up with the multiple worlds explanation when they tried to explain the mysteries of quantum mechanics. Many physicists don't agree with the many worlds explanation. It a subject that supposed channeled sources like to speak of.

I can't say I agree with it to the extent Rondelle elaborated. One of the key points of soul development is getting to the point where one has control of the creative aspect of one's being. According to the many worlds explanation such control is never reached. Instead, one's soul spins off an infinite number of ways.

If the many worlds explanaton is true, your soul reaches the light in some projections, but in an infinite number of other projections you end up in a lower realm for all of eternity. This includes firey infernos with a devil with a pitchfork, because if everything that can be conceived is created, then  an infinite number of beings burn in hell for all of eternity, with no hope of ever finding their way out.

Consider another possibilty. Say there was a lady who was beaten by her husband. She manages to escape this marriage and ends up marrying a very loving man. According to the many worlds explanation she didn't escape her marriage, and not only that, an infinite number of projections of herself are married to numerous versions of her abusive husband. Would the divine powers that be allow creation to take place in such a way?

I do agree that we can have multiple aspects, but the manner in which they are created is more of a matter of cause and effect and need, rather than what the many worlds explanation advocates.

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« Last Edit: Dec 9th, 2008 at 5:44pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #3 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 4:14pm

Actually, Seth contradicts himself when he stated that Jesus was never crucified.

Because, if all probable actions really do take place as Seth stated, that means there certainly WAS a reality in which Jesus was in fact crucified!

Actually I don't accept the Seth stuff.  It's just that when the physicist talked about probable worlds being created, it reminded me of what Seth said.....or what Jane Roberts said.  

Generally speaking, I don't put much stock in channeled material.  

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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #4 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 5:03pm
Good point Rondelle.

Seth's create your own reality viewpoint is also contradictory, because what's the point of talking about such a thing if every conceivable possibility is going to be created whether you like it or not?

If you decide "not" to read a Seth book because you don't like what he says about Jesus, does there absolutely have to be another universe where you do read a Seth book, or does the fact of how your heart inspires you not to read Seth, preclude such a supposed eventuality?

Here's another thought. Say there is a political leader who decides (decide?) to "not" start world war III. In another universe he decides to start World War III.  Do all other people, life forms, and even beings beyond this World, also have to take part in creating an alternate universe so this political leader has somebody to interact with?

If this leader started World War III by attacking country A, what would happen if in an alternate universe he started the war by attacking country B. Would everybody else in the World and beyond have to take part in creating this alternative universe so the political leader would have other people to interact with? If the political leader wore a pair of brown socks on one occasion, green on another, and so on and so on,  would everybody else in the World have to take part in creating an alternative universe so this political leader would in each case have other people to interact with?

This way of thinking can be extended to other people. If within this World War III scenario a person tells another person something with his or her voice volume at one level, and in alternate universe says the same thing with the volume turned up a bit, does everybody else have to take part in creating an alternative universe so the creative needs of these two people are addressed? The possibilities are endless.

Just because something sounds intellectually stimulating, this doesn't mean it's true.

rondele wrote on Dec 9th, 2008 at 4:14pm:

Actually, Seth contradicts himself when he stated that Jesus was never crucified.

Because, if all probable actions really do take place as Seth stated, that means there certainly WAS a reality in which Jesus was in fact crucified!

Actually I don't accept the Seth stuff.  It's just that when the physicist talked about probable worlds being created, it reminded me of what Seth said.....or what Jane Roberts said.  

Generally speaking, I don't put much stock in channeled material.  


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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #5 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 5:08pm

Perhaps it is time for the Schrodinger's Cat story to die, once and for all. Wink Stop killing that cat.
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« Last Edit: Dec 9th, 2008 at 9:13pm by recoverer »  
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Malvern, Worcs, U.K.
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #6 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 5:33pm
It just goes to show that Star Trek the Next Generation, and Voyager are esoteric subjects!  Grin
But then I love the alternate timeline stories, and I understand that those ones are the ones that were the most popular with fans.
Maybe they resonate at a very deep level.
Or was someone on the STNG writing team a Seth advocate?  Shocked Smiley

Best wishes,

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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #7 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 9:03am
Probable past realities, read MBT by Thomas Campbell and it may shed some light on the subject.  
He says there are history database that can be accessed and probable realities explored from decisions that could have been made and the outcome that would have followed.You can be an observer of these probable outcomes or actively experience them. What if Hitler won the war? How would the world be different today?   You can call them a parallel universe I suppose but only what would have been if free will made that particular decision. Probable future also, "probable" being the operative word. Akashic records may be a term used also.
If it is accessed for your entertainment and is used for ego then you will be limited in what you can access.

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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #8 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 12:11pm
That kind of circles back around to Schroedinger's Cat again...which is more how I pictured it than a bunch of "current" active "other possible universes".

If you can even picture a thing like that.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #9 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 3:20pm
Perhaps these parallel universes have a physical reality of their own.. or maybe they are actualized in deeper levels of reality, where a portion of our greater consciousness does in fact experience them, but they are not physicalized.  Its important to remember that we are beings of infinite consciousness in an infinite universe flowing from an even greater and more infinite nonphysical reality, so in this light how far fetched is this concept? 

The only way to know for sure is to obtain first hand experience in other parallel dimensions.  I have heard several cases in which people have entered parallel universes in altered states of consciousness.  I have had dreams in which I am the same person but living a totally different life, or a similar life with different friends and circumstances.  Perhaps these are glimpses into these parallel worlds. 

I believe we are recreated each and every moment.  Each moment is basically a new dimension, for it is never the same as the moment before.  We are basically constantly creating new dimensions as we exist and we travel through these dimensions with relative ease without realizing what it is that we are actually doing.  These dimensions do not disappear, however, but exist for eternity outside of the framework of time.  So in a way, these dimensions we experience throughout our lives have existed before we experience them.  So why would only some dimensions exist(the ones our present egos experience) but not any others(the parallel ones we are not aware of), if the universe is infinite? 

The universe is complex in ways that defy the human intellect.  Perhaps if you guys were a little more read up on the subject at hand it would make a little more sense.. refusing to read and rejecting material will not allow for a good understanding.  The mind sets up filters and blocks out what it does not agree with when you look into something with your mind already made up.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #10 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 3:57pm

Ever read "Education of Oversoul #7"?  It's a fictional work by Jane Roberts, based on the concept of multiple lives going on simultaneously.

Fascinating stuff. 

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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #11 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 4:06pm

People expand their horizons in different ways. In my case I found it is okay to have love, reverence and respect for Christ to an extent, where I'm not interested in sources that purposely misrepresent him. This has opened up my heart chakra to an extent that couldn't be matched by reading a book. 

I Am Dude wrote on Dec 10th, 2008 at 3:20pm:
The universe is complex in ways that defy the human intellect.  Perhaps if you guys were a little more read up on the subject at hand it would make a little more sense.. refusing to read and rejecting material will not allow for a good understanding.  The mind sets up filters and blocks out what it does not agree with when you look into something with your mind already made up.

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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #12 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 4:07pm
Hi i actually read somewhere a while ago that scientists have tryed to copy Star Trek,by that i mean when Cartain Kirk says "Beam me up Scottie" and when Scottie does this the Captain and those who are with him are turned into molocules and when reaching there destination turn back to solid human.

I read that scientists have tryed this in a lab with solid objects and it has worked,i read this quite a while ago.I did not know whether to beleive it or not but it must be true or i would not have read about it.

As for parrallell worlds,i find it hard to take in because reincarnations is living totally different lives from the one you had before.if we lived the same life in parrallell worlds then we would not learn much,only the same thing all the time,i feel really skeptic about parrallell worlds,imagine when you pass to spirit then all your otherselves would pass with you,i feel its not what life is all about,parrallell worlds in my opinion,i dont think so.

Love and God bless   love juditha
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Malvern, Worcs, U.K.
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #13 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 4:43pm
Hi Juditha,
I think you may be missing the point, but then I do have a complete run of Star Trek TNG videos to fall back on!  Embarrassed Roll Eyes Sad Shocked
As any trekkie will tell you, for any decision there are an infinite number of outcomes. You decide to go a different route to work one day, you meet someone new, he/she offers you a job/ introduces you to a bunch of new folks you might never have met, and your career/life path takes a totally new direction. Now at a quantum level, part of you went the usual way to work, you didn't meet that person, so another bunch of experiences turn up instead -and so on, every week.
If there are an infinite number of worlds coexisting together (and remember that the universe is not only stranger than we think but stranger than we can ever imagine) then in another world you might be an artist, politician, spiritual leader, hitman, hobo or anything else.
I like to think that in an alternative universe I maybe still with my first wife and we get along fine instead of hating each other as we ended up doing. In another universe I would never have met her at all and married someone else. All things are possible and indeed, probable.
As I see it in alternative worlds we DON'T live the same life because we make different decisions. Here my decisions might run A+B+C+D, in another world they might run A+B+Z+Q and so on. The sum of experiences we end up with and the end of those incarnations would all be different and all add to the sum of our experiences.
It's the free will that makes the difference (sometimes it's a double edged sword) but there's always a plan B.... or a plan C.
For instance.....2 years ago I rang up one of my closest friends to wish here happy Christmas and asked how she was. 'Fine, but the orchestra I play in can't find a new conductor.' So I applied for the gig, got it, and have meet a whole bunch of great new friends and am having a wonderful time making music with them -and it all stems from that one phone call. If I hadn't made it, who knows what might not have happened?

Hope you understand.

Live long and prosper (as they say)

David.  Smiley
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Re: Multiple Lives, Multiple Worlds
Reply #14 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 4:51pm

When people believe in the Multiple World viewpoint, they believe things such as in another universe Adolph Hitler won World War II. Why? Why? Why is such a thing necessary? If we have such little control over our destiny, then why even bother?

Or in other words, there are channeled sources that on the one hand state that we have to take control of our destiny, nothing is fixed; and on the other hand they state that parallel universes exist where other possibilities did take place. What a bunch of poppycock. Why talk about the first premise, if the second is true?

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