Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member
Blink, rather i would say that there is a very important difference between speaking out against a perspective, a belief system, a book, and speaking out against the person themselves. People are not ultimately and essentially their beliefs and perspectives.
Or more simply put, not all beliefs are sacred, BUT all people are sacred. If people weren't overly attached to their beliefs to begin with, they would have no problem with people trying to point to a different perspective, or to even say that there are inaccuracies and falsities in their beliefs. There are people who hold beliefs like Satanism, wherein they believe it is right to consciously and deliberately hurt others for their own self gain, and/or for pleasure. Are those beliefs sacred, just because a sacred Being happens to hold them temporarily?
Is it wrong then, to try to change or speak out against their beliefs? No, not forbid or repress them forcefully, but to disagree with them with the hopes that they will eventually change to more constructively facilitating beliefs?
In so many cases when it comes to spiritual or belief system oriented books, the books and the contents within are what hold people hostage because they let themselves get stuck in those limiting beliefs. If they weren't exposed to those limiting beliefs to begin with, there would be less opportunity to get stuck. I've seen it time and time again, and i've seen guidance trying hard to get through to people in these situations and try to transform their beliefs to more helpful and accurate ones, but so oft real and expanded guidance gets ignored. Hence the mess of this world and of humanity in general.
It is better ultimately, to burn all (of ones own) books and just go within for truth, than for humanity to endlessly get caught up in illusion upon multi-layered illusion.
Not that i would ever do or be party to that, i was speaking more in parable, kind of the "if thine own eye offend thee, then it is better to pluck it out..."
Right now with your post that i'm addressing, whether you own up to it or not, you are trying in some way or another to change another's belief and perspective. My guess and hunch is that your intentions are positive, and that you see your way as the more helpful and positive.
Otherwise, you would just not speak out. And how is your attempt to change another beliefs, any better or more noble, than say my or Alberts attempts to change anothers beliefs about Seth, which we consider slandering the most intune public spiritual teacher and example so far?
Maybe it is rather more the intentions that matter, and living according to, "Do unto others, as you would have done unto you."
Speaking for myself, i am following that, for i have no problem whatsoever with anyone disagreeing with, criticizing, or trying to change my beliefs and perspectives. If it was something that really bothered me personally, i would not "do" it to others. I believe it is ok for people to disagree with anothers beliefs, as long as they try not to put down the person who holds that belief (btw, i'm not saying that i'm completely free of that myself--i saw myself do that, and that's why i stopped talking about Seth and Jane Roberts).