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Altered states of consciousness (A hard read) (Read 4306 times)
Alan McDougall
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Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Dec 8th, 2008 at 5:46am
Greetings people

Recalling experiences that I have had during extreme altered state of consciousness (not drug induced) I was aware of the intensity of colors unimaginably beautiful and countless unseen in our early dimension, they, blazed in living harmonious vibrations. Everything sang and I could hear and fell the caress of the sound of smell the taste of music and colors beyond present perception and outside the comprehension of our mortal bodies.

I knew then that I had never come remotely close to knowing what an almost infinite precise instrument my whole body really was. It is not only the brain that perceives reality; each cell is individual aware parts of my body.

It was possible to switch to seeing with my ears, tasting with my eyes, listening with my sense of taste, smell and feel. Every atom of you physical body harmonizes together, as an intelligent member of your composite living being.

We have never learned how to utilize the amazing sensory organ that is our entire body. In this state of awareness I could stand still and hear the chirp of a billion birds which I knew was quantum particle flashing in the mind of God. They sing the song of existence and creation and we are deaf to their beautiful song and its real meaning.

Learning to use by whole body, as one great sensory instrument, I could perceive things that normally go completely unnoticed. Looking carefully with all my combined bodily senses I could read the messages from the universe all around me. I could see things as minute as a vibrating electron, or the great expanding universe, existence told me of the past, present and future. If we only observed  at everything, taste, smell, feel , hear, breathe, see and use our innate psychic intuitive ability, nothing would overtake us as a complete surprise as we become one with all existence and hear the song of creation all around usual the time.

People became open books to me as I could hear in my mind every word they were thinking, and I had to close my mind against the cacophony of meaningless babble, until I could filter it out and hear the beauty of glorious minds all around me, both human and animal. I had to retreat in shock and horror from the dark bleakness from real evil thoughts that sometimes entered my mind. And learn to accept and embrace all that is beautiful and loving about our beautiful blue water planet and the unimaginable wonder of the universe and the super universe from out of which it was born.

My body, mind, soul and spirit as stilled my inner being to really hear, feel, see taste smell and merge with the Super- Consciousness, began to expand in such unimaginable exhilaration  that my finite mind and self embraced all of existence and I saw and understood everything just like God did.

My ego was gone and I could no longer separate my awareness and personality than from god himself. Indeed I had for all purposes amalgamated with and become godlike

My soul awareness or consciousness expanded until it filled the whole universe and beyond and in this brief glorious moment I became everything, I was “Infinite Existence” All things were now encompassed within my being.

In what we call our normal waking state we are really sleeping in a dormant hibernating like way. But with practice one can awaken to a much greater degree than is the norm for many of us.

In my earthly life I have plunged the depths of darkness’, despair desolation and for anyone to tell me there is a hell worse than this was a great offence to me. But now I knew the consequences and the accountability of life and there were hells so terrible that the Christian hell was a kiddies teddies bears picnic by comparison. I saw beings so black, so dark, so cold so evil, so depraved and hideous dwelling in this horror.They were not of human origin, but monstrous beasts of unspeakable evil from elsewhere in the universe and their names were the “Dark Ones” They consisted of Black Light and are the enemies of God and they strive to smother the warm light of God, with their black light of cold. They drain off life into themselves and can only continue to exist by doing this.

I saw the horror of this on a planet, a village much like a village on earth, the village was lit up and a little girl looked at me with sad eyes and I saw life drain out of her and her eyes slowly dimming until the death of cold overtook her. This is the battle for our universe our universe of Light and Dark. Look out at the night sky, what do you see? A sky mostly dark with some light in this potentially infinite dark?

But maybe we must travel through the dark valleys of utter hopeless like I did; to really relish and savor the unbelievable glory that awaits us. Before we exit this life we should have reached a place of contentment, peace and love. Then the transition is easy smooth exiting a wonder beyond words , like a great holiday that embraces so much beautiful unknowns that the mind is filled with the essences and fragrances of new lands, planets and universes, both physical and spiritual way out beyond any wildest speculations about the afterlife

I am sorry, but reality is not always nice cosy and loving as we like

Comments if any??

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #1 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 11:03am
Greetings Alan,

Your post is a very exciting description of your very broad range of existence! I suspect you must have at some time asked your Higher Powers to see All this, because souls rarely report such a wide spectrum of energies/entities.  Shocked
Also you live on Earth in an area of such extremes that include
the best and worst of consciousness acting on the physical realm!
Such challenges are beyond the ken of a large proportion of humanity! But there you are!
Courage must be an important attitude in your life.

You have my admiration for the explorations you are making in this lifetime, but I do not wish for them for myself. They make me want to return to being a little lamb of God and run hide whimpering behind my Sunday school teacher!  I don't know if anyone needs  'to experience it all '. Aiming for the Highest is hard enough for me!

Your courage in meeting all these experience has my respect and as you know, you have my love. 

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #2 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 1:42pm
Hi Bets
Your post is a very exciting description of your very broad range of existence! I suspect you must have at some time asked your Higher Powers to see All this, because souls rarely report such a wide spectrum o

Yes Bets, I did ask God many times about the dark realms as well as the light, as they are both part of existence


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #3 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 2:57pm
Magnificent! How glorious.
I haven't touched the higher realms as profoundly as you. I have seen the colors so acutely brilliant that upon opening my eyes, the intensity lingers and I watch with my physical eyes as the intense hue slowly fades back to the physical "reality" of colors.

I never sense my physical while in the upper realms/dimensions, nor do I dwell on the thought of my physical. I am a single entity light seeing with a single third eye which perceives other physicals and/or non physicals around me. I have a feeling of wholeness without having a physical body burdening me.  I am both the observer and the observed. I can "see" myself looking at myself. I can feel the other selves ie: past life bodies.  I seldem feel any pain because the total joy of the moment removes any fear and without fear there is only happiness and love. I am eintraquetely aware of my limitless surroundings, and at the same time, focused on a single finate being as I float into the nothingness.
I feel great compassion for those in the Dark Light. My emothions fill with overwhelming sadness for those who have chosen the Dark Side as their companion and refuge. I mentally send out the thought/message that there are those of us in the "Light" who are willing to assist them into the Bright Light and PUL.

With that message floating toward the dark ones in gentle ripples, I am brought back to my physical.

Your journey was euforic, magnificent and gratifying. I didn't delve as deeply as you. Perhaps some "time" I will. 
Thank you for sharing a most benevolent lesson.  Love and Light--- Carol Ann
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #4 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 3:43pm
Thank you Carrol Ann,

I saw more this and I could put it down in this sort of poetic form

Alan McDougall 20/9/2007

I am the strange mysterious enigma rapped in a paradox encompassed in a new paradigm moving toward an understanding of what puzzles all. The greatest light is my ultimate aim and time is my enemy. However, if I do not hurry to fight darkness, it will come suddenly no matter what, and stalk the land with fear and hate. I put on the armour of the absolute and prepare to battle the brute.

I illuminate the darkness through which I travel, searching out the monster ever before me. Supreme principal sublime are some of my qualities. I am the colossal one. Gigantic eyes of mine survey the fields of desolate horror but I do not retract from my purpose. I will isolate the evil monster and be victorious before the end of time. I must hurry

We exist together in fields of nothingness and battle eternal the war continuation of the totality of all existence. If I lose, the universe will blacken all the stars and galaxies dim, blink out, and the universe vanish into the Evil mind of the terrible one. Therefore, I must bring down the Terrible One before the black clouds of its dreadful terror destroys all that is good and full of light. 

It is the abomination of desolation and howls after the souls out of the pit of hell. I am Goodness and beauty and peace are the fruits of my being I dance the song of life with delight.

It is composite darkness and the alternate to life; it is eternal punishment and death. Do not listen to its whisper in your mind. Exploration, abuse, corruption, and the hordes of lying thieves make up much of its army

Its aim is to suck the life and energy from the universe and to leave it cold dark, barren and remote from the great God forever.

If you listen to me and banish dark thoughts from your mind to you will receive, joy, peace, love, glory, bliss, rapture, honor, pleasure, delight, elation, euphoria, happiness, purpose, and commune with the eternal Infinite Mind , your reward in the lands of forever. However, before all this wonder can come,

I the Infinite Eternal and you the redeemed , together, must take on the battle of the mind against this dark Evil Brute. It sends out dark creatures of the night to kill, lie, destroy, deceive and lead all that listen to its black repulsive horrible mind into its cave of eternal dark of hopelessness, desolation and despair.

But I will never leave you there but come and free you from all bondage's.

Be careful of its seductive discordant song. Composite wickedness made up of malevolent sin and offence to all that is Good it continues unrelentingly to promote iniquity, vice, immorality and abuse against the innocent.

God lives and the Terrible One will be brought to nought

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #5 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 5:43pm
This is fascinating and beautifully worded.
Is it more important to get in touch with our Infinite selves or to try to do good? This is always a confusing point for me in spirituality...Do we actually change as we realize who we really are, or simply gain trust in our own power?
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #6 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 7:13pm
Alan, have you ever seen the movie Sleepless in Seattle? There is a particular scene in that movie where the lady at the next table says, of Meg Ryan, "I'll have what she's having."

Your stories reminded me of that line, for some reason.

Amazing, far out. Anyone can take the elevator. If you go high enough, you can get there.

But, Alan, what's with all of this dark dark dark stuff?

Why are you hanging out next to all that? I don't get that.

love, blink

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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #7 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 8:14pm
A very profound poem, Alan.
As for the darkness, you were probably brought up with the Good vs Evil, God vs Satin ethics. My upbringing taught me that God had a very powerful angel called Lucifer who was God's first-in-line to share the throne. Lucifer became jealous of God's power over him, and decided that he was as powerful as God, so he banded together angels who also believed that Lucifer was as powerful as God. The angles chose sides: those to the right chose God, those to the left chose Lucifer.  Lucifer made his own heaven, called earth. We are the "fallen" angels and we no must come to earth to repent and denounce Lucifer in order to get back to God.

That's the "story" I was told by man written books and men who controlled the churches. That's not my belief system.  I questioned it from the age of 5.  I knew better even then as a small child.  I know that there are spirits who choose to believe that they "must be a bad person, therefore must have a hell to repent".  It is those dark souls that my "heart" goes out to. They only see and feel Darkness. It is up to us who understand PUL and Light to send out Pure Positive Thoughts to break through those belief systems until one by one they ask--- Isn't there more to eternity than this darkness?  With that thought, they will progress to the next level of their learning toward the white light. 
Hugs-- Carol Ann
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #8 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 11:16pm

Alan, have you ever seen the movie Sleepless in Seattle? There is a particular scene in that movie where the lady at the next table says, of Meg Ryan, "I'll have what she's having

I have seen it long ago but can not see the connection, enlighten me please

But, Alan, what's with all of this dark dark dark stuff?

Why are you hanging out next to all that? I don't get that.

love, blink

What I described in this thread is not a new experience to me, but comes from episodes during my now protracted life. Oh!! yes life is good, and it that which we must hang onto

There is a battle of light and dark and we can see it all around us every day, everywhere and everywhen, right here on mother earth.

This is an indisputable fact , but just as love conquers all so will light

overcome the dark

Isn't there more to eternity than this darkness?  With that thought, they will progress to the next level of their learning toward the white light.  
Hugs-- Carol Ann

Oh course there there is more to eternity than all this dark, but to assume that the afterlife, the unseen universe is just love light joy and infinite happiness is misleading and incorrect.

If we just ignore the darker realms, then we leave these poor lost soul in these realms.

I suppose you think I am going through a dark patch myself, thus this thread, but this is not the fact.

We of the forum I assume will not enter these dark realms when we die, so the thread is a guide to those that might read this and a way of preventing this happening to them
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« Last Edit: Dec 9th, 2008 at 6:39am by Alan McDougall »  

Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #9 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 12:59am
  Yes Alan, it is good not to repress or suppress the shadow side to life, but neither is it well to concentrate or focus on it.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #10 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 7:48am
Thank you Justin,

There is unimaginable beauty and love out there and please guys listen to these recordings.

The light of God was golden like the setting or rising sun out of it flowed the infinite mind of God who is the Life and cause of existence.

I heard him speaking to me and everything flashed in and out of my mind by this huge voiceless voice that filled all existence with the primordial energy. It was the most beautiful music of God that sustains the universe.
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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #11 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 8:42am
Sorry, Alan, wrong movie. When Harry Met Sally is the actual one I was thinking about...but I won't go into it. The idea is, that most of us would probably be interested in how to find the more angelic realms, which you describe brilliantly.

It's not that I am against visiting the 'dark side' -- because I know there is work to do there, and there is knowledge to be found there too.

I just wonder sometimes when I read such a description, what it is that is so big and terrifying to everyone.

I haven't actually witnessed anything like that while out exploring, I mean, pure evil, just 'hanging out' there for people to fall into.

It seems to me that people have to take at least a slight interest in 'evil' for it to show itself so clearly. Nothing wrong with finding things interesting...

But, Alan, was the evil spread out all over the place? Was it concentrated in a particular area? What is it about the darkness that is so attractive? In your description it sometimes sounds like the darkness is very powerful. What kind of power does it have?

Could 'it' - evil, darkness, I mean - also rely on our own perception?

For instance, I was in the dentist chair yesterday, and it had been about ten years since I had a procedure done on me. My filling was cracked. While I was in the chair, the assistant began doing all kinds of things I found somewhat incomprehensible to prepare me for removal of a mercury filling. These days, the mercury is considered quite dangerous, and they wanted to protect me from it. The very stuff the dentist actually put in my tooth many years ago -- to protect it back then - now, it's found to be bad, not good, and they fill teeth with another substance.

Anyway, back to the dentist chair. I'm completely numbed out with a couple of shots, I can hardly swallow, and the chair is tilted back, so that I am not horizontal but my head way back. Okay, then they put this piece of plastic in my mouth, and oxygen over my nose, and tried to put a big, giant block in my mouth to prop it open but I refused, saying I'd hold my own mouth open, thank you very much.

The last straw was the giant goggles. I was okay with that, after briefly protesting that I 'don't care' about mercury exposure, but then, at the last moment, she floated a large white kleenex tissue down over the goggles.

Now I was in some other world. All I could see was light coming through the white tissue paper, like I was in a tiny, private cocoon.

This seemed to be a huge insult to my system. That rather tiny little tissue floating down was actually frightening to me. I held it together, but after it was all over, I complained about the tissue.

My dentist is a woman, and we laugh a lot. I told her the tissue was scary.

"It's just a tissue," she said.

Dang it if she wasn't right!!!! It was just a tissue. I could see how silly I was.

Well, I didn't tell you all this so that you could compare evil to a tissue. But sometimes, they can be the same thing.

love, blink
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #12 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 10:00am

You have descended into the abysmal dark in the person of your dentist, that place is to horrible for me to come to your rescue, so maybe, Justin, or Carol will be brave and courageous and save you next time when the hear your awful screams of desperation for help "save me" "save me" from the utter fear and infinite pain of this awful place.  Grin  Smiley  Wink


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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #13 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 10:37am

But, Alan, was the evil spread out all over the place? Was it concentrated in a particular area? What is it about the darkness that is so attractive? In your description it sometimes sounds like the darkness is very powerful. What kind of power does it have?

On a more serious note our world is a microcosm of the macrocosm of the universe.

There has not been a day in all of recorded history without a war somewhere.

This is a huge subject all the so called sacred books and religions have taken root and sprouted to try to fathom why this is, I do not know why, I just know it is.

I am not suggesting we concentrate of dark things, but look at the glorious beauty all around us and all the wonderful people of love and light that make up 99.99 % of humanity. But how often have these wonderful folk been held at ransom by evil despots, just look what one evil man Robert Mugabe  person has done to the beautiful country of Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe was the most advanced country with the most highly educated people in Africa, it was known as the bread basket of Africa, a beautiful green land of flowing rivers full of amazing animals and loving beautiful African people

It is now almost a barred desert,, with wild animals rotting in the fields people dying of hunger, dying of disease, a land of the dead. One depraved man has done this and I live just a few hundred miles from Zimbabwe.

Elephants are killed for food by desperate starving people, and if you overfly Zimbabwe you can see thousands and thousands of these highly intelligent animals, who have highly evolved souls dying and rotting in what is now called the killing fields of Zimbabwe.

Why do I mention all of this, I do it because all life all people on mother earth are interconnected and like it or not we feel the distress of other beings, even if we are not aware of it at the time

Crime war, depravity , theft, pornography, murder, rape and awful realities, but they do not blot out the light of goodness and people of love and light

It is entities that created this Darkness and it spread all over the universe. The angels of light fought the angels of dark and overcame them and confined them to the darkest realms.

The Dark Ones are being pushed more and more into a corner and will be separated from the light until Gods will is done. What their eternal destiny will be I do not know and really don't care.

But existence is "NOW" a duality of light and dark, good and evil, positive ad negative,love and hate, peace and war, LIFE AND DEATH

Existence will shrug off this and become, light, good, love. positive, peace, etc etc.

Who is existence WE ARE OF COURSE Blink Dear


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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Altered states of consciousness (A hard read)
Reply #14 - Dec 10th, 2008 at 1:08pm

I do not accept that there is a struggle between light and dark at all. God is all there is. All there is is-- all there is. That includes darkness, even if it is the absence of light. I am learning to embrace and forgive all of it, so we can be all of it.

You have imagined a war between Satan and God, and further that that this imagined war can be lost. I do not get that the outcome is at all in doubt. It does make for good drama, though.

Call me a dreamer.......but I'm not the only one.

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