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Possession. (Read 4041 times)
sensitive communicator
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Posts: 5
Dec 2nd, 2008 at 9:13am
Can someone tell me if possession, demonic or otherwise of a living person is possible?...Can a 'hard case' from one of the hells physically possess a living person...If so, how does one go about removing the invader?

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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Possession.
Reply #1 - Dec 2nd, 2008 at 1:21pm
sensitive communicator wrote on Dec 2nd, 2008 at 9:13am:
Can someone tell me if possession, demonic or otherwise of a living person is possible?...Can a 'hard case' from one of the hells physically possess a living person...If so, how does one go about removing the invader?


Hi Neil,

   I honestly don't know, since i have little experience with this myself.  I could swear that when my Dad drinks a lot, he lets in non friendly influences both from the borderland/temp. hells and/or his own repressed shadow aspects.

   Two sources i trust a lot, Rosiland McKnight and her guidance in her book, "Cosmic Journeys", and also Edgar Cayces' guidance both seem to say that yes it can, and does occasionally happen that a nonphysical consciousness can unduly influence a human's thoughts, feellings, become enmeshed in that person's energy field, etc.

  With that said, my sense is that if it does happen, its rare and that usually a person really needs to "open" themselves up to it in some way beforehand.  For example, drinking, drugs, really imbalanced and weakened body and mind (hence severe neglect of both body and/or mind), really constant non constructive mind set, etc. 

  As far as removing the "invader", well again with little to no experience i can't really say, but i can tell you what Cayce recommended to some folks whose loved ones, or themselves were dealing with this issue. 

   Usually a lot of prayer and/or laying on of hands during loving meditation on part of the loved ones toward this person, suggestions for more positive thinking, self love and love for others, and self prayer on part of the person "possessed", and getting the body healthier and stronger were the main points (and in some cases, total abstinence from alcohol).   

   I don't believe in "demonic possession", though i have wondered in the past if some M band mentally strong, but not so positive E.T.'s ever try to mess with some humans mentally.  I believe it's possible, BUT i also believe that this persons Total/Higher self first agrees to the possibility on some level, as some kind of spiritual test.  So, i believe for this to happen, that person is probably quite advanced spiritually to begin with, and chances are can probably handle it even if it may be difficult for them to deal with. 

  Normally, i get the sense and believe that friendly and very spiritually mature E.T.'s and other influences (Masters, Angels, etc. the Creative Forces) protect humans from these kind of influences (certain unfriendly E.T. groups) because they can be much more overwhelming to a human than a borderland consciousness who is either trying to find a home again, or a temp. human hell inhabitant who has a chip on his or her shoulder.

  Again, just intuitions and no direct, physical like nonphysical experiences with this, at least none that i'm aware of consciously.

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Re: Possession.
Reply #2 - Dec 2nd, 2008 at 1:59pm
Hello Neil:

First of all, I found out through numerous spiritual experiences and messages that it is completely up to us. If we want to live according to love and light, nothing can stop us from doing so.

Second, I've read about a number of supposed possession cases, and in many cases it was possible that people experienced something that was created by their own mind. If we believe in something strong enough, we're liable to create it. If we allow a negative aspect of mind to develop, it might get the best of us.

This doesn't mean that unfriendly spirits don't ever mess with people.  As Justin wrote, if a person allows his or her self to become vulnerable, an unfriendly spirit might end up making an energetic connection. More accurately, a person might end up making an energetic connection to a level of being where unfriendly beings exist. If a person gets too caught up in this energetic level, it might not be necessary for a specific spirit to influence this person in order for this person to develop in a negative way.

Unfriendly spirits are most likely to be former human spirits or even alien beings rather than satanic demons, because not even the Bible supports the myth of satan. This can be found if one researches how the myth of satan was created. I've verified through spiritual messages that there is no such thing as a being named satan.

There could be cases when an aspect of a person effects a person. For example, I read of a case where a lady (I'll call her A) was haunted by a spirit. It turned out that a lady (I'll call her B) who was mad at A had a curse placed on A. Eventually A found out that an aspect of B was the entity that attacked her.
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« Last Edit: Dec 2nd, 2008 at 9:00pm by recoverer »  
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sensitive communicator
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Posts: 5
Re: Possession.
Reply #3 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 6:52am
OK, thanks guys for your input that has given me plenty to look at....As far as Satan goes i dont accept nor believe such an entity exists...
A friend asked me to ask about this because she has a friend who has begun to have dark thoughts, i'll call her X...Now X is a foster mother of disabled children, she's generally a caring and loving person (outwardly), to others but not to herself...I believe X has  self hatred issues, she has eating disorders, she picks at the skin on her arms. X was abused in some way as a child but she refuses to talk  about it or even look at it and accept it for herself...She is married but has no sexual relationship with her husband, X has said that sex is a filthy act and it disgusts her, she is not religious in any way, she believes that after we pass from here thats it, there is nothing...X has begun to worry my friend more recently by intimating she wants to go down the 'dark side' (her words), she said she wouldn't hurt anyone physically, she'd never dream of doing that she says, but she likes and enjoys playing psychological mind games with others..She's been under various therapists for years and she's very intelligent, she knows what they want to hear and so, plays the game with them. It is from this she (I believe) that  she has developed this liking for mind games but X told my friend, she wanted to take it to the next stage, whatever that may be.....To me it seems that X is pulling away from PUL, she appears to be on the long road away from PUL and moving toward something like 'max's hell'. My friend has asked me if there is anything that can be done to turn her back round and move toward PUL...X will not discuss any of this, she mentions things to my friend and when my friend suggests various things, X clams up and then says ''i'll be fine'', X flatly refuses meditation, crystal healing, in fact she flatly refuses any help, she knows she needs help but simply refuses to accept any at all. X recently stole quite a valuable watch from a jewellry store she was in with her husband, she pocketed the watch, not for financial gain at all but just for the game. She put the watch in her pocket without her husbands knowledge as he was paying for something else, X then walked up to the security guard and opened up a conversation with him, making small talk and playing a game with him for a minute or so before she and her husband left the store...X said she got a real buzz from this and wants to carry on doing similar things among others...
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated, take care all,

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Ex Member

Re: Possession.
Reply #4 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 8:46am
It sounds to me like this woman is trying to get caught. She will raise the stakes until she does. Perhaps she will accept some help then. Someone needs to keep an eye on those children, if you would like my opinion.

Whether she is 'possessed' or not, I don't know. She may have some anger issues which need to be addressed. This seems like creativity gone awry, and it is a dangerous game.

It makes me wonder why she sees herself this way? She's very close to a trip to jail. I would suggest that she take that watch back to the store and give it back. Show some decency and backbone.

People will look at her a lot more kindly later if she will take the right steps right now. It's really not cool to take things, lie, and brag about it later. Maybe she would be surprised at how good she feels afterwards.

If it was me, I'd be saying, "Show me that thing. I want to see it, if you really did that." Then I'd take it from her and tell her what I thought she should do with it. Even so far as to say, if you won't take it there, I will.

It's just to make a point. Not to shame her, because she may, indeed, be mentally ill. But there is such a thing as right and wrong, and you must continue to stand up for that, in my opinion.

I am also getting a prompt mentally. Does she have a creative outlet, like drawing? I am getting a message to get her to draw things right now, rather than trying to talk about them. Like, draw the watch, don't take it. That kind of thing....

love, blink
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Re: Possession.
Reply #5 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 2:25pm
There seems to be a fine line here between mental illness and a "poltergeist" spirit. We manifest the poltergeist from within ourselves. Usually the poltergeist is another aspect of our spirit selves reaching out for help to our inner selves (the I/There) asking for assistance to contine to another more amicable dimension.
When  it is a case of mental illness, then the symptoms are generated by a physical malfunction in the brain in which case medications to balance the inbalanced brain may be necessary.  This lady needs professional help, in either case, so as not to harm herself or others. And, she has to be willing to accept the help.

Love and Light Carol Ann
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The spoken word.
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The misused hour.
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Re: Possession.
Reply #6 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 2:44pm

Perhaps you should have x read Max's hell. Even if she doesn't believe in the afterlife, she might wonder. Her desire to play mental games with people is probably the result of anger she accumulated throughout her life (especially when she was abused as a child). A part of her wants to express this anger by hurting others. If she doesn't take care of it, it will get the best of her. Life will become worse for her, not better.  If unfriendly spirits are going to try effect anybody, they are liable to effect a person who chooses to move towards darkness.  Her energetic level will make it easier for them to find her.  

She didn't like being abused as a child because somewhere inside she understood that she if a beautiful spirit being who shouldn't be treated in such a way. Perhaps you can get her to see this.  The fact of how she can be loving to others relates. If she can focus on these factors, she might come closer to realizing that she has the power to not let the unloving actions of others effect her.  She holds the key when it comes to loving herself. Perhaps this isn't something she can do all at once, but the more she does so, the better things will become.

Even though she doesn't believe in the spiritual part of existence, if she would allow just a little curiosity and openess on the matter, she could pray for help, and find that such help exists.
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Ex Member

Re: Possession.
Reply #7 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 6:30pm
Hi i agree with recoverer,she should try praying to God to place love and light in her heart and i will ask God in my prayers to send her love and healing,she really needs to get herself together before looking after children,her taking that watch ,i feel shes crying out for help and wants deep down for someone to guide her to that help as she cannot ask for it herself,she needs a push in the right direction,shes got to realise that its not the worlds fault that she was abused,it was the persons fault what did it to her,she needs to find courage and i am going to ask God to put that courage in her heart also.

To be abused as a child is one of the worst things that could have happened to her and its taken away from her the feeling of self worth,thats why she plays these games(Attention Seeking) but she wants to try and beleive in herself as a person and that she can eventually with help start to live life as a spirit who has learnt this and move through the next door to better things.

Love and God bless   love juditha
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Bruce Moen
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Re: Possession.
Reply #8 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 6:32pm

[quote author=sensitive link=1228223619/0#0 date=1228223619]Hi.
Can someone tell me if possession, demonic or otherwise of a living person is possible?...Can a 'hard case' from one of the hells physically possess a living person...If so, how does one go about removing the invader? [quote]

I've had quite a bit of experience in this area and I would perfer to used the term "influenced" instead of "possessed."  Possessed is just too loaded with preconceived, Hollywood generated misinformation to be useful in any discussion of the topic.

All of us are, in my experience, influenced from time to time by various kinds of nonphysical "people" at the level of thoughts within our awareness.  Sometimes that influence is useful, like when our intution or a gut feeling "tells" to we should or shouldn't do something and following that intution leads to a beneficial outcome.  Sometimes what we call "intuition" is really the "voice" of one of our Guides or Helpers, Angels, or whatever you might want to call such folks. 
This kind of communication is usually not at the level of "hearing a voice" and more often is experienced as a "knowing" or a feeling.

Sometimes this sort of influence comes from a source that is not so useful or beneficial.  Depending upon the belief systems you carry with you these sort of influences are sometimes labeled "demonic" or "dark forces" or "satanice" or other such (in my view ridiculous)
label.  I say ridiculous because such labels imply that the influence is somehow imposed upon a person against their will and that no defense against this is possible.  Utter nonsense in my view!

The kind of infuence we are "brought" into contact with depends entirely on the kind of person we are.  If you are loving, positive, caring human being, those will be the primary kinds of nonphysical folks you for the most part attract and their influences will be primarily be of the beneficial kind.  But even the most loving, caring person can have a day when they might be filled with feelings of rage, hate, etc.  Hey, we are human beings and capable of a very wide range of emotional experience.

Feeling those "negative" feelings may attract a nonphysical person who resonates with those feelings.  The "hard case" type you refer to for example.  It's what happens next that determines if what is referred as "possession" takes place.

If I attract one of these Bozos and then continue to wallow in whatever feeling it was that attracted that Bozo in the first place, I begin to "resonate" to that Bozo.  Think of it like plucking a guitar string and causing another string on another guitar, tuned to the same note, to begin vibrating at the same note.  This resonance sort of works to form a communication link between me and the Bozo.  I begin feeling the feelings Bozo is experiencing, think the same thoughts, etc.  If I wallow in that crap long enough I may form a sort of mutually parasitic relationship with Bozo in which I "feed" on Bozo's feelings and visa versa.  Keep doing that long enough and I will become what is called, "possessed."  But in truth I am possessing Bozo just as Bozo is possessing me.  Now if it gets to the point that I become able to "hear" what Bozo is saying, and if I believe that Bozo is some sort of all-powerful, demonic, satanic  (as many religions teach) devil, now real trouble can begin.

These Bozos are usually pretty full of themselves and live to feed on whatever feeling I attracted them with.  They get pretty gnarly when I try to get rid of them.  They make all kinds of threats and other bully bluster to try to get me to do what they want me to do.  If I allow them to get away with that kind of manipulation I can bet myself in deep doo-doo.

So, first, be a good, loving, caring person.  Not too many Bozos will waste their time trying to "get you."

Getting rid of them is basically just a retrieval.  The degree of difficulty is proportional to the strength of the beliefs I hold that allow this crap to happen.
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Re: Possession.
Reply #9 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 7:05pm
Even if there was a being named satan, he'd have to be a real bozo to try to take on God. Wink Grin
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« Last Edit: Dec 3rd, 2008 at 8:41pm by recoverer »  
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Ex Member

Re: Possession.
Reply #10 - Dec 3rd, 2008 at 8:08pm
She's as much as admitted that she's addicted to the thrill of inventing these complications in her life. That is a serious problem, because she also thinks she is clever, and that she can fool people. This kind of thing can only lead to trouble and more trouble.

She just needs to find a new addiction, one which can offer real pleasure.

For instance, has she tried meditation?

I'm impressed by how well-spoken everyone is on this thread.

love, blink

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Possession.
Reply #11 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 3:27am
Hi Neil,

 If it were i that was involved in this whole thing, i would try to get in touch with her Total/"Higher" Self, communicate with same,  pray for and feel PUL towards this person, and ask everyone I know whose open to same, especially those who deeply care for her, to do the same.  

People in this kind of situation, whether or not another outside influencing consciousness is involved, well often they could really use outside help because of the depth of the hole they dug themselves into, and the lack of clarity on their part to see their way out of things.  It's a bit of an overly pat answer to say that well if they changed their beliefs, they could change their situation.

 There are rarely simple solutions to such situations, though there are simple, effective principles involved that once are understood, can help.  

 At the same time, sometimes people/consciousnesses sometimes need to just learn things the hard way through suffering, but in any case, the prayer method i suggested wouldn't hurt anyone to try, and the more the merrier.

 I'm getting the sense that this particular lady has some major physical imbalances as well, which are contributing to her non constructive menta-emotionall states (something that i have quite a bit of personal experience with).  

  So while i like and agree with much of Bruces reply, specifically and in this individual case, it leans too much to the mind/belief aspect of things, without a more full and holistic perspective which includes the balance/health of the body or the lack thereof which makes things potentially much trickier when one is a human and involved with a body.  

 I'm not much of a believer in pharma, prescription drugs, etc., to help treat this aspect, and its hard to say how you can get her to help herself in this area as well, but perhaps appealing to her "clever" self interested side (which in many folks of this turn of mind, involves some kind of vanity or like tendency) may help to open up an avenue to at least the physical health aspect?  

 In any case, the prayer is probably the first and foremost helpful solution, and hopefully this will influence her to want to be healthier on various levels.  Once she opens up to love on some wavelength, it should spread to other levels and aspects which will involve a more full and total healing.  
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Lights of Love
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Re: Possession.
Reply #12 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 1:37pm
Hi Neil,

I’m in agreement with others here who have mentioned this lady needs help. The help, at least initially, may even come in the form of reading a book to help her understand and come to terms with the abuse she suffered. If what you say regarding her sexual relationship with her husband is true, then I would strongly suspect she was sexually abused/molested, perhaps as a child. Quite possibly the perpetrator was someone she knew well and loved such as a close relative. That person played a mind game with her and basically stole her power to make himself/herself feel powerful. The mind game she plays is the same type of thing using a different modality. She does this to make herself feel more powerful and in control of her life. Most likely this is unconscious.

She first of all needs to understand that what happened to her was not her fault and if she doesn’t get help all of the turmoil going on inside of her will continue to fester and display itself in potentially dangerous ways. I highly recommend counseling, preferably with a therapist that specializes in this field. However she must be willing to be scrupulously honest with herself and the therapist in order for anything of value to be gained.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Possession.
Reply #13 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 2:23pm
Some books that may help her are written by Carolyn Myss (pornounced mace).  Why people don't heal and how they can and The anatomy of the spirit may be of great comfort to her.

But, as I already stated: she must want the help, first.
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The three things you can never take back:
The spoken word.
The unkind thought.
The misused hour.
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