Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member
Like Albert, I believe the "ego" is a somewhat misunderstood concept and partly a biological construct.
But the latter explanation leaves us with more questions, similar to the chicken and egg question. What came first, separative and fearful thoughts and patterns or the physical which seems to have an general effect of amplifying those limiting beliefs and feelings to the nth degree?
I believe there is way too much emphasis on ego in too much spiritual literature and teachings out there, also the emphasis tends to be too negative and polarized.
I'm finding that the more i focus on living love, compassion, and thinking about Source and the former eternal truths, the more it helps to weaken and break up those limiting aspects of myself which others might label "ego".
This doesn't mean that I'm unaware of what needs to be worked on, or try ignore or repress anything, but rather the focus is on what's positive.
Like attracts and begets like, focus on the positive, and it strengthens the positive, and same conversely with the negative. If anything, the more i focus on and grow in love, the more i consciously become aware of what's limiting me, but its different than thinking of and focusing on some kind of generalized ego monster.
These limiting patterns while they are generally related to fear and separative tendencies, also are more specific and have to do with karmic patterns from other lives and also repressed childhood issues, etc. Hence these are specific patterns that tie into a greater self, which need to be unraveled or i.e. the wheat needs to be separated from the chaff.
To try to fight a generalized ego monster, and keeping that in the mind, will tend to strengthen those very attributes/tendencies/aspects you want to lose.
Love is what is real, and is what deserves much more focus and attention.
Also Justine, my understanding is that individuality and ego are two different concepts.
Individuality i believe is Source given, and the latter we manifested and must eventually lose to know full and complete happiness.
There is nothing wrong with having a sense of self--tis a beautiful thing, but when that sense of self gets so bloated, self aggrandizing, and hurtful to others (or the little self), and loses the sense of collective self/Oneness...well that's where suffering begins for the little self and its now limited awareness/existence.
To be free, is to know real individuality, balanced and merged with a full awareness of The Oneness at the same time. And the meaning, teh concept, the truth of it IS so simple. When you feel, think, and do good for others, it makes you feel better.
A child teaches that when it hands to another child, its beloved piece of cake, and expects nothing in return, but is warmed by the smile of delight on the other childs face. This is how Source gives to us, and to know Source fully, you have to be like Source for again like attracts and begets like always. and forever in this Universe. But you will still be you, just a more refined, creative, aware, and joyful kind of you. Isn't that a wonderful gift from Source to us?