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Reincarnation and genetics (Read 5611 times)
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Reincarnation and genetics
Nov 13th, 2008 at 8:43pm
It has been proposed in various afterlife theories(I think here,and maybe in Bruce's books as well) that (mental,mainly)characteristics we carry,we do so because of our previous life(s).What about genetics?It's well accepted that we inherit those characteristics by our parents naturally,as we carry a similar DNA.One does not need a previous life to explain those. Undecided

So,how do genetics relate to the whole thing?(This is probably very closely related to the question,how does the physical relate with the non-physical...)

Perhaps my initial assumptions are incorrect,if so,thanks in advance for pointing my mistakes out...
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Re: Reincarnation and genetics
Reply #1 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 9:55pm
The usual answer is that despite of the genetic pre-formation there are still degrees of freedom, and before incarnating the most fitting setting (including genetics) is chosen by the soul or the oversoul. That's so to say the compromise view.

One extreme would be to view everything just as an expression of a higher spirit. Then genetics would just be one part of the imagination of this higher spirit and there would be no opposition between matter and spirit.

The other extreme would be to see the physical world as "closed", determined through cause and effect, governed only by a sort of mechanical laws (which is a bit problematic since quantum mechanics and chaos theory have come up). If we allow a spirit world, an incarnated spirit then would just be an observer; an observer in the front row though, but still only observing, without being able to change anything.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Reincarnation and genetics
Reply #2 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 10:08pm
Your well-balanced,unbiased answers are always welcome,spooky2.
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Arty Facts
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Re: Reincarnation and genetics
Reply #3 - Nov 13th, 2008 at 11:25pm

I think characteristics of the spirit, genetics, past life experiences, and experiences in this life all interact to determine our characteristics.

Studies of identical twins show that genetics influences behavior.

The fact that past life regression is therapeutically beneficial shows that past life experiences affect us in this life.

Old souls tend to be more spiritually mature while incarnated which shows that characteristics of the spirit also affect us in this life.

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Reincarnation and genetics
Reply #4 - Nov 14th, 2008 at 12:46pm
 This is an interesting question that I've given a lot of thought to.  I think of the "material" as just a distorted reflection of the nonphysical, hence there is a correlation between the physical and nonphysical.  

 Said in olden times, "As above, so below".    So, genetics is information and similar to Spirit in a sense, for Spirit too encodes information in light wavelengths/frequencies and in varying patterns and mixes--just infinitely more complex and multi-faceted than the physical.  And much more fluidic in nature.

  However, i also believe that genetics is probably more fluidic than most scientists out there would credit it for.  

Anyways, to get back to the question.   The physical has its own laws and tendencies, and the nonphysical has its own laws and tendencies which are different, and yet at the same time they somewhat overlap and share certain laws.  

 Like attracts and begets like, or cause and effect run through both BUT more purely in the nonphysical.  In physical, there is more of a "chaos" factor.

 Also, having studied astrology for a long time, I've seen definite patterns in being able to ascertain a chart from the looks of a person--especially that corresponding to the Rising sign and its various factors, which corresponds to the exact time of birth.   My ability to guess birth time within a couple of hours is certainly higher than chance would allow.  

(A quick example, folks with naturally strong reddish coloring, tints, etc. in their hair and/or skin, often have either Aries and Leo {especially}, Sagittarius, Mars, and/or Sun strongly involved with their Rising sign and its factors.  These are all connected strongly with the element of Fire, and to the function of intuition according to Carl Jung.)  

 This seems to suggest a couple of things.   Personality/character and looks/heredity are somehow related, and that the Soul prechooses a body before it enters, and that body is an approximation match to the kind of life, personality, it wants to live and live with, and the particular karma it wants to work with.   And of course personality/character is related to karmic patterns, and to the consciousness and freewill of the Soul....SO the latter influences the former, and the former eventually molds and influences the physical, even as to genetics.

 You can get really deep in the rabbit hole with this whole subject, and one of the first things that comes to my mind, is the genetic manipulation of human bodies/genetics on part of advanced E.T. groups.  

I believe that certain E.T. groups are involved in manipulation of the evolution of the human body, towards that of allowing ever more Spirit to shine more purely through in the physical--or rather ever increasing the vibratory rates of physical bodies (especially in certain individuals throughout history).   I believe this mostly because my mom and i have experience with it, and it's being reported by others.  Also I intuit it from guidance, and its in a couple of good sources i've studied.

If your vehicle/body is say like a light bulb (but not totally fixed in nature--somewhat fluidic), and the electrical current is your consciousness, and the spiritual essence, well you don't want to send too much voltage and wattage through a low wattage light bulb and low voltage system, otherwise you can easily burn out the light bulb.   I don't know electrics so I'm probably saying it wrong, but hopefully you get my drift.  

 So if bodies had no place in spiritual evolution, and were just things we temporarily used, then why all the careful work on part of certain E.T. groups to improve and manipulate them to a different end than "natural evolution" would take them?  

 Apparently, they sort of a play a role in spiritual evolution, at least in an indirect sense.   Meaning that they aren't so much important in and of themselves, our freewill of course is the most important factor in all this, BUT the clearer, more intune, balanced, and faster vibrating the vehicle, the EASIER it is to shine the Spiritual Light and Will through.   In other words, it better allows you to express your real spiritual self.  They, the E.T.'s are helping to "speed up" the process beyond what humans would normally go at (and not just on a physical level).

 Then we can look at mating patterns, and the ideals, beliefs, and livingness of the two parents.   Edgar Cayce's source talks quite a bit about this concept of karma relating to hereditary and the spiritual attunement of the Soul coming through and the probability factors of the personality to be born.  

  He cites various biblical examples, and says that there is a definite tendency of "attraction" and creation of particular bodies, and their accompanying personality related directly to motivations, ideals, physical health and balance with the spiritual, and spiritual livingness of one and/or both parents.   Often the mother is a more important factor in all this, but the combo often also needs to be taken into account.  

 For example, regarding Yeshua (Jesus), his source outlined that there was a centuries long preparation in preparing for his birth on part of the Essenes (a sort of mystery sect of the Hebrews) on various levels physically, mentally, and spiritually.  

 The Essene's apparently practiced spiritual Eugenics, based upon the law of Karma, what we reap on the various levels, we sow, or like attracts and begets like.    So various potential channels were chosen, and mated, out of a detached, universal love ideal, in order to create the best vehicle for such a powerful and pure Soul to come through and at the same time, through their spiritual dedication they were generally trying to attract the promised one.  

 This eugenics was NOT like that of Hitler and the Nazi's, it was based on physical health, mental-emotional tendencies, and spiritual depth and the balance between the 3.   Lust between the two mating pairs was to be kept at a minimum for that is of the Earth and of the animal i.e. a slower vibrating tendency.  So in other words, sexual attraction was not a big factor in all this, but a dedication of self as a channel for the highest good of the group and all individually a freewill choice on part of any of the parties involved.  

 So in one way, you can think of the physical and genetics as a slower moving, and distorted version of the nonphysical or spiritual--hence the former is more limited in nature, and yet connected to the latter---THEY BOTH INFLUENCE EACH OTHER, and yet because the spiritual was first, it contains the physical within it and so is potentially the greater influence.  

 Usually two more spiritually advanced, intune, and balanced souls (especially the mom being advanced), when they mate out of a deeper love for each other and there is a greater harmony between them around that time, will attract a likewise advanced consciousness even likely more advanced than either parent.  

 It's kind of a combination of the 1st two paragraphs that Spooky2 wrote.  Excepting that the physical (or rather our perception of same) is ultimately illusionary in nature--so ultimately its not a part of "higher spirit", just in a temporal sense it is.  Once we all reach peak frequency, the physical will disappear.  

 I have a hard time putting into words what i sense about all this, it's somewhat beyond material comprehension and expressing.   But yeah, they are interrelated and at the same time they are different, and freewill is always the "wild card" in all of this.
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Posts: 14
Re: Reincarnation and genetics
Reply #5 - Nov 15th, 2008 at 7:21am
Wow,this board is quite amazing.Thank you all for answering...

Justin,I may have some questions as to your long and interesting answer above,so check back if you can,I think I need some time to process it Wink.

Thank you for taking the time.

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Reincarnation and genetics
Reply #6 - Nov 24th, 2008 at 10:41pm
  Your welcome C.S.   I'm not sure i could adequately answer your questions to begin with, and besides the best answers are usually from within.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Reincarnation and genetics
Reply #7 - Nov 24th, 2008 at 11:01pm
The idea is that our personalities are constructed from a pool of most likely an infinite number of probable characteristics possessed by our higher selves.  We choose which ones to express and develop based on our personal goals for this life.  Not only that, but we choose our parents before birth, so in a sense we choose our physical genetic heritage as well.  I believe there are no accidents, especially when it comes to who we are.
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Reincarnation and genetics
Reply #8 - Nov 25th, 2008 at 2:11pm
I Am Dude wrote on Nov 24th, 2008 at 11:01pm:
The idea is that our personalities are constructed from a pool of most likely an infinite number of probable characteristics possessed by our higher selves.  We choose which ones to express and develop based on our personal goals for this life.  Not only that, but we choose our parents before birth, so in a sense we choose our physical genetic heritage as well.  I believe there are no accidents, especially when it comes to who we are.

  All the above are "give ins" in my way of thinking, but i can't help but sense there is a much deeper and more holistic aspect to it all.   

  One good question is to ask, is physical and nonphysical separated?

  I have come to believe they aren't and like Einsteins equation they are different manifestations of the essential core essence, and this brings up some interesting questions and possibilities regarding the whole genetic, reincarnation, consciousness experiencing a body, etc. issue.  Which goes deeper than, a Disc has all these various patterns within it, it chooses its parents and thus also its genetic patterns and then dives in the body.   Perhaps in a way, it "co creates" its own actual body as well, and not just the personality?

  Perhaps some of the old, religious analogies are correct in a way?   Some state that the body is akin to clay, and our will and consciousness are both the conscious and unconscious shapers of this clay.   

  This would explain things like why Palmistry seems to have some average validity.   Any person who has studied palmistry for a long time will tell you that the indications of same, aren't totally fixed in nature, meaning there isn't a totally set genetic pattern you have your whole entire life. 

  Or why people who start off physically beautiful when young, but who live a life of consistent and extreme meanness, selfishness, materialism, imbalance, etc. as they age they start to look uglier and uglier, beyond just the "aging" issue. 

  With others the converse has been known to happen, and those people age as we say "gracefully".

  The physical and the nonphysical are intertwined it seems, and there seems to be a interconnection or possible simultaneous inter affect.
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I Am Dude
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Re: Reincarnation and genetics
Reply #9 - Nov 25th, 2008 at 3:30pm
Absolutely.  We create every aspect of this life, including our physical bodies.  While we probably cannot change the heritage of our physical genetics, I believe we are constantly creating our physical bodies each moment, which each thought and action, and our physical appearance is dictated by our inner state to a large degree.  Just like everyone has a different mental attitude and belief system from which they view the world, so everyone has a different physical appearance which comes from the same inner source.
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