I am in agreement with you that a loving, personal God would have more meaning to me, as well. When I consider that we are both humans capable of loving others, I have to ask myself why? Certainly, there are creatures which inhabit this earth that do not function as we do, and differ in their habits and understandings of themselves. In looking around me, I can see how all of this works together to create a vibrant, complex, rich environment for all of life to enjoy in a grand experiment. Without love, I cannot see this. Without love, I merely survive.
Therefore, why love?
Because someone has loved me.
I would recognize as God no 'one' who cannot know me, no 'one' who cannot understand me completely. Therefore, God, to be God to me, must understand what love is.
If I am in the presence of God, I am in the presence of an understanding. I am in the presence of a truth. Perhaps this truth is like ourselves -- with a longing to grow beyond itself, and that is why we are here.
love, blink
JustineS wrote on Nov 14th, 2008 at 12:59am:haha blink,
do you mean the personal loving God?
I wasn't sure which you meant by 'what other God would God be?'