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Who was this man? (Read 9050 times)
Alan McDougall
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Who was this man?
Nov 7th, 2008 at 1:27pm
The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived

“He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. 

He grew up in another village, where He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty.

Then for three years He was an itinerant preacher. 

He never wrote a book. 

He never held an office. 

He never had a family or a home. 

He didn’t go to college. 

He never visited a big city. 

He never travelled two hundred miles from the place where He was born. 

He did none of the things that usually accompany greatness. 

He had no credentials but Himself. 

He was only thirty-three when the tide of public opinion turned against Him. 

His friends ran away. 

One of them denied Him. 

He was turned over to His enemies and went through the mockery of a trial. 

He was nailed to a cross between two thieves. 

While He was dying, His executioners gambled for His garments, the only property He had on earth. 

When He was dead, He was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.

Nineteen centuries have come and gone, and today He is the central figure of the human race. 

All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that One Solitary Life.”
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #1 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 1:35pm

You know I have a big place in my heart for Christ, but I bet you he doesn't think of himself as the greatest man who ever lived. His vision is too universal to think in such terms.

I figure he's more interested in everybody finding out about the love he found out about.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #2 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 1:54pm

You know I have a big place in my heart for Christ, but I bet you he doesn't think of himself as the greatest man who ever lived. His vision is too universal to think in such terms.

You are right of course he is /was not a man but the Sublime Incarnation of God  (not the incarnation of some other exalted master).

In all of human history he was unique in perfection and love especially altruistic love

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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #3 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 2:10pm

I don't know if he was God incarnate in the way you mean. I know the Gospel of John states this, but is the Gospel of John completely accurate?

If God himself found it necessary to incarnate on this planet, how many other planets in an infinite universe would he have to do the same? Would it be fair to expect God to have incarnate perhaps a very large number of times? Would it be necessary? Isn't it possible for a soul that incarnates into a body to make contact with divine truth to an extent, where it wouldn't be necessary for God himself to incarnate into this World? If this isn't possible, then what are we progressing towards?

Perhaps Jesus obtained oneness with the Godhead, and any soul that is a part of the Godhead is qualified to represent it.

I figure that even though the spirit of Jesus is now a part of the Godhead, his spirit still exists in its own unique way. This is a gift just about all of us want. To be a part of the oneness and be a unique soul at the same time. If what you suggest is true, the spirit of Jesus came to an end when it went back to being God. The same would be true for any of God's other incarnations. I want my dear brother Jesus to have the gift of life, just as I have the gift of life. Sometimes two heads are better than one. Wink 
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #4 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 2:15pm
One other comment.

Sometimes people try to make other beings seem holy in an unnecessary way.  Whenever God's love runs through a soul, that soul automatically becomes holy.  You can't trump love.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #5 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 2:38pm

If God himself found it necessary to incarnate on this planet, how many other planets in an infinite universe would he have to do the same? Would it be fair to expect God to have incarnate perhaps a very large number of times? Would it be necessary? Isn't it possible for a soul that incarnates into a body to make contact with divine truth to an extent, where it wouldn't be necessary for God himself to incarnate into this World? If this isn't possible, then what are we progressing towards?

Yes I am sure it is possible for a soul to make contact with the Divine truth, but not to the extent that Jesus did. After all he was a teacher to ll humanity for all time.

I am sure you know God is not limited and is absolute and infinite. So it would pose no problem at all for him to incarnate on any planet in our finite universe, even at the same time as God exists outside of time and space

The universe is not infinite and had a beginning and it will and must end due to the process of cause and affect or entropy. Energy just continues to dissipate into the unimaginably vast cold vacuum of space until is reaches absolute zero

Maybe I used the wrong adjective for Jesus I think I should have said the most perfect being or perhaps the most wonderful loving person who ever walked the dusty roads of earth.

While he was an incarnation of God, I think he did not have all the infinite unlimited power of his higher self, while this aspect of his being walked the earth

The main thing that Jesus revealed to us about God was the loving character of God in that he mirrored the mind of God

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #6 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 2:54pm
Imagine this scenario.  You are born into this World as Jesus was.  You go through what he went through in order to obtain the level of understanding he obtained. You go through the pain of being crucified. You return to the spirit World and are told you aren't a soul like everybody else, so it is time for your existence to be brought to an end unlike everybody else's existence. Would God really work things out in such a way? Would this scenario be repeated on numerous planets?

There are many times within the gospels where Jesus refers to God as father, or Jesus is referred to as son. This suggests he is a child of God like the rest of us.  Doesn't it make sense that a person who plays the role of example, has something in common with us?

When it comes to what "some" of the words in the gospel of John say, is it clearly understood what translation issues led to? When the gospel was written people tended to think of God as an old man in the sky rather than a being of infinite extent. Therefore, they might've concluded that the totality of God could appear in the form of a man.  Even if Jesus did say that he is the son of man, perhaps what this meant to him is different than what it meant to other people. Perhaps he understood that we are all parts of God and can have access to the love and wisdom of God if we allow ourselves to do so. When we live according to our true nature we live according to our God like nature.

Many people have had NDEs where they experienced Jesus as one being and God as another being.

If we allow love to be our guide when we try to figure out who Jesus is rather than fear, we find that we can find out about his glory without having to believe things about him that aren't accurate.
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« Last Edit: Nov 7th, 2008 at 8:54pm by recoverer »  
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #7 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 3:06pm

Even if Jesus did say that he is the son of man, perhaps what this meant to him is different than what it meant to other people. Perhaps he understood that we are all parts of God and can have access to the love and wisdom of God if we allow ourselves to do so. When we live according to our true nature we live according to our God like nature.

Many people have had NDEs where they experienced Jesus as one being and God as another being.

Jesus in my humble view contained much much more of the essence of God than any other person on earth. He of course was a part of God and you are correct that he called his higher self father. We are more than one being ourselves , we are separate creations of God but at the same time, drops of water in the great ocean we call God. Thus we are what we are but we are also strangly God or evolving to become one with God.

We lkewise are aspects or parts of God but to a much much lesser extent. He had gone before us and could navigate the road to God for us
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Alan McDougall
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #8 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 5:47pm
  Hi Alan,

  I have a lot of respect and love for the guy you are now talking about, but I agree with R that it's perhap limiting to put him on such a pedestal.  I say that knowing that sometimes I do that too much myself. 

  He was/is an interesting, and yes in many ways unique incarnation, but not special or above us. 

   I happen to believe that his "I-there", "Over soul", "Disk", "Monad", or whatever you call it, happens to be the Creator of this Universe...but we too will eventually become Co-Creators of other Universes (and perhaps parts of us are already involved in that... )

There are plenty others already.  What's unique about Christ was the speed in which he remerged with God, the steadfastness in his various physical lives and other experiences, and the particular sacrifices he has made for Earth, and the first to separate and return (some never separated to begin with)...

  I guess what I"m saying is that ultimately all are equal within God, and all have the same potential as Christ.

  But i do believe I understand where you are coming from..  The sentiment is echoed in two very Universal sources that I particularly like, the Cayce readings and Rosiland McKnight's work with Bob Monroe and her guidance.   

Both sources seem to say that Christ, as and through the personality Yeshua, was the fastest vibratory, and most purely love filled person to ever walk this Earth (at least during these collectively slower vibrating cycles).  Both place a lot of emphasis on him as being a "leader", main director of spiritual growth, or Master amongst Masters...and if His Disc is the actual Co Creator of this Universe, then yes it makes sense for He knows every Soul within His Creation extremely intimately, for they are OF Him. 

  And yet we have the same potential, and can be what He is now. 

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #9 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 6:03pm

And yet we have the same potential, and can be what He is now.

I agree Jesus said himself to his deciples "Dont you know you are "gods"  But note! "gods" not "God Almighty".

And yes he has reached the end goal of potential and we still strive towards it.

Maybe that potential is to be ready to die like he did for a loved one or in place of a beloved friend

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #10 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 8:38pm
 Hi Alan,

 I have a lot of respect and love for the guy you are now talking about, but I agree with R that it's perhap limiting to put him on such a pedestal.  I say that knowing that sometimes I do that too much myself.  

 He was/is an interesting, and yes in many ways unique incarnation, but not special or above us.  

  I happen to believe that his "I-there", "Over soul", "Disk", "Monad", or whatever you call it, happens to be the Creator of this Universe...but we too will eventually become Co-Creators of other Universes (and perhaps parts of us are already involved in that... )

There are plenty others already.  What's unique about Christ was the speed in which he remerged with God, the steadfastness in his various physical lives and other experiences, and the particular sacrifices he has made for Earth, and the first to separate and return (some never separated to begin with)...

 I guess what I"m saying is that ultimately all are equal within God, and all have the same potential as Christ.

 But i do believe I understand where you are coming from..  The sentiment is echoed in two very Universal sources that I particularly like, the Cayce readings and Rosiland McKnight's work with Bob Monroe and her guidance.  

Both sources seem to say that Christ, as and through the personality Yeshua, was the fastest vibratory, and most purely love filled person to ever walk this Earth (at least during these collectively slower vibrating cycles).  Both place a lot of emphasis on him as being a "leader", main director of spiritual growth, or Master amongst Masters...and if His Disc is the actual Co Creator of this Universe, then yes it makes sense for He knows every Soul within His Creation extremely intimately, for they are OF Him.  

 And yet we have the same potential, and can be what He is now.  


To me Jesus is just one of many illuminated masters/mistresses (lets not forget the feminine here) who have trod this Earth over untold millenia If you listen carefully their message is the same.Unfortunately the early christian religion was hijacked and turned into a political system of power,suppression and brutality,lets not forget the horrors of the inquisition.His true message was distorted beyond belief.Christ must have been talking about the Divine Spark that inhabits all humans.That spark has no need of human style personality.I guess Jesus was trying to help his small band of followers to realize they were much more than their ego everyday self.IT would have been a hard job given the cultural paradigm of the day.Particularly the jealous possesive god of the Jews.When christians in their thousands as do all other religions pray fervently to "God" they are sadly unwittingly separating themselves from the divine over and over.Put "god" outside of yourself and then pray to him/her.There is no "gaseous vertebrate" that will answer and pat you on the back for being "a good boy".You may get a response from more enlightened beings who have moved on from this plane but it won't be "god".You are That.
Love Devayan.
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Awareness is the Divine Key
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #11 - Nov 7th, 2008 at 9:07pm
Who was this man?

He was the one who kept a woman such as this from being stoned to death.
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #12 - Nov 8th, 2008 at 3:03am
Alan McDougall wrote on Nov 7th, 2008 at 10:09pm:
Jesus was not just some guy , he was the most wonderful profound loving person ever to walk the earth.

"Never a man did the things he did never a man said the things he did"

Mahatma Gandi said he would have become a Christian if it were not for those that professed thenselves to be Christians

Blink you are so right

Islamic brutality at its worst. Sorry to shock

Early so called christians did equally or worse...All humans have that bestial ability when separated from the Divine.All religions have been capable of that evil....And still do.Christs message was so simple and yet so hard to live..."Love one another"Even animals follow that to a better degree than humans at times.Animals care more about their survival as a species than we humans do at times..We need to move back to the "Natural State of Man"It was always there never lost but hidden by cultural dysfunctional Concepts.The Movie the "Matrix" gives us an idea of where humans have lost themselves.
LOve Devayan.
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Awareness is the Divine Key
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #13 - Nov 8th, 2008 at 6:23am
The amazing thing was that he did it with just a few words. And then it was over. Everyone was encouraged to let it go. And they did.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who was this man?
Reply #14 - Nov 8th, 2008 at 9:26am

You are in accord with me; we can’t blame Jesus for the depravity of those who lied when they professed to be his followers or Christians. Which they were not by their actions that conflicted in the absolute from the words of this most beautiful wonderful. most special and precious person ever to walk on our world

I will repost the last quote of my thread for those who seem to not be able to read before they comment

Twenty centuries have come and gone, and today He is the central figure of the human race.  

All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that ever sailed, all the parliaments that ever sat, all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man on this earth as much as that One Solitary Life.”

Yes Jesus is the most special unique person  in all of human history and will they others please take the time to read what I posted in starting this thread before jumping in with bleak negative comments

The bible in Isaiah states this about him. Unto us a child is born unto us a Son is given and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God and Prince of Peace. “To whom other can we commit such words” (my comment)

To say Jesus is just some “guy” smacks of disrespect for this wonderful man, this would not even be said about our earthly leaders how can Justin say this, beats me!

All the other so -called masters pale into insignicance when compared to this soul of total perfection

C. S Lewis the great writer and theologian said this about Jesus

Jesus was either who he said he was (the only begotten son of God) or he was the most colossal profound liar in all of human history or a madman or even something worse.

But how can we equate the life and words of love, peace kindness and joy with that of a liar.


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