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Life on other planets (Read 5903 times)
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Re: Life on other planets
Reply #15 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 8:46am
Hi dewachen:

This is all amazing stuff you're sharing but this is what I have to know:

Was your dog really called TURKEY?

That's weird.

love, b

dewachen wrote on Nov 23rd, 2008 at 5:37am:
it emited a static electric feild and our dog Turkey vomited all over the back seat. My father made me clean it up and when I got out of the car the craft was gone.

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Re: Life on other planets
Reply #16 - Nov 23rd, 2008 at 2:36pm
Dewachen, you need to have a t-shirt made up  - "I missed a close encounter 'cause I was cleaning up dog puke, and all I got was this lousy shirt"...

That story just cracks me up, with the way the bizarre and the mundane intertwine.

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Life on other planets
Reply #17 - Nov 24th, 2008 at 4:20pm
dewachen wrote on Nov 23rd, 2008 at 5:37am:
There are most definitly sentiant life within other star systems. They are also here. I had an encounter April 22nd 1974 at the age of 12. One week before I had a dream about building a space ship in my dads laboratory. Not that I knew how one was built it was just a tipical 12 year olds dream. But as I got in and flew away the earth disapeared behind me and I could then see the most beautiful diffuse nebulas found the craft to restrictive and left. My consiousness shifted as if I started accessing another part of myself and I would sit on these nebulas and zoom up on any point of light still zooming further seeing planets and solar systems. One week later my family was driving to bring my uncle some food just south of Ione, CA because he was working overtime. My father pulled over on the side of the road and we all got out to look at a craft that was approximatly 100 yards in diameter overlaping the mesa on top of a peak. It was about 10:30 PM at night April 22, 1974 the craft was saucer shaped with a red glowing dome and white port holes below that red yellow and blue light below that. The craft was winding its engines down and you could hear interlacing frequencies. We watched it a good 10 minutes and when it began to build up its engines it emited a static electric feild and our dog Turkey vomited all over the back seat. My father made me clean it up and when I got out of the car the craft was gone. I was looking at it only seconds before. My father told me to follow his finger up and as soon as I said that is just a star the object streaked off towards the southeast. My brother said it jumped from space to space.


  I'm a bit confused by the above, when compared to your other post.  You must have only been 11 years old when the above experience happened, because in the other post of yours you said you were born 10/06/62, and that it took you 46 years to understand your prebirth memory. 

   According to info you have already shared, you wouldn't have turned 12 until October of that year (of 1974), as April is before October, and by my calculations you would have still been age 11 at the above experience, correct?

  I'm only pointing it out because you seem detailed oriented, having shared multiple exact dates and ages in both posts (not to mention just a lot of info and detail in general) and that people would take you more seriously without such inconsistency's.   

  Pretty simple, but major mistake or you are out and out making it all up for some reason.  Btw, i do believe in the possibility of all the above stuff you shared and in the other post, but something highlighted that inconsistency or mistake in your combined story.
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Re: Life on other planets
Reply #18 - Nov 24th, 2008 at 5:24pm
I sort of had a UFO experience this past weekend. I found myself in an out of body like state with a guide behind me. This guide made some adjustments by my back. Suddenly I found myself at the house I grew up in.  Because of its name (first letters LL), my old home is used as a symbol for love and light. I received the year 2001. I was in the back yard with my guides. Something I can't remember was done by the yard's back fence--I believe it had to do with a show being arranged for my benefit--and then I saw about five flying saucers land in the field that is behind my old house.

I didn't live in my old house during 2001, so the experience couldn't be about a forgotten abduction. It couldn't be a prediction about when aliens will appear, because 2001 has past.

So what was the experience about? After it was over I asked, and I experienced a lot of peace. Perhaps I was being told that when/if aliens come, they will come in peace.
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« Last Edit: Nov 24th, 2008 at 8:50pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Life on other planets
Reply #19 - Nov 24th, 2008 at 9:46pm
I had a similar experience as recoverer, in a dream, but a dream of the type where you state during the dream that it isn't a dream. I was at my parent's, and some crafts showed up in the sky, crafts which were beyond the known technically standards. I've had about half a dozen of those dreams. I don't know what they mean, or in what part of reality they are "real".

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Life on other planets
Reply #20 - Nov 25th, 2008 at 2:09pm

Similar to what you wrote, during my experience I was aware that I was a person who was having a non-physical experience, rather than being in a dream without realizing that I was dreaming.

spooky2 wrote on Nov 24th, 2008 at 9:46pm:
I had a similar experience as recoverer, in a dream, but a dream of the type where you state during the dream that it isn't a dream. I was at my parent's, and some crafts showed up in the sky, crafts which were beyond the known technically standards. I've had about half a dozen of those dreams. I don't know what they mean, or in what part of reality they are "real".


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