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Im 21 and need help (Read 4267 times)
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Im 21 and need help
Oct 20th, 2008 at 2:17am
Been so depressed lately i cant stop thinking about death for me and my loved ones i mean when you die is it just black forever like sleep?? i try to be religious but i just cant believe i think its a history lesson....i believe we are a just a organism and when we die we just decompose in the coffin and we dont overlook our loved ones we are just a cycle of people believe in religion cuase they are just scared of death?

Im thinking of using a ouji board to see if there is something else out there i will feel 1000% better....

Can anyone honestly say they have had loved ones speak to them or see them after death?
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #1 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 2:26am
Hi help me,

Welcome to the site, and I hope you can stay a while and learn a little while you're here that might help you out.

I felt exactly like you do about death at your age. I can't say I have all the answers but there are a whole lot of people who have had experiences which might help you open your mind to afterlife possibilities. Victor Zammit's site comes to mind. Take a look there.

Also, this site teaches a form of meditation which can help you to contact spirits yourself, directly and safely.

You are sooooooo much more than your body, is what I've been taught by my own experiences and those of others. At this point, when people talk about my body decomposing in a coffin somewhere I feel like laughing.

When I die, my physical body is the last thing I expect to be concerned with. I expect it's going to be quite a journey, and that I will be equipped with everything I need.

Take heart, and take your time.... you can feel that way too!

love, blink

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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #2 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 8:16am
And, help me, I am not mocking you when I mention people talking to me about bodies decomposing. Someone told me this just the other day - we've been a little ill lately - and it was just a train of thought about the body decomposing after death.

I realized then that I no longer had any real reaction to that at all. What has happened is that I realize deeply that my body is not really all of me, and that I have prepared myself to discard it when necessary.

So, in the afterlife, if I look down and see my body lying there and it's over for that body - it's okay. There's no reason to fear. We have helpers and guardians in the spirit world, and they are always ready to help orient us, whenever we need them.

And, believe me, I think my body has done me well, this time around. I'm fond of it, in fact quite fond, and I'm not really done with it yet, not by a long shot. But, still, it's okay. Whatever.

It has nothing to do with religion, really. Just a serious belief in a whole world of love out/in there.

love, blink
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #3 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 8:22am
thanks for the replys but how do you know this? is it a belief or have u really seen ghosts or something that gives sign of an afterlife?
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #4 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 8:34am
I've had messages from deceased relatives and experiences with other 'spirits' who may have some relation to me, but I don't know them. The experiences continue to happen; it is not a once in a lifetime kind of thing. The experiences are cumulative enough to be persuasive, in combination with study.

No, I have not seen someone three inches off the floor trailing through the room in a long gown (although long gowns do seem popular in some circles in the afterlife).

But some people here on this site do see spirits, right before their eyes, so they can tell you more about that.

My experiences are generally internal, personal, psychological, etc. But real enough to make an impression on me.

best wishes, blink Smiley
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #5 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 9:28am
I'd echo Blink HM, it's maybe worth taking a trawl back through past threads and even looking at the 'spirit body' thread that's up now.

We don't all have the high level abilities of some here, but many can attest to experience that certainly leads one to a very different way of viewing death.

I'd not fully realised how profound this was until my father died recently, but (and not to be politically incorrect) I found myself wondering in some ways what all the fuss was about because in terms of his life situation (92, multiple illnesses and struggling with worsening dementia) it seemed the very best thing that could have happened.

The support comes through doing the work (meditation and so on) to make possible direct experiencing, we can think/intellectualise/try to make ourselves believe what the religious teach for ever and it's of little help. (we can always second guess ourselves, but it's hard to argue with experience)

Bruce Moen (who runs this site) has some very good books/manuals out on the subject (see top of page), and Robert Monroe's three or so books (the Monroe Insitute, and in a way a pioneer of much of this territory, at least in the terms in which it discussed here) set out incredibly inspiringly how he experienced the afterlife realms while out of body.

The likes of Tibetan Buddhism avoids 100% hyping it all in any way, and teaches from a very traditional perspective - but delivers the same basic message about survival (Sogyal Rinpoche's Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is a good and very readable intro) and provides teaching based on an unparalleled depth of expertise in meditation.

Lightness of mind is an important part of all this, it's easy to get sucked into obsessing on a single and negative view of existence. e.g. we're  only physical. It doesn't happen in a week, but meditation and other spiritual work opens many of us up, lets us perceive and experience a much greater reality than we might ever have imagined existed....
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #6 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 10:31am
Remember you are not your body. This is where Monroe started his journeys. You never do die, not in spirit. Yes, I have had experience which I cannot deny the validity of, many of which I have received conformation on (some are posted in the retrievals section).

In my mind you are in an excellent place to start. I was very depressed and almost suicidal at one time, and it has been my experiences such as are described on this Board that have been my salvation. It may sound simplistic, but have you considered asking God/Goddess/The Light or whatever you call it for guidance? It sure worked for me (I actually read Conversations with God, Book One), and my channel has never closed since.

What Dreams May Come: what you think about manifests. You are a creation machine, actually, and all your thoughts are creative. What you think on, grows. This is the Law of Attraction.

And of course, you might consider A Course in Miracles, which is a self study course, whose message is "Nothing real can be threatened, nothing unreal exists, Herein lies the Peace of God." It really does, IMO.

Be patient with yourself. You are so young, and I wish I had had these same insights when I was 21 (I am 59 now). Read Bruce's books, Monroe's books, and anthing you can get oyur hands on. The target is just too BIG to miss. You cannot fail to get back Home. Eventually. Keep on, keep on, keep on.

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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #7 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 11:28am
Most definately - do some research. The answers are here and out there - much more so than when I was your age (I am 47 now). Pursue the Out of Body Experience - if you achive this even once you will cease to question the afterlife and feel "1000 times better".
One book that I read whenever I am feeling low is Richard Bach's "Illusions". It is an easy read that may give you some perspective.
Get to work!
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george stone
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #8 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 2:13pm
Hi,I have seen many people who have died,and every one of them are smiling,they look very happy.They come around me offten,I can smell there purfume and cegerret smoke all the time.just remember you are not your body.the spirit you have can not die.and I beleive in reincarnation,that we come back to earth for an other live time.George
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #9 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 5:02pm
Another way of expressing the possibility all are driving at:

Everything we perceive (our body, our conscious mind and the reality we appear to exist within as independent beings) is actually a projection of mind.

We project/create what we believe by in effect selecting the reality that fits our beliefs from the gazillion possibilities open to us. We share certain experiences because we share beliefs in them.

What we believe we bring into existence. When we feel negative towards others and situations we (by the above) are in effect feeling negative towards ourselves. This is why it brings negativity into our lives.

We can change our lives and our perceptions by changing what we believe. Meditation and the other forms of spiritual work mentioned here provide the tools by which its possible to expand our seeing beyond the negative and self reinforcing tunnels of vision we sometimes get ourselves locked into.

The spiritual path, or the path to God/realisation in effect entails the dropping of the egocentric conditioning we all pick up and the gradual (or quite sudden) dropping of beliefs (it's actually the dropping of our attachment to beliefs, and in the ensuing space which arise because we no longer see selectively to fit our beliefs the dawning of our ability to see true realities) that lead to joy, and the consequent realisation of that reality.

Just as its easier to wear sandals than to cover the world in leather, it's easier to change our mind (beliefs) than to change the whole world'.

Never fear HM, there's lots of joy waiting for you out there...

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« Last Edit: Oct 21st, 2008 at 2:33pm by N/A »  
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #10 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 7:35pm
Ian said: Just as its easier to wear sandals than to cover the world in leather, it's easier to change our mind (beliefs) than to change the whole world'.

then there's this other saying Ian, I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes, then I met a man with no feet...

I stopped feeling sorry for myself. and to the original poster who is 21, you have received tremendous outpouring to you here, I add my welcome. and if it helps any to consider, at age 21 I was barely conscious of anything but my body.
things change. and you are not alone. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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george stone
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #11 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 8:59pm
Alysia,what happened to your photo?is there a full moon tonight?
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #12 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 10:10pm
Lol George!

Helpme, I had an out-of-body experience. It was as real as physical reality. Hard-headed scientists typically say that it's a hallucination. But then, they fail to present a proof that the physical world isn't a hallucination.

The physical body is necessary to express yourself physically. But it is not you. Scientists can tell what is happening in the brain when we're thinking. But they haven't found one thought in the brain. They are talking about physical matter. The opinion that we decompose along with our body is just a belief of some scientists, not a scientific fact.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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george stone
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Posts: 857
Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #13 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 11:28pm
Hi spooky,so did I.I found myself out in the kitchen.I was standing next to the cubard,I tryed to rest my arm on it,and my arm went right down through it.I wanted to go outside,but i thought I might not get back inside.George
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Re: Im 21 and need help
Reply #14 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 11:39pm
Yes George, my hands felt solid, and the stack of magazines near my bed felt solid when I pushed on it, but when I pushed harder, my hand went right into the stack, and I could feel differences, probably the covers of the magazines. That was really strange but most funny!

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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