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Spirit body (Read 2983 times)
george stone
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Spirit body
Oct 18th, 2008 at 5:23pm
I want your opinnion,what does a spirit body look like? George
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Re: Spirit body
Reply #1 - Oct 18th, 2008 at 9:51pm
Hi George. I'm probably not very good at it, but the best I can manage is the aura. I can usually see it as a shimmering border of light of whatever thickness around especially the head of a person when I'm meditating.

Sometimes I can distinguish colours in people with a stronger aura, usually blues/violets, maybe with a hint of orange.

I've seem my own (crown?) chakra on one occasion, as a shimmering/flaming violet ball.

All depend on getting centred, there's a particular sort of warm, centred feeling that helps.

Looking up aura and spirit body on Google images produces every short of representation imaginable. Quite what this means I don't know - is it that few can see, or that what they see varies a lot, or that the artists in question are just imagining stuff....
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Re: Spirit body
Reply #2 - Oct 19th, 2008 at 7:43am
george stone wrote on Oct 18th, 2008 at 5:23pm:
I want your opinnion,what does a spirit body look like? George

hi George. my mother uses the same form she had around 26 yrs of age. yet when I did a retrieval on her shortly after she died, she was still in her 85 year old appearance. so it looks like we can make form around ourselves, but  I see teachers showing us how to build the form as we want it. a ghost can appear to us here as a see through image, only because we are not in their dimension, where they appear quite solid to themselves.  for instance, in one retrieval, I was instructed to touch the young lady I retrieved.
my vision out there was being in a room with only a 25 watt light bulb for the whole room.

so I saw her, she was a spirit appearing as a normal human being. when I touched her, I was amazed that she felt so solid, and with warm flesh also. so they think they are still alive, this produces the form and appearance as if they are still physical.

I think the retrieval was done in the etheric counterpart of physical level, a replica level, like an astral level dimension.

when the girl left with helpers, she was still in her body form, but no longer was stuck in her thoughts of being inside a high school gymnasium. I do not see spirits with my physical eyes.
I know you did.
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Re: Spirit body
Reply #3 - Oct 19th, 2008 at 9:26am
I remember not too long ago having a great insight into this for me. I had watched "What Dreams May Come" and was contemplating the appearance of Leona the Air Hostess who appears to the main character. Leona said something to the effect of : "My daddy flew to Hong Kong and noticed an air hostess named Leona, and said that 'Asian women were the embodiment of grace and beauty'" or something similar. "So I decided that I wanted to be that, to be beautiful and graceful like my daddy said..." and it was at that moment that the character Leona changed in to his daughter.....

I think we see spirit bodies as we need to to accept them, whether it be a detailed rendition of a person's physical body or a simple ball of glowing energy (which is how I mostly perceive them). In that example from the movie, Robin Williams "saw" his daughter as a thought form until he could actually see who she really was. And it all made me think this was pretty right on and matched my own experience. I think what happens when we are out of body, and what happens after we leave our physical bodies is other dimensional and cannot be adequately described with words alone.

So-- I guess I agree with the statement: "You see what you want to see, and you hear what you want to hear." What you expect shows up, and does so in a way that you can handle it intellectually, emotionally, and even physically. Just my opinion......

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Re: Spirit body
Reply #4 - Oct 19th, 2008 at 4:14pm
Ta Thomas and Alysia. Interesting isn't it the way we get demonstrations time and again showing that how we perceive what manifests depends on our mind, and our belief systems.

I guess that makes us co-creators..
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Re: Spirit body
Reply #5 - Oct 19th, 2008 at 5:30pm
yes, co-creators, which if you think about it, segments of religious thought are against that concept, for it confers upon the individual the responsibility for what is created in physicality, as well as non/physicality areas of being. in other words, in the tune I sometimes sing, when I feel like expressing happiness to the crowd, is Soak up the Sun.
the lyrics are new age. "I got no one to blame, every time I feel lame, I'm looking up!"

It also can be a  little ego threatening to consider death a loss of the body, or that those features we obtained from our parent's DNA, can be morphed into preferred features. It depends to what degree we identify with the current body as being our intrinsic self.
the body form is not our true selves, and we will discover we can be anthing we want to be, and look however we wish to appear.

I have no problem with Orbs being the appearance of a spirit. An orb is simply a being who is not generating a body form at the moment.

I used to practice the art of astral projection. One day I actually achieved it consciously and perceived myself as an orb moving along the highway at my chosen velocity.
I missed being a body at first. a little scary, but exciting to be able  to move so fast, viewing the physical dimension going by as I moved.
I met some people and we conversed by telepathy.
They could tell I was over excited about being "out." One of them asked me did I need orientation?

I laughed and declined orientation. I simply played on the beach a while, then went back to my body in total awe that we could project this way. I recall the person who spoke to me, was benevolent and kind, did not want me to get hurt, which is like PUL to me, the kindness extended to see this bobbing orb on the beach, he was worried.

the thing was, I think he was a physical, in his body. I saw his body form; I knew he was speaking to me from his spirit, his mostly unconscious mind, I knew he was a sensitive, while occupying his physical body.  all of us are connected to the One mind, this way.

I also noticed the only reason this sensitive person saw me, was because I was the first one to project a thought to him, with my curiosity as the energy I sent to him, "can you see me?" I am OUT for the first time!"  otherwise he wouldn't have noticed me.

it's like quantum physics, where the object viewed responds to the observer's fixation on it.
my point is that underneath all these personalities beats the heart of love for one another, it's something quite automatic in the spirit realms, that we care about one another and do not hesitate to express love.

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Re: Spirit body
Reply #6 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 2:13am
If any of the folks I have visited or been visited by are spirits, then most of them look just like themselves here (but better, younger, more vital, I guess, would be how to describe it).

In fact, I have just had dreams for two nights running in which I received a big hug from a spirit who, I believe, was taking two different familiar forms, for two separate nights. Either that, or these folks were visiting me in their sleep (they are living). The scenarios were identical, except the words spoken. They felt like real, clothed people whom I knew.

Generally, that's my experience. However, I have 'felt' spirits in some different forms (or lack thereof) while meditating, and have felt 'communication' around what felt to be some different kinds of beings. Some seem like varying kinds of 'light' beings, possibly, or were perceived that way. I have seen little stars. Sometimes a spirit/spirits are more of a feeling, or can change appearance.

It's hard to confine a description to mere appearance. Sometimes there is a lot of emotion associated with a spirit, like a special, expansive feeling of love generated there. It's memorable, almost leaves a 'taste in your mouth' if that's a way to describe it.

My experiences have been positive, for the most part.
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Re: Spirit body
Reply #7 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 8:37am
I'd not thought of the form of what we perceive as being spirit bodies, guess I just wasn't thinking.

As before I'm not that good visually, but now that you guys pitch it that way I've had a repeated visits from cats, and from a little guy in one of those Hollywoodesque and wholly unrealistic cowboy outfits you see in the very early Western films from the early 30s (?) - complete with pointy topped ten gallon hat. More a cartoon cut out than a real person. Plus normal realities which may proceed like a normal dream that just rolls out more like a movie, or on occasion in which I may find myself conscious of what's going on, and an active participant able to decide my actions.

My cowboy friend usually appears out of the blue in a vista (first time it was like a desert scene from Blazing Saddles - I'm sure the whole affair drew on my memories of this), delivers a cryptic one liner that needs figuring out but tends to provide insight, and disappears. My cat friends are non verbal and usually function at the emotional level - but have produced some powerful experience.

I seemed to contact my Father last month just before he died (he'd had a stroke and been unconscious for a week or so - seemed he'd just lifted out a little early) . I perceived him more as a whirl of energy that somehow was very recognisable as him. His mood (happy, free, whizzing about - it seems  maybe trying out his new capabilities) was for him very unusual but transmitted too, but he didn't communicate in normal verbal terms, or address me directly - more like he was showing his new self to me.

I did some work sending love to him and encouraging him to move to the light. Within a day or so I couldn't pick him up any more, although that easily could just have been down to my inability to do so.

Cheesy Heaven knows what all of this unconventional stuff says about how my mind works...
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Re: Spirit body
Reply #8 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 5:12pm
as far as having guidance or guides, I can relate to just  feeling presence around me of  beings or plural on that. like a calming influence in most cases, referring to Blink's post.

and I also relate to Ian's post. the cowboy I see as your little helper, delivering the one liners. I get these one liners often in various dreams or meditations, usually they are something I asked for being delivered, and I don't know what they mean but I write them down in a "message" file on the puter.
sooner or later I figure it out. my guides use humor to get my attention. so I see the cowboy as a humorous figure for Ian to not be so serious. as I am serious to overdo that facet of myself. humor helps.  I think we all agree, appearances are often not what they seem.we have to look beyond appearances of spirit.

mostly I hear better than I see anyway. reading words in a dream is difficult, to remember the words in C1. they get translated so easy into a different, but similar meaning upon waking.

so good to write down messages, but form no instant interpretation on it until meditating on it for about 50,000 years. lol.

thanks for a great thread provoker George..that George, so few words, such an instigator of thought though...I wonder if he knows what he's doing?  Kiss
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Spirit body
Reply #9 - Oct 20th, 2008 at 11:25pm
Hey Vajra, when you perceive auras in meditation, do you "see" them with physical eyes closed or opened?

In my OBE it all looked liked in the physical, including my own hands. In mind-journeys, my perception in general is more like when you're imagining something, and I perceive people/beings in all varieties, like physical humans, human outlines but inside colors and dots, colorful ovals with lightbeams, glowing transparent like thin fabric or jelly, balls of light, formless fields.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Spirit body
Reply #10 - Oct 21st, 2008 at 10:15am
Smiley Sounds Spooky like you see a lot more than me.

I see auras with my eyes open, but it helps to squint a little  - the lady who runs the Gateway programmes in Europe caught me sizing up her aura a couple of years ago and figured what I was up to. We had a good laugh, as did the group.

It starts as a shimmering band of almost invisible white light surrounding the person and sometimes physical objects, but can become so intense that it blocks vision.

I often get light effects when meditating eyes open beyond this. Occasionally it's almost like a golden rain, more frequently a sort of ethereal white light that suffuses the view. This can occasionally  intensify so that normal vision starts to be obscured by the light, and to close down into a small central area where I can still see. It's never quite blinked out completely, I've wondered what would happen if it did.

The chakra (?) I described before only happened once while I was being worked on  by a spiritual healer, it was totally surreal in that it was eyes open and what felt like 100% normal consciousness. In that case the room became suffused with a pinkish light, this seems to start to rotate and gathered itself up into what looked like an incandescent pink/violet football sitting at eye level or a bit above about 3ft in front of me. It slowly faded after a few minutes.

Other times it can feel like my awareness has shifted away into something else - there's this connected feeling. Or a feeling of being loved. (focus 15 as I presume it is feels like that to me)

If I get especially into the vibe like say late in a week's retreat then I don't need to meditate to get it and the colours start to emerge and I can detect differences in the type of aura on different people. Some for example expand out quite a long way, others are very tight, shimmery  and compressed.

I can also in this state feel the limit of the energy of the aura with my hands, and as before sometimes develop a mild psyco kinetic ability.  (ability to influence physical stuff like some lights, or divining rods used by others) It becomes possible to remote view too, but the 'picture' tends to be grainy and not sharply defined.

Closing my eyes while meditating produces a silky black backround, with ever stronger light effects very similar to what happens eyes open as I get deeper in.

I'm not good at conventional or 'real seeming' visuals - they do arise at times but I tend often to click out, or else nothing appears. This state seems very subtle, very close to sleep for me, and can involve states of consciousness varying from what feels like being a third party observer, to real life, to playing like a movie but having no control over the plot.

All in all I'm unsure what the various light effects are about. Despite the 'feelgood' effect there's even times when I get cynical and wonder if it's not the result of some subtle but physical brain state triggered by meditation...

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Re: Spirit body
Reply #11 - Oct 22nd, 2008 at 1:20am
Thanks for telling Vajra. It's an interesting subject. There must be more to it than just some simple brain chemicals, considering the variety and complexity of aura perceptions. Of course, it shouldn't be confused with retina images, which some aura-seeing-training methods do produce. A simple, yet effective test would be to try to perceive auras of objects/persons in complete physical darkness.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Spirit body
Reply #12 - Oct 22nd, 2008 at 10:05am
Ta Spooky, that's a good test and i don't know what would happen on the aura front. The more generalised background light effects happen even in the dark, but don't 'illuminate' anything. i.e. I can't use the light to see around the room.
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