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PE to the Moon, Weekend Oct. 17-18-19 (Read 15626 times)
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Re: PE to the Moon, Weekend Oct. 17-18-19
Reply #15 - Oct 23rd, 2008 at 5:36pm
lol Carolyn, love your Pe.  do u mean Robert Monroe maybe? there is another Robert here.

uhmm, I reread your post and missed some details that match with yours: the ground did look velvety to me, and beige like, almost mustard color. I saw some dust too. my PE was like two seconds but I still remember the ground.

Spooky that u saw a flag counts because think of all the many things we could have seen but didn't.
and I also saw a lot of barren land like u did.
one other thing Corolyn. the darth vader guy. I saw someone looked like this magician type fellow, but that was in the other PE to the moon. and he lived in a moon cave.

Spooky said no caves, so I might have to return someday and find out. one thing was it was not a deep cave, more surface, with an opening close by letting in sunlight. a very small cave then.
at the time I took this figure to be a sort of elemental spirit, some sort of moon custodian. I don't think he expected me.
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Re: PE to the Moon, Weekend Oct. 17-18-19
Reply #16 - Oct 23rd, 2008 at 9:08pm
LOL, my visit makes me chuckle. Seems I was in PE Preschool, with my go-cart and simple song and flopping on the ground. And how could I forget Robert Monroe? I WAS listening to  his voice on the Gateway CD during the PE. Maybe he was there. Alysia was that you summersaulting off the bicycle? Maybe the Darth Vader image was your magician guy. He wasn't sinister, just a name and a brief image.

I didn't know there was another Moon PE. I think I'll go take a look.

Love, Carolyn


Ok, I just read the May 3 Moon PE thread. What a riot! Cracked me up, you all singing moonsongs. (But no Frere Jaques?) And Alysia, you described the same surface I saw.


PS. Albert Einstein once said: "The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge."
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Re: PE to the Moon, Weekend Oct. 17-18-19
Reply #17 - Oct 24th, 2008 at 11:54pm
Einstein also said another similar thing "imagination is more important than knowledge."

sometimes have to throw away what I know, so I can get something new and fresh. it's a fine PE Carolyn you did. I especially like the singing part freres, mean brothers in french.

love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE to the Moon, Weekend Oct. 17-18-19
Reply #18 - Apr 7th, 2009 at 9:13pm

there's evidence of anomalous features, possibly artificial structures on the moon and Mars that can't be explained by geological processes. There's a number of youtube videos and web sites dedicated to exploring these.

In the image on this website it look like there's a machine with three wheels on the side

In this video there's a crater that seems to have artificial lighting due to the darkness around it. It becomes quite obvious at the end.

Website dedicated to Mars

Vegetation on Mars?

Hope that's helpful Smiley
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