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IfIs God the Author of these verses? (Read 1759 times)
Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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IfIs God the Author of these verses?
Oct 3rd, 2008 at 10:44am
If the forum thinks this is posted wrongly, please indicate and I will move itPlease biblical Scholars explain these verses in light of a loving God

Most of the Bible is said to be God-breathed word of God. Tragically however, many humans were responsible for its authorship and it is obvious that some things attributed to God as His will could not possibly come from God for they in no manner reflect the love of God but rather the type of laws, rules, admonitions, decrees, demands, or orders which would have been inspired by Satan.

Therefore it is essential that people learn to detect those verses and passages which are neither God-breathed nor God-inspired.

Following are a few examples of passages which are obviously not the actual will of God:

EXODUS 21:17: and again in LEVITICUS 21:9 “And he who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.”

If God actually wanted us to kill every child who in the throws of growing up, cursed or talked back to his or her parent then the population of our world would be significantly smaller than it is today, and that is not God’s answer to our current overpopulation problem.

EXODUS 21:20-21: “And if a man beats his servant or his maidservant with a rod…(and he or she)…remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he (or she) is his property.

Does anyone actually believe that employees have ever been personal property in God’s eyes and that killing one is ok because they are nothing more than a piece of property?

EXODUS 22:19 and also in LEVITICUS 20:15-16 “Whoever lies with a beast shall surely be put to death.”

If every farm boy who had had a calf, a goat or a sheep as his first girlfriend, was put to death, then we probably wouldn’t have enough farmers left to feed the hungry. God never said that.

EXODUS 31:15 “Whoever does ANY work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.”

How could anyone who knows the love of God believe that God would have anyone who did any honest work on Sunday, killed?

LEVITICUS 20:10 “The adulterer and the adulteress, shall surely be put to death”.

Surely, if throughout history every adulterer and adulteress who had ever lived had been put to death it would have depopulated much of the planet. That is not to say that adultery is not a sin before God, but He has never been so bloodthirsty that He demanded death for the average sinner.

LEVITICUS 20:13 “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman…they shall surely be put to death.”

God never said that He would have His children killed who happened to have been born with a God-given genetic heritage which made them prefer members of their same sex as partners. If this were true we would not have been blessed with the world’s greatest works of art dedicated to God and His Glory.

LEVITICUS 20:27 “A man or a woman who is a medium…shall surely be put to death.”

God has blessed many men and woman with remarkable spiritual and prophetic skills with which to divine the future and help people. Why in the world would He have those people whom he has blessed as seers, killed?

LEVITICUS 24:16 “And whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him.”

Wow, if everyone on earth who, in a momentary fit of anger, used a blasphemous word, was put to death by their congregation, our churches would be mostly empty. Surely this is not the law of a loving and forgiving God!!!

LEVITICUS 25:45-46 “Moreover you may buy the children of strangers…and they shall become your property. And you may take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them as a possession; they shall be your permanent slaves.”

This Satanic verse has caused great human misery and injustice for thousands of years. God never said this!!!

LEVITICUS 26:29 “You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters”

If these aren’t the words of the devil then nothing is!!!

LEVITICUS 27:5 “Your valuation of a (human) male shall be twenty shekels, and for a female ten shekels.”

God created both male and female to be equals. He never said that women were only worth half as much as men.

NUMBERS 15:32-36 “…they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day…Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘The man must surely be put to death”…So as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died.”

God would have said “Thou shall not kill”. It was obviously Satan who told Moses to kill the poor stick gatherer.

NUMBERS 31:15-18 “And Moses said to them: ‘Have you kept all the women alive?…Now therefore kill every male among the little ones; and kill every woman who has known a man intimately. But keep alive for yourselves all the young girls…’

This is ‘genocide’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’ at its worst—obviously it was Satan who was misleading Moses—certainly not a loving and forgiving God.

These are the just a few of the verses from only three books of the Bible in which men of God were tricked by Satan into believing that they were writing down or doing God’s will.

"Should make one think, epecially Don"

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Alan McDougall
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Re: IfIs God the Author of these verses?
Reply #1 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 1:02pm

I don't believe it is a matter of Moses being tricked by Satan, because not even the Bible supports the concept of a particular being named "Satan." Consider the attached articles.

The long title of the above article is a bit confusing.

Last night I watched the Vice President debate. Neither of the candidates would say that they support gay marriage. I figure one of the main reasons they won't do so is because a lot of fundamentalists won't stand for it. Partly because of what Leviticus 20:27 says. What about the other words that are attributed to Moses? Do people follow the elaborate animal sacrifice procedures Moses spoke about? As you posted, rules for owning slaves? When you should kill people, and when you should just stone them? Argh! Why would a wise and loving God teach such things? Perhaps it is an abomonation to accuse God of saying such things.
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Re: IfIs God the Author of these verses?
Reply #2 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 2:48pm
Hi allan and recoverer I  think that the bible is a mystery that will never really be solved as the bible contridicts itself everywhere.

It says "an eye for an eye" and then it says "turn the other cheek"

some of the things in the bible are not what i would say are from a loving God and God led his children out of Eygpt but he did warn the pharoh to let go of them but he did not listen and the first born of each egyptian died,but the pharoh had seen the proof that god was the only true God and he still asked that statue he worshiped to bring his son back to life.

I feel a lot of the bad stuff in the bible is down to the same old thing"Man" only blaming it on God instead as I feel God is to loving to have said these things as his commandmant was "You shalt not kill,i also have to admit that a lot of it is down to the evil that has been in the world since time began and this i feel is man putting it down to Satan.

But i must admit Exocisms are performed because of demons part of Satan's army,i mean the last time i said to Satan i dont believe in you,he attacked me most of the night and God protected me.

I mean Jesus took the demons out of these men and sent them into  a herd of swines and they ran in the sea  and drowned,Jesus recognised Satan when he walked on the earth,so i do feel that Satan is nearing his end reign onthis earth as his 6,000 year rule is almost up and then God will come and cast him into the abyss with all his followers and his demon adversery's.

God is the light,Satan is the darkness and God will win against Satan because God is stronger than Satan.Love is stronger than hate and God is Love.

Love and God bless  love juditha
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« Last Edit: Oct 3rd, 2008 at 4:05pm by N/A »  
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Old Dood
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Re: IfIs God the Author of these verses?
Reply #3 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 10:04pm
Which God(s) said those things?

That is what I question....

The Source of ALL Things would not say those things or The Source of ALL Things could not be just that...The Source!
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Re: IfIs God the Author of these verses?
Reply #4 - Oct 3rd, 2008 at 10:21pm
Old Dood wrote on Oct 3rd, 2008 at 10:04pm:
Which God(s) said those things?

That is what I question....

The Source of ALL Things would not say those things or The Source of ALL Things could not be just that...The Source!

thats totally right on because words are twice removed from reality.
language itself it just symbols humans use to communicate with. in other words (lol, just words) language is naturally limited to convey source. then it's interpreted by ego, but what is truth is true for all. what is true for all, is that there is love. but we see and understand it's opposite more.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Re: Is God the Author of these verses?
Reply #5 - Oct 4th, 2008 at 3:58am
I see it that way, existence is a DUALTY the absence of light which is God it that negation we call dark

Think of cold there is really no such thing as cold, Even  to maintain the temperature of just almost infinitely close to absolute zero requires heat, There is heat at any temperature no matter how low until we reach absolute zero This is the negation of heat we call cold.   I see Satan like that as a sort of absence from God, in the minds of mislead humans

Recoverer thanks for the links as it is a lot of reading I will respond later

I really would have likes a biblical scholar to have also responded and we have one in our midst by the name of Berserk Don

Take Care

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Alan McDougall
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