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The Mystery of Reincarnation (Read 1960 times)
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The Mystery of Reincarnation
Sep 28th, 2008 at 2:08pm
Another news letter that I receieved was the topic on Reincarnation.

Of all the important questions arising generally on these matters,
few are deemed as confusing and mysterious as Reincarnation, due
largely to a widespread understanding of how this process actually
takes place.

Indeed many people live in fear that they will, for example, need
to "return" to repeat their current "life" all over again, and
might even return as an animal or other form of life.

So let us today then clear up this confusion by taking a closer
look at the mysteries of reincarnation.

First of all the word "reincarnation" is, in and of itself very
misleading. This word implies to "come back to Earth in another
body", which in itself no doubt leads to much confusion and worry.

This confusion almost always arises due to the notion that after we
"die" we spend some time in the Astral worlds before "deciding" to
"take" another human body, at which point we leave the Astral and
descend in to the new body at the time of conception or even after.

This perspective is completely erroneous and we will now take a
look at why this is.

Our true Self our Individual Self, is actually our "Higher Self",
Who is the total of all our personalities on Earth.

Each personality is born with a physical body, transitions in to a
non-physical body after "death" to the Astral and then Mental
realms, before eventually arriving back to the Higher Self with
that particular "package" of experience.

Each "package of experience" adds to, and thereby enhances the
Higher Self which steadily becomes more complete, balanced and more
perfect with each package of physical life experience acquired.

It is the objective of the Higher Self then to collect as much
experience as is necessary in order to move on from or transcend
the cycle of reincarnation to much greater things, the likes of
which are beyond the comprehension of most.   

It is worth pointing out at this stage that the Higher Self is a
perfect reflection of Source, God, the Universe - everything that
occurs does so in the direction of experience, expansion and
thereby perfection.

This also applies to every level of life in the entire Universe in
all spheres of Life and Reality from The Source, The Higher Self,
all the way to individual expressions of personality on Earth.

As we evolve, groups of Higher Selves come together to form group
Entities that empathetically cooperate to help evolution lower down
the path. And so it is until eventually all Beings are just one
single entity - The Source, The First Cause - God, the Logos.

Now the process of reincarnation can be related to a wheel.

If we look at a wooden cart wheel, we see that it has a hub at the
centre, spokes radiating outwards from the hub, eventually joining
the outer rim of the wheel.

In this context the wheel represents the following:

Hub - the Higher Self

Spokes - time lines relative to Earth

Rim - the physical Universe

The hub, the Higher Self, is the total of all physical lives and
"future" lives relative to Earth. It can be likened to the facets
of a glittering rough diamond which eventually becomes a perfect
diamond once all of the facets of the diamond have been polished -
each physical life experience, through that individual personality,
adds more polish and perfection to the diamond as a whole.

Each spoke represents an individual experience which takes place by
first starting at the rim after originally travelling down that
time-line spoke, to, for example Earth, and then, after that
personality has concluded its mission, progressing back up
each time-lines poke from whence it came, eventually returning to
the hub - the Higher Self.

It should be pointed out however that as people become more and more
materially focused and involved with the dramas of the material
world, the personality forgets what its mission really is, thereby
failing to fulfil it. This necessitates the High Self sending a
further personality to Earth simply to repeat the same experiences
through which to gain the necessary knowledge and experience.

Now - before sending another personality down a spoke to arrive on
Earth for "another life", the Higher Self first needs to understand
exactly what "package" of experience is required for a certain
aspect of its own overall evolution and therefore perfection.

The Higher Self will then send a personality down that time-line
spoke into the space-time continuum of the physical Universe, to be
born, or "incarnated" in to the precise body, time-line and
circumstances representing the best opportunities to gather the
knowledge and experience required.

As you will remember - the rim represents the planet Earth and the
rim is also circular - this means that the Higher Self can send a
personality down any spoke and arrive at any time-line in the
history of Earth or any other planet in the physical Universe -
time only becoming significant upon arriving within the space-time
continuum of the physical Universe.

As already mentioned - the Higher Self also chooses which country,
location and parents would best present the opportunities for the
experiences required for this particular "incarnation". So the
Higher Self could for example send a personality to be born as a
female to a family of bakers living in London, England during
the middle ages. Another concurrent personality of the Higher Self
might be a male born to a doctor and his wife living in India in

Another personality might be a son born to a Saxon noble family of
land owners in early medieval times and so on.

It is important to understand that these personalities are not sent
by the Higher Self sequentially, i.e. one at a time. All
incarnations of a human being take place concurrently, i.e.
simultaneously relative to the Higher Self - we only experience the
illusion called "time" and "space" while here on Earth. Beyond the
physical Universe "time" and "space" do not exist, and it is
accordingly entirely erroneous to think in terms of "past" or
"future" lives - there is only the Eternal Now.

It is therefore possible for hundreds or even thousands of
"yourself" to be living in the Astral all at the same time,
although you might not know it. This is why the Astral is populated
with countless trillions of people and beings from other planets
living in the infinite Astral planes all at the same time.

The Astral planes are only transient however - they have been
created by the Minds of Beings such as humans after what they
experienced on Earth, believing it to be "reality", and craving to
continue the material pleasures they left behind on Earth.

The reality is that the Astral will dissipate once this phase of
evolution of the Universe is complete, an eternal process, just as
all illusions are transient and will dissipate sooner or later.

The Astral worlds are neither "home" or "heaven", they are simply a
necessary interim and transient step for most people on their way
back to their own Higher Self with the package of information
gained on Earth, followed by the Astral and then Mental realms of
life and reality.

The spoke of each life passes through the Astral and Mental planes
before reuniting with the hub of the Higher Self.

Once the Higher Self has gathered all necessary experience, it will
withdraw all existing incarnations that are living on Earth or
another planet, or Astral and Mental planes, regardless of their
current situation, because Higher Self no longer requires the
benefit of those experiences, now being as complete as necessary
for that phase of evolution.

After this has taken place, Higher Self assumes the personality of
the dominant, most advanced incarnation before moving on to much
greater responsibilities as a powerful co-Creator in the Universe.

Also I must stress that notwithstanding the doctrines of some
cultures there is no inter-species transmigration where a human has
experienced a "bad" life will return as a dog, or a horse, or goat
etc. Evolution will continue to take place as the Energy
configuration of a human Being.

Aside from the fact that "good" and "bad" are erroneous human
concepts of polarity that simply do not exist, we are here to learn
through experience - there is no "good" or "bad" experience, only
experience itself.

The Higher Self generally requires a vast range of experience as
both genders, on many different time-lines and situations on Earth
in order to achieve its objectives.

A word about "past-life" regression.

Many believe that such regressions are accessing linear "lives"
that take place one after the other as the same basic personality.

This is not the case. Past-life regression therefore involves
accessing the Higher Self Which has the knowledge of all

Why do people not remember "previous lives".

The reason for this is because to do so would be so traumatic, the
person may not be able to continue due to the very wide range of
powerful emotions it would invoke such as self-pity, thereby
compromising that incarnation.

Most will have experience lives in the stone ages starting with
our distant ancestors, the various world empires during which there
were times of great carnage, in the medieval ages where there was
great suffering and torture, the two world wars and so on,
experiencing life from all sides including victim.

These are all great, but different experiences, that we are
concurrently experiencing in the Eternal Moment of Now, but which
people need to be shielded from for the reasons just mentioned.

I do hope that this has answered many questions and resolved much
confusion on this important subject of reincarnation, and that
there is nothing to fear from this process - quite the contrary.

To fear reincarnation would be like fearing going to kindergarten
as a young child. Which young child does not enjoy and learn from
playing and learning at kindergarten, before going on to discard
their toys to move on to new experiences?

Live each incarnation sensibly and with joy, and above all while
being Mindful of who you are and why you are here, that there is
nothing to fear, that your life will unfold perfectly in tune
with the perfection of the Universe and of our Divine Creator who
will always provide all of our needs for each incarnation if
allowed to do so by allowing instead of doing.
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Posts: 817
North/West Coast
Gender: male
Re: The Mystery of Reincarnation
Reply #1 - Sep 29th, 2008 at 6:22pm
Hi rNick; Welcome.

  The hub, the Higher Self, is the total of all physical lives and
"future" lives relative to Earth. It can be likened to the facets
of a glittering rough diamond which eventually becomes a perfect
diamond once all of the facets of the diamond have been polished -
each physical life experience, through that individual personality,
adds more polish and perfection to the diamond as a whole.

Each spoke represents an individual experience which takes place by
first starting at the rim after originally travelling down that
time-line spoke, to, for example Earth, and then, after that
personality has concluded its mission, progressing back up
each time-lines poke from whence it came, eventually returning to
the hub - the Higher Self.   

I like this analogie...where did you get this newsletter if i may ask or the link please?

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Old Dood
Senior Member

Posts: 448
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Re: The Mystery of Reincarnation
Reply #2 - Oct 1st, 2008 at 6:24am
This point makes a whole lot of sense to me...
It is important to understand that these personalities are not sent
by the Higher Self sequentially, i.e. one at a time. All
incarnations of a human being take place concurrently, i.e.
simultaneously relative to the Higher Self - we only experience the
illusion called "time" and "space" while here on Earth. Beyond the
physical Universe "time" and "space" do not exist, and it is
accordingly entirely erroneous to think in terms of "past" or
"future" lives - there is only the Eternal Now
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Ex Member

Re: The Mystery of Reincarnation
Reply #3 - Oct 1st, 2008 at 2:59pm

This stuff really isn't new, it's simply a repeat of the Seth Material written back in the 1970s by Jane Roberts and her book "Education of Oversoul #7."

In fact, Conversations With God and Disappearance of the Universe are both books based on a reformulation of ACIM.  

Point is, there has been virtually nothing "new" added to the new age material from several decades ago.

Regarding retrievals, a book called Lighted Passage written in the 1940s talked about retrieving soldiers killed on the battlefield during World War II.

Ruth Montgomery wrote about the coming shift of consciousness and earth changes back in the 70s and even then it wasn't new.

As the Bible says in Ecclesiastes:

What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun

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Old Dood
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Posts: 448
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Re: The Mystery of Reincarnation
Reply #4 - Oct 1st, 2008 at 5:26pm
Did *I* say it was new? Did I ask for your criticism? single me out and not Romain? Go figure... Roll Eyes
I never have read any Seth material ever but it rings with me...
I go with what is revealed to me personally. Within me.
I do need a book to find the truth for me.

Personally I get tired of the mis-usuage of the term New Age.
Please do not apply it with me.  I am not a new age person or a new ager.
Anything that does not relate to the King Jimmy bible does not mean it is New Age.

There is a lot of things in the bible that can be used for people's agendas. 'Christians' do it ALL the time.
Enjoy your bible. That is your choice.  Not mine.
I do not care for or trust it it because it is full of disinformation.
I will say the Old Testament is a history.  Not the history people are lead to believe either.
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Ex Member

Re: The Mystery of Reincarnation
Reply #5 - Oct 1st, 2008 at 5:46pm
Sorry, didn't mean to single you out.  I should have just made the overall point that so much of what's out there these days is really just a rehash of old stuff.

I apologize.

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Old Dood
Senior Member

Posts: 448
Gender: male
Re: The Mystery of Reincarnation
Reply #6 - Oct 1st, 2008 at 7:02pm
It's alright Rondelle.  Smiley
I am a bit irritable this evening.
Also I am a bit distracted...I have to some how scrap up about $6K for home repairs.

I didn't mean to jump all over you.
I get the 'New Age' thing thrown at me a lot.
As if it is a dirty word...Like how people say the term Liberal as if it is a bad thing.

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