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Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge? (Read 12377 times)
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Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Sep 22nd, 2008 at 2:08pm
How accurate is afterlife knowledge that is obtained through hypnosis?

A friend told me that she read that P.M.H. Atwater stopped using hypnosis because it really troubled her that the people she hypnotized would experience according to her expectations.

Perhaps it is more than what a hypnotist says. If a person is in a hypnotic state, perhaps he or she is more capable of receiving the thoughts, beliefs and intentions of a hypnotist, even if this hypnotist doesn't say anything.

Going by his book "Life Between Lives" Michael Newton provides a lot of suggestions when he hypnotizes people.  Here are his instructions for Soul departure:

"You are now fully in a soul sate, directly connected to the highest consciousness of your mind, which is like a vast computer holding all the stored knowledge of your entire existence. As an eternal, timeless being, you will remember incredible details about your immortal life between lives, and thus you will be able to respond to my questions about your life as a soul quite easily.

We are now going to a place of expanded awareness as you move upward into the loving realm of an all-knowing spiritual power. Even though you are only at the gateway to this beautiful realm, your soul can feel the joy of being released. Everything will become very familiar to you as we progress further because this peaceful realm embodies an all-knowing acceptance.

You are now going to move away from your body in perfect comfort. Soon you will receive divine help in releasing all negative energy from your physical life.  You will be entering your eternal home where we can talk about your immortal life and all the lives you have lived before with objectivity and understanding because this is the spiritual realm of planning and harmony."

Perhaps Michael Newton came up with this script after finding what many people have found without a script. I don't know.

I would think one's higher self/guidance would take part in such a session, but perhaps they can't if there are too many suggestions and expectations that come from the hypnotherapist who has been put in the position to influence the person hypnotized.

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« Last Edit: Sep 22nd, 2008 at 8:10pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #1 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 5:39pm
Thank you, recoverer.

I've meditated on these points you bring up and basically agree with you.
Also I got some input from my OverSoul/ HigherSelf that yes, hypnosis does block information from spiritual sources, and that is why they don't advise hypnosis as a method of treatment.

Some of the phrases used in these examples do leave some room for interpretation. so I've been wonderring what ever happened to pearly gates to heaven, and everlasting life on a cloud?  Smiley

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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #2 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 8:32pm
Dave's not here, but he could talk about this intelligently, as he does, or did, regressions as his occupation.
it's possible there are some regressionists more competent than others, and therefore less likely to influence what comes through.

It is more rewarding to see your own visions and other lives without help from the outside. I think if you've had many lives, you are apt to feel more at one with most anybody u meet, because you've been there, done that. I think the word hynotizing and regression are two different concepts. one was used for show purposes, like a demonstration. the other, regressionist, is not used for show purposes, and so the intentions are to get to the truth and reject what is not coming up that has not the ring of truth to it.

a good regressionist is not fooled.
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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #3 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 9:19pm
Dave_a_mbs in some of his posts was sceptical about Newton, as the latter had been suggesting too much in his sessions.

I suggest Smiley everyone who goes to a hypnosis regression session, and to whom it is something really important, should make a record of the session, so that afterwards one can recapitulate what informations may have been provoked by something the session leader said. But as Recoverer said, it might even be that someone picks up thoughts, or something which has been said before the session.

Now, when we think about this "suggestability" or "front loading"- bias, is there any method which doesn't carry this problem? I don't think so. In all ancient meditation techniques, as far as I know, there is massive front loading. Or think of TMI, let's imagine there is a participant who never has heard about anything of RAM or similar authors, would get no advices, and the HemiSync wouldn't contain any verbal guidance. Would the results be the same? I don't think so.

So, we might go along with Bruce and take it from the practical side: Priming the pump with active imaginery, imagination as a tool, or way of perception. You then have to decide what part of your experiences is actively made up by yourself, and which is not. The most things we get aren't easily to verify, but it happens that what we experience on a mind-journey is so unexpected, foreign, and far out that we must at least conclude, there has not been our usual kind of imagination at work, but something different.

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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #4 - Sep 29th, 2008 at 12:35pm
Thank you for your higher self feedback Betson. If we have a set opinion of how things are, how much can be revealed to us?

In line with what Spooky wrote, I make a point of not believing anything I read completely, even when a source seems trustworthy, so I can figure things out myself, rather than following the script of what I read.
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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #5 - Sep 29th, 2008 at 1:40pm

Several years ago Bruce said that he questioned the validity of the information obtained via hypnosis, precisely because of leading questions by the hypnotist and by clients' desire to please by giving answers they know the hypnotist wants.

I've read Newtons' books and initially was impressed, but like so many other things re the afterlife, learned that skepticism is always the best approach pending independent verifications.
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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #6 - Sep 29th, 2008 at 2:13pm

Good point about a client wanting to please.

Attached is an article that talks about creating false memories through hypnosis. I remember Don spoke about this in the past.
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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #7 - Sep 29th, 2008 at 3:14pm
despite the wanting to please idea, which I can say does happen, there's a little thing we study here called intention.

when two or more are joined in intention to create good, as in a healing situation, which is generally why one would go to see a regressionist, not a hypnotist, is to enact some sort of healing in the mind.

they might wish to uncover other lives associated with this one. unfinished business so to speak. If the person doing the session is the perfect guide, he or she knows exactly that this relationship must have the highest intention; for healing of what's bothering the client. closure.

the intention is what determines the result. a joining of minds occurs wherever love is. where love is, truth is the certain outcome.

this is spoken of in the bible, "whenever two or more are gathered, there I am in the midst."

but you don't have to be religious to discover the spiritual principle behind this saying. discernment of practitioners must be done when meeting them in person. do not trust the media to tell you the truth.
you must enter their energy field in person. we are each guided to the perfect person to help us.
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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #8 - Sep 30th, 2008 at 6:50am
Well, I still want to be hypnotized.

With a camcorder running through the whole session.

I am curious to see 'who' I was before hand.
Most importantly my most recent incarnation.
I do not think I was a very 'Nice Guy'.
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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #9 - Sep 30th, 2008 at 10:08am
I've no direct experience of hypnosis or regression, but I've had the same thought about psychic readings passed to me about deceased persons I had relationships with which while incredibly accurate seemed to draw on memories of them which in some cases were very specifically mine. i.e. trivia which were meaningful to me, but not necessarily to anybody else.

It's hard not to conclude that the psychic was not at least in part accessing my mind and memories.

Perhaps hypnotism enables something similar albeit by an apparently different method in that the subject talks out loud rather than sending at a more subtle level -  so that when the subject is too heavily front end loaded the hypnotist in effect gets back his/her suggestions.

Put another way. I've several times suggested that what we interpret as accessing past lives may in fact simply be our partially accessing in higher states of consciousness other lives lived out by members of our disc/collective - whether past, future or concurrent. That the presumption that what we perceive was a past life of ours may simply be an artefact of our tendency to see everything in personal/me/individual self terms.

It's maybe possible to simplify by saying that higher states of consciousness as Alysia says inevitably involve ever higher levels of integration/more seamless communication between apparently individual minds.

Meaning perhaps that all methods of accessing information by extra normal means (whether by hypnosis, regression, psychic readings or whatever) may draw on this basic phenomenon.

If that's the case then it's perhaps the ego driven delusion of physical individuality/selfhood which seems so real at C1 level that is the peculiarity and the barrier to this seamless communication.

That all of the above methods are simply means of getting above/beyond the resulting highly restrictive C1 belief system. e.g. that we can only communicate using the physical senses, but that this is only because duality/the dream of separation is only so pervasive at this level of existence....

PS A further consequence of this would be that information accessed by these means are the contents/beliefs of the mind(s) involved, by whatever means and whether living or deceased - no more, no less, whether correct or not; and certainly not deserving of being treated as some sort of higher truth. (as we're often inclined to do out of some sort of reverence/assumption of knowledge/assumption that the afterlife is a heaven)

Which if true gels rather well with the often made observation to the effect that the afterlife generally doesn't hold the answers to the big questions. i.e. absolute truths. What's accessible there may be a more evolved view than here (if you look in the right places that is), but only incrementally so since it's based on the life experience of deceased beings presumably assisted by the Holy Spirit much as is the case here.
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« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2008 at 11:14am by N/A »  
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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #10 - Sep 30th, 2008 at 12:49pm
Vajra brought up mediums. I figure that just as you can get mixed results from mediums, you can get mixed results from hypnosis.

About four years ago I went to a new age fair. Free psychic readings were provided. I got readings from four different mediums. None of them found the same thing. There were a couple where if I took what they said too seriously, I could've freaked myself out. Fortunately, the four I sat with unsubstantiated each other.

If one goes to a medium or hyponotist, there is always the chance one will be provided with false information. How will one know if this is the case? Perhaps it is better if one tries to make contact with one's higher self. Perhaps the time has come for people to be more self reliant, rather than relying on other people so much. How many people have been fed false beliefs from the preachers, gurus, hypnotists and mediums that are a part of this World? Once a person learns to make contact with his or her higher self/spirit guidance, or just simply listens to one's intuition and heart which is related to listening to one's higher self, will one need to be reliant on others? Will our higher self be able to reach us if we insist on clinging to false ideas? What would be the point of our higher self doing so if we choose to cling?
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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #11 - Sep 30th, 2008 at 3:17pm

Several years ago a close friend of mine (former Catholic priest!) who was very interested in past life regressions.  There was a guy at work who we knew who was experienced in doing regressions and in fact had a contract with the Navy for hypnosis work (not involving past life stuff).

He offered to put my friend under and to regress him to a past life or lives.

My friend went into a deep hypnotic state and while under, he gave a stirring account of being a civil war soldier who lost his life during a battle at Gettysburg.  He said he was a private named Bruce Watson.

When he came out of hypnosis, he told us that he could hear the sounds of the battlefield and could see fierce battles all around him.  He was convinced that it was genuine.

To make a long story short, years later he was re-reading a book about the civil war (of which he was always fascinated) and came across an account of a battle along with the name of Bruce Watson!

Turned out, of course, he had read that book years prior to his hypnosis session and the name of BW had been buried in his subconscious only to re-emerge while he was hypnotized.

Bottom line is that we have to very careful before jumping to conclusions.  In his case he was initially convinced he had been a soldier during the civil war with the name of BW.  Now he realizes he simply regurgitated a long lost memory of something he had read.

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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #12 - Sep 30th, 2008 at 3:23pm

I don't think there is a single case of valid hypnotic regression to a past life memory.  Recently top Harvard experts on hypnotic regression studied several "retrieved" memories of "alien abduction." 
The best research on hypnotic regression suggests that early memories are "created" rather than "recalled" through hypnotic regression.  The victims of alleged  alien abduction consistently demonstrated a unique tendency to confabulate in other areas through an overactive imagination.  The same inference should be drawn about most past life regressions.

The best evidence for past life recall was collected by the late Dr. Ian Stevenson.  He sought out young children who provided verifiable details in their past life memories.  But two of his cases involved recollections of prior personalities who were still alive at the time of the child's birth!  Therefore, temporary possession seems a more likely explanation of past life recall.   

In my view, Emanuel Swedenborg's self-correction about astral past life recall effectively refutes  modern "recoveries" of reincarnation memories, say, through alleged encounters with a "Soul Disk."  When ES travels to the higher heavens, he learns that his reincarnational memories are in fact unconscious temporary spirit mergers of which he is unaware.  The memories of the merging spirits mistakenly seem like his own.  The advanced spirits offer to "descend" with ES to "reincarnational" hollow heavens and demonstrate this error to the denizens of these realms.  But these denizens are too doctrinaire to tolerate such a demonstration.

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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #13 - Sep 30th, 2008 at 4:17pm

That's a good example. Thank you.


Do you know of a link for the Harvard study?

Do you really think possession is a more reasonable explanation for what happened for the Stevenson cases than reincarnation? Do you believe we live in a universe where the divine powers that be have set things up so that just about any spirit can come along and possess a child? Even if one believes in a being such as Satan, the book of Job seems to state that Satan can cause trouble only when God allows him to do so. Would God allow former human spirits to possess children? The cases Stevenson speaks of don't show any indication of maliciousness. Perhaps an explanation other than possession and other than reincarnation as usually thought of is in order.

Since we are talking about suggestion, perhaps Scott Peck caused Jersey to believe she was demonically possessed. Consider some of the factors:

1. Scott Peck hypnotized Jersey early on during the process.
2. Jersey wasn't mentally stable. Psychologists have found that mentally unstable people are in the top five percent when it comes to suggestibility.
3. Consider Peck's explanations for why Jersey became open to demonic possession. When Jersey was 12 years old her father examined her private area. She told herself this was okay because her father wore a doctor's coat when he did so and even though he wasn't a medical doctor he was a psychologist. I believe it is very understandible why a young girl would make excuses for her father, a person she should be able to trust. Yet Peck stated that because of her dishonesty demons were allowed to mess with her. Give me a break! Would beings who represent the light allow this to happen?  Is every young girl who gets molested by her father and makes excuses for him allowed to be influenced by demons?
4. Peck also wrote that demons were able to influence Jersey because she had an interest in the teachings of Edgar Cayce. Once again, give me a break! Without getting into what Edgar Cayce is about, would the divine powers that be really allow a girl to be influenced by demons because she doesn't have the supposed "right" belief system? Going by this way of thinking, just about any of us including you Don are open territory for demonic possession, because certainly hardly any of us have the supposed "right" belief system. Not because we are people of evil intent, but because we are exposed to different external influences. Too bad Malachi Martin isn't still around, so we can ask him what the "right" belief system is.
5. Supposedly Peck eventually got Satan to speak through Jersey. This seems strange since the actual existence of a being named Satan is very questionable.
6. After the supposed exorcism process was over, Jersey could still hear demonic voices in the background. Peck wrote that Jersey stated that before the exorcism the voices were right here (I don't remember the exact words). If the exorcism was successful, wouldn't the voices be completely gone? Why would the divine beings that helped Jersey allow demons to hang "partly" around? Because they considered it evil for her to apologize for her father as she did, and because she became interested in the teachings of Edgar Cayce?
7. Peck wrote that he filmed the exorcisms so Jersey could watch them. I find this puzzling. If she was aware enough of what was going on so she could differentiate between when demons were right here rather than in the background, why was it necessary to see a film?
8. Peck wrote that he could tell that Jersey was possessed because of the evil facial expressions she made. Our bodies are wired so that our body language will reveal our state of mind. Our minds are able to create all kinds of thoughts and feelings. People have an experience of evil while watching horror movies not because demons jump off of a movie or television screen and influence them, but because their own minds are able to create the feeling of evil. Certainly it is possible that Peck caused Jersey to believe that she was demonically possessed, and this caused her to have a state of mind that led to evil expressions.
9. None of the people around Jersey, including her controlling husband and including Scott Peck, were messed with by demons.  Why wouldn't demons mess with the people that were around Jersey?
10. What motive would Satan and his demons have for possessing a girl who doesn't play a key part in the grand scheme of things? Doesn't this seem like an odd way to try to defeat God's will?
11. Between exorcism attempts Peck was able to go out and share a smoke with Jersey, and at one point invited her to have cocktails with her and the exorcism party. Doesn't this seem odd?
12. The connection between Malachi Martin and Peck.  Mark Cuneo wrote in his book "American Exorcism" that Father Nicola (spelling?) and Father Benedict Groeschel, were highly skepticle of Martin's five exorcism stories in "Hostage to the Devil." They stated that if cases of this nature happened in the New York City area, they would've become aware of them.  It seems odd that the people who were involved in these cases were able to network to an extent where they made contact with Martin, yet no information was leaked so that beyond Martin's word, anything could be proven.  


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Re: Hypnosis and afterlife knowledge?
Reply #14 - Sep 30th, 2008 at 4:46pm
Just in case it was missed, I added a couple of points to my last post.
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