Greetings !
I'm happy to report that today David is chuckling! About politics, health--all the stuff that usually embitters him ! He feels so good he just volunteered to help fold laundry--that's about the second time in almost 40 years he's ever offerred to do that!
you guys are really good !
So I told him his healing was yesterday but due to the site being down, I wasn't sure yet if anyone would remember. I asked him if he had anything else to report when I report his improved outlook/spirit. He said he feels very good, and then he made a joke that his spirit could be an open book but his innards were closed for reconstruction. --
Well it seemd like a joke at the time and we shared a laugh that has been rare these days--months--.
So many many thanks from David and me to all who, knowingly or unconsciously, sent PUL to him ! It is making a great difference !