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Choose this Day
Posts: 5249
this is what I came up with for this thread although its beyond what the question is, I figured I'd post this first just in case it's useful.
the board is hopping again. Yet we are sleeping now, and die every day even while we think we are awake. We are dying from the moment of birth, as cells slough off, every 7 years a new physical organism is made by Mind. Where has the cells gone to? They disappeared into the ground and returned to the animal and mineral and vegetable kingdom.
Your body belongs to Mother Earth. We borrowed it’s physical-ness to make our forms around us and we say it is solid which is our one reality as we have perceived it so and agreed upon this reality to be. We moved across it’s waters and all agreed, this is good and as spirit, as one broken apart we moved into the waters.
Yet it is your spirit which animates the organism which is proven to be energy. Molecules which are moving under the microscope of Mind focusing in on it. Movement is life, and each cell is alive, moving, with tiny spaces between each molecule.
To awaken, while yet still physical means to see that the body is not solid reality. It is to see the body as nothing. A vehicle only. A mass of components subject to nature’s laws of time and physics.
Our struggle to understand the body is amiss as the priority. It is the spirit within we need to understand which animates the tissues with light, of the Sun, the rays streaming from the Son/Sun, from the Father of the Son. We are one with the Son, we are like Him, the son of man. This is the triad of 3 dimensional system. As we One with the Son, we are One with the Mother, the Earth. And this can be seen as holographics within Mind and physical layered forms, bodies, as extending in refined physicality layers and even more refined as each holographic thought layer blends into a sea of infinity ungrasped by the human brain who is believing itself to be localized, thus limited, upon ELS. We proceed to unlimited status, by imagining that we can.
Earth is a belief system spirit entertains briefly in one sojourn after another. What it perceives, it believes in. What it believes in, it regards as it’s treasure and jealousy guards. That is why we have been told to lay our treasures in the heavens, for Mother Earth is the cradle of mankind, our womb, yet eternity is our birthright location within a spacious, undefined consciousness we explore.
So to wake up to who we were before we came to be physical, is to remember, we are safe and eternal beings, yet while in the organism, injury can be experienced, and a sense of loss is there when pain assails us. In death is awakening to our true natures wherein we are unable to feel pain of the body, for the body is an organism of possession. We built it around us, with our power of agreement, which is also related to Oneness. We live a life believing every thing is on the outside as objects, as objective living circumstance. Our kingdom is within.
While in the heavens we know is subjectivity of a cooperative effort, In the Earth we abhor being subjected to limits; and we make laws here so that the lawless will learn the harmonic convergence in the heavens and hone himself appropriately. We come to know true creativity is within cooperation and not within forceful measure. These truths are are not possessions, but sweep the soul away at the merest invitation of those who wrestle with the ego’s need to control, rather than allow.
What to the soul is obedience to the voice for God, to the ego is a threat to it’s possessive nature, and projection of lack and scarcity. Yet what God offers is everything available, while the body, the ego voice lays claim only to a structure on Earth and a short sojourn within a body which demands constant surveilance against the onslaught of time and disease interspersed with short periods of self glorification where although the view from the top is magnificent, there’s nowhere to go but down from there, and then we see the rythym of life that we are waving through it and we become the observer rather than the collector. We become honed by the fires of the rhythm of the waves
There is no loss in death of body, and no cause to grieve over loss of body, anymore than you would grieve to take your finest garb off, and put on clothing more suitable for your new travels. And we must learn this is so, but each life brings us closer to our respective completions. And if the body is nothing, then the spirit be connected to everything and we can die while yet in the physical, and that is ego death, and that is when the mind is free to embrace the spaciousness of the Light which is Formless God and the way is made smooth and the falls taken, if so, are done with gracefulness and forgiveness and at once you arise to your feet again, saying yes, I wanted this and so it was so and now this is so and I am so adaptable! And we will give thanks for what we’ve earned, and the losses will not be counted. Not at all. Only the gains.
oh for heavens sake R, look what you’ve made me do! I wish you wouldn’t ask so many questions! haha! I have to clean out my belly button which is important and now I am delayed. love to you all, I feel like I didn’t say one thing intelligent that u all don’t already know. because I think it’s just a case of remembering ourselves, of who we really are. don't u all sense the unlimited way we are reaching these days?
yada yada yada...ok R, I remember something. I once asked you to join me here, even before I met you. I think we are disc members and that's why you are here, because of our agreement.
to me, disc members language is just another way of expressing our Oneness and maybe some holographic principles as well.