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What happens when people die while asleep? (Read 3775 times)
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What happens when people die while asleep?
Sep 10th, 2008 at 4:33pm
What happens when people die while asleep? I have some thoughts, but no definite conclusions.

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« Last Edit: Sep 10th, 2008 at 7:57pm by recoverer »  
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #1 - Sep 10th, 2008 at 5:36pm
Why make the distinction? Consciousness seems to have so many varied states that I can't really make that distinction for myself.

I'm not sure it makes one bit of difference, except that a person might be more aware. Depending on the circumstances, it seems to me that a sleeping person might actually have more awareness than a waking person who is ill or mentally disturbed, or in some other serious condition.

Finding the light seems to be a common occurrence, from reports I have read -- it doesn't seem to be all that complicated for a lot of people.

However, I'm sure others might have a better spin on this than me. I just know that I saw a light in a dream, and it is not easily forgotten. There seem to be so many who can describe this light, and how they are drawn toward it in an irresistible manner, that I tend to believe it's true.

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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #2 - Sep 10th, 2008 at 10:44pm

I suppose it depends on their general state of mind, but in literature they talk about the blissful smile found on people who pass gently during sleep.

What are your thoughts, Recoverer?

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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #3 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 12:28pm
While I'd rather be awake when I'm dying, you know, just to be able to say to myself "it's happening now EEK!" has got to be better to die in your sleep. No terror.
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #4 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 1:11pm
For myself, I feel little difference between being awake or being asleep. So when I decide to done with this physical existence, should that be while sleeping, I only expect to go OOB and not come back into by physical body. Off to the recovery station and them home to see a few of my past pets and loves, should they have chosen to hang out for a while. Awake, asleep, there is not much of a difference. In Monroe speak, its phasing.
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #5 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 1:42pm
Hawkeye, where can I buy that "whatever" attittude? I need some. Cheesy
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #6 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 1:50pm
You can get it at your personal store,  from within. (LOL)
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #7 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 1:56pm
hawkeye wrote on Sep 11th, 2008 at 1:50pm:
You can get it at your personal store,  from within. (LOL)

Man, I found it, but the front door said "Opens..Whenever!"...I hope that means soon.
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #8 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 2:32pm
Hi Guys,

I think Hawkeye is right when he refers to Monroe's use of "phasing" from one level of consciousness to another during sleep, wakefulness, and death because of my experience of being in a morphine induced coma in 2006.  As I came out of the coma and was leaving a higher level of consciousness (possibly the planning level-5 described by Monroe/Bruce/Alysia) to re enter physical like, I became aware of it merely  being a  "mental" shift with no big demarcation point within.

Of course a lot was  going on with the  physical body 'cause I was still in the coma and the medical staff was as yet unaware that I was on my way back to stay for a while. At the time though, I kept saying to myself that it was very odd that I could be so out there yet mentally not sense a shift more dramatic than waking up from a light snooze.  

It was not until Alysia stated that I had a possible NDE that I became less convinced that it was merely a shift in consciousness and more likely to explain it as a larger separation. Now I realize that it was both and fortunately I had Bruce's retrieval exercises under my belt to have the presence of mind to request additional information upon my reentry into physical consciousness C1. It took another week of delusions and hallucinations to complete reentry from the coma. As a result, I was able to distinguish between the NDE, delusions, and hallucinations much as My Stoke of Insight author did and what Dr. V.S. Ramachandran (NOVA-Secrets of the Mind has been working on.

I appears that we do drift in and out of so many states as humans but fortunately we're making progress in understanding this.

Lucy suggested I start a thread about Monroe trainer, Maureen Caudill's Suddenly Psychic experience in the different focus levels but I'm experiencing a bit of a systems crash regarding that book and other happenings this past year. Caudill's book led to me also look through the "hard science" book of Ervin Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field, an integral theory of everything

I was recently thrilled to find 2 hemi-sync DVDs and the New Age, the history of a movement by Nevill Drury in my local library. Drury's oversized paperback sells for under $4 at Amazon and appears to have the most complete review of the issues we are dealing with on this site and their source, but concludes with 5 pages describing TMI, with pics included.

Looks like we're getting mainstream again.

Love, Jean
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #9 - Sep 11th, 2008 at 8:00pm
Thank you for the responses.

The main reason I wondered is because I figure that if you die while asleep, you don't have the same kind of warning you get while awake. Not that you always get a warning that works while awake.  For example, even if you saw some sort of death related event take place just before you die, you might not have time to sufficiently register such an event.

I believe that for the most part our dreams are created by our higher self/guidance. Anyway, this is what my experience tells me.  I figure that our higher self/guidance probably has a good idea of when we are going to die in our sleep. Therefore,  our higher self/guidance is more likely to set up circumstances we respond to, rather than create a dream as if we are going to continue occupying a body.

If we don't believe in the afterlife, our higher self/guidance might set up a lucid dream where we meet up with deceased loved ones or a deceased famous person who means something to us.  If this doesn't work, they might have to recruit a retriever.

A lot of spirits are probably responsive to the light.
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #10 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 1:53pm
this is what I came up with for this thread although its beyond what the question is, I figured I'd post this first just in case it's useful.

the board is hopping again.
Yet we are sleeping now, and die every day even while we think we are awake.
We are dying from the moment of birth, as cells slough off, every 7 years a new physical organism is made by Mind. Where has the cells gone to? They disappeared into the ground and returned to the animal and mineral and vegetable kingdom.

Your body belongs to Mother Earth. We borrowed it’s physical-ness to make our forms around us and we say it is solid which is our one reality as we have perceived it so and agreed upon this reality to be.
We moved across it’s waters and all agreed, this is good and as spirit, as one broken apart we moved into the waters.

Yet it is your spirit which animates the organism which is proven to be energy. Molecules which are moving under the microscope of Mind focusing in on it. Movement is life, and each cell is alive, moving, with tiny spaces between each molecule.

To awaken, while yet still physical means to see that the body is not solid reality. It is to see the body as nothing. A vehicle only. A mass of components subject to nature’s laws of time and physics.

Our struggle to understand the body is amiss as the priority. It is the spirit within we need to understand which animates the tissues with light, of the Sun, the rays streaming from the Son/Sun, from the Father of the Son. We are one with the Son, we are like Him, the son of man. This is the triad of 3 dimensional system. As we One with the Son, we are One with the Mother, the Earth. And this can be seen as holographics within Mind and physical layered forms, bodies, as extending in refined physicality layers and even more refined as each holographic thought layer blends into a sea of infinity ungrasped by the human brain who is believing itself to be localized, thus limited, upon ELS. We proceed to unlimited status, by imagining that we can.

Earth is a belief system spirit entertains briefly in one sojourn after another. What it perceives, it believes in. What it believes in, it regards as it’s treasure and jealousy guards.
That is why we have been told to lay our treasures in the heavens, for Mother Earth is the cradle of mankind, our womb, yet eternity is our birthright location within a spacious, undefined consciousness we explore.

So to wake up to who we were before we came to be physical, is to remember, we are safe and eternal beings, yet while in the organism, injury can be experienced, and a sense of loss is there when pain assails us. In death is awakening to our true natures wherein we are unable to feel pain of the body, for the body is an organism of possession. We built it around us, with our power of agreement, which is also related to Oneness. We live a life believing every thing is on the outside as objects, as objective living circumstance. Our kingdom is within.

While in the heavens we know is subjectivity of a cooperative effort, In the Earth we abhor being subjected to limits; and we make laws here so that the lawless will learn the harmonic convergence in the heavens and hone himself appropriately. We come to know true creativity is within cooperation and not within forceful measure. These truths are are not possessions, but sweep the soul away at the merest invitation of those who wrestle with the ego’s need to control, rather than allow.

What to the soul is obedience to the voice for God, to the ego is a threat to it’s possessive nature, and projection of lack and scarcity.
Yet what God offers is everything available, while the body, the ego voice lays claim only to a structure on Earth and a short sojourn within a body which demands constant surveilance against the onslaught of time and disease interspersed with short periods of self glorification where although the view from the top is magnificent, there’s nowhere to go but down from there, and then we see the rythym of life that we are waving through it and we become the observer rather than the collector. We become honed by the fires of the rhythm of the waves

There is no loss in death of body, and no cause to grieve over loss of body, anymore than you would grieve to take your finest garb off, and put on clothing more suitable for your new travels. And we must learn this is so, but each life brings us closer to our respective completions. And if the body is nothing, then the spirit be connected to everything and we can die while yet in the physical, and that is ego death, and that is when the mind is free to embrace the spaciousness of the Light which is Formless God and the way is made smooth and the falls taken, if so, are done with gracefulness and forgiveness and at once you arise to your feet again, saying yes, I wanted this and so it was so and now this is so and I am so adaptable! And we will give thanks for what we’ve earned, and the losses will not be counted. Not at all. Only the gains.

oh for heavens sake R, look what you’ve made me do! I wish you wouldn’t ask so many questions! haha! I have to clean out my belly button which is important and now I am delayed. love to you all, I feel like I didn’t say one thing intelligent that u all don’t already know. because I think it’s just a case of remembering ourselves, of who we really are.
don't u all sense the unlimited way we are reaching these days?

yada yada yada...ok R, I remember something. I once asked you to join me here, even before I met you. I think we are disc members and that's why you are here, because of our agreement.

to me, disc members language is just another way of expressing our Oneness and maybe some holographic principles as well.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #11 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 2:04pm
not done yet, haha!
here's your question before I messed it up: "For example, even if you saw some sort of death related event take place just before you die, you might not have time to sufficiently register such an event."

this is like an accidental death as we call it. but there are no accidents, there are only a change in plans to take place suddenly, made by higher self in conjunction with event planners and directors.
yet accidental deaths, or sudden deaths do require a longer adjustment to take place in the astral, in the focus levels, as it were, and that is why there are helpers doing what they do, as retrieval circumstance. long illnesses, on the other hand the exit is much easier as there's been more time to consider releasing the stronghold on our bodies and possessions.
as far as knowing our exact time of death, even through dreams, we don't usually have that information due to our ability to change our minds. seeing our own death ahead of time, it can also symbolize the death of a belief system operating, or a dream dying. it does not always mean physical demise. I do believe after looking back over my life, I saw about 6 different points where higher self could have yanked me out and didn't, so I think I was being creative during these points, not in the body/ego, but creative on the higher planes to chose once more, to stick with the life plans.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #12 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 4:58pm

Regarding grieving for the death of another, I believe it's fine that some people do so, but personally I find it hard to grieve. The way in which some people grieve seems to show how unaware they are of the World of spirit. In a way death can be a joyous occasion.  Death is a movement to much greater opportunities than we find here.
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« Last Edit: Sep 12th, 2008 at 8:10pm by recoverer »  
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #13 - Sep 12th, 2008 at 6:09pm
recoverer wrote on Sep 12th, 2008 at 4:58pm:

Regarding grieving for the death of another, I believe it's fine that some people do so, but personally I find it hard to grieve. The way in which some people grieve seems to show how unaware they are of the World of spirit. In a way death can be a joyous occasion.  Death is a movement to much greater opportunities than we find here.

I agree ignorance is not bliss. but I remember I knew of the spirit world very well, more so than many others, and yet I grieved greatly when I lost my partner, and I had to go thru the pain of feeling that me and the girls had lost something. just his presence. so knowing of the spirit world, or immortality, it's just not enough and grief teaches us of what we are believing.
it changes us, whether we want to do it or not. what I grieved for was the fact I had not missed my water until the well was dry.

It meant I had not loved hard enough. to express it while I had the chance. I would have to express it to him in spirit then, and it would have been much easier on me, if I had said it to his face. but that was my personal lesson regarding death.

my lessons don't take away from what you are expressing. I did not grieve for my sister, my mother, my stepfather, another foster father, I felt no need to attend funerals and be solemn; I felt that funerals should be celebrations that they were with us, that they touched us in some way. so I didn't grieve either.

on a similar note, one of my kids had a dream about me. it almost seems like it's my own dream. it was years ago.

she saw me walking into a house of death. in the future. a house where people go to make their transition easier. none of the folks in line were ill or sick, maybe just old as the hills!
I waited my turn with a big smile on me face, calmly and with grace.
(yea, we'll see!)  the people had all realized we had choices now which were made valid after much counsel and soul searching.
and there was no more suicide as we know it. in this way, we didn't make people suffer a long time within transitional points because no one was hanging onto the dying within grief of their loss.

so we had at last accepted we do live on, just in different form.
one of my twins asked the other "does she know what she's doing?" it's funny because they ask each other all the time, does she know what she's doing?  Cheesy the other one said, yes, she's happy, she knows exactly what she's doing. let her go.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: What happens when people die while asleep?
Reply #14 - Sep 13th, 2008 at 10:27am
I agree with what Alysia said - I grieve John in the same way I would if he had been exiled to Siberia or something...I know he's still out there somewhere, I get occasional little communications from him, and I know I'll join him someday, but I still miss him terribly, just like you would someone alive and well but mostly incommunicado and far far away.

I also didn't really grieve any of my other losses, they've all been people I'll be glad to see again, but eventually is fine.  The person that is the other half of you is a little different.  And I think that when it's someone with whom you have a physical relationship also, that makes a difference.
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