Senior Member
Posts: 473
Port Alberni, B.C.
Hi Romain. Thanks for your post and your kind sending of PUL to me and meeting me in the coffee shop.
The woman who rose out of me and stood tall and proud was my Higher Power, Higher Self, I met her just a few days ago and saw her do exactly what you described...move out of my body and stand above me, a strong force indeed. I felt good to connect with her, in that CERTAINTY and strength.
Yesterday in talking with a very dear old friend, we were talking about learning how to ask for bank loans, start businesses, the strength it takes and the courage, and how hard it is to start doing that stuff, and she thought always I was so much beyond her in that strength!! HO HO.
I told her how, when I was in my early teens, we lived out in a remote place and to get anywhere we had to go to the highway and flag down the Greyhound bus. So I did this one day to get to town, by myself, no one protected us from much in our family, and alone by the highway I flagged down the bus and guess what? The bus just shot on past me and left me in its dust by the side of the road.
That message went ridiculously deeply into my core and for the rest of my life I never believed a bus would stop for me, an inner city bus or any kind of bus. If no one else was at the bus stop, my anxiety was huge until the bus came and actually stopped, even though I was standing at a bus stop.
A thousand things like that happened to me, and so when I nowadays, as an old lady of 64 go into a place of business and am ignored or neglected or made to feel stupid and a nuisance by the youthful staff, I just fly right off the handle.
And I know how to use language effectively and terrify the little monsters, so I do. Only thing is, then weeks later I need their services again and of course I have left an indelible mark on my relationships in that place of business.
So there is a huge price to pay for this indignation and resentment and, according to Stuart Wilde and his writings, I am supposed to be trying to become a Warrior Bruce.
Well ho ho, I guess I have a long road to travel to get there. How to overcome this resentment and anger? You see, I can get out of body, three cheers for me, and send PUL to people, and fly out phasing and see vast landscapes and have fun out there and retrieve lost souls, and go to the Park, it's great, except when it comes to interaction out in the market place, I am Genghis Khan on horseback with my sword flashing in the sun. Vee