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To Infinity, but Not Beyond August 30/31 (Read 5081 times)
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Dahlonega, Georgia
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To Infinity, but Not Beyond August 30/31
Aug 27th, 2008 at 11:46am
Dear Friends-

I have had several PMs asking for another voyage beyond Focus 27, The Park. And so it is.

Last time the group was able to easily accomplish the transitions to the area of The Gatherings, and even to the area of the I-There clusters. You can read about them in the previous thread, "To Infinity and Beyond". But when we transitioned to Focus 49, only a few were able to remain present and awake. So this time we will not try to go as far out, and will remain at the level of the I-There clusters, which in Monroe speak is Focus 42.

The TMI CDs use a slingshot method of bouncing between Earthcore and Focus 27 and then shooting up to 34/35. This was helpful in laying down the pathways, but is confusing in my opinion. So (like Rosie MacKnight) I just count myself up, from 27 up to 34/35/36, and I hang out a bit among the Light Beings and Masters and The energies of The Gathering. And then I count my self up to Channel 42. I literally visualize reaching over and changing the channel from 34 to 42. In my experience I go no where, but everything around me changes. Other people describe flying or moving. Like a Holodeck on Startrek.

So this PE will be an exploration to our own I-there groups. This is the group to which that slender thread of energy coming from the back of your heart chakra leads-- to your oversoul, your Monad, your Soulgroup, or whatever level you wish to explore. This can be intensely personal, or highly symbolic.

Sometime this coming weekend, August 29-30-31, take some time to explore. Join the group near the Fountain in The Park on 27. Imagine yourself in a beautiful Park, sitting near a fountain and surrounded by gardens and flowers..... we are just over there.....join us! There is no linear time there, remember, and we will be there whenever you get there: waiting for you.

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Re: To Infinity, but Not Beyond August 30/31
Reply #1 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 7:44pm
Thanks for inviting us Thomas.
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: To Infinity, but Not Beyond August 30/31
Reply #2 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 8:58am
After 27, I will try to find my scaffolding again, and see where it might take me! (Neck permitting!)

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Re: To Infinity, but Not Beyond August 30/31
Reply #3 - Aug 30th, 2008 at 1:22pm
Sounds interesting to me. Smiley

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Re: To Infinity, but Not Beyond August 30/31
Reply #4 - Aug 31st, 2008 at 2:01pm
Thanks for doing the P.E. I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Smiley This is what I got:

I approach The Park and go to the fountain where there is plethora of activity. Children are playing and splashing in the water…running through the splashing water, laughing and giggling. I look to my right as I sense a group of people gathering. There are between five and seven people. As I approach the group, there are others coming from different directions.  We hold hands and begin to raise our vibrations together and we “lift off” going up through the focus levels.  We stop at thirty-four.

At this point, a platform appears underneath our feet. We are stopped for a short while, gathering energy it seems. There are controls on the platform, not unlike an elevator, but with no sides or ceiling, only the floor is present. The controls are mounted, however, on what in C-1 would be a wall. Here, the controls are just suspended in the air, perpendicular to the floor of the platform, about eye level. A man from our group pushes button forty-two and up we zoom.

The platform zooms up so quickly, that I can feel that thrill you get when you go very fast, like at an amusement park.

As we reach forty-two, the platform disintegrates and each person separates, almost like they are floating away, traveling in separate directions. I notice a woman over to my right who is staying back, just observing the others. I get the perception that she is just watching so that she can validate the experience later.

I am now seeing blurry, hypnagogic images of purples with white around the edges swirling. These are the formless beings that visit me in the other focus levels; these are my helpers. They are part of my oversoul, my Higher Self. Funny, I have such respect and awe for them; I never thought they were a part of “me.”

I am reminded of the dream I had many years ago where I was shown “you are from here.” At that time, it did not make much sense to me, but now I realize that was part of my “Disk,” as Bruce calls it.

I get a pain in my right eye. I ask for the blockage of energy to clear and open my senses further. I use my heart chakra to open with love the centers connected to the other “I’s.”  (At this point it appears that I channel some information. Perhaps the pain in the right eye is a signal for me that information will be channeled.)

I have been connecting more and more with my lost “I’s” in the recent past. WE are becoming stronger and more united. WE are much more aware of all that is. WE find it easier to become the observer and to see our life’s purpose on this planet called Earth. The individuality of the Disk is changing. The membranes of each “I” is dissolving.  The individual pieces are coming to become more of the One. The Disk is becoming more and more of a golden, yellow color as the recognition of the melding of the parts is acknowledged.

The attachment from the Disk to the “I” of this current life on Earth has been strengthened by this visit. The cord is thicker and more alive. It’s colors are blue, purple and gold, very vibrant and sparkling.  I am told that it will be easier to make such visits, but these visits happen frequently during the dream stage. However, those visits will now be remembered in more detail.

I feel that the energy is fading, and I find myself reversing the process which got me here. I almost sink in slow motion back through the other focus levels until I am back in C-1 reality. There are others with me, parallel to me as they also slowly descend back to Earth’s reality. With love and peace, I send my blessings to Mother Earth and the universe. I am grateful for this experience.
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Dahlonega, Georgia
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Re: To Infinity, but Not Beyond August 30/31
Reply #5 - Sep 1st, 2008 at 6:58pm

Great description, and what a hit! Oddly I see it like an elevator, or like a dial on which I dial in the level I want to go to....

I had the experience of a group of abut 14 or so, and we gathered at the Fountain in The Park, and rose up on our light platform to the level of our I-there clusters. The group all went in separate directions, all to different cllusters, but it was as if you could feel the general excitement of the local bonded I-thre clusters reacting tothe group coming home for a visit. A deep and porfound feeling of Pure Unconditional Love, like being held in the palm of God suffused the entire experience fo rme, and it was a great privledge to lead the group. It was very profound for me...

Thanks for your great post, Candy! COme along any time.

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Re: To Infinity, but Not Beyond August 30/31
Reply #6 - Sep 18th, 2008 at 6:40pm
Hallo All!
Have been busy and distracted by other matters for the past three weeks, and haven't even visited this site, let alone managed any non-phys activity.

Thus, I have only just got around to the PE for August 30/31! However, time not being relevant There, I should be OK, I hope. (One thing - if all the PE's that ever were, or will be, are going on simultaneously, how does one "book-in" for any specific one of them? Is it that merely having an intent to be at one or the other of them buys the ticket, as it were?).

Anyway, I made the attempt at this one tonight (Thurs 18 Sept). I seemed to get deep in the exercise, but my perception/recall is not good, perhaps from the recent lack of activity. I used the Going Home f27 tape again, and sent out PUL as much as I could from f10 onwards. This always gets a reaction and suffuses my body with tingling and the my usual streaming tears of joy. I thought I should thank Bob Monroe for showing me the way into this whole field in the first place, and got further reaction from that. I would like to think some of my appreciation may have reached him, as I owe so much for my changes in thinking over many years, though I have never been to TMI in person. I did think of some loved ones and deceased colleagues also on the way through to f27.

At f27, I immersed myself in the fountain, and thought of Thomas in red and a gathered group. From then, I pictured my scaffolding structure (from my previous PE), and tried to use it to propel me/us onwards. Further travel was symbolised by next being in an old 1950s Austin car (a British make, from when we had our own mass car industry!), and driving along in bright sunshine. But from here on, it all became hazy, or at least I can't make coherent recall of what came next. The tape had ended by this time, but I had settled back down and dozed a while afterwards.

That's it, really - not a dramatic experience I think, but still pleasurable and worthwhile to me, all the same.

Incidentally, regarding the use of the Going Home tape - it's fascinating to read in Gordon Phinn's book ("More Adventures in Eternity" - excellent read, btw, for anyone not familiar with it), how he says that when doing retrievals when listening to the tape, very often the retrievees asked him what was that voice they kept hearing - meaning Bob Monroe's voice on the tape. Obviously Gordon's consciousness transmitting Bob's voice out there!

All best wishes,
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