For me, your story is important, and touching, especially to me. The perfect synchronicity of events that leads to a good outcome defies the standard odds and probabilities.
However, I have seen the power of prayer groups and my own subconscious mind change and alter probabilities in the real world to bring about events. I had a profound experience with this for myself and my family on another forum about three years ago. The healing I and my family received, the protection and removal of a danger and threat did not have to occur, but for the synchronicity of events which defied any conventional odds. I owe that healing circle much, and I believe my own meditation and prayers helped a little with them.
The question then comes up, is it your prayer circle from the Church accessing their connection to God to change probabilities, or is it a more direct diivine intervention, independent of the intent of people? In the last case you describe, it appears to me that the good intent of your prayer group, changed the probabilities of events, and nudged the insurance rep. to the desired, loving outcome.
There are some cases, different than this, where a divine intervention appears to come out of left field, sometimes to those who don't believe in it.
Some mystics, and spiritual people of faith believe that there are no accidents - no randomn events, and they see every interaction they have in life (even the most mundane) as a chance to act in a loving or divine manner. While I haven't gotten to that stage, I hope to look for, find and see the synchronicities happen, as you describe.
When we access that power deep within us, as I know you have, and when it is coupled to a loving intention, then we truly get to see how awesome our creative power on this planet can be. It is humbling and at the same time invigorating, with all the fear of the afterlife and spirituality to hear stories like this of love and healing.