The vagaries of communication of this sort are truly one of the great imponderables of the spiritual path Don. Not to mention it seems likely the greatest blessing imaginable, in terms of its potential to free one from fear.
The explanation that rings most true to me Doc is that it's mostly a matter of what deep down we're prepared to allow, and that the rule that free will is never over ridden by spirit takes care of the rest.
Our collective state of separation from God and the deeply buried presumption that he will seek to punish us for it seems to result in fear, and in the imaginings that create this reality - which actually seems to act to keep the collective mind of humanity from acknowledging this fear.
Even when consciously we seem to accept the loving nature of God it seems that deeper down in the collective subconscious we cling to the old fears.
Even the superficial conviction is questionable. We often talk of God and love, but how many of us when faced with life threatening circumstances will unhesitatingly act in accordance with what we profess? How many of us are absolutely certain of survival beyond death? We certainly hope that this is the case, but it's rare to find somebody who faces death with equanimity.
Opening to the possibility of return/communication from spirit (which anyway seems to be rare too - unlike communication at the Christ/being level) seems to require accessing this level of mind through prayer, meditation and intention and through grace/other assistance dropping the limiting beliefs in question.
It seems to me Alan that the power of leaders is perhaps pretty illusory except in very limited ways or in particular circumstances - especially to deliver good. (leaders can of course cause enormous suffering by acting unwisely, especially at critical junctures)
One view is that we get the leaders we deserve/demand - that the wisdom/compassion of leaders tends to pretty accurately reflect the centre of gravity of that of the societies they preside over.
It seems anyway that a highly realised person is unlikely to make a very popular leader - people simply won't understand and won't accept what they are about despite the fact that it's for the highest good.
Jesus for example threatened the power structures of his day and was crucified, and the main church established in his name was hi-jacked as a vehicle to deliver temporal power...