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Testing 1-2-3: God calling (Read 11892 times)
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Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Aug 26th, 2008 at 9:20pm
(1) Shane is a science teacher--a recent skeptic turned Christian. A while ago, he was driving up from Spokane to Colville, WA.  He had the strange distinct sensation that God was speaking to him.  He had never experienced so direct a form of communication before.  Spiritual insights streamed into his mind.  

When he arrived home, his wife Leah greeted him with a look of profound relief on her face.  While Shane was experiencing divine guidance, she too sensed that God was speaking to him.  But she inferred from this that Shane might have died and was now encountering God in a postmortem state!!!  When they informed me about this synchronicity, I suggested that this verification might have been God's way of saying, "Testing---1-2-3" to develop their confidence in the possibility of intimate communion with God.

(2) Leah received a similar confirmation.  She went out by herself on a late night walk in the dark.  Suddenly she felt an impulse to walk down a pitch black back lane.  She initially resisted this impulse on the grounds that it seemed absurd and might even put her in danger.  Then she realized that faith development requires risk-taking to hone one's intuition.  As she walked down the lane, a car turned into the lane from the opposite direction with its brights on!  The car drove right up to Leah and then stopped.  Leah initially felt frightened.  Was this a mugger?  Out stepped an elderly lady who frantically explained she was from out of town, was supposed to meet someone at a laundramat, but was lost and had no idea how to get there.  Leah gave her directions and felt the lady's gratitude.  Our streets are usually deserted at that hour; so it is questionable whether this lady could easily have gotten directions from someone else.  And why would she turn down a back lane in the hope of receiving directions?

(3) Seb was a severely handicapped child who was supposed to be dead by age 4 because it was so hard for his system to absorb oxygen.  His courageous battle for life made him a great inspiration to all who met him.  He lost his ability to walk at age 5 and lived to a surprising age 17.  He remained the size of a 4-year-old.  Seb invented his own shorthand language to help him communicate.  For example, "Thinking chair!"  meant "Sit down and let's talk!" or "Let's play a computer game or dominoes."  "Little boy, lttle boy!"  meant, "I need a hug!" or some other form of TLC.  "Beeg boy!" meant, "Hey, I'm just one uf the guys, even though I'm pint-sized.  Treat me as such!"  

When Seb died, his parents' grief was unusually intense.  As they wept in the funeral parlor by Seb's coffin, their friends urged me to intervene, but I decided that they needed prolonged privacy and, in any case, I needed divine guidance about what to say.  After an hour, I approached them and told them that I expected Seb to confirm his survival beyond the grave.  I qualified this by saying that a relative would receive this confirmation and bring it to their attention.  They were too distraught to be effective "receivers."  Then I left on my vacation and promised to return to perform Seb's funeral when I returned.  

During calling hours, a relative stepped outside the funeral home and felt prompted to look skyward.  The clouds had formed an unmistakable printing of "Seb" in his own unique printing style.  A color slide of this miracle was created for Seb's memorial service booklet.  When Seb's parents were brought outside to witness Seb's signature, their grief ws dramatically lessened.  In fact, I've never seen such a dramatic transformation from grief to joy!

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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #1 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 9:59pm
Amazing stuff, Don.  Praise God. Smiley
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...&&eMule : Welcome to Aquarian society.
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #2 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 11:04pm
Yes these stories are evidence that those folks who we think have gone away are still among us.

An example of this happened just today, when I checked the AK board and lo and behold, Don returned!

Welcome Don, please stay with us longer this time, you were greatly missed.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #3 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 6:18am

While these stories make the heart glow, I wonder why God does not seem to talk to people of great significance. Does he do the same for the Pope or your President Bush?

It would be really great if he woke up all the world leaders in a bold loud voice and said stop your nonsense NOW

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #4 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 8:46am
Thanks for posting these experiences, Don. I love hearing about how God works in our lives.

Good to see you posting again, too.  Smiley

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #5 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 11:53pm
What remains unanswered is what factors in consciousness allow people to receive these messages or communications.  It has been referred to as divine grace in the past - seeming to be a somewhat random occurrence.  

Many of us meditate, sometimes with prayers, sometimes just trying to get into a relaxed state and the core of our consciousness.  Some, travel via consciousness in another body (oobe).  Yet how often in these explorations do we have these personal communications?  If there are deceased human beings, angels, guides and helpers, along with direct revelations from God, why are the direct communications so infrequent when most of us explore?  Some may disagree and say that felt a guide moving them during meditation, or saw a brief image which was meant to convey a sign.  Yet we can all agree that a two way conversation with God is a much more rare occurrence.

Why did Mother Teresa despair at the "silence" of her unanswered prayers and have the "dark night of the soul?"  Why did Swedenborg at age 56, have an episode of divine grace where suddenly, afterwards, he could have free contact at will with the deceased from that point on, and visit heaven and hells at will?

Is it that at our core we must be open to this contact or communication and seek it subconsciously?  Does it come at random, or from our own needs and our connection to our loved ones/disc/higher self?  

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #6 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 2:35am
Hi, Matthew,

Why did Mother Teresa despair at the "silence" of her unanswered prayers and have the "dark night of the soul?"  Why did Swedenborg at age 56, have an episode of divine grace where suddenly, afterwards, he could have free contact at will with the deceased from that point on, and visit heaven and hells at will?

Exactly Matthew why does God seem to communicate with so seemingly insufficient people instead of those who have the power to make a real difference? Maybe he does not do this as it would impact on our free will.

Using the UFO phenomenon as an example the argument put by skeptics is why don’t these objects land on the White House lawn and announce them selves this way to the world

In tte wards of psychiatric hospitals one will find many who hear the voice of God, who knows maybe they do


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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #7 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 2:44pm

Good points.  Why don't the UFOs land on the White House lawn? And regarding those folks who claim the aliens left an implant in their head during abduction, why don't we hear about the results of an examination of such implants by a scientific lab as to their materials and technology?

Many people claim extraordinary visitations by either aliens or deceased loved ones, and yet I have never heard from any independent observers who just happened to witness such appearances.  It seems always to be only first hand accounts, no independent verifications.

So, this suggests 2 possible explanations- either aliens and/or deceased persons make it a point to never appear when others can be witnesses OR our brains are far more mysterious than we know, and can conjure up all sorts of highly unusual phenomena that convinces us it is objective reality.

I'm not suggesting fraud in these cases (altho fraud certainly abounds in afterlife material), only that perhaps we do not yet understand the origin of such phenomena.

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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #8 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 2:59pm
Smiley The vagaries of communication of this sort are truly one of the great imponderables of the spiritual path Don. Not to mention it seems likely the greatest blessing imaginable, in terms of its potential to free one from fear.

The explanation that rings most true to me Doc is that it's mostly a matter of what deep down we're prepared to allow, and that the rule that free will is never over ridden by spirit takes care of the rest.

Our collective state of separation from God and the deeply buried presumption that he will seek to punish us for it seems to result in fear, and in the imaginings that create this reality - which actually seems to act to keep the collective mind of humanity from acknowledging this fear.

Even when consciously we seem to accept the loving nature of God it seems that deeper down in the collective subconscious we cling to the old fears.

Even the superficial conviction is questionable. We often talk of God and love, but how many of us when faced with life threatening circumstances will unhesitatingly act in accordance with what we profess? How many of us are absolutely certain of survival beyond death? We certainly hope that this is the case, but it's rare to find somebody who faces death with equanimity.

Opening to the possibility of return/communication from spirit (which anyway seems to be rare too - unlike communication at the Christ/being level) seems to require accessing this level of mind through prayer, meditation and intention and through grace/other assistance dropping the limiting beliefs in question.

It seems to me Alan that the power of leaders is perhaps pretty illusory except in very limited ways or in particular circumstances - especially to deliver good. (leaders can of course cause enormous suffering by acting unwisely, especially at critical junctures)

One view is that we get the leaders we deserve/demand - that the wisdom/compassion of leaders tends to pretty accurately reflect the centre of gravity of that of the societies they preside over.

It seems anyway that a highly realised person is unlikely to make a very popular leader - people simply won't understand and won't accept what they are about despite the fact that it's for the highest good.

Jesus for example threatened the power structures of his day and was crucified, and the main church established in his name was hi-jacked as a vehicle to deliver temporal power...
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #9 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 3:12pm

Your reply poses the question that has become my greatest obsession.  The new couples who attend my church are well educated and naturally skeptical.  They remind me a lot of you and Roger among others on this site.  They have become Shane and Leah's close friends, but are frustrated that this couple has had several striking paranormal experiences and they have not.  Why the difference?  Well, Shane and Leah seem to be more intuitive risk takers and seem far more willing to go with the flow of their impulses.  

You'll recall Methodist missionary Dr. E. Stanley Jones's repeated reception of a psychic warning to leave the Indian airport ticket line and cancel his speaking engagement in Dehli.  About 300 Indian Hindus were killed in that crash.  The Indian press heard about his escape and reporters sarcastically asked him: "You mean, just because you are a Christian, God loves you so much more than all these Hindus that He warned you and let them die?"  Jones's reply haunts me: "Oh no, God loves those Hindus at least as much as He loves me.  It's just that I was the only one who knew how to listen."  As unsatisfactory as this answer is, it may point the way to some of the truth.  

We often use the word "miracle" to compensate for how little we know about the latent powers of the mind.  We often assume that God suspends the laws of nature, when in fact God may often work through poorly understood laws of consciousness.  Faith principles seem to incorporate some of these laws. Perhaps there are laws governing our right to fulfill our life purpose and to have a minimal chance for essential soul work.  I have often observed that novices to a faith journey and culturally deprived seekers get special opportunities to experience grace in a remarkable way.

Mother Teresa had several inspirational visions of Jesus as part of her call to serve the poor.  Her later depression arose from her frustration over the abrupt termination of these visions once she plunged into her life's work.  Perhaps, God expected her to be motivated by the energy of these early mystical experiences.  Continued ecstasy might undermine soul work by minimizing the development of patience in the struggle to persevere.

When people ask me if they should merely concentrate on their faith and loving action, I discourage them from trivializing the value and power of mystical experience as a motivating force.  I also confess that I may have contributed to their problem by overstressing the more sensational and verifiable paranormal faith experiences.  Openness to more subtle experiences of intimate communion with the divine can help enhance the quality of consciousness that leads to more exciting experiences.  

St. Paul teaches that the right kind of PUL is a key to answered prayer---the kind of PUL that "believes all things."  The problem here is the inadequacy of language to convey subtle differences in blissful states.  I find it easy to love people, but when I receive prophetic insight, that love takes on a "sweetness" that I can neither manufacture nor adequately express in words. I do know that when I TRY to make miracles happen, my ego and performance anxiety seem to conspire to prevent miracles from happening.  For me the love and faith that works always seems to ambush me when I am focussing on some need.   I just wish God would ambush me in this way more often!


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« Last Edit: Aug 28th, 2008 at 8:01pm by Berserk2 »  
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #10 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 6:34pm
When you relay the story about Dr Jones experience are Delhi, it make me wonder if the message came from God or a helper or one as it has been called here, from the disk group. If the messages you receive are about love and understanding. If they serve you and those around you, just where do they come from? I would think that you must be pretty special to have God come and speak directly to you. Now a helper might be a little different. Many of us receive help from somewhere. But a message from God. That would make you a special name one. The way your story has been written, it looks like the Media has conjured up the name of God and Dr Jones used that connection after that point. He received a message, they asked about his God.
When I was a casino last week and I got the message to play a certain slot machine, and then won...Was that a message from God? Or did that come from something attempting to help me?
I have talked to my God a number of times. He has never spoken back to me. (I don't think it was him??)Not that I haven't received his message. I have a number times. He has helped to make me who I am. He has come to me in my most desperate of times.    
By the way Don, good to see you back. Keep up your good works at the place you worship.  
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #11 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 7:55pm
Good question Matthew! And thanks for all your responses.

Apparently, divine insights and coincidents aren't things we can plan as we can plan to meditate at a specific daytime. I frequently hear the advice to "not try too hard", "let things happen at their own pace" and such. It all boils down to: We can't have it through our conscious will.

Recently I started again an attempt in classic meditation, reducing thoughts as far as possible. I haven't come very far yet with this, but one thing is interesting: I've noticed there are spaces between thoughts I've never noticed before. I guess they were there before, but I just couldn't interprete them as I can now.

I guess it's similar with those divine occurings. You just catched a gap where the regular limited mind is absent and become aware of it, that is: Become aware not of a plan you have in mind, but of a situation in it's full richness. I have a feeling these calming-the-mind meditations may be beneficial for that, because it adresses exactly the appearance of randomness these occurings have with them, as they seem to happen in those gaps between the regular-how-it-should-be flow of time.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #12 - Aug 28th, 2008 at 8:21pm

The issue you raise of the source of divne guidance is profoundly mysterious.  Biblical traditon implies an important role for guardian angels, but leaves obscure the extent to which the Holy Spirit operates directly or through such intermediaries.  Then there is the elusive issue of when guidance comes through discarnate loving hujmans or non-human angelic beings and how one can detect the difference.  Astral adept Robert Bruce has a profound respect this distinction.  The Hebrew and Greek terms translated "angel" don't help because they simply mean "messenger."  

In my view, it is best to be practical about this mystery. The quest for guidance from discarnate humans can open the door to mischievous or evil human spirits (e. g. frequent Ouija board communicators).  The quest for guidance from a loving God (perhaps through angels) seems much safer and far more powerful in terms of verifiable results.  At least, that's been my experience.

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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #13 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 11:00am
Don- In my experience, intervention by angels or appearance of deceased persons or most any other kind of other-worldly manifestation happens spontaneously and when we least expect it.

In fact, the more we yearn for it, the less likely we will get it or so it seems.

Whatever protocol angels use in terms of intervening in our lives, I don't think we will ever (or should) know.

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Re: Testing 1-2-3: God calling
Reply #14 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 12:45pm
Don, That is the it "divine" or is it just a message from self? If the belief you hold has been ingrained by religious dogma then the message would come from God or Holy Spirit, Angles as directed by God. If you were raised by someone who had no such fixed beliefs and received the same message, from where would it have come? An Atheist would not believe he/she receives messages from God, yet can still get a message.
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