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If there's no time, can we have parallel lives? (Read 4360 times)
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If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Aug 25th, 2008 at 12:25pm
Hi folks,
this is my first posting and I apologise in advance if the subject seems a little abstruse!
Reading Bob Monroe's books and having had some past life regression many years ago, I was wondering if anyone has thoughts on the following proposition:
As time/space is an illusion and we can supposedly have a 'future' life that's further back in history, is it possible to have a future life that's running now? (I know I've been watching too much Star Trek  Grin but it is one of my favourite programs!)
So for example: I've made lots of mistakes in this lifetime and wish to have a go at undoing them. Would it be possible to be born again at the same time and place and rerun this present lifetime and undo some of the errors (maybe even making a few new ones in the process!?) or do you only get the chance to move forward/backward in time and work with the same bunch of folks in their new bodies on the same issues?
Also (and again from Star Trek, although I think it's been mentioned elsewhere) if we make a decision that runs contrary to the life plan we had for this incarnation then a whole lot of new possibilities are created -even an alternate timeline or universe.
So if I make a different decision this time around to the one I had planned (but have forgotten, of course  Sad) all the probabilities that were lined up are changed to a completely new set.
Any thoughts would be most welcome, as I see that there are some very wise folks here.

Best wishes,

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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #1 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 4:09pm
Welcome David!

Thanks for posting!  It's interesting to hear new viewpoints!

How do you see 'deja vu' in relation to your rerun idea?

IMO living on rerun plots for an entire life might get boring. You will have lived it once, then gone over it again in a life review process with your Guides, so living it a third time to might be a bit much.

I expect it's something you'll work out with your afterlife family in between incarnations. Just the fact that you would like to change it will be important as it shows you've grown since you did whatever it was you did.

Something you could do now without waiting for the afterlife life review is to 'speak' to your OverSoul/Guide about it and why you want to try it again. They like having the opportunity to interact with us and they have really good ideas since they know where we're headed to become all that we can be.

Shocked  Some of the more advanced souls can live several lives at once on Earth. Others can split and be in several places at once for shorter times. Since you are thinking of putting yourself in that situation, perhaps you are such an advanced soul.  Smiley

You've brought up an interesting situation and I look forward to hearing what discussion develops  Smiley

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Old Dood
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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #2 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 4:15pm
Parallel Lives?
As in incarnating into 2 physical bodies?

Yes, we can do that.  Not many do though.

It is tough enough to incarnate into 1 body much less 2.

The benefit of doing that would allow you to learn and grow that much faster.

I do not believe I have enough 'energy' to do that though...
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I Am Dude
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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #3 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 5:53pm
The idea is that we are one portion or personality of our greater consciousness, and the other portions of our higher being are experiencing different lives in different times on Earth.  

Being that our current experience of time is a physical concept, it does not effect our higher consciousness which is not physically oriented.  

Therefore, all of our "past" and "future" lives are being lived simultaneously.  

What's more, and what many people may not realize, is that these other simultaneous reincarnational selves are not actually "you", but are totally different personalities with their own unique individualism, and will continue to develope on their own individual paths.  

It may be possible to reexperience portions of our physically lives if we choose to do so after our lives here are over, but what you do the second time will not have the same effect as it does now.  It will probably be more of a simulation type experience, a mind construct.  Others will not be effected, for they will only be products of your mind and memories.  You will still gain the extra experience, however, although you could consider it "hollow", for your actions will not have the effects that they do now.

The reason why it is possible to tap into other lives being expeirence by our higher selves is because they are all happening simultaneously.  

I like to think of every moment as a new dimension being created.  Each moment exists in a slightly different dimension as the one before it and the one after it.  They do not dissapear or cease to exist, we simply shift out of them and into new "future" dimensions.  Time as we know it seems to be no more than our shifting through dimensions of actuality and probablity.  

Each moment, we have an infinite number of probablities to choose to experience.  These probabilities already exist, however, for time is an illusion, and so we are shifting through "dimensional moments" with every choice we make, and yet of course also creating new dimensions of future probability with each new choice.  

Confused yet?  Cheesy
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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #4 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 6:06pm
I can't answer the question with a simple "yes" or "no".

"I", "me", is "here", "present". What's not here and present, that can't be me. By definition, isn't it?
   But what is this "here" and "present" when we think about it? The past definitely is a part of the present, as if the past is the playground into which the new can appear, and "here" is everything we are concerned with and influenced from. The main point is that we have a position, a viewpoint, that's the constitution of the "I/me".

   When you're considering linear time not to be the only possible way of existence, you can think of something much more direct than you wrote about. When you go back in your mind in time, noticing you did wrong here and there, and then imagining an alternate past without the failures you've noticed, then you have created another past of yours. It's as good as your old one, only that the other people don't know about it. But that's just a matter of time. It's kinda slow here in the physical  Smiley .

Another facette of your question is the root of our individuality. How comes I am I, and here, and now? Because we didn't create ourself, or did we? If our individuality is just an illusion, and if yes, why, and in which way, well, that's something to meditate about!

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Lights of Love
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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #5 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 6:13pm
Hi David,

Welcome. Smiley

You ask a very good question where I think a lot of confusion/differing opinions exist. The following is my understanding:

The concept of time is not an illusion. The concept of physical space however, is an illusion. Space is a construct of our mind and is derived from time to give us the perception of distance.

Primordial consciousness naturally evolved time/vibration when the smallest change first occurred. This was necessary to experience/know a ‘before’ and ‘after’ state in order to evolve in beneficial ways within itself. Eventually consciousness ever expanding/evolving created time as we experience it. The higher the vibration, the faster ‘time’ moves. Earth time moves at an extremely slow pace in comparison.

Everyone, no matter who. has made many, many mistakes. That’s part of our learning curve. Please do not worry about it so much. Just pick yourself up, forgive yourself, and get on with the business of living life in ways that will help you grow and evolve the quality of your inner being/consciousness. We are all learning to grow in love and understanding. That’s our purpose, our reason for being. As we improve the quality of our individual consciousness, we also improve the quality of the whole.

Again welcome. Smiley

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Alan McDougall
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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #6 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 5:58am

Your awareness or consciousness can indeed spit into multiple parts and you can exist simultaneously in the same place and time, both experiences are recorded in your higher consolidated awareness. I have also obtained knowledge that I exist in other dimensions simultaneously with my present existence on this planet. Each of my other selves if you like, differs in some way from my earthly self. Some stronger, weaker, more or less intelligent, some better locking and some worse, some older and some much younger.

It all seems complicated I know but when I finally consolidate all my selves into one great higher self I will walk as a god indeed I will be a god.

We create the thing we call time to measure how we move, in the grand order there is no linear existence, just one glorious ever changing "NOW"


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Alan McDougall
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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #7 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 7:01am
betson wrote on Aug 25th, 2008 at 4:09pm:
Welcome David!

Thanks for posting!  It's interesting to hear new viewpoints!

How do you see 'deja vu' in relation to your rerun idea?

Hi Bets, and thanks for the warm welcome!
I'll try to answer some of the questions and ideas posted by all you kind folks as I go.
I feel that deja vu may be linked to my dreams and not necessarily parallel lives. For instance, the last time I had experienced deja vu I remembered that I had dreamed that particular moment some months before, and it was the experience of that moment that triggered the dream memory. Of course, I can't remember the full details!  Roll Eyes

IMO living on rerun plots for an entire life might get boring. You will have lived it once, then gone over it again in a life review process with your Guides, so living it a third time to might be a bit much.

I expect it's something you'll work out with your afterlife family in between incarnations. Just the fact that you would like to change it will be important as it shows you've grown since you did whatever it was you did.

Okay, I understand, but here's the paradox that I seem to have been given.
About 15 years ago I separated from my partner and we parted on fairly acrimonious terms, as I'd had an affair with someone else. It was one of those mad passions that has no logic and gave me three years of pain and confusion as I wasn't looking for another relationship when I met this person. It was a soulmate thing -I though that this other person was the other half of me and it was only whe n I read Shirley Maclaine's Out on a Limb and the section on p200 describing twin souls and soulmates that I finally understood and the whole thing healed itself immediately!
Unfortunately the damage to my partner was by then irretrievable and understandable.
Now here's the interesting part: when doing some past life clearing I was told that the separation from my partner WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, that we were supposed to be/work together for the rest of this life together.
Since then I've got married again to a great lady who is a healer and homeopath and saved my sanity from all this, but I wonder if this is another alternate timeline that was created as a result of free will.
The whole idea of being able to rerun this life again and do it without the pain I caused my ex partner and to complete what we were meant to do together this time around prompted my original question.

Something you could do now without waiting for the afterlife life review is to 'speak' to your OverSoul/Guide about it and why you want to try it again. They like having the opportunity to interact with us and they have really good ideas since they know where we're headed to become all that we can be.

Aha! At one point in the distant past I was ready to end it all and I remember saying to them 'When I get up there I'm going to be so angry -I want to see the guy in charge and demand an explanation - I know you're never given more than you can handle but this time you guys have gone TOO FAR!!!'
So I got the impression they'd given up on me and gone to the beach for a rest.... Angry Grin

Shocked  Some of the more advanced souls can live several lives at once on Earth. Others can split and be in several places at once for shorter times. Since you are thinking of putting yourself in that situation, perhaps you are such an advanced soul.  Smiley

Oooh, I'm not sure on that one! Me, advanced? I just blunder along as best I can, but it always makes me wonder why we end up checking out from this life just as we begin to get some inkling of wisdom. Then we have to start again from scratch and make a whole lot more errors.
I have regularly looked back on my life and all the things that I so much wish I'd done differently if only I knew then what I do now. It's when you're in the middle of an emotional hurricane, or at the end of it and surrounded by the debris that you think 'what the hell was all that about?'
So it seems to me that the forgetting when we're born loads things against us. Having some inklings might make it at least more manageable and then I for one wouldn't have caused various people in my life (and myself) so much pain that I now regret.
And this comes back to the Star trek link: one of the Next Generation episodes 'Yesterday's Enterprise' is about being on the wrong timeline and how to get back to the right one. Every time I viewed this for several years it made me cry and even now I feel a tug. That message speaks to me at a very deep level and I don't know why.
So that's why I posted the original question. I feel that maybe I'm on an alternative track to the one originally planned for this lifetime. Am I incorrect in this?

Thanks for your warm welcome folks,

Best wishes,


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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #8 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 11:02am
Hello David,

Yes, we definitely can get off the best road and onto some byways that make us wonder if we'll ever find our way !!  Cheesy It's probably not a laughing matter but also I've been told, especially during my grumpy stages, that I need to keep a sense of humor, --hence the  Cheesy Grin   Wink !

From what information I've accumulated, we make a plan for our incarnation before we leave that tells us what major events, souls, places we will visit. So we know what we're expecting to learn but don't know all the details of how to learn it. I have no idea what percentage of souls actually get through on the first plan -- not many, I suspect.

You still get credit for knowing you turned off the best route. Your current life is most likely a back-up plan,
Smiley or a back-up to a back-up, etc. In other words, you're still learning, still concerned about your progress, still loved and still loving, etc. The souls you/ (we) haven't had a relationship with will be around in another life, perhaps in a different capacity since all will be different after this one.

I'm on at least my fourth detour.  Embarrassed  Sad  My first guide bailed on me after my third major error.  Huh I had to apologize, be more respectful etc before my second guide would finally respond.  Until then my feeling of being without one was strange-- like a big empty unprotected spot behind my back and a frequent inability to make decisions about life. "..went to the beach" --LOL!

You might try having an 'imaginary' conversation with your guide to tell him what you now realize and ask forgiveness. Imagination is the gateway,
then I expect you'll find relief and much more spiritual experience will open up for you !

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #9 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 1:09pm
Many thanks Bets,
I now begin to understand. Shocked
Lots to think about and I'll try your suggestion of imagination as the key to talking to my gang  Smiley

Best wishes,

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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #10 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 6:01pm
It might be beneficial to view the future as a possibility to switch event lines mainly by setting intent, rather than being fixated on an entirely planned work-hard future, which often enough will not work out as desired. But an accessible future event line cannot contradict our past I think.

Monroe told, one important aspect of why we come back again and again into all this trouble simply is, we've become addicted. After a life, one thinks about all this unfinished business, what could have been made better, what desires and dreams haven't come true, and this is what sucks us back; not so much that there objectively is unfinished business, but that we think that way; we think ourselves back into the physical.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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george stone
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Re: If there's no time, can we have parallel lives?
Reply #11 - Aug 27th, 2008 at 8:32pm
I once asked to be taken back to my childhood.than one while sleeping,i heard a voice saying come with me.I said where.the voice said you wanted to go back to your childhood,I said yes i did ask for that.The next thing i found i was about 9 or 10 years was back in the 40s My friend and I were laying on a bank watching the miners waiting for trams to take them down into the mine.I saw my father and others that I knew.This was a great experience for me.George
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