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Urgent help required! (Read 4558 times)
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Urgent help required!
Aug 22nd, 2008 at 7:01am
Hello all, hoping there is someone here who can help with an urgent problem!
For the last year, I have had two spirits attached to me who have been mentally and physically abusing me.  They are extremely strong and have the ability to telepathically mix up other people who try and help.
One of them is very strong and does the mixing up of other people including the other spirit who says he is staying to protect me but they tell so many lies I don't know what to believe. 
I have been to see various sprit release therapists and even enlisted the help of the church and the Spiritualist church, all to no avail. 
I am at my wits end, in the last couple of months, their activities have got a lot worse and they are now sexually abusing me.
I have posted more on a blog, the address is:

If anyone thinks they can help, my husband and I would appreciate it as they are obviously causing a massive problem between us

Thank you in advance for any help.
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #1 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 1:34pm
Hello Top Blue:

One thing I noticed is that you had the freedom to write your blog, write this post, and to choose goodness over negativity. This tells me that whatever it is that ails you, it hasn't been able to take over your mind.

I've had a lot of experience making contact with spirits. Mostly my spirit guidance. I've found out in so many ways that unfriendly spirits don't have the ability to cause us to act against our will. The only way they can gain control us is if we hand them the key.

Are you certain that aspects of your own mind aren't troubling you? One reason I ask this is because I doubt that an unfriendly spirit could pretend to be God and Christ. Another reason is that you've asked for help. If some unfriendly spirits were troubling you, I believe you would've received help by now. Another reason is that going by what I've found, people are much more likely to be troubled by aspects of their own mind, than an unfriendly spirit.

Please don't underestimate the power of our minds to create all kinds of aspects. If we believe in something strongly enough, we might end up creating it. I've done so, and when I stopped believing in what I created my problem went away. Bruce Moen wrote a Banshee story in one of his books. Every night throughout the night a man would be troubled by a demonic being, referred to as a Banshee. Bruce found that this man created this Banshee with his own mind.

Try to get a clue about what is happening for you by paying attention to your dreams. I've found that my higher self/spirit guidance will sometimes create dreams where the different people within the dream represent different aspects of my mind. I have a couple of friends who are twin brothers.  If one of these twins appear within my dream, they do so in order to let me know that the different people within my dream represent different aspects of myself (as in "Twin aspects"). You might check to see if you have a dream with a twin you know. Going by the other people who appear in the dream, you might receive a clue as to what precisely the unfriendly beings you experience actually are.

Have you ever really thought about what a demon could be? Some people believe they are created by satan. I put a lot of effort into trying to find out if the Bible supports the concept of satan, and despite the frequent usage of the name "satan" it doesn't. For one thing, initially the old testament didn't use the word satan. It used the word adversary. The word would be used for different reasons. Sometimes it would used for symbolic reasons, as it was used in the book of Job. According to the book of Job satan traveled to heaven and told God that there isn't one person who fears God. God said that Job does, and supposedly allowed satan to do all kinds of terrible things to Job and kill many of the people Job knew, just so he could prove to satan that there is one man who fears him. I believe this story doesn't make sense for several reasons. For one thing, there is no way that God would feel inclined to prove something to a satan like being. Two, even if God did so for whatever reason feel inclined to prove such a thing, he wouldn't allow satan to do the terrible things he supposedly did in order to do so. Third, being able to move to higher realms is a matter of a being's energetic state being at a high level, and there is no way a satan like being could travel to heaven and speak to God. Four, the story speaks of God as if he is some sort of old man in the sky, rather than a being who exists everywhere, as he manifests as many beings, including the beings who are supposedly evil. Even if the story is true, it is important to notice that satan was able to do what he did only after God gave him the permission to do so. This differs greatly with the notion of demons who trouble people without permission.

There is another explanation for the usage of the Word adversary. Back during the days of the old testament, the leaders of the time would tell people that God was on their side. When things didn't go their way, people wondered why God allowed this to happen. To appease these people the leaders told people that an evil being, adversary, caused them to have problems. As I stated earlier, during later translations "adversary" was changed to satan.

Some people believe the book of Isiah speaks of the origin of satan, because it speaks of a fallen angel named Lucifer. The fact of the matter is that the original book of Isiah did not speak of a fallen angel. It spoke of a fallen king of Babylonia. A physical person. More than 800 years later the book of Isiah was retranslated so that fallen angel language was added. My guess is that if a fallen angel was really involved, such words would've been a part of the book of Isiah when it was initially written.

It doesn't make sense to me that an angel could fall. Spirits become negative when they are exposed to negative influences, as takes place in this World. What kind of negative influences would an angel in heaven be exposed to? Even if one did fall, because it turned away from love, it would've weakened its connection to God, and lost most of its spiritual power. Any person who chooses to live according to love and other positive qualities would vibrate at a higher level and be more powerful.

Some say the Book of Revelations states where satan comes from when it speaks of the seven headed dragon. Christians were going through a lot of problems when the book of revelations was written.  In order to address this problem, while a prisoner on an Island, John wrote a very symbolic letter to the Christians who existed during this time period. He wrote it in a symbolic way with the hope that the Romans couldn't translate it. The seven heads of the dragon symbolized seven hills in Rome.

If aspects of your mind are responsible for what you experience, you can bring them to an end by not believing in whatever it is that causes them to be.

I'm not saying that there aren't any unfriendly spirits at all. Going by what I've found the unfriendly spirits that exist are former human spirits who are in a confused state and haven't moved on to the light. They aren't more powerful than you.  There might even be some unfriendly aliens, but they don't have anything to do with satan based mythology.

There is a lady who visits this forum on occasion who goes by the name of Kathy (Lights of Love). She has been able to see auras for years. She told me that she has never scene a spirit attached to a person. She said that sometimes people believe in something so strongly, they create an aspect of mind that seems to be a seperate entity. I know this contradicts what other people say, but it is worth considering.

I've read a number of possession stories, and in most cases it seemed very possible that aspects of a person's mind were responsible. One thing I noticed is that a supposed possessed person would be very responsive to the method an exorcist used. If an exorcist expected a lot of manifestations from the supposed possessed person such as throwing up, the person would do so. If the exorcist expected the person to not have negative outward manifestations as the exorcism took place, they wouldn't occur. When suggestion plays such a big role, one might consider why.

Whatever the case, things are divinely set up so that we have the power. Especially when we have good intentions and want to live according to love.  

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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #2 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:11pm
It was actually my husband speaking in MY name here.   I KNOW I have two out-of-body men with me, who have been mentally abused, and mixed up themselves - to the point where their emotions are foul.  They torture me, physically, mentally and emotionally.  They are very very powerful, with abilities that I cannot begin to explain.   There may even be a 'nest' of out of body 'entities' of which we know little about, within them - who knows?  For the past year, I have been trying to teach them some psychotherapy, and have battled against the abuse myself.  I am very very alone - my husband could hardly care less about the way they treat me - to the point of abuse in itself.   

Believe me, they DID pretend to be God & Jesus when they first came to me, and I 'found them out' (for obvious reasons).  Then they tried 'courting' me, which in my mental confusion caused me to actually 'fall in love'.  Now, I am hoping that they are going to be 'rescued' by some sort of 'light being' but I haven't a clue how.   I hope, but am losing hope by the day - this is now over a year!
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #3 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:02pm
Top Blue:

Obviously I don't know about what's going on for you better than you know. I brought up the aspect possibility because it is a possibility people don't always consider. Bruce Moen's Banshee story and other stories show that aspects of mind can sometimes manifest in a way where it seems as if we are dealing with another being.

Because of the name of your blog, I thought demons might be something you believe in. You mention two emotionally wounded men, which brings up the possibility of spirits that used to be human.  If this is the case, it is good that you were able to discriminate their impure intentions.

I have had experiences with unfriendly spirits. In some way I've told them to go to the light. I'd mention things such as all of us are divine souls, and it is the destiny of each of us to return to the light. When we do so we'll find all of the help, beauty, knowledge, peace, happiness and love we could ever want. I'd tell I don't know what happened during their human life that caused them to become angry, but they'd do themselves a big favor if they didn't allow the events of their life to continue to influence them now.  I'd tell them, you know that eventually you're going to return to the light. Why postpone the most wisest and wonderful thing you could do? I'd tell them that more than anything they hurt themselves if they continue to do what they do. I tell them that regardless of what they've done, there are many wonderful beings of love and light who are more than wiling to help them once they decide to move on towards the light. I tell them that somewhere inside they know that I'm speaking the truth. I'll them thank you for taking the time to listen to me. I've told that some of these spirits have moved on to the light.

I don't know why such spirits would trouble you specifically. Perhaps you have an emotional hurt that is similar to their hurt, and it caused them to be energetically attracted to you. If you get over this hurt, and we have the ability to get over any hurt, their reason for being attracted to you might go away.

It would seem that if you asked for help, perhaps by praying, you would've received it by now. Beings who represent the light are well aware of what goes on within this World both on physical and spiritual levels.  Perhaps they haven't become involved in a more noticeable way, because they know that these two spirits can't harm you. They figure that you'll grow through this experience. Perhaps they figure that you'll be able to help these two spirits by your example. Some say that confused spirits sometimes learn by people who are a able to set a positive example.

Regarding receiving help from me, I'm very involved with helping stuck spirits cross over and other spirit work. The schedule is arranged by the spirit beings I work with. They bring spirits who need help to me all the time. I figure if they wanted me to help you with the spirits you're dealing with, they'd do so. Or whoever else would be right for the job. Perhaps you're right for the job. You just haven't found this out yet. I've found that having faith in one's connection to the light really helps with one's confidence.

Rosemary Altea had the experience of being pestered by an unfriendly spirit for years. I can't remember if this was an actual spirit or a creation of her mind. Whatever the case, one night instead of hiding under her covers she looked this spirit in the face and firmly said: "I'm not afraid of you!" The spirit never troubled her again. This is what unfriendly spirits look for at times. People they can scare. Once they find they can't do so, they go away.

Another thing that helps when an unfriendly spirit comes around, is to tune into love as much as you can. Unless a spirit isn't interested in this love, chances are it won't hang around.
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #4 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:02pm
Hi Top-Blue, I am sorry to hear of your troubles with these entities. It is difficult for me to imagine what a terrible time you must be having. Are you able to function day to day? Do you hear voices? Can you provide anymore details about the treatment you have received?

Welcome to our forum here. There are a few people here who may be able to help you, or offer some suggestions.

Do you meditate? How do you calm and comfort yourself? This situation is outside the realm of my own experience (although I have had brief and unpleasant encounters in my distant past) but I hope you find this forum a place where you can rest, read, listen and receive some helpful information. There has been discussion of this sort of activity between our forum members in the past, and I have read accounts of spirits finally being convinced to look for the light, even after long periods of activity where they were not welcome.

Have you tried hypnosis -- not sure how it might apply, but who knows? There are meditative aids which can help, but I don't know how severe your situation actually is.

Please know that you are welcome to share here, and that there are people here who believe you and will be supportive.  

I would love to see you free yourself of these spirits so that you can experience more love and peace in your life.

love, blink
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #5 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:10pm
One more thing Top-Blue.

You mentioned that these spirits have special abilities. Whatever these abilities may be, it sure seems to be that they haven't had the ability to prevent you from being a person who isn't interested in their way of doing things. I don't care what anybody says. THEY AREN'T MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU! If you want to live according to love this is your choice and nobody elses.
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #6 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 4:01pm
Top-Blue, it might be helpful, also, to know your religious background, and how this experience has affected your beliefs. If this kind of activity was plaguing me for such a long period of time I suspect I would be very angry and exhausted. The reason why I ask you is simply that I hesitate to assume anything about your personal beliefs at this time.

You mention the hope that a "light being" might come and rescue the two entities. I believe that is a real possibility.

love, blink
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #7 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 4:33pm
Top Blue:

I read your blog a second time, I can't say for certain, but you might seriously consider if aspects of your own mind are troubling you. It won't hurt you to try to see.  Our minds are capable of creating a lot of things. My experience with unfriendly spirits is that they don't continue to hang around when you don't allow them to do so. Aspects on the other hand, you have to stop believing in them. If aspects are involved, how could a light being get rid of them? It is up to you.

I really doubt that the spirit of Christ would allow a spirit to act as if it were him if it wasn't.  Going by my experiences, the spirit of Christ would have no problem dealing with a spirit who did so, and would know if a spirit was doing so. Why would he allow imposters to do so? This could make it so that somebody who wants to reach out to him, won't be willing to do so.

Perhaps a verification is needed. If the spirits you speak of still come around, ask them to provide you with information you couldn't possibly know about. If I were being troubled by an entity or two, I'd want to make absolutely certain that I'm not responsible for their existence.

I must add that the unfriendly spirit experiences I have had have been few and short lived.
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« Last Edit: Aug 22nd, 2008 at 7:37pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #8 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 5:27pm
Hello TopBlue-BirdKat,

I think Recoverer's and Blink's suggestions are good.

You might try as well the following:
Ask your Higher Self for help. Your Higher Self will help you. It may be that you'll become aware of a helper. This helper will appear in a form which won't scare you. You will know that this is your helper by the loving radiance this helper will send out to you. The helper will do something that will end your troubles, and/or will make suggestions what you can do to contribute to it.
   When you're not really believing in a Higher Self or helpers, just pretend for a moment that this is a reality, and that your Higher Self is there to help you.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #9 - Aug 24th, 2008 at 7:39am
Hi Spooky,  Thanks for the suggestions,  unfortunately, my HIGHER SELF is not available to me.  And I don't believe I have any HIGHER beings with me.  It seems odd that myself, and the two oob's haven't any 'guides' around.
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #10 - Aug 24th, 2008 at 9:27am

Regarding the seeming absence of light beings and guides, you might try contacting them during a calmer moment of the day.  They are sensitive to energies that are very angry and sometimes cannnot make close contact during panicky times. Can you clear an uninterrupted bit of time to quietly ask their help?
I wish you had time too to read Bruce Moen's and/or Michael Newton's books. They deal with such entities.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #11 - Aug 24th, 2008 at 10:11am
Sadly, I cannot read books on the subject (or on anything else) - all this 'entity' does is keep me pacing around the house (most of the time).  He worries me badly, and is arrogant and petulant and wants his own way all of the time (in my opinion).   I have a 'remote' helper, but so far nothing has been done.
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Re: Urgent help required!
Reply #12 - Aug 24th, 2008 at 4:43pm
Quote TopBlue-BirdKat:
unfortunately, my HIGHER SELF is not available to me.  And I don't believe I have any HIGHER beings with me.

Try to neutralize this belief. As long as you hold this belief, it would indeed be very difficult to have a conscious contact (though not impossible to receive help). You can trick this belief when you simply pretend that your HS is available for you, and that you have helpers with you. Helpers and messages from the HS may be not as obvious to perceive as we often would like, so look as well for subtle things with an unmistakeable positive, interesting radiance.

When you can't find any moment of rest due to the disturbances of these entities, you should find a way to block these influences and calm the mind. I know it's not easy, but it should be possible. In classical meditation, when one is trying to shut down every thinking, it's difficult, everybody knows, but as well, with practice, you will progress and get better on it every day. With this protection you then can focus on getting help from your Higher Self.

all this 'entity' does is keep me pacing around the house

When they are ghosts, then this is exactly what they want. To keep you reacting to them. You show them that they can heavily influence you. The more you react, the more "fond" they will become of you and stick around. Do the best you can to ignore them.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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