Joe said,
Quote:Would it be fair to assume that most ,if not all religions are in the game of entrapping souls to their areas of the BST's. If you believe in say.. Christianity, then if your good enough to their standards, you go to their heaven. Or there is the Islamic belief that if you are martyred you go to their heaven area. (Of course if you kill some Americans the big guy throws in a few virgins to ease the transition.) Perhaps it time for truths....whatever they are.(?) Because the bottom line is that there is a lot of people being fed a lot of crap and their swallowing most of it up. Its been going on for far to long and when you do drop that body of yours (or me dropping mine) your most likely going to be surprised. The real danger as far as I can see is that there are far to many people believing in religious bunk and not in themselves and in love. Why are these people missing the fact that these religious centers, over there, are really Hell and not some Heaven that they are seeking.Thoughts?
PS: Is it starting to get warm in here?
Hi Joe,
It is the "catch-22" of the physical.
While here, we must use the finite in order to percieve/identify the infinite.
There are varying "programs" (or games as you say) all using different approaches to this activity that are all manifestations of human and divine co-creation.
People will be attracted to any "program" according to their specific requirements, receptivity and capacity. Religion is therefore not an evil conspiracy, but simply that which was once, or still is for many, the best "program" or solution for human progress at some point in the general evolution according to the demands of collective and/or individual need. I no longer use training wheels on my bike for instance, but that does not mean that they are "crap" for others who need them to learn how to ride a bike. People give up old useless ideas when they are ready to, and the process that leads to this can't be forced, nor does it need to be criticized because others have already moved on. If the use of training wheels means not being able to go as fast (including stuck in BST's), eventually this will be discovered and dealt with when there is a necessity to do so.
This activity when successful, is the movement of consciousness in transcending form, while at the same time using it (form) to do so. Progress is characterized as the increasingly continuous enactment of this activity. People, as a consequence of being immersed in form, begin to mistake the form that is used for the activity, for the movement itself, and get "stuck". This "getting stuck" can even happen within the highest levels of attainment in ways commensurate with those levels.
The soul as individual portion of the undifferentiated divine has more or less ultimate responsibility for the progress of its 'charge' and will in due course send "it" (the being) on its way to "where" it needs to go, to give it the experiences it needs to have to accomplish this activity. This is in the very nature of the soul as it is always permanently aware of its true Identity regardless of temporary form, and wants to complete the full identification through all the parts of the being (out of oneness) - that are not Aware because presently identified with form, including as presented by the use of a religion leading to BST's for instance.
"Those people" may not as you say, think of those regions as being hell but then again we do not think of Earth as being stuck in hell either. By some definitions, a "hell" is any "region" where beings are not 100% identified with God. Afterall, what is it that is "entrapping" us anywhere? The soul is patient and allows for these explorations as different degrees of form identification are transcended - even aquiescing to perhaps "less progressive" explorations, in the interest of free will, oneness and thoroughness of experience.
One more item for consideration. There may be any number of so-called "Christian BST's" for example, of description and variation that may have little or less to do with an actual "Christ Consciousness Terrain" - as these BST's have been formed by human conception. Masters of the highest order, like Christ, Krishna, etc., are said to each have their own "loka(s)", where their devotees (as qualified by those Masters) reside when not in manifestation on the physical plane.
- u