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Guidance...? (Read 6762 times)
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Wakefield, England
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Aug 4th, 2008 at 5:56pm
Hello everyone, I was a member of this forum several years back, partly due to a strange, somewhat depressing emotional cocktail of despair and curiosity. At the time I was 15, naive and the reality of human mortality had suddenly dawned upon me. As far as I can remember, the members of this board came across as a benevolent, close-knit community who seemed willing to help, guide and discuss (and all in far more civilised manner than the rest of the internet, I might add!).

However, 3 years have passed and since, I have (excuse the self-pity) had my heart broken, battled with alcoholism, and now have begun to think about, on a daily basis, until I am consumed by morbid contemplation, death.

For a long period of time I have been a staunch supporter of secularism and incredibly hostile to the world's major religions, and consequently it is, I suppose, natural to despair and to doubt the survival of human conciousness, but having flirted with the idea of an afterlife in the past, I could not dismiss what appears to be strong circumstantial evidence in favour of survival, and as a human being, regardless of the reality of what we hope for, cannot help but yearn for the promise of something being beyond death.

And so I have returned to this forum in search of ways of gaining verification that we survive physical death, or, more specifically, help with experiencing it myself, as I believe no amount of reading (which, believe me, I have done) can bring true knowledge without direct experience.

I have tried (though not in its entirity) Hemi-sync, Brainwave Generator, lucid dreaming and various other methods in order to seek this verification, yet have obtained few results, and the closest I have come to afterlife experience or even an half-decent OBE is when using Salvia Divinorum, LSD or Ketamine...

So, if you can spare the time, could any of you please advise me on how to put my mind at rest, short of going to TMI (which I cannot afford but sure as hell would like to do  Smiley)...

Thankyou for your time,

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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #1 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 7:58pm
Hi Luke,

Welcome back!  I regret we haven't met before this but I'm glad you're here now. 

Did you read Bruce Moen's work (5 books now)when you were here before? His manner of relating his journey puts one into a frame of mind that makes the 5th book, "Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook," an easy step into the practices of accessing the non-physical. Even just 1 or 2 of them before the Guidebook gives one a running start.

I doubt you need very much direction, Luke. The explorations you've made so far, although not widely accepted  Smiley , shouldn't in themselves hamper your explorations. You'll need some degree of good health, but info on healthy diet is everywhere, and it sounds like you already know what's not good for your system.

The next clearing after the physical has to do with attitudes-- guilt? ego power trips? but your beautiful writing gives no hints about that. (Are you really younger than twenty !?)

Do you know about PUL -- Pure Unconditional Love as an energy for yourself and to give to others? One fellow recently had a wonderful breakthrough after sort of spontaneously deciding (after several years of waiting for his OBE) to offer everyone around him PUL.  It's powerful because it puts you in harmony with the source of All.

I guess we need to get to know you abit more to see where you're at on this journey. Please accept the PUL and good wishes from all the good folks here !


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #2 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 7:37am
Hi Luke, I'm going to be perfectly honest with you and state clearly that the confrontation with my own mortality over the past 3-4 years (while you have been absent here) has been surprisingly rewarding for me.

I'm sorry I missed meeting you earlier, but it's nice to meet you now.

I truly hope you have the experiences that you desire, which will give you a more satisfying understanding of who you are and where you are going.

I have to say that my experiences with board members here and in private meditation have completely changed my attitude toward death and the afterlife, in a very positive way. I actually enjoy thinking about my own death and afterlife, and that world seems only a breath away from this world.

In fact, that world seems without separation from me, not now, not ever. Becoming friends with my own mortality is the best thing I ever did.

There are those who love to spin tall tales, frightening tales of the hereafter....and I listen to these tall tales now with loving concern....but I feel completely different about the whole thing.

I have to say, it's a good place to be.

welcome, blink

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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #3 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 1:33pm
Luke, There is a void that you can "go to" when you do yourself bodily harm, like you have thought of in the past. I don't suggest the whole suicide thing as a way out. From a number of retrievals, I have the understanding that the question of hell comes up rather regularly at the point of no return and one (hell) is created for you at that moment by yourself. I would suggest the living of your life as it comes. With all its ups and downs. Each has a lession that you are meant to learn. Start taking a look at what you get from the lession instead of what it is taking. Cup half full, cup half empty. The choice is up to you. Your demise will come sooner than you think or in the end faster you will wish. If you can make the extra effort to get to TMI it is well worth every penny. Ask for help from your disk group during medatation and something will happen. You will manafest the money. Also...There is also many "outreach" Gateways offered. Go to the TMI web site to get an idea of just how close one is offered in your local area. They are very affordable and have a lot to offer in a mini Gateway experience. (I went OOB during mine) Keep in touch with all of us here and except our love.
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #4 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 2:40pm
Hi Luke,

Simply put and jmho,


Only one of the above is truly Infinite, Eternal, and Immortal,
and when positively approached gives full access to the other two, without the need for drugs or machines.

Meditate on that one.

Be patient and perservering.

Transformation does happen.

Everyone is with you in this search.

- u
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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Choose this Day

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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #5 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 3:18pm
quote Ultra: Transformation does happen

aye mate
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #6 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 3:25pm
Hello Luke:

I've had so many experiences it would be hard for me to doubt the existence of the afterlife. One thing that enabled me to have experiences is becoming energetically clear enough so I can have them.  Drinking alcohol and taking drugs won't help one reach the energetic state one needs to reach in order to have experiences. My guess is that your friends from the spirit World would like to help you have experiences, but they can't help you if you consume subtances that effect your energetic system in a negative way. Poor diet can also have an effect.

A better measure of progress than experiences, is how much love, peace and happiness you feel within your life. If you become free of whatever psychological issues that bog you down, not only will you experience more peace, happiness and love, you'll also be cleansed energetically.

It isn't always obvious, but when we tune into love, we make an energetic connection to other beings who live according to love.  This is probably the best way to make initial contact.

As Betson suggests, you might check out Bruce's "Exploring the Afterlife." You might also google "near death experience" and read some of the experiences people have had. If you really think about, there are many experiences that people have had that couldn't be the result of the activity of their biological brains.

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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #7 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 4:19pm
Thankyou all for your replies and you time  Smiley

I have not read any of Bruce's books in the past, but have recently ordered the first 2, and look forward very much to receiving them as they have been incredibly well reviewed. Is there any other reading material that you would reccommend?

And also, is there anything specific that I could do in order to improve what is a rather cynical outlook on life, humanity, and the general nature of things? Would I be correct in saying that dispelling this cynicism that is so inherent in my worldview would help to banish my doubts concerning the afterlife?

Hopefully, it would also be a great way to make the PUL of which Betson spoke an achievable reality.

And regarding NDEs, I have done a great deal of reading on them, and as fascinating as they are, and as much hope as they can potentially instill, I cannot help but feel as though I am unable to make an informed judgement on their authenticity, due to my lack of scientific knowledge.

A good dose of faith and optimism is what is needed, methinks...
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #8 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 5:20pm
Regarding NDEs, I haven't had one, but I had what I refer to as a night in heaven experience, and it was pretty much the same thing as an NDE. Perhaps I should call it an OBE.

Whatever the case, during this experience, it was absolutely clear that what I was experiencing was real.  I understood that things work out so we end up in a realm where there are no problems and the happiness level is wonderful. This is a way of being we can all look forward to. Until we get there, we just have to do our best to realize that for the most part we go through what we go through in this World in order to learn whatever it is we need to learn. The more we can incorporate this principle into our life, the more our anxiety will drop away and the better we will feel.

If you really feel stuck, sometimes a good initial thing to do is to find simple ways of making yourself feel better. Perhaps you can listen to music that makes you feel good. Or you can watch a situation comedy that makes you laugh. It is hard to laugh without feeling happy at the same time.  If you have enough success making yourself feel better in such ways, perhaps you'll gain faith that you can make yourself better, and then you'll be able to do so without relying on external means. Not that the external means have to go away.

Another thing that can help is to imagine yourself sharing unconditional love with people in various ways. One thing I've done while meditating is reflect upon how much I love each person I work with, without their having to do something special to make it seem as if they deserve love. Meditating in this way will help you open up your heart chakra.

Another thing to meditate upon is that despite the differences us humans experience today, a day will come where we will all exist in a way where we love each other completely. Our differences will be seen as nothing but lessons we had to learn.
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« Last Edit: Aug 5th, 2008 at 7:03pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #9 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 5:38pm
NDE, OBE, Etc., all come back to the desire to have a spiritual experience that makes sense. Coming close to death is not necessary for one to have the spiritual experience. An attempt at suicide in order to have a NDE, and reach an area of connection, is not an appropriate ways do it. The book suggestions and reading along with an intent to make the communication and have the spiritual experience is far better and will most likely get you to where you want to be and give you the experienced you seem to be looking for. You could also check out Bob Monroe's books also.   
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #10 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 10:09pm
Quote AboveTheWeepingWorld:
"And also, is there anything specific that I could do in order to improve what is a rather cynical outlook on life, humanity, and the general nature of things?"

I know that. What I do is, I let the people and the world be as silly as they may appear at this moment, and be myself.
   Build a distance between what bothers you and yourself. Once you've left the position of being confronted, and being now in the position of an observer without being emotionally involved, you can discover a new freedom for yourself. You then can avoid what you can't stand. When some people driving you nuts, avoid them; if news in the media are making you upset, don't watch them. Focus on what you are interested in, no matter what people say you have to do. Don't let become other people's business your own business; where the border is, that's what you have to decide from case to case.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #11 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 10:28pm
Spooky -
Very good advice! This sounds a lot like Monroe's suggestion of the "grazing posture" way of living, which Bets, Alysia and I have been discussing down on the Ultimate Journey Book forum.

Luke -
Don't want to overload you with book suggestions, but a book called "Induced After Death Communication", by Dr Allan Botkin (2005)*, might interest you. Juan, who comes here occasionally, put me on to it. It details a new, and apparently fantastically successful, therapy for grief, which works by inducing an ADC in patients, whether "believers" or not. Although the author refrains from overtly stating it, it's obvious he has become convinced that the experiences really are visitations from the deceased, and some of the cases detailed seem to have no other explanation. A good read!

*Pub: Hampton Roads Pub Co. Available from Amazon uk

Best wishes,

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« Last Edit: Aug 6th, 2008 at 6:28am by Alfred »  
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #12 - Aug 6th, 2008 at 1:33pm
good thoughts R: Quote: is hard to laugh without feeling happy at the same time
heard about this business tycoon, and he generated some cancer for himself because the business world is stressful. so making the rounds of doctors for a cure, none were offered. he decided to hole up in motel room and die there, instead of in a gloomy hospital where his prognosis of recovery was so poor.
He rented a bunch of comedies and waited to die. lol. instead of dying he completely put his cancer in remission as he sat there laughing so hard, he laughed away his cancer.
doctors could not find a trace of it in his body. (those of you afraid of cancer, it has been shown we all have dormant cancer cells inside of us. what triggers them to multiply was conjectured, I think appropriately, our stressful lives and mental/emotional states.
welcome back Luke. like Bets, I was picking up a much older soul vibration on you than your stated age; although, age is a state of mind too. I highly recommend Bruce's books. then there are a Resource page at the top, if you really get ambitious to read more.
I'm a firm believer that your own guidance will lead you to what to read and nudge you in the right direction.
then comes a point books are not enough. As we say here, a personal experience is what totally sets your mind and heart at ease.
Hawkeye mentions setting the intention. the intention setting cannot be over-emphasized because it's a decision-maker function of the observer (thanks Spooky!) and a powerful tool, that the moment you employ it, it begins to actualize.

Bruce and TMI explain the intention setting so much better than me.
I've noticed, whenever I use it, a few days later I can observe it's working. Intention setting can be related to a desire, which is related to emotion. it all works together. for instance, affirmation are something we look at, and we don't fully believe them.
so we set an intention to understand what we don't believe.

simmer awhile in time and understanding comes, or the desired experience produces the beyond all doubt, that Bruce titled in one of his books.

another thought; it's like we can't focus in all directions at once, as humans, it's where we focus is what we manifest. so I find it best to focus all my attention on one book at a time, rather than the entire pile I would like to read. it gets too stressful if I think, oh god, look at my pile!  (u got a pun there sweetie!)

Alfred, Induced After Death Communication book reminds me of something I read about a group of people, don't know if it's fiction or what, that stopped their hearts beating, experienced something other worldly, then started up their hearts again.

frankly, I think I would not like this very much!  However, I am all for the intention behind the experiment, to fix the grief.

I find a far better method than an ADC, to fix grief, is to deal with conflicting belief systems in the mind.
by tracing their beginning point, even to childhood, or beyond.
once the beginning of a thought system is glimpsed, the healing can proceed from that point.

this is all in Bruce's books. and please! never give your books's been so helpful to return after a year or so, give a 2nd read through, and then you see how much you've grown.

love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #13 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 7:03am
Alfred, Induced After Death Communication book reminds me of something I read about a group of people, don't know if it's fiction or what, that stopped their hearts beating, experienced something other worldly, then started up their hearts again.

I think I saw the film of that story, Alysia, or it was very similar - "Flatliners", about some med students who injected themselves to clinical death, then were rescucitated by their colleagues to tell of their experiences - until it all went wrong!

Botkins' IADC technique is much less drastic - he says he discovered it by accident when administering "eye movements" (EMDR), apparently a new standard technique in sadness
treatment, based on the REM of dream sleep. He gave an extra set of movements in one session, and an ADC unfolded. Since then, he's standardised and taught the technique widely (in US). They claim long-standing grief (and/or guilt/resentment feelings) melts away after such sessions, the recipients having conviction of the well-being of the departed, who, among other communications, invariably assure the recipient they are OK.

It's an intriguing extra angle on the afterlife - probably not a tool of exploration as such (like TMI and Bruce Moen's work), but as further evidence of the spiritual existence, maybe for those wavering or doubting perhaps.

Totally agree with your point about books, Alysia - they are invaluable to read and re-read. I'm a book-aholic, and long since ran out out of shelves for my hoard - I step over book-piles to get into bed!! Have had to curb my book-buying drastically for this reason, as well as expense  Sad

Very best wishes,
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Re: Guidance...?
Reply #14 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 4:59pm
Well met, Above. I too am a doubter, a cynical. I'm 27 years now, and I do wonder sometimes when, if ever, I will experience anything profound. I still haven't ordered Moen's books. Now, part of me thinks that this is because I'm afraid the books won't help me, and since I see them books as the final opportunity to verify the afterlife, I dare not take the leap. For what if I fail? Then all hope is lost, isn't it. Then again, it might be because I'm worried about the taxes my country will claim when they see the price tag. It's probably a mix. Anyhoo, I hope you will find your answers someday, Above. Good luck.
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