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Back injury - what to do? (Read 9380 times)
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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #15 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 5:00pm
Sorry about your injury Vajra.

You probably heard about how I got over my back injury, but because you had an accident it might not seem that your situation relates.

Perhaps locked up energy was involved, and your accident loosened it up in a way where it became a problem. If this is the case, psychological/emotional issues could be involved.

I know a number of people who had back surgery with little success.

Perhaps your back just needs a little time to heal after experiencing some trauma.

You might meditate and ask for a visual image which tells you why you have a problem. Or, you might ask for a dream that tells you.  Doing so might help you determine if you have an injury that is short term and will heal, long term, or blocked up energy that got loosened during your accident.

You might pray for spirit help.
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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #16 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 5:03pm
Hey there Ian, the more you describe it, the more it seems like the same thing that was wrong with me.
I have a slight misalignment of the vertebrae, a chiropractor once told me. maybe a nerve gets pinched inbetween those little bones...

it's hopeful that some slight improvement occurred, yet there must be purpose that we haven't seen full recovery, so it's got to be as you say, you are still working it, trying to access the deeper levels.

I think Doc has some news for you. He's a doctor. and I feel a very very good one.

I don't have much further to say about your healing, I'm just in a period of waiting for it, while continuing to keep faith as I know all things do pass away, including this kind of intense pain which can be so scary. You might also visualize a funnel over your crown chakra funneling in the energy to heal physical, through your mind's acceptance that u need no longer suffer this pain.

speaking personally, I don't like to talk about my occassional physical problems but it might help to share, so...

I'd really to see you being able to walk, not crawl to the bathroom.
I remember all too well squirming on the floor like a snake and laughing hysterically that I had too much pride to ask for help, before calling on Rick, which I was reluctant because I didn't want to put him out...
We don't have to think this way really. You are not putting us out, because we are all learning something with these public postings of this healing process, we can apply it to our own individual cases, so just so you know that ... and also Rick learned that he had healing capacity.

healers of this sort work in the astral body area, which is a duplicate of the physical body. what is picked up, the energy that heals, when the mental can ask and receive it (mostly in sleep state for me) is the adjustment occurs on this other subtle body. then because the physical is so closely aligned with this other body we have, the transference is made, and it was then I felt the popping taking place, even though I was asleep as far as the physical body was concerned.

still I smiled even in my sleep with a knowing.  I have even seen some strange healings like this take place in a video, where astral healers literally reached in with this other body's hands, pulled out cancer lumps with absolutely no going under the knife.

rare, but another one of those miracles we look at.

a month or so again, I was lifting a TV and started to experience that familiar soreness returning..I know about the panic that reaccurs that this something I might have to learn to live with the rest of my life.

I know another healer I called on this time, a gal in Hawaii whom I do dream interpretations for, is also a healer and author.
she worked me through it and it only took a few days and it was entirely gone, although I suspect the constant rubbing of the vertebrae when it slightly protrudes against the cartiliage is what causes the pain and soreness...I mostly had to work on my mental acceptance of this pain...was I giving in to seeing myself as susceptible the rest of my life, as this creature with a weak back?

yes I was feeling like a victim to circumstance, so I changed my mind, but still we must ask for help.
whether it's the doctor or the holy spirit, we are brought to our knees and the issue is trusting, that what we believe about ourselves, is what will outpicture....I simply couldn't believe I was a victim to this.

However, though I am healed, my back does not give me any further problems, I do not lift TV's anymore, as I'm certainly not going to try to be wonder woman! I mean, no sense getting over confidant...

just remember we are spirit in a body, not a body in spirit. you'll get past this and probably stay off motorcycles or else be very very careful to ride one.

I probably could have lifted the TV with my leg muscles instead of the back, but I was a dummy. something to forgive about myself.
forgiving is very important as the first step.

ok will leave you alone, I'm a bit of a nag. you may see me hanging around you nagging. but we're friends so that's ok

let us know......
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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #17 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 5:16pm
what R says about blocked energy resonated with me also Ian.

it's said somewhere all illness and pain are traced to blockages, where for example, heart attacks happen sometimes with blocked arteries, as the physical example; on the mental example we can be blocked as well by a belief we have that we somehow must suffer because we have done something wrong.

frequently, since you work with ego concepts, you know the ego voice will say you did something wrong.
it might say, oh, smarty pants, riding a motorcycle was trying to recapture that wild feeling of being young again...whatever..I liked the motorcycles too, but I only putted on mine, still, gives you a freedom feeling you were seeking perhaps...don't let the ego mislead you, it's mind chatter we have to deal with to get to the level of the healing to occur.

hate to rant on this forgiving principle but it's happened too many times that I had to forgive myself before I could be healed.

yes, ask for dream info. or a guide, or read this and look into my eyes and believe every word I say! lol.  love ya!
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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #18 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 6:28pm
Ta guys, it doesn't feel like nagging at all - more like being uplifted. I'm going to ask for guidance as yourself and R say Alysia. It's necessary to really grind this stuff fine while at the same time staying very light to get the view right.

My back has been a chronic issue from my 20s R, but I hurt it on a MX bike in the 80s, and had surgery about 10 years later. There's definitely something hanging around by way of a blockage in me, but so far I've not figured what it's about. Thanks for the advice.

To be honest it's not natural for me to post publicly about this sort of stuff. But I wasn't clear where I was on it, and thought that it would be helpful both for myself and for others if I put it up publicly.

It's really brought into focus this tension between fear and opening that arises all the time in our lives in less obvious ways. (actually to stop dictating what we egotistically think is the fix, since  spirit won't act while you oppose)

It's hard to trust, to surrender, to stay wide open while at the same time not grabbing for a solution. To let it find its own flow...

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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #19 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 7:04pm
Ian, I think u said something to look at closely here: It's hard to trust, to surrender

Ego hates to surrender, but if u do, it leads to greater fulfillment of your purposes for the entire life journey, the way I see it.
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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #20 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 10:57pm

Vajra, you said:
"To be honest it's not natural for me to post publicly about this sort of stuff. But I wasn't clear where I was on it, and thought that it would be helpful both for myself and for others if I put it up publicly."

Vajra, it's good that you did post. Your situation is a big part of what motivated forming a new forum on Healing. (See Index.)  Roll Eyes  I'd say thanks but that seems a bit sadistic.

As always, the experiences that get shared here help more than just the posters. We can all learn from each other in many ways.

Be well soon, Ian!


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #21 - Aug 2nd, 2008 at 9:26am
Smiley Happy to be the prompt Bets. Feel free to shift this to the new forum....
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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #22 - Aug 2nd, 2008 at 9:14pm
Hi Vajra,

I don't have that capability to shift this, but thanks (I think) for thinking I had any such ability.
...but maybe you could start a Part II thread on the Healing Forum ?

Sending you healing PUL, friend!
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #23 - Aug 3rd, 2008 at 9:32am
Ta Bets, will do when I have more info. It's improving slowly, so keep up the good work everybody. I struggled into a standing position for a few minutes yesterday with a bit of help from a rail. Once there it actually isn't too bad at first, but the pain fairly quickly intensifies. When lying flat it's down to low ache.

I'll be off the air for probably a few days from Tuesday as I'll be in hospital for that scan.
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Re: Back injury - what to do?
Reply #24 - Aug 3rd, 2008 at 10:03am
let me know about that piece of plastic I saw after your scan, please, I am curious....
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