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Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God) (Read 5950 times)
Alan McDougall
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Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Jul 25th, 2008 at 1:00pm
I came accross this interesting site and would like to see what the forum thinks about it


Have you secretly dreamed of your ideal love? Have you wondered in your heart of hearts if such a person exists? Have you ever yearned for the partner who matches you perfectly? Of course you have. We all have! There is a good reason for these feelings. You do have a SoulMate, unique and belonging only to you.

Deep in the heart of every human lies the knowledge of his or her SoulMate, covered over perhaps by the disappointments of Earthly relationship experiences.

Now at the time of humanity's awakening, the awareness of that SoulMate relationship becomes of primary importance. Why? Because it is the key to our awakening and to the transformation of the Earth. In the human spiritual "genome" is a code of Love, activated by opening to the SoulMate, that will help us to embody Love on Earth and change our world to a peaceful, loving place. Think about it. Would there be war and strife if each of us were truly in Love?

But, you say, the majority of people seem to have given up on Love. It is true that the divorce rates are astronomical, and bitterness and cynicism are rampant. There are reasons this is occurring. With the increased spiritual light flooding the planet and its effects on the human heart, people are feeling a silent connection to their SoulMate. This sometimes initially creates more dissatisfaction with relationship if one's partnership doesn't seem to be working well.
Also, because Love on our planet has been associated with GETTING

rather than GIVING (as is the spiritual path to Love), people do not yet know how to respond to this changing energy of the decade of the SoulMate. They continue to change partners with the goal of getting more and more personal needs met. This only creates musical chairs for partners and does not bring lasting joy. It is now time to change our view of relationship, instead of changing partners, and to begin exploring Love from giving, from the heart!

We human beings are all cells in the heart of God. Every cell in God's heart has two parts – one of masculine charge and one of feminine. These are the plus and minus, the positive and negative charges that are seen in every part of Creation. This two part cell is the original "Adam and Eve" of Creation – the manifested form of God's Love. Each of us is constructed this way, and each of us has an original SoulMate.  ("I like this quote")

Soulmates Doug and Yael Powell      As the embodiment of God's Love, as pieces of God's heart, we are not only made in the image of God and living within God's heart. We are actively creative as is God. Many of us realize this.

Our thoughts are active and are creating our life at every moment. However, we can only create at the level of our understanding, which brings us back to the difference between "getting" and "giving." In our society, much emphasis has been placed on the individual and what he or she must do to satisfy self. This point of view is often accompanied by fear, lack, greed, aggression, and "taking care of Number One."

In contrast, as we learn to shift to the level of true feeling in the heart, we begin to manifest "heart Love." We begin to experience life through the heart's intelligence rather than through the more limited small mind or ego. When we are able to let go of our smaller needs and make the decision to honor our partner by giving, we are seeing the Real World, God's World, All Creation, which is only comprised of Love. Therefore, if we live in the day to day smaller mind, we are really living in "an illusion," or a lie.

As we raise ourselves by opening our hearts, our SoulMate will come into view. Our SoulMate has always been with us but until we reach a certain openness of heart, we cannot see him or her. When we ask God's help to open our hearts to our SoulMate, the molecules which make up our ever moving energy field go into motion, and our SoulMate actively moves toward us .

We do not have to go anywhere or do anything special. We do not have to change partners. As we become Love, that Love will show itself in us and before us in our partner. We will literally call and draw our SoulMate to us into our current partner, or a new partner.

As we grow on the SoulMate path, we understand that the person in front of us will always reflect to us perfectly the state of our Love. Even the simplest law of spiritual attraction is that "like attracts like." In our relationship, then, we are able to see immediately if we are living from the heart or from the ego because our partner will reflect this back to us.

If you want more Love, what is the practical thing to do? Give more Love. God asks us to look within ourselves deeply and honestly. But are we truly open to Love? It takes a strong person with a great desire for Love to admit feeling closed to Love. For some people this may be accompanied by tears or other ways of letting go of the armor and shielding we have falsely thought we needed. This opening inevitably brings the SoulMate.

As a couple in a relationship makes the decision to choose Love, to open their hearts, their relationship will transform. The decision to live from the heart, to put the other person first, must be made again and again and again, on a daily basis.

As Love becomes the priority, the couple's lives will shift dramatically. Then the SoulMate relationship is realized and Love becomes a living reality. This turns on that genetic SoulMate code within which awakens us into our true state – the Love that brings us Home.

From the Messages from God

" does not matter if someone 'looks within' or 'looks outside' themselves. It does not matter where they look or how, at all. It only matters that they are opening their heart to Love. And if they are then I promise you, their SoulMate will be there. And I will tell you why: the human heart is the Heart of God, and the moment that one opens it, then All I Am as Living Love comes pouring in to them. All, dear ones. All glorious, magnificent, splendor-filled truth of living Love.

So no matter where they think they are looking, the mind has naught to do with this! The SoulMate is the Heart. The heart of Love. The heart of life. The heart, dear ones, of All I Am, delivered tenderly, with greatest joy, sweet rejoicing and tenderness, immediately into view in perfection, in response to the open heart within.

In one moment a truly open human heart can change everything in this world. In one moment an open heart - oh, beloved ones - is the vehicle of All My Love poured forth through you, the very cells of the heart of Love in Me. One glorious open heart and the veil is rent, the light shines through - the light of living Love. For the SoulMate is the truth of you, each one, the truth of your own great heart. Twin Flames of Love creating the portal, the vessel, the Holy Grail of Love through which all things are nourished."

These beautiful SoulMate drawings were made by Anita van der Est from the Netherlands (see her story under SoulMate Stories). Anita is an art teacher who says that these magnificent inspirations of Twin Flames just "come through" her. Anita has visited us at Circle of Light and is a close member of our family. she made wonderful drawings for all of us the whole time she was here. We are happy to share these with you. Anita's website

Go to the link the drawings are beautiful

© 2003 Circle of Light
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #1 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 2:48pm
I haven't had an experience which told me about soul mates one way or the other.

If the the goal is to get to the point where we all love each other completely, I wonder why soul mates are necessary. 

How does the soul mate issue fit into the disk/oversoul viewpoint? Does a disk always have to create twin souls whenever it creates new probes? Can soul mates come from different disks?

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #2 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 3:03pm

If the the goal is to get to the point where we all love each other completely, I wonder why soul mates are necessary. 

How does the soul mate issue fit into the disk/oversoul viewpoint? Does a disk always have to create twin souls whenever it creates new probes? Can soul mates come from different disks?

You make a real valid point I feel the aim should be that all souls are soulmates, But during my NDE I met a female angelic being called Moira, who I felt I had a very special connection with. She inhabites my dreams all the time.


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #3 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 3:06pm

I came back to this thread to ask Alan to quit making me cry,
but now also, recoverer,
check out the dyad (/monad) beliefs of ancient mystics.
Also the remerging of Jesus Christ with his twin, told by observers
whose reports were relegated to 'the lost books of the bible.'

It's a widely accepted belief.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #4 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 3:08pm

You never shared about Moira before. Perhaps she's your guide, or a manifestation of you higher self. Special connections can be had in more than one way.

Alan McDougall wrote on Jul 25th, 2008 at 3:03pm:

If the the goal is to get to the point where we all love each other completely, I wonder why soul mates are necessary.  

How does the soul mate issue fit into the disk/oversoul viewpoint? Does a disk always have to create twin souls whenever it creates new probes? Can soul mates come from different disks?

You make a real valid point I feel the aim should be that all souls are soulmates, But during my NDE I met a female angelic being called Moira, who I felt I had a very special connection with. She inhabites my dreams all the time.



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« Last Edit: Jul 25th, 2008 at 7:52pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #5 - Jul 28th, 2008 at 7:52am
I think that the idea of twin flames could be correct. I have met "someone" in meditation like that, except that I don't know who it was. It was an energetic kind of being with a perfect human form but no distinguishing characteristics aside from his blue color and loving nature. This was quite some time ago.

However, I have also met "humans" in meditation and dreams who seemed to have a particular interest in me, for conversations I don't remember. I have no idea who is who, or what is what.

I think it can be troublesome for people to constantly focus on finding a partner of some kind. Some of this "urge" is certainly created by our societal promptings. Essentially, there is no reason why a human being cannot function happily and confidently and lovingly while in the "alone" state of companionship with Self.

This seems crucial to any happy relationship anyway, the ability to be in a state of wholeness which is not dependent on a partner. This way, both, or at least one, come from a full cup.

love, blink
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #6 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 6:56pm
Alan, you quoted this, and it was what I was trying to say on the Adam and Eve thread, but it's more acceptable than my words:

This two part cell is the original "Adam and Eve" of Creation – the manifested form of God's Love.

we live in a world of divided interests and limited perceptions and interpretations go awry of most anything.
In the spiritual planes I feel we live in a world united, not divided...

the disc concept explains to me a holographic world, where everything is related, as in like attracts like principle.
yet the disc does not explain what your article is talking about and so thanks for the link.

I also agree with Blink, in what she's saying, the human passing here gets caught up in searching for "the one and only."

it can be sheer folly, if work has not been done on opening the heart to all of life, nature and animals included, in that what the article says about the concept is giving, not getting is part of the heart intelligence.

I am one who had given up on love, in that respect, yet I feel that if I had continued to seek the one and only, I would not have found my internal wholeness and stability, nor found the fruits of the contemplative life, as I would have been attending to my partner's business more than my own.

so speculating on twin souls, I had a soul mate once, he's on the other side, but it's not the same as a twin flame, I've heard anyhoo, so the link is going to be useful to me to gain more info.

on the inner planes I too have run into one person again and again, but it's more often a mental field I'm in, working with, than a love tie, although I'm sure the love must be there somewhere, and involves the concept above of giving, rather than getting.

then there's not a worry about whether I believe or not in love.
giving is just to be, or being. whole already, and nothing is expected to gain, but we all seem to have a great need to give ourselves to love's purpose, whether we are in relationship or not.

I am saying on a different level, all is known already and love is evident between all, yet our purposes here, is perhaps to manifest more of that love on a planet that doesn't know where to begin..quite a task!  I am hopeful to utilize heart intelligence, just as the article suggested, daily, every moment if needed, and forgiving is a part of getting to the love part that much quicker.

thanks for the links

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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #7 - Aug 2nd, 2008 at 10:28am
I think "Soulmates" is a wishful creation of people (like me) who are starved for love and loving relationships. I have met my Twin Flame, and of this I have no doubt, and she was NOT the same as a soulmate, and not the true love of my life (this one, anyhow). She is married to another man, has children with him, and does not have stars in her eyes about it either. But what she does have is a committment to wake me up from this dream we seem to be having we call "life" and she has done that admirably. Life is NOT a chick flick.

I think WE are our true soulmates. I think it is all a mirror in which we see reflections of our selves. We get back what we give, and are very powerful creators. So if you want to create a "Soulmate" maybe you will. But after three marriages and several other attempts are Soulmates, my experience is that it is all Hoo-Hah. Just my 2 cents worth.

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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #8 - Aug 3rd, 2008 at 10:56am
hey there..u r brilliant to me Thomas.

you said: Life is NOT a chick flick.
I'm so glad somebody said it's not a chick flick, nor a rooster flick.
this thinking is collective area consensus, the world is flat idea.

you said:
I think WE are our true soulmates. I think it is all a mirror in which we see reflections of our selves. We get back what we give, and are very powerful creators. So if you want to create a "Soulmate" maybe you will. But after three marriages and several other attempts are Soulmates, my experience is that it is all Hoo-Hah.

Thomas, I'm currently working on the above theme, from a humorous standpoint; the book will be called Celibate in the City, a spoof title I got from Sex in the City episodes, of which my life was ironically similar to the program, complete with the humorous aspects, a wake up and smell the coffee existence.

at the same time, there is such a thing as love at first sight, which only means you have work to do with that person..from hindsight I gained this knowledge. work to mean, I think my 2nd husband and I had a soul agreement, a plan.
therefore he was a soulmate. but I say this because it was more than just love at first sight. it was a mystical, paranormal happening when I first laid eyes on him. I somehow knew this person but could not explain that at all, and so it became that stopping of time and a bursting of light experience, which we romanticize collectively.

I do believe you have met your twin flame; anytime you have somebody where there is genuine, open communication, what a gift this is! it happens so very rarely, I think that would be called a holy relationship in ACIM tems, versus a special relationship.

I really want to do an article on special versus holy relationships. I'm mulling it over. and, according to sources, twin flames have nothing to do with one's gender, and this makes it so much simpler then saying this person is my one and only.

this oneness concept, I sometimes see as there are patterns, there are root races of 9 count. the patterns are intentions for incarnating. the patterns may include certain talent patterns..

it might explain our mimic qualities, how we can mimic another, as we have a similar quality in our makeup.

but I often fall back on what you see in another, is that you are really seeing it in yourself first, then projecting that they have this quaility, when they might's what we want to see, is our own selves. we had this group come into Earth with this philosophy:
what you see is what you get.

oh oh! better see it as you prefer, rather than getting what you've always gotten...

we have been told we are powerful, we are mini gods, that sort of thing, yet you mentioned once, we need to stop feeling guilty, as I do believe the guilt prevents the self empowerment to prove the statement. we are also afraid..that we would misuse power perhaps if we allowed ourselves to be powerful.

at least I've seen this expressed from time to time here; that browbeating ourselves is the best way. I don't think so for all of life, this is the way, but the oneness concept does not allow browbeating of any person, including yourself.
the creative powers are unlimited from my perspective, yet in C1, I know I am not in control of destination points.

and finally, I'm ok with not being in control, because whatever is working in my life has a mysterious quality of perfection to it. all my sniffing around it to put words on it is the major task I seem to enjoy.

finally, I'm going to need a lot of cheering on from spirit, as I am in agreement with you about hoo hoo romanticism, although I support lovers wherever I find them, my premise in further books is
the reason we come together in special relationship, whether soulmate or just some person you met in a bar, if it is a special relationship, you will create with them circumstances where forgiveness is going to be required of know, where you stop perceiving that they were supposed to behave a certain way with you, and they didn't.

a special relationship is just full of expectations and conditions to meet.  and forgiveness must be explained, what it is, what it does and why it works.

I like ACIM, says "what are relationships for?" it says to "make happy."
if two were making happy consistently enough by overlooking perceived faults, forgiving, then it turns into a bunch of holy instants which end up into one big happy circumstance.

learning forgiveness, the secret of this pathway to get across shortens the addictive quality to returning here in physical, it provides lift off velocity spiritually...

theres then reason to come back and "fix" what went wrong...they didn't do anything to you that you didn't allow and help create.

we are all slowly arriving back home when we say ok, the buck stops here..let's break the cycle and make a jail break!

It's getting funner and funnier. thanks Thomas, great posts.
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #9 - Aug 3rd, 2008 at 9:38pm
Here's another perspective given by Frank DeMarco, founder and former(?) Editor-in Chief of Hampton Roads Publishing, author of several books, blogger and TMI grad. This is channeled work from TGU (The Guys Upstairs), his guides:

TGU session 03-25-02

Published by Frank DeMarco at 3:52 am under channeling

Rita Warren: This is March 26th, 2002. And Frank is here, and the rest of the group is here.

F: Maybe. We’ll see.

R: All right. Okay. Let me let me start with something Frank and I were talking about the other day: Soul mates and twin souls. And I was wondering if there was anything at all to this sort of idea.

F: Well, just philosophically, there’s always a nub to any idea that many people have held, but that may be all that it is. The twin soul concept and the soul mate concept, if you look at them, are firmly rooted in this individuality that we keep repeating is overemphasized, not that it’s overemphasized, but that it’s like one end of a magnet, and it’s only looking at the North Pole and not the South Pole, which is equally valid. So if you take the concept of twin soul or soul mate and you look at it from our point of view, what is there to be? In other words, you could say, we group the energies and send them across. So maybe we group similar energies or even identical energies and send them across; you could look at that as soul mates. But does it mean more than that?

And “twin soul” implies, and we know that people say it’s a soul that actually split in two in the beginning and that therefore, they’re looking — and it’s usually seen in a romantic context, although not invariably — buta shorter answer for us than usual would be, no, we don’t think much of either concept because it’s a concept that can appear if you look at something as if individuals were real. And we’ve said more than once that individuals aren’t very real, they’re more like a convenient fiction. If you don’t stay within that fiction, what’s left of the concept of soul mate or twin soul?

R: Well, I guess with soul mate it would suggest that there are individuals who, operating in 3D theater are somehow meant to get together in some way.

F: If that didn’t carry the connotation with it — not exactly the denotation, but the connotation — that there’s only one, you know, that it’s only a pair (again, the romantic things slips in there usually), we wouldn’t have a problem with it. Obviously, as you can see in your everyday lives, there are whole groups of people who come in to function together and do something very elaborate, often. That, in a way, fulfills your definition of soul mate. But you know, soul mates means two people. And the two people probably have a romantic relationship. Again, we think it’s totally, inappropriately concrete idea of individuals.

R: Well, the idea of twin souls — I was thinking about this today — the definitions I’ve heard suggest that they somehow entered into the universe together, these two energies, as though there is a beginning entry into the universe. And so I wanted to ask you about that. Does that happen, or is this a phenomenon without beginning, without end?

F: We’re aware of that speculation because Frank’s read about that stuff, of course, but, it’s not in our experience. That isn’t to say “no, it’s not so,” it’s to say it’s not in our experience. We don’t know. We’ll welcome you pursuing it if you wish, but we don’t have any more to say about it.

This is by no means the complete text, just the most immediately relevant part.

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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #10 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 5:27pm
Thanks we are still left with the same question about whether what was one, in imaginary fictionalized ELS split into polarities, either different or same polarity, number of 7 twin flames in a disc type thing.

it's still division of spirit, no matter how you look at it. as the same division of the brain hemispheres, whereby TMI brings those hemispheres in communication. (just speaking physically)

but spirit, what was One, did divide overall into these individualities, what is the big bang, termed the collective consensus fictionalized world. I really like the way they term fictionalized, because I've suspected we do make up our own realities, on this other level.

and technically, without all the romantic hype involved, many of us do have agreements with other individual sparks on this Earth plane, while we do form group agreements too, which is interesting, to say, we effect one another in countless ways.

personally, as I see it, we meet the same souls we work with century after century (appearance of linear time, another fiction)
in different forms, different bodies.
I'd say we fail to recognize them most of the time.
I came to terms my husband had planned all along to take his exit at age 42. nonetheless, I didn't know he would plan it that way. now I'm sure he was putting in an appearance here as we planned it that way.

this gave me some reason to figure out what forgiveness and faith was in letting him go.

he was my mate. but we can have more than one mate in the works, if that's a desire.
the way I figure there's more in heaven and Earth we don't know, then there's is about the knowns....

love, and thanks again Rob, I will read up on it, but I actually don't think there's enough info written down about it...

I had no idea Frank channeled...
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #11 - Aug 5th, 2008 at 2:58pm
Hi all,

I agree with Thomas and others who say that one's true "soulmate" is.....your own immortal soul.

- u
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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #12 - Aug 7th, 2008 at 10:19pm

Yeah, Frank channels for sure. It's some of the best channeling I've seen.  It's not often we find someone with his credibility doing this kind of work.

I posted that quote of his to throw it on the table, to aid those considering the question. Not to really answer anything. There are so many variations, there's so single answer applicable to everyone. So I think answers to who is and who isn't a soul mate and what they're here to do with you (good, bad, or indifferent) have come from within.

Lots of love,

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #13 - Aug 8th, 2008 at 1:02am
  Ultimately i believe God is our true Soul Mate and Twin Soul, and every other "part" of the Whole as well.

  Meanwhile, there seems to be something about Twin Souls in that, when Discs became involved within the Earth system and with Earth, their was experienced a polarization of sorts within the Disc, and it seems Two was created out of One within the same self. 

   Bruce talks about his experiences in perceiving 8 different main levels of Disc selves, from his own immediate Disc, "Disc 1" (with his various other lives directly influential to his current personality) to the 8th which he terms the "Planning Intelligence". 

Perhaps "level" or Disc 2 is what some call "Twin Souls"?   

  My Twin Soul and i have shared many lives together in many various capacities.  In each, there was an innate closeness and harmony, though often deep trials also were involved.

The point of the relationships ever seem to be, to foster a greater sense of Oneness whilst within the physical, with each other, and with the hope that this becomes more universal in nature.   

  If you cannot totally love and accept another individual, even in a limited capacity, it's oft mighty hard to do so in a totally impersonal and fully Universal Oneness kind of way with everyone.    To some, love becomes highly intellectual in nature and rarely deeply felt.  It's easy (at least for me) to feel "holy" when all alone on the mountaintop so to speak, but another matter when someone is "trying your patience"and vice versa in such a strongly influencing and constant, in your face kind of way.

  Other than that, there is nothing important about Twin Souls, if it doesn't kindle that awareness and help that awareness to spread out to all it's various selves in a more perfectly universal way. 

  Too much focus on Twin Souls can become limited and separative in nature.   Point is, with Twin Souls there is a natural oneness and harmony that is both very uplifiting in nature, but also EXTREMELY TESTING and TRYING in nature at the same time, at other times.   When you so feel what the other feels and vice versa, when one is in a more positive space and the other not so much so...   Balancing and such innate Oneness is not always easy or fun.

  Being with my Twin Soul in this life, has not been a piece of cake.  Constant powerful mirroring goes on, and what's reflected back isn't always something you want to see about yourself.   It can, and has been very challenging at points, and the desire to throw in the towel has certainly been contemplated by both parties.   

  We've both grown and balanced out a lot via our mutual interaction and affect on each other.   It has heightened and expanded both of our general psychic awareness as well.   But we always try to remember that we are here not for ourselves or for the relationship, but more for others in a more universal sense. 

   Because of realization that we do not possess each other, we also allow for the possibilities of sexual and other relations with others, though for me, i've been trying to place less and less emphasis on that kind of limited merging.
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Re: Who are our true Soul Mates? (Messages from God)
Reply #14 - Aug 8th, 2008 at 5:15pm
I think the only true soul mate anyone has is in the afterlife, the one we have to leave behind.. when we choose to come down here and if the love with that person in the afterlife is very strong and tight as can be , then she comes down with you , but your separated and have to go through life's obstacles to find each other again.

if that makes any sense at at all

I've had dreams of two woman that to me felt very real and when i woke from the dreams , i had this deep feeling of sadness like i knew them on some level.
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