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Choose this Day
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wow Bets; you said: I think your left hemisphere is * a bully ! * It has no right to set time lines for you into the future! _____
u just caused another dent in my already banged up brain halves the way you word your sentences, rotes jump off of it, for me anyway. what I do, mostly, or try to do, is bring us all together on the same page by finding these singular remarks, here and there and tying them into my dream PE's, or phasing activities. not sure that makes sense, but once dear Bets here asked me if I were in "her head."
I regret to inform you we are all in each other's head. smile. Lately, I've been thinking, it's true, we of our own personal selves, do not lay down time line events to outpicture..the event planners, in conjunction with the Highest Good does the event planning, which is like setting into place a possibility, which gets moved over to the probability area for manifestation, but only when everyone involved in the event, for whom the event will be effected, when everyone's time frame for the event matches up with the highest good.
didn't mean to start a lecture!
well, I am a writer! so anyhoo, Channy, Bets is right, too much logic operating and the right brain gets shut down..the artistic side is the right hand side of the expresses love more easily also. they must both be allowed to be partners, in sync. letting yourself imagine stuff is part of getting in the flow of PE.
hey, according to Channy, many of us are "cool." that's slang for we are "alright." we are OK. more than that pal, I'd go so far as to say, these folks here, including you, are the folks I've been waiting for to meet, all of my life.
theres this saying "life is what happens while you're waiting for it to happen." these folks happened by while I was waiting to meet some, these are the ones I've been waiting to meet!
about PE. it seems the hardest step is just to do it. I'm good at procrastinating. Fear that I cannot do it is a form of procrastination for me. to get past the nag that I am about to become a fool again, I just allow myself to become the fool and that erases the fear or the doubt that I can participate, and add my 2 cents, as so far, nobody has run me off the board for doing that. which is actually cool....
I like the way Channy is jumping in here, by making those connections with each person...I found that in the beginning PE, I had to establish trust with my partner. this I did over a year's time. I am still friends with Lyn who lives in Australia, however, that time with her was a development period of learning to do PE, and it had a lot to do with trust and PUL between us. Otherwise, I couldn't have gotten past the doubts and fears which block performing these and believing you can do it.
then I met this intuitive, whom I had some trust in also. I asked her how does she know what she is getting is true? She is lovely. she promptly slamdunked me in 3 words: I trust myself.
all she said. that she gives what she received. she's working a bit differently. she doesn't take the rough edges off. but still she is like the rest of us..working on it, and trust yourself.
what helps me in PE, is I wish to give something to another, but only in the highest good sense. therefore, my left brain, my desire to be of service even is not in control of what I receive, and only the intention will manifest on the board. if I'm willing to let myself be used by Spirit.
which, shucks, nothing better to do..and it's fun. you must not take things in a wholly serious manner around here..we are all learning.
I have noticed certain tones in music can make me altered state, and be aiding of PE's....but by far, feeling PUL is the best conductor...