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Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain) (Read 3522 times)
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Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Jul 17th, 2008 at 2:57am
In a previous topic, Laffingrain wrote:
"I also heard that the symbol of Lucifer has returned home and is no longer loosed upon the world."

Where does such story come from? What does that mean?

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Re: Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Reply #1 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 3:05pm
Member unknown wrote on Jul 17th, 2008 at 2:57am:
In a previous topic, Laffingrain wrote:
"I also heard that the symbol of Lucifer has returned home and is no longer loosed upon the world."

Where does such story come from? What does that mean?



Hi Sonia. it relates to mythological stories about how mankind and the Earth materialized. the story is that there was an angel who was thinking itself to be on the right hand side of God, his favorite.
It was actually not true that God has favorites. and so his name was Lucifer. Lucifer then became with jealousy and self pride, which is related to being rebellious against God.

God had given free will, so the story goes, that he then was loosed into the Earth, and we have the fall of man concept, or the fallen angel concept. (remember, this is myth, and made by man)

It illustrates the saying "pride goeth before a fall."

So as it goes, Lucifer, which is actually a part of each person, for we can do bad or good within our own minds, to act unlovingly.
Lucifer, it was said tried to prove God was mistaken, to not love him as the favorite, the most beautiful angel in heaven. this is a story about man's ego, that wishes to stand out as better than others. it explains competitiveness as opposed to good team work values.

To excel, be the best you can be, is not the same thing as wishing to prove oneself superior to others. so Lucifer explains a duality world where bad and good exist side by side, but that it is not done the same way in the heavens.

Now, during the shift in consciousness, this aspect of mankind, Lucifer, the former angel has returned to the heavens and given up his desire to prove himself superior. He/she/It is no longer in charge of the world, is what the message said to me.

Myth is such an interesting study..really nothing more than soul patterns of behavior.

love, alysia
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Re: Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Reply #2 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 3:21pm
It's a well covered topic, but it seems indeed inevitable that what manifests at this level through the actions of individual beings is at the highest level an aspect of God's or universal mind.

But since the 'as above so below' principle applies mind at our individual levels also manifests all these attributes as well.

Meaning that everything in this world good or bad somehow reflects an aspect of mind - sometimes we misinterpret the resulting urges and so do wrong. e.g. fear of separation leads to trying to console ourselves by bodily and external instead of spiritual means. e.g. ladies, cars.

It's the holographic mind you often talk of Alysia....
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Re: Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Reply #3 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 4:00pm
It's a well covered topic, but it seems indeed inevitable that what manifests at this level through the actions of individual beings is at the highest level an aspect of God's or universal mind.

But since the 'as above so below' principle applies mind at our individual levels also manifests all these attributes as well.

Meaning that everything in this world good or bad somehow reflects an aspect of mind - sometimes we misinterpret the resulting urges and so do wrong. e.g. fear of separation leads to trying to console ourselves by bodily and external instead of spiritual means. e.g. ladies, cars.

It's the holographic mind you often talk of Alysia....

in reference to what you are expressing Ian, I sometimes see the above/below concept to me a mind/Mind concept.

limited mind lowercase letter, unlimited Mind upper case letter.

also as concerns our current studies of ACIM, that this world was not made by God, it is made by us, the ego, we can see the more easily, that God does not make wars, poverty, hunger, rape and pillage, for it was never his will.

this points to our ability to effect each other, and of our natural creative abilities and points to brotherly love as the way back home, and that we are dreaming we are here, and that what we have made is real. Now that we know God has nothing to do with this world, we are then the ones who are responsible to make it as we would have it be.

this I see as a slow but sure process that we keep faith in one another and God does the rest.

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Re: Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Reply #4 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 5:31pm
The name of Lucifer has been thrown around in differing ways.  Perhaps the first significant time was in the book of Isiah,  but not the original version. More than "800" years after the initial version of the book of Isiah was written, fallen angel language and the name lucifer was added. The original version spoke of a fallen king of Babylonia, a physical person.

Here's a basic definition of the word from wikipedia:

In Latin, the word "Lucifer", meaning "Light-Bringer" (from lux, lucis, "light", and ferre, "to bear, bring"), is a name for the "Morning Star" (the planet Venus in its dawn appearances).
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Re: Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Reply #5 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 5:48pm
Smiley It gets interesting in that there's ultimately no separation between keeping faith in one another, and the 'as above so below' perspective.

We can't keep faith as you say unless we are guided by God's truth, love, the highest view - unless we transcend the selfish and competitive urges of ego.

Nor can we do this as an act of will. There's perhaps the possibility of suppressing our deeper urges for a while, but ultimately it's about changing to embody this higher view  - about becoming something else as a result of dropping our mistaken beliefs.

So (and this is just an example) at the level of Spirit there's actually no separation between God and beings, or between beings - only the perception of it from a certain point of view.

Not only does your hologram as we said work vertically (God to beings to God) it also works laterally. (between beings) But there's every level of being, and no doubt it works between these levels too, and in every other direction we can imagine.

So every locality of awareness/being/entity as others have said has qualities of individuality, but also qualities universality.

Lucifer's detour as you say (and I don't know the story) could perhaps be described as for the ego reasons you mentioned having bought into a belief in separation - he got fixated on the individual perspective, but lost sight of the simultaneous universality.

That's only thinking in the dimensions and realities we're familiar with, there's many more.

Please pardon my indulging myself in playing with this, but the implications of it all and what it says about the nature of God or what it is at the level of unity is mind blowing. Brings us right back to the other thread on the nature of God.....
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Re: Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Reply #6 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 6:37pm
yes as I see it, this thread does tie in with the other thread, it shows a certain group consciousness going on. a lot of synchronicities playing out Ian. maybe group soul searching.

also that prideful thing of Lucifer, is related to wanting to be as powerful as God, choosing power over Love. Many egos in the world are exercising power. Lucifer, metaphorically, can be another anti-Christ type of story. According to the bible, the meek will inherit the Earth. Then we can have faith and hope that they will, and roles of power will be reversed.

there are of course some things you cannot believe in the bible, yet some things you can glimpse the truth of, such as a child shall lead them. I do believe I have been enlightened by children many times, and so I do believe, children are meek and also "you must become as a child" to get back into the kingdom. this is illustrating a transformation of the mental areas. then I see all people as children anyhoo.

that Babylonian king R, just the other day I was reflecting on this one, probably on Wikipedia. He had great historical import. Did some good works. have to re-read what it said.

I had no idea he was referenced as the Lucifer story or connected to that, as I reference Lucifer to a desire to be ruler of one's own kingdom without God being a part of that kingdom.

the height of folly, when we see we can be ruled by no king, unless we decide ourselves to let ourselves be ruled by other than God's will, which is perfect love, peace, joy, wellness within our reliance upon one another and upon higher wisdom of God.

it is a lonely king whose people desert him, for they themselves have made the king to rule over them, by thinking small thoughts of themselves.

just think, God lets us create so much drama. I have to figure this out some day!
tell me what this king did as reported in history if you would.


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Re: Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Reply #7 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 2:56am
Quoting LaffingRain
"Now, during the shift in consciousness, this aspect of mankind, Lucifer, the former angel has returned to the heavens and given up his desire to prove himself superior. He/she/It is no longer in charge of the world, is what the message said to me."


Where do you got that message from?
I mean, if this is true, this is serious news.
How do you know this for sure?

I need to know.

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Re: Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Reply #8 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 12:34pm
With all of the contradictory Lucifer stories that exist and how the main one from some versions of the Bible has a questionable history, I'd consider any Lucifer story with a grain of salt or even a pinch.
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Re: Symbol of Lucifer? (sentence of Laffingrain)
Reply #9 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 2:16pm
Sonia said: Where do you got that message from?
I mean, if this is true, this is serious news.
How do you know this for sure?

yes, please pass the salt R.

Sonia, people too often take what the bible stories say in a literal face value sense, as if a Lucifer really did or does exist as a force or personage all it's own.

the bible was written by people like you and me who lived long ago and had their own language. things like "chariots" they were flying objects they saw in visions, which could have been UFOs, but they had to call them flying get my drift. People today are also seeing visions..our visions are as good as theirs.
None of it was written by JC..therefore it's all heresay and various interpretations handed down.

What I'm saying is we are in a shifting world where we need something deeper, more meaningful than these stories handed down as literal.

Whatever we believe is true for us. If I read something and get my own personal "buzz" off of it, it becomes true for me.
To think that we can believe whatsoever we wish is just the freedom to choose our belief system. Then we can go further and choose another belief system.
Lucifer in my metaphor of ideas, is just another word for a duality world. where the belief in the devil and the belief in the Lord march together. sort of like the belief that there is a season for war, and a season for peace.

I no longer believe in the devil as a force, nor in war as a natural occurrence to liken it to a season. that would be biblical thinking.

When I got the buzz off the message, it meant only to me, that mankind's path is a little bit smoother during the shift in consciousness, that energies, such as Light/intelligent/heart is entering the physical planes such as no other time in history for us to choose the Light and avoid further wars of devastation.

it meant to me it will be easier to make heart connections with each person you meet, and one by one we change the world to a more harmonized state to recognize only PUL is eternal, all the rest is just a backdrop. you got to have a vision or you're dead in the water here.

yet it's our vision that creates that circumstance. just know that dark forces disappear when light approaches, and when it said Lucifer returned home, it meant we will all know someday we cannot change the world by shooting it with a rifle so we seek vision, strength, hope, faith and leave the power monging to the few who profess no faith at all in peace to prevail.

If Lucifer was brought to his knees and begged re-entrance to heaven, it is the ego, with it's wrong will which caused his suffering, which caused him in turn to awaken to truth, then in turn God welcomes his angel home with no recrimination, for Lucifer is also God's son who has returned, and now there is celebration in the heavens, for what was lost, is now found.

we are merely talking about whether darkness is stronger than Light. How can darkness prevail when Light comes? For darkness is only shadows with wishes. Light is truth.

I suppose it is big news  Shocked  but can you  feel yourself the energies all over Earth now? aren't you excited to live in this age? those are the energies, and we are being assisted now to grow into understandings as well a technical age which includes spiritual values..of brotherly love, one for all, and all for one.

maybe you can't feel it yet. it started for me around 2000 and builds, the knowledge we are all changing swiftly. casting aside belief systems which serve us not. listening to our own intuitions, along with the heart path. Each of us has our own time to begin the search and basically, it doesn't have much to do with old religious concepts so much as listening to your heart.
I see each one as perfectly  manifesting their destiny here, for if I see myself this way, I must be at one with you and see you as I see myself. therefore I'm glad you came along here; frankly, there's too many men on this board.  We need more women here to balance things. so welcome once again and please stay.

love, alysia
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