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Laws of the soul AND how to reunify with God (Read 2716 times)
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Laws of the soul AND how to reunify with God
Jul 9th, 2008 at 7:16am
Hello dear all,

I was wondering about the essence of the soul and the reunification Plan with God.

The laws of the soul are the following one as I learned:
1. The soul wants to be free (=have free will)
2. The soul needs pure unconditional love (it needs to receive it and to give it)
3. Pure unconditional love is the way to build happiness for all
4. Anything going against the essence of the soul (and the essence of God, which is the greatest soul existing) will create dispair
5. Dispair for happiness and love, will create fear, anger, hate, etc. which are at the opposite of a healthy society
6. The goal of a soul is the reach perfection and balance, to reunify with the entity called God
7. The soul is eternal and so is its process of learning
8. The soul evolves constantly
9. Free will is undeniable, as everything you believe can only be changed by yourself (or direct experience)

Then: What is the essence of a perfect soul (as to reunify with God)? What are its characteristics? --> this is a very important question for me
I would really appreciate your opinion on that subject.
Do you know good books about that subject.
How do you change your beliefs to be more loving?

Thank you, in advance, for your precious help.
All comments are welcome.

Love to you all,

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Re: Laws of the soul AND how to reunify with God
Reply #1 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:39am
Hi Sonia (again)  Smiley

I should have read your 'set' of posts as they sort of go together.

The essence of a unified soul is PUL.
Cheesy the answer is easier than you expected, eh?  Achieving it in ourselves is what is hard.

If you read Bruce Moen's handbook of the afterlife he'll tell you how to begin making PUL your essence. It will happen as you become experienced in 'retrievals,' because every retrieval is a step toward creating and 'using ' more PUL. Spiritual help accompanies you through this process to make sure you're developing.

There are reasons the process cannot be consolidated into a few lines of type.  It has to be experienced, and experiencing it in an established way such as is set up in the handbook is the most effective method.

I hope you will become involved in this as you already seem to be on the path.
Any further information you offer in any of your posts will help us give you more answers but that is still a shot-gun approach.
best wishes,
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Re: Laws of the soul AND how to reunify with God
Reply #2 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 11:33am
Hi Sonia, I tend to think that we are always "reunified" with God -- at all times. We just don't realize it. We are multidimensional creatures.

I think that any sense of "separation" from God is an illusion. We can define "God" many ways. It doesn't matter one bit.

Love is always the answer, of course. We can define "love" many ways. It doesn't matter one bit.

I think there is a "knowing" that occurs when we are successfully experiencing ourselves as "one" with God. That "knowing" is called peace.

love, blink
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I Am Dude
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Re: Laws of the soul AND how to reunify with God
Reply #3 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 2:41pm
We are always unified with god and will always be, for we are god just as much as the source consciousness is god.  In fact, we are the source consciousness, even though we are individual aspects of it.  The one is the all and the all is the one.  It is simply a matter of bringing this connection more into our conscious awareness and encorperating it into our experience to become more of who we really are.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: Laws of the soul AND how to reunify with God
Reply #4 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 2:52pm
Hello Sonia:

I like what you have to say.  Here are my viewpoints of a perfect soul, thus far. I'm still trying to figure it out.

1. It (a soul) has the knowledge it needs.

2. It lives completely according to love.

3. It understands that all other souls have reached a perfected state of being (This happens when a soul is in touch with the oneness that exists beyond time. In no way am I implying that a higher level soul isn't aware of the suffering other souls go through.).

4. Because a soul lives completely according to love, number 3 is very important.

5. Because souls want to account for the fact that they exist for all of eternity and because they learn to have control of their state of being, they end up selecting the most wonderful state of being that is possible.

Regarding growing in love, I've found the following to be very helpful:

1. Become free of all past hurts.

2. Become free of all psychological issues that relate to anger.

3. Become free of all fear.

4. Become free of judgmental and separatist thoughts towards others. This doesn't mean that you can't acknowledge when somebody manifests in a negative way; however, there is no need to be judgmental towards them.

5. Realize that lust and love are two different energies. If you insist on defining another person according to sexual attraction, you won't be able to completely love he or she (or not he or she) as the spirit being he or she is.

6. Be willing to have feelings of humility, reverence, and gratitude towards higher levels of being. Going by what you wrote, I get the impression that you already think in such a way.

One thing I found useful was to make a list of all of the issues that troubled me during my life and to gain as much freedom from them as possible.  Next I paid attention to my dreams and other messages I received from my spirit guidance. I've found that spirit guidance, which in my case includes the spirit of Christ, can be extremely helpful when it comes to overcoming limitations.  It used to be that I'd sit in meditation with a lot of energy running through me and wonder where the love is. I'd become quite frustrated at times because I thought I was a loving person. It turns out I had some issues to become clear of that I wasn't fully conscious of until sprit guidance helped me out. I can now feel love quite easily while I meditate. Not to say that I've overcome all limitations, but things have sure improved. In my case spirit guidance has included a lot of energetic work that has helped clear energetic blockages.

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« Last Edit: Jul 9th, 2008 at 7:47pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Laws of the soul AND how to reunify with God
Reply #5 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 9:31am
Dear all,

Thank you all for your input here.

Recoverer, special thanks for your reply. This is more the style of answer I search.

That does not mean I like the other answers less.

I like when people sort out differences: Like the difference between "love and lust".

In fact, you can make a whole lot of differences, or things we can be wrong about like the difference between:
1. pleasure AND happiness
2. vanity, pride, etc AND self-respect (or awareness of your own "real" worth)
3. material wealth, exterior power AND wealth of the soul, power over yourself (control over your own mind, instead of controlling other things)
4. freedom through money AND freedom through love, safety, etc (and other positive feelings which money can give you the illusion you have it all)
5. physical beauty AND inner beauty
6. etc.

Another important aspect is BALANCE and EQUALITY in love.

I mean one should love himself as much as you love another. If you love somebody else, more than you love yourself, you won't be equal to that person. There is probably a DISBALANCE in your conception of love.
All souls are equal in the experience of feeling and thought, therefore all souls are equal.
No soul is worth less than another. Therefore no soul should treat itself or another less than itself or another. Just a thought.

With love and care,

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Re: Laws of the soul AND how to reunify with God
Reply #6 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 12:28pm

I believe that there is a level of being where all souls love each other completely. How wonderful would that be? Smiley
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« Last Edit: Jul 11th, 2008 at 7:25pm by recoverer »  
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channy aka cbuk
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Re: Laws of the soul AND how to reunify with God
Reply #7 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 5:29pm
Hi Sonia and Board,
This is such a wonderful board – and there are great contributors here.
I am on a learning curve. Others here know a lot more.
I only came across this board about February of this year – 2008.

Re your query about the reunification plan with god my opinion is stated below.
Once we dwelt with god in unity. Something happened   and we fell and our vibrations lowered.
Over time our vibrations lowered more and more due to many reasons.
We went away from a high vibration to a lower vibration and over time had to take physical birth.
My opinion – we have been on the upward curve - the journey home - back to oneness and back to godhead.
However this journey to perfection is not easy – there are many traps on the way.
There are many initiations to go through – so many pitfalls – it is easy to fall.
Jealousy, Anger, Greed, Wrong desire/Attachment and Envy will keep the soul stuck in the lower regions.
One way to look at is that the Soul has been kept in the lower regions and never gets
a chance to get to its true home.
If the soul becomes convinced that it has reached its true home while it is still in the lower regions – it will stay there wrongly believing it has reached the end of its journey.
Who does the convincing? The Mind.
In any case the rulers of the lower regions are happy to keep the soul in the lower regions
and try to keep the soul from escaping to its true home.
In my opinion it is the duty of the lower region rulers to keep the soul in the lower regions
and it is your duty to get to the true home of soul.
One of the criteria which applies to the soul intending to leave the lower regions is that it has to balance its account before it can leave permanently and dwell as a co-creator with god.

Yet I have heard the soul in perfect, is light, and blameless and without sin.
I have heard the soul is above the mind and that the mind has somehow lulled the soul - making it forget its true home.
Yet I wonder - if the soul is perfect and eternal and blameless and without sin –
who is doing the evolving and the learning?


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The lifting of the fog of forgetfulness will lead you to the realisation of your true spiritual  nature-CBUK.
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