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The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is" (Read 21647 times)
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is
Reply #45 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 4:50pm
Alysia said: Quote:
It is because we can become "split" between two thought systems and make no forward progress if the mind is pulled in two directions.
thus we have fear and love, opposites, attempting to occupy the same place; one must choose, which it shall be, in order to have peace of mind....

...what I was trying to sum up, we "invent" problems. I've caught myself doing this, even in my own little world, more so in the past then now, but I would worry needlessly about something, and blow it up into a much bigger problem than I needed to.
yes, I know too, I have been called a drama queen. that hurt! however, it was true, only then by recognizing I blow things up, can I change myself to be more realistic...

however, what I've noticed about belief systems, is we all carry about a self image of ourselves, which during interaction with others, who are indeed your own special mirrors to yourself, gets slaughtered.
dying to a belief system, which is a self image one carries, is very much like the process of an actual death, as you had supposed it was you, this self image, and we do cherish our self images, we wish to be protecting of this self image.

then as we go along in life, the self image changes, slowly sometimes, other times it gets smashed by events, loss of a job, marriage partner, a death..the more prominent things that happen in a life, are associated with how we see ourselves in relationship to the world at large.  what I'm trying to do is draw a relationship between what death is; as an experience we do, whether leaving the physical vehicle, or simply experiencing a loved one's leave taking from physical locale.

I would say the new consciousness to arrive on Earth, slowly marching on, is the awareness we have this ability to create a self image of individuality, yet know that it is the other's who make this very circumstance possible, to be an individual. we are dependent on each other, especially those who oppose us, in this sense.
so I would say to take notice how often self image does die here, and so it would not surprise me it would also be dying in the afterlife, if the self image were not real and true, of the higher Self, of what is eternally true.

Alysia also said: Quote:
... I do not use words like worship because they are no longer useful to describe contact with infinite wisdom and PUL. I am in that case absorbed by God and while surrendering there is no "me" to do the worshipping.

Instead, to use another word, I would say every man goes through painful experiences which act to set up a yearning to return to source, or God if you prefer. The yearning itself is a type of worship in a way, it is an energy in all us, sooner or later, which is a prayerful state of consciousness. Even at time, awe is there. it grows in momentum...

... so we can assume physical incarnation serves a purpose beyond what we understand, even though that one, who has touched the hem of God so to speak, yearns to return....

There will come a time we will all see how strongly we hold unto our belief systems, jealousy guarding them.

Belief systems, whatever you believe, has a rote on it. Each single belief is in truth connected to another set of beliefs.

the root system of most beliefs is that we are separate from God, therefore, we must have done something really bad. Our job towards enlightenment is basically, as I see it, help each other get home, and to see that we labor under the illusion we have rebelled against God and been casts out.

a belief system is different than perceptions.
as is interpretation different than a perception.

your perceptions will always follow your belief system. so change your beliefs, and your perceptions change accordingly.

all possibilities able to play out, once you begin to observe how your mind works.
for instance, when you believe something "new" your perceptions widen up to accept more possibilities for creating your reality, in ways that benefit others as well. Higher good prospects.

when I'm in prayerful thoughts, it is only "thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven." I still find certain phrases of use to me, even in this new age, so I could say I'm worshipful of God

Hi Alysia,

In your 2 previous posts (excerpted above) you seem to present somewhat consistent themes even though expressed differently, with additional related in a recent other thread I just read (Lucifer?) you spoke about:

The nature of worship and its equivalents, the yearning to return to Source and how that 'worship' may be determined by specific orientation leading toward resolution. The relationship, obligations and means between human and God in that activity.  Also perhaps a suggestion that the way we orient towards God is also how we condition ourselves to relate to other human beings(?). How orientation is founded upon belief system and subsequent self-perception/self-image, also how the mind works (and doesn't), and how those 2 things can limit and negatively condition our navigation of reality and approach to God. The need for re-invention/transformation etc. and how these things tie in with love/pul. Quite a bit of inter-related themes there.

I was thinking that I wanted to respond to your posts but didn't know how to, until my daily reading brought me to some passages from one of my favorite authors that at once seemed to touch on, reinforce and tie together many of the same themes you presented, with some connections explicit, some implicit.

- u


Transformation is a house. It becomes a home only when there is peace, joy, harmony and love. Before that, the house is there—an amalgam of bricks, sand, wood and other material objects; but these things are useless and meaningless unless there is peace, love, joy and oneness inside the house. When these qualities or these capacities are visible, then the house becomes a home.

Human life is totally meaningless unless there is love in it. It is a life, a creation of God, but this creation of God is of no avail unless and until there is love in it. When love fills life, then only life is meaningful and fruitful. The transformation of house into home is what we need, the transformation of life into love is what we need.

The human mind we consider as the highest achievement on earth. But this mind is of no avail unless and until vastness becomes its other name. Unless and until the mind becomes synonymous with vastness, the mind is of no use. The mind always tries to maintain its superiority. It finds faults with others and suspects others. It gets pleasure only in exercising its individuality. Who needs that mind? But when vastness enters into the mind, the mind is illumined and fulfilled.

The creation as such we do not need, for it is helpless, hopeless, useless. But when we see God inside the creation, what we see is not helplessness but hope. What we see is not uselessness but usefulness. What we see is not mere promise but a faultless assurance of the fulfilment of that promise. So inside the creation, if we can see the Creator, then only is the creation meaningful and fruitful. Otherwise, earthly creation is of no avail.


We have set up a goal according to our own inner perception, and this goal we will reach. But just because we have set our goal according to our own inner image, we will not be satisfied; we will be frustrated. But at every moment when we pray, when we concentrate, when we meditate, when we contemplate, if we can keep in the forefront our soulful promise to our Beloved Supreme, and if we can keep our inner assurance, then we can and will fulfil this promise—that Him to please in His own way, we saw the light of day. Then only will our prayer, concentration, meditation and contemplation have true value, true meaning, true fulfilment. Life has to become love. Mind has to become vastness. Creation has to become God. Prayer and meditation have to embody self-assurance and remembrance of our promise to God. Then only satisfaction, complete satisfaction, everlasting satisfaction, will dawn.

- Sri Chinmoy

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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #46 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 6:02pm
same page Ultra, just different words of Chinmoy.

some brief comparisons to offer: the vastness of mind he's talking about is a feeling (to me) of spaciousness.
if I can wax poetically, there are times during meditation, where there was so much light energy, that it was as if it were a physical light, and my brain could not accomodate it, and so I felt very spacious person with  like, too small a head...hahaha!

the promise to God mentioned at the last, is comparable, to my way of thinking, we do incarnate here with certain intentions to fulfill, certain experiences we wish, certain talents we wish to develop more fully, and I'd say this promise is like those intentions, where back in earlier decades, I used to hear my peers often muttering "have to find myself." then they rush off to first get some tranquilizers!
if we start to remember and implement to do what we do, whatever that is, to do what it is we love doing, we start then to remember this promise or intention which leads to that satisfaction Chinmoy's talking about.

If I compare Chinmoy's thoughts to what I learned in ACIM, there's no discrepancy, in that Chinmoy says we find fault with others, which is the same thing as judging others, projecting guilt upon them so to get rid of guilt within our own self.
He is saying see God in others instead. ACIM is saying trust your brothers who are one with you, as a way to get to the forgiveness part and then to the eventual love part for one another.

Without love, he is saying the world is meaningless.
ACIM is saying the world is unreal unless there is love.

my opinion? JC and Chinmoy are pals.
thanks for reading me Ultra. it is a pleasure to chat.
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is
Reply #47 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 7:56pm
Must say i like Chinmoy from what you've posted too Ultra.

There's even a possibility it's said that JC was influenced by similar (Vedic/Buddhist inspired) system of training 2000 years ago.

It's stuff like meditative experience that  starts to move all of this from being just conceptual to start becoming a bit more of a knowing.

Here's a Wikipedia profile of Chinmoy:
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is
Reply #48 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 11:33pm
There's even a possibility it's said that JC was influenced by similar (Vedic/Buddhist inspired) system of training 2000 years ago.

  I don't know how true it is or not, but Cayce's source said that he did travel in India and other places   He was partly instructed by an Essene leader/prophetess who had him travel specifically to Persia to learn astrology, and like all Initiates of the time, went to Egypt to be tested.

Apparently, he learned some things in these various lands, but mostly relied on inner intuition and living a life of service, compassion, kindness, etc. to others.
That latter especially, along with regular meditation, opens you up more to "truth" than anything else.   All of those various teachings, came to be through people less intune than he, so how necessary or helpful were they?   He was born at such a level, to not have needed these, though i'm not saying they weren't helpful to him at all. 

  Here is a particularly detailed reading regarding much of this, and i share this because i know you are familiar with and like some of Cayce's stuff.

"11. (Q) Please give facts about Jesus' education in Palestine, the schools He attended, how long, what He studied, and under what name He was registered.
(A) The periods of study in Palestine were only at the time of His sojourn in the temple, or in Jerusalem during those periods when He was quoted by Luke as being among the rabbi or teachers. His studies in Persia, India and Egypt covered much greater periods. He was always registered under the name Jeshua.

12. (Q) Please describe Jesus' education in India, schools attended - did He attend the Essene school in Jagannath taught by Lamaas, and did He study in Benares also under the Hindu teacher Udraka?
(A) He was there at least three years. Arcahia was the teacher.

13. (Q) Did He attend the schools in Jagannath -
(A) ALL were a portion of the teachings as combined from the Essene schools, but these were not the true Essene doctrine as practiced by the Jewish and semi-Jewish associations in Carmel.

14. (Q) Did He study in Benares also under the Hindu teacher Udraka?
(A) Rather that as indicated, - Arcahia.

15. (Q) Please describe Jesus' education in Egypt in Essene schools of Alexandria and Heliopolis, naming some of His outstanding teachers and subjects studied.
(A) Not in Alexandria, - rather in Heliopolis, for the period of attaining to the priesthood, or the taking of the examinations there - as did John. One was in one class, one in the other.

16. (Q) Please describe Jesus' contact with schools in Persia, and did He at Persepolis establish a method of entering the Silence as well as demonstrating healing power?
(A) Rather that was a portion of the activity in the "city in the hills and the plains." [Persian incarnation as Zend]

17. (Q) Name some of His outstanding teachers and subjects studied.
(A) Not as teachers, but as being EXAMINED by these; passing the tests there. These, as they have been since their establishing, were tests through which ones attained to that place of being accepted or rejected by the influences of the mystics as well as of the various groups or schools in other lands. For, as indicated oft through this channel, the unifying of the teachings of many lands was brought together in Egypt; for that was the center from which there was to be the radial activity of influence in the earth, - as indicated by the first establishing of those tests, or the recording of time as it has been, was and is to be - until the new cycle is begun.

18. (Q) Why does not the Bible tell of Jesus' education, or are there manuscripts now on earth that will give these missing details to be found soon?
(A) There are some that have been forged manuscripts. All of those that existed were destroyed, - that is, the originals - with the activities in Alexandria.

24. (Q) Did Jesus study under Apollo and other Greek philosophers, and was it through educational contacts that the Greeks later came to Him to beg Him to come to their country when the Jews cast Him out?
(A) We do not find such. Jesus, as Jesus, never appealed to the worldly-wise.

26. (Q) In one Reading we are told the Wise Men came from India, Egypt, and Gobi; in another Reading we are told the Wise Man who brought the incense came from Persia. Which is correct, and besides the Wise Men Achlar and Ashtueil, what were the names of the other two Wise Men?
(A) Both are correct. There was more than one visit of the Wise Men. One is a record of three Wise Men. There was the fourth, as well as the fifth, and then the second group. They came from Persia, India, Egypt, and also from Chaldea, Gobi, and what is NOW the Indo or Tao land.

32. (Q) Please describe Jesus' initiations in Egypt, telling if the Gospel reference to "three days and nights in the grave or tomb," possibly in the shape of a cross, indicate a special initiation.
(A) This is a portion of the initiation, - it is a part of the passage through that to which each soul is to attain in its development, as has the world through each period of their incarnation in the earth. As is supposed, the record of the earth through the passage through the tomb, or the pyramid, is that through which each entity, each soul, as an initiate must pass for the attaining to the releasing of same, - as indicated by the empty tomb, which has NEVER been filled, see? Only Jesus was able to break same, as it became that which indicated His fulfillment.

And there, as the initiate, He went out, - for the passing through the initiation, by fulfilling - as indicated in the baptism in the Jordan; not standing in it and being poured or sprinkled either! as He passed from that activity into the wilderness to meet that which had been His undoing in the beginning."  From Reading 2067-7

"21. (Q) Tell about Judy teaching Jesus, where and what subjects she taught him, and what subjects she planned to have him study abroad.
(A) The prophecies! Where? In her home. When? During those periods from his twelfth to his fifteenth-sixteenth year, when he went to Persia and then to India. In Persia, when his father died. In India when John first went to Egypt - where Jesus joined him and both became the initiates in the pyramid or temple there.

22. (Q) What subjects did Judy plan to have him study abroad?
(A) What you would today call astrology." From reading 2067-11
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #49 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 11:55pm
Forgot one.  Particularly pertinent to India, towards the end of the reading excerpts. 

" GC: You will please give at this time an outline of the life and activities of Jesus the Christ from the time of His birth until the beginning of His ministry in Palestine at approximately thirty years of age; giving birth place, training, travels, etc.

2. EC: As seen from the records that were kept then regarding the promises and their fulfillments in many lands, "Thou Bethlehem of Judah - the birth place of the Great Initiate, the Holy One, the Son of man, the Accepted One of the Father."

3. During those periods in accordance with those laws and rulings, in the household of the father.

4. Then in the care and ministry from the period of the visit to Jerusalem, in first India, then Persia, then Egypt; for "My son shall be called from Egypt."

5. Then a portion of the sojourn with the forerunner that was first proclaimed in the region about Jordan; and then the return to Capernaum, the city of the beginning of the ministry.

6. Then in Canaan and Galilee.

7. In the studies that were a portion of the preparation, these included first those that were the foundations of that given as law. Hence from law in the Great Initiate must come love, mercy, peace, that there may be the fulfilling wholly of that purpose to which, of which, He was called.

8. (Q) From what period and how long did He remain in India?
(A) From thirteen to sixteen. One year in travel and in Persia; the greater portion being in the Egyptian. In this, the greater part will be seen in the records that are set in the pyramids there; for HERE were the initiates taught.

9. (Q) Under whom did He study in India?
(A) Kshjiar [?]. [GD's note: 6/5/69 Dr. I. C. Sharma told me he thought the correct spelling of the teacher would be Kahanji.]

10. (Q) Under whom in Persia?
(A) Junner [?].

11. (Q) In Egypt?
(A) Zar [?].

12. (Q) Outline the teachings which were received in India.
(A) Those cleansings of the body as related to preparation for strength in the physical, as well as in the mental man. In the travels and in Persia, the unison of forces as related to those teachings of that given in those of Zu and Ra. In Egypt, that which had been the basis of all the teachings in those of the temple, and the after actions of the crucifying of self in relationships to ideals that made for the abilities of carrying on that called to be done.

In considering the life physical of any of the teachers, these should not be looked upon by students as unnatural conditions. Rather as, that the righteous Father CALLING to those that had builded in their experience that enabling them to BECOME what each individual must in their own little sphere, gradually enlarging same to become inclusive until they - the individuals - are one in purpose, one in aim, one in ideal, with Him." From Reading 5749-2
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #50 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 1:07pm
I believe it is a mistake to claim that Jesus taught the same thing that Eastern teachings taught. Eastern teachings are based too much upon there being no such thing as an eternal soul and this World being nothing but an illussion. With Eastern teachings there is an emphasis on pure consciousness to an extent that it is hard to imagine that the magnitude at which love exists is understood.  With Eastern teachings God often takes a secondary role and in the case of a religion like Buddhism plays no role at all.   

Going by my experiences and the messages I received it isn't a matter of reverting back to where only "one" self abides in a state of pure consciousness. This would be reverse evolution.  The goal is to get to the point where many souls and God exist eternally in a wonderful state of peace, beauty, joy, knowledge and love. 

Going by the instruction I've received, Christ most certainly knows that there is such a thing as eternal Souls and these Souls have unlimited potential, once they get around to living according to divine wisdom and love.  Souls aren't going to stop existing because somebody goes through an intellectual dialogue which contends that such a thing isn't possible. Awareness, the energy of life, and the mind that directs the energy of life according to its knowledge, all work together to maintain the reality of a soul.  Souls are intially created by higher levels of being.  Souls end up being quite ingenious. They know how to be one and many at the same time.

Regarding this World being unreal, Christ loves it way too much to speak of it as unreal while many people and animals still suffer within it. The intelligence that created this World does exist. The energy that was used to create this World also exists.  When Souls live in this World either as a person or an animal, they do in fact experience its existence. This World won't exist forever and doesn't represent the only manner in which the energy that is used to create it can exist; nevertheless, it is real while it used.
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is
Reply #51 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 1:15pm
Hi Matthew,

DocM said in his opening post, Quote:
As I seek to explore my own consciousness, I am more eager to experience God and Heaven.  I think that PUL only has meaning when extended throughout all consciousness.  As such, it has meaning when we express PUL to others, and they to us.  And if God is the source of PUL, we should acknowledge this too.   The unity between all of us can still be present in this model, yet our individual perception of consciousness persists as well.

I found this to offer.
It is a small portion from a 200 page book dealing with essential issues spiritual seekers often face, this passage in which God is speaking to a seeker.

"My child, what do you want? Do you want to love Me or do you want to prove to Me that you love Me? There is a great difference between your love for Me and your demonstration of love. Your love of Me and your wish to demonstrate your love for Me are two different things. You do not have to demonstrate your love to Me as long as you have the inner cry to love Me. This inner cry is not theoretical, but practicality Itself. It is the height of practicality. I am the eternal Lover and you are My mirror, so you have to know that when I look at you I see My own reflection. Remain My mirror and My Love of you will be your love for Me, for I see Myself alone here on earth and there in Heaven. I do not see anything as something other than Myself. I do not see anybody as someone else. I see only Myself, My larger Self, My universal Self, through you, My mirror. Through you I see Myself, My own reflection. Therefore, you do not have to prove your love for Me. Just maintain your inner cry to love Me devotedly, soulfully and unconditionally. This inner cry is not only My divine Will in you, but it is also My supreme execution of My divine Will in and through you. I love My creation. Therefore, I live in My creation. If it just cries to love Me, that is more than enough. I need no other proof. That is proof itself: the cry, the cry, the soulful cry, only for Me, only for Me.”

- Sri Chinmoy,  
excerpt from "Everest Aspiration"

Note: unfortunately or fortunately, I will not be interested in debating the truth value of the above passage as with this like everything else, I have faith that the meaning and relative utility of it will be self-evident to any individual according to any individual's current evident-Self.  This, coming from a belief that in the scheme of things, if L is really, truly, genuinely U and P, then there can be no falsehood involved. Meanwhile,  I am grateful for the opportunity to make a contribution if it does help to expand anyone's horizons. So, onward!

- u


PS - Thanks for your comments Alysia and Vajra
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« Last Edit: Jul 19th, 2008 at 1:12am by ultra »  

"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is
Reply #52 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 2:39pm
Ultra posted:
"My child, what do you want? Do you want to love Me or do you want to prove to Me that you love Me? There is a great difference between your love for Me and your demonstration of love. Your love of Me and your wish to demonstrate your love for Me are two different things. You do not have to demonstrate your love to Me as long as you have the inner cry to love Me. This inner cry is not theoretical, but practicality Itself. It is the height of practicality. I am the eternal Lover and you are My mirror, so you have to know that when I look at you I see My own reflection. Remain My mirror and My Love of you will be your love for Me, for I see Myself alone here on earth and there in Heaven. I do not see anything as something other than Myself. I do not see anybody as someone else. I see only Myself, My larger Self, My universal Self, through you, My mirror. Through you I see Myself, My own reflection. Therefore, you do not have to prove your love for Me. Just maintain your inner cry to love Me devotedly, soulfully and unconditionally. This inner cry is not only My divine Will in you, but it is also My supreme execution of My divine Will in and through you. I love My creation. Therefore, I live in My creation. If it just cries to love Me, that is more than enough. I need no other proof. That is proof itself: the cry, the cry, the soulful cry, only for Me, only for Me.”

- Sri Chinmoy,  
excerpt from "Everest Aspiration"


Recoverer responds: "Is Chinmoy claiming that worshiping him is the same thing as worshipping God? Say you're really happy and your friend is really sad. You help your friend become just as happy as you. Would you expect your friend to worship you as a God because you helped he or she, or would there be too much of an equality factor when it comes to the love you share? Would it be necessary for your friend to worship you as God in order for you to help your friend? Sure there would be some grattitude and mutually shared reverence and respect for each other, but one who helps simply for the sake of helping would never expect to be worshiped as God.

When it comes to God realization, all any of us can realize is that each of us is just one little piece of the many pieces of God's being that God used to create everything.

This might sound contradictory, but I actually find it very admiral that people are willing to have devotion to a guru they believe to represent God. It shows that they are willing to have feelings of love, humility, respect and reverence to that which is divine. I've been amongst these people, and many of them are quite wonderful.  I remember speaking to this really lovely lady after she left the guru based group both she and I were a member of. She said: "Our guru was false, but the love we felt was always real.
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« Last Edit: Jul 18th, 2008 at 8:05pm by recoverer »  
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #53 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 3:55pm
R quote: Our guru was false, but the love we felt was always real.
very astute observation of that lady. for I believe that only love is real, that all else I see is false. from my perspective, she and yourself would have to observe non-truth, in order to find truth. therefore the false guru played his role.
in my life, everything that was going wrong to my then perceptions, were actually the right place to be in in order to learn who and what I was.
each experience was but a stepping stone.

The Love that JC has for what has been created in this world, is different than the love he has for mankind.
Any time you see a lack of love in this world such as war, you are looking at something quite unreal.
meaning war is false creation.
We are a warring planet; therefore this world is not real, because it does not speak of truth, nor love.

It is not JC's home, nor is it my home. it is a movie only. as the physical body is nothing. J did not identify with his body as being real, nor did he wish to establish a false religion. He only preached on brotherly love. It became a religion when it should have been a pathway of going into one's inner closet.

I'll go so far as to say there's nothing out there. Nothing is real, and nothing has any meaning to me, but what the meaning I place upon it. this helps me remain unattached to the world, the money, the objects to possess, the relationships, all of it is but temporary as is our respective sufferings.

the only thing J would tell me that is important that we serve the purpose of love while here, as he did in example.

it is just as easy to make a joyful sound as it is to belabor the fact we are not in heaven and blow the old blues horn.

J, or God, must be seen as accessible to each and everyone person and within each one, otherwise we do not get into heaven alone, without each other. only together.

we must not worship each other, nor any, but when the student is ready, the teacher does appear.
it is a law. respect no man's ego who does not draw you up to his own level.
J said, if I go, I go to prepare a place for you. That is what he has done, essentially by keeping the voice for God, Spirit within the Earth dimension.
therefore the voice for God can speak thru any which have purified their heart.
For ascended masters are here, and we have no ears nor eyes to recognize them.

but you know, when you feel love, which has no conditions on it, you are made free at once, to see all else is false.

the world, as it is, cannot endure in such perfect truth, perfect love. We are now in the shift in consciousness, everything is changing, we need not fear change.

In truth, we have never left the heart of God; we but dream we are here, suffering, struggling, maintaining a certain lifestyle, always getting more, bigger, newer things, what a rat race.

I can't wait to serve my term and be out of here where my real home is. I just want to say thanks to everyone I met here, which includes my family who gave me the most trouble!

they were only in a role also.

love to you all..remember to keep the faith of a mustard seed.. Smiley
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I Am Dude
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #54 - Jul 24th, 2008 at 2:18pm
Here is Robert Bruce's answer to the question, "What is God?"

Robert Bruce wrote:

I could give it to you in 3 words, but it probably needs a book or two to properly explain it.

'you are god'

Not an aspect of God...but actually god...the creator of the universe. This is the only thing that makes sense.


Robert Bruce wrote:

You are God.

You are Source.

Whatever you want to call it, you are the creator of the universe.

Scientists know a lot about the universe, from a millisecond after the so called Big Bang. But they know absolutely nothing about what happened before this point, of where it came from or what caused it, etc.

The universe has a Source. This Source is pure consciousness.

Matter, every atom, is a manifestation of consciousness or Source. This includes you.

This is coming from one of the most knowledgeable and experienced explorers on Earth.
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #55 - Jul 24th, 2008 at 2:42pm
Robert Bruce wrote:
[size=10]Robert Bruce wrote:

I could give it to you in 3 words, but it probably needs a book or two to properly explain it.

'you are god'

Not an aspect of God...but actually god...the creator of the universe. This is the only thing that makes sense.

The question behind my thread was not whether or not our essence is from God, or whether we are God in a sense.  It was whether there was a superconsciousness that is God, to which we do not currently have access that is loving - this would back up Bruce's explorations that PUL is our reason for being.  Or, whether the unity simply is, and love is beside the point.

As I've stated before, the fact that we are God or source in our essence does not answer this question.  Many point to a unity of all thngs, but in the physical world, it appears to be a dog-eat-dog existence be it in human interactions or even the animal kindgom where something is always consuming another.  Duality and the Maya or illusion of the physical reigns supreme.  So yes, there may be a unity of all things, and we may be individual points of God consciousness, but none of these ideas explains whether the superconsciousness that is God is loving, or simply a unity.

NDEs and OOBEs seem to point toward a loving God and discarnate angels, helpers, etc. who exist on the principles of PUL.  To say that we already are God, as logically satisfying as that is, is only understandable/meaningful, when we are "God-realized."  Otherwise, my initial reaction to Robert's remarks was "that's very nice, but it wouldn't hold much water with my wife if I used it as an excuse not to take out the garbage." 

I appreciate your getting Robert's views on things, since he does astrally explore, and has interesting experiences.   

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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #56 - Jul 24th, 2008 at 3:22pm
I would say, from my own experience, that if you look for a loving God/AllThatIs you will find one.

The evidence cannot come from any one of us, personally, because it must be your experience.

That is all I know about it.

love, blink
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #57 - Jul 24th, 2008 at 3:24pm
Hi Doc, do we need to start again?  Smiley

My personal view in response to your specific question is God is everything, everybody (being) and everywhere - that it's not a matter of separation.

Another way of getting to this is the idea that everything is brought into existence out of the action of God (universal mind) on some underlying  primordial energy.

There is an apparent separation, but it's not real. It's the result of our perceiving ourselves and our reality in a certain (egotistical) way, and as a result mistakenly concluding that it doesn't work on the principle of love, and that God is elsewhere.

Higher consciousness by this view is not so much a case of going elsewhere, but of achieving a mind state that sees more of the total reality. As opposed to seeing only a certain take on the world through the reality tunnel of egotistical conditioning.

God is in a sense around and through us all the time, but because of the way we selectively perceive and analyse we draw the wrong conclusions - blind ourselves so to speak.

The practical application of the love based view in accordance with say Buddhist teaching (on compassion) or for that matter the exercises in ACIM seems (I can only claim to be a beginner in this regard) to back this up. Outcomes often confound our received view on the nature of things.

Lots I'm sure can quote examples where for example showing love to others (in a way that gets through - it's a skill as well as a genuine intention issue, and we can fall short in both areas while being certain we're doing the right thing) who have been behaving aggressively towards them, and seeing them fold and change tack....

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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #58 - Jul 24th, 2008 at 8:32pm

So basically your question is whether the Source loves its creations or is in a neutral state about them.  I answered this question in my previous post to the best of my understanding.  Like I said before, the feeling of love we and all other consciousness experience is basically the feeling of source consciousness itself.  Therefore, the Source, at the highest level, is in an infinite state of love, and this should answer the question.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: The case for a loving God vs. an "all that is"
Reply #59 - Jul 25th, 2008 at 12:37pm
Please pardon my coming in again. What I was trying to say OOBD is that I feel the Source is not separate from its creations (all of them, not just us humans, and not just in time/space), it'd have to be schizo or a self hater not to love them as itself....
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