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What,perfect human bodys in heaven (Read 4418 times)
george stone
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What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Jul 7th, 2008 at 7:34pm
Hi guys,I read swedenbergs site.he said we will have perfect human bodys in heaven.Did not Jesus acend into heaven with a perfect body.He also says that we marry in heaven.after the death of our present bodys,we will have a perfect human body and go to heaven.that is if we are good boys and girls,and we will be 25 years old for ever.just tipe in sweadenbergs website in a search engine.its very interesting.
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I Am Dude
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #1 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 8:20pm

This is very rediculous.  Our energy may keep the shape and form of the human body for a while after death, but we most certainly do not operate via a human body after its physical death!  This is simply illogical.  The human body only exists in the physical dimension.  The claim that we marry in the afterlife is equally proposterous. 

Jesus did not acend into heaven with a perfect body.  His spirit left his physical body and phased into a higher dimension, just like everyone else.  Jesus was simply a human, physical just like the rest of us, only he had a strong conscious connection with his inner being, giving him access to profound spiritual insights and extraordinary powers.
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #2 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 9:35pm
I have to say I kind of sit on the fence on this once, if we don't have physical bodies in the afterlife or some close version why do we have this fascination with them while we are here? I like to think that we can chose and alternate as we feel or wish. On the idea of the perfect body, its easy to think we'll all be 6ft, perfect hair, skin, teeth and beautiful but perhaps when we move on we will also move past the idea of perfection and what human society percieves and pefect and perhaps just appear the way we see ourselves, fat thin ugly beautiful the form we most see as a representation of who we are.
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #3 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 10:18pm

You are way off on this one.  While its true that the realm of spirit is a realm of the mind, and thus does not depend on the physical world, the vast majority of human beings who pass over, pass into a spirit-body very much like their physical body.  Monroe himself agreed that as people progressed in the spiritual realms, their form no longer needed to appear human - however, many in focus 27 keep this form.  There are numerous reports of encounters with deceased human beings where they both describe their form as being like an incarnate person.

Many NDEs report encountering advanced spiritual beings, and usually they are in human form, even if they are so radiant that they appear made of light itself.  You could say that it is our interpretation of their appearance during an NDE, but it may be that these enlightened soul prefer to keep a form of sorts.

Further evidence is found in the various ancient scriptures (i.e. the Bible and other texts) which reference God creating man in his own image.  

None of this is to say that our spirits are limited by human form.  Some may evolve and give up form altogether.  
But I think its fair to say that most people have spirit bodies which appear human immediately after passing over, and even after adjusting to the spirit world.  

As to marriage in heaven, I see nothing preposterous about it, if in either focus 27 or a similar plane, two spirits decide that they will bond to each other.  Is it necessary?  Are male/female roles necessary in spirit?  Maybe not, but its nice to know that some choose to do this for their own development.

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george stone
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #4 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 11:00pm
doc,i read this in sweandbergs writings.George
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #5 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 11:38pm
  How bout this George?

   Say the physical body is really just energy in disguise, energy that is condensed and super slow vibrating in nature.   

   Say it's essentially the manifestation of the part of us which has become individually and collectively stuck to the nth degree..  A reflected image of the real part of us.

  Say it's part of our "spiritual job" as Souls incarnating as humans, to unstick and release the pure energy within our form..

  Say we could, by right and consistent use of the freewill in positive and loving ways, speed up the vibration of the body form to that of pure Light energy..

  Say in doing this, then matter and energy merge within consciousness and the perceived differences and limitations between the two fall completely away...

  Say, then we still have that "image" with us (and still partake of the physical as long as the collective is still keeping it alive), but we are not limited to or by it whatsoever?

  Say there was a man, a somewhat long time ago who was so loving, balanced, and pure in nature who did this very thing, and even left behind some physical indications of this PROCESS?

   Say it's our destiny as essences involved with physical human bodies, to eventually complete the same very process..

   What would you say then?
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george stone
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #6 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 12:30am
justen,if we believe that god created adam and eve and that they were suposted to live forever as human beings.and god told them that if they eat of the tree that is forbiten furit they would surely die.if they did not eat of that tree they were ment to live in a paridise on earth as human that right or wrong
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I Am Dude
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #7 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 1:00am

Reread the first sentence closer, you will see that I am actually right on the money.

I said..."Our energy may keep the shape and form of the human body for a while after death, but we most certainly do not operate via a human body after its physical death!"

That sentence sums up your entire post.  Let me rephrase.  Our spirits temporarily retain the human form after physical death.  However, an actual physical body is not brought over, or created, , or renewed in perfect form, in the higher spiritual realms.

I agree that spirits may choose to form intimate connections with one another.  For example, I have read from more than one source that individual consciousnesses will sometimes become one with a higher self not originally theirs.  However, I feel the concept of marriage is not appropriate for describing the happenings of the spiritual world.
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #8 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 8:10am
Hey Dude,

We agree on one thing; we shed our physical bodies at death and are no longer bound by biological processes or aging as we know it on earth.  What I have read and experienced is that for some reason, the anthropomorphic form is maintained for several "layers" of heaven, eventhough we are in a realm of thought.  Why, you may ask, would we do this when we are unbound by true physical limitations?  I don't know.  However, I have multiple credible examples, apart from Swedenborg (whose writings should be a must read imho).  I have even read of communications which suggest that after Focus 27 or other levels, there are "second" or "third" deaths, as different spiritual bodies are shed.  These communications have been few and certainly are mostly conjecture. 

As to the marriage issue - my take on it, is that there are hollow heavens and even parts of Focus 27, where deceased humans live, much like they did while in the physical.  Initially, in bliss on crossing over and "the park," or "summerland," and then they prefer or gravitate toward a spiritual existence in a community, not unlike the physical.  In that setting, I have heard about communications of famous playrights "writing plays," muscians "making music," etc.  All this, without being in a physical plane.  In my view, on this level of heaven, it would not be unusual for two people to bond together in whatvever the equivalent of marriage would be.  While it would be in a dimension of mind, those living in that level of focus 27, would have decided to interact in a way closely resembling their earthly forms. 

Why are angels and higher light beings often depicted with a general human form?  Is it our brain/mind struggling to make sense of them, or could it be, that there is something about this form that is useful at even higher levels of consciousness?  I don't know.  But as the saying goes "as above, so below."

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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #9 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 8:48am
George, I don't know about the "good boys and girls" part...kind of reminds me of Santa Claus....

but I have been thinking about this lately. What happens to couples in the afterlife? Is it now time for "free love" all over the place? Do we have bodies like this one?

I meditated a little bit on this and my picture of it is purely personal, as usual, but it settled my thoughts down quite a bit.

You see, in my meditation I saw my partner approach me. We were in a little tiny town, much like the one he painted -- his version of "Starry Night" by Van Gogh, painted recently. This painting presently sits across from me.

I was wearing a very simple dress. First, I met a dog there, from my childhood days. We walked along the river. I was so surprised to be with this dog, and happy. Walking this dog is one of my favorite memories from my younger days.

The grass was lush. So far, everything seemed enhanced, but fairly normal. The last picture was the one in which my partner saw me. I was wearing a very simple dress.

We were completely innocent. And this is how I believe we are in heaven. This answered all my questions. I no longer needed to wonder if my "artist" partner will be flitting all over heaven messing around with everyone else. I no longer needed to wonder if I would be able to keep up and be the interesting partner in this vast heaven, or whether I would gain magical abilities to be a partner worth of eternity.

I believe we are completely innocent in heaven. We are like little babies. It's like a second time around, literally. But it's much easier in heaven.

When I began thinking about this question it occurred to me that any real God would not allow anyone to suffer in heaven. Therefore, it must, necessarily, be a place of pure innocence, pure newness, of body, mind and spirit.

Really, how hard could that be for God? We come down here, we keep what is good, we discard the rest. This must be why it is so important to learn how to love while we're here, at least a little.

But, of course, I believe that is just the beginning of heaven. If a person exists in a place where time does not exist, all kinds of extraordinary things would be possible there.

Think about what this means, George, each meeting is an eternal meeting. How many "meetings" with the "eternally beautiful" do you think it will take for you to realize that you must be in heaven?

love, blink

george stone wrote on Jul 7th, 2008 at 7:34pm:
Hi guys,I read swedenbergs site.he said we will have perfect human bodys in heaven.Did not Jesus acend into heaven with a perfect body.He also says that we marry in heaven.after the death of our present bodys,we will have a perfect human body and go to heaven.that is if we are good boys and girls,and we will be 25 years old for ever.just tipe in sweadenbergs website in a search engine.its very interesting.

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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #10 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 10:14am
My sense is that what appears simple is actually a pretty complicated question George, in that there's many views as to what 'heaven' might be or could be.

It seems pretty clear as the others say that form (as in physical shape) and energy are pretty much interchangeable, with mind or intention being the factor that determines what manifests and how - even modern particle physics is moving to this view.

The issues arise if you define the afterlife realms as heaven. It seems relatively clear again that (arguably out of familiarity and a continued identification with the idea of a physical self) that we manifest there in pseudo physical form - that is physical appearing, but not quite so dense. But Monroe and the like suggest this is only about familiarity, that we don't need it, and that with time we can drop this form.

But the afterlife is (and others hold differing views) probably not heaven. Many of the major spiritual traditions suggest that the afterlife is just another mind created reality built from the urge to perpetuate existence as an individual self in a context we are familiar with. Which belief system (we believe this whole edifice must exist if we are to survive) is essentially ego in action.

That this total reality within which we cycle from birth through life to death to the afterlife to rebirth (essentially normal life, and the afterlife) is actually as a result of the mistaken identification with an individual body and mind and the apparent reality it inhabits the cause of suffering. Heaven, or God consciousness, or the absolute becomes accessible only when we manage to grow to the point of releasing this identification with individual selfhood to see that all is one, and the whole mind made but essentially unreal or impermanent construct falls away.

They argue (and 'they' inlcudes Buddhism, Vedantic/Hindu and the other Eastern belief systems, ACIM and lots more) that this mind made reality and the belief systems on which it is based is the cause of suffering - the afterlife is for example the Bardo system in Tibetan Buddhism. The collective releasing of the beliefs from which it is built is the atonement in ACIM terms. (hope I have that right)

This doesn't mean that the afterlife does not play a part in the raising of our consciousness - it is it seems as much a (perceived) reality as normal life, and there seem to be guides, teachers and so on there that can help us a lot. It consequently cannot be ignored, and needs to be correctly engaged with.

But it doesn't seem to be heaven as such, and if we take the above as correct it's as a result important to treat the afterlife as just another reality we will have to deal with - to not get too attached to it, or indeed to any envisaged future state for the individual self...

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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #11 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 2:43pm
focus 27...many who are there and/or go there set up a little place for themselves. Many choose to have it be representative of what we experience here on earth. Although 27 is what we call "home". Further along you may well find there is not this close relationship to the  physical. This includes the parks, water, houses, bodies of focus 27. Many choose to "build" the same thing. A cabin ,on a lake, with few people around. Lots of trees, nature, animals. Just like our ideal of what earth should be like. As we are "There" with others we love and work with, why wouldn't there be commitment to one another. Marriage of a sort. When Moen talks about the "Curls" coming back to experience more time on earth, he points out that some come back in groups or with others.(VITA Pg 41 to 50) In focus 35, do you think there is a "physical" presence or connection? Or how about at 40+, in Gods presence?
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george stone
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #12 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 3:29pm
All these relms and plains that God created.dont you think that he or she could create a perfect human realm,where we could live in bliss and happenness  for ever.George
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #13 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 4:11pm

actually, I subscribe to the belief each person has 7 bodies, any of which we can use as a vehicle of our individual consciousness.

Atmâ        Spiritual
6      Buddhi
5      Manas      Mental
4      Kâma      Astral
3      Prâna      Physical
2      Etheric Double
1      Dense Physical Body

1) physical (goes back to dust)
2) Etheric body. this is like it infers, etheric materal which duplicates the shape of the physical form. it is matter, but not effected by gravity, not dense, like the physical body is dense. in early mediumship days, etheric particles could be collected by a spirit visitor, in order to make itself visible to the retina.
it's called a double because it looks just like the physical body. in reflection, this must have been the body which projected to my sister once, as I had been trying to obe to her. curiously, I had no memory of having succeed in my projection.
If not for her phone call, I would have considered my attempt a failure. however, she reported I stood before her.
3rd, that of Prana, I have to study what Besant means.
4: Astral: my understanding of astral means:  emotional body, also I'm thinking it's been called the Desire body. This was called the astral body by early esoterics writings. is comprised mainly of emotional energy with "I am" awareness. Is the unconscious belief systems, whereas the mental body is more of a conscious operating system. emotional is an astral substance and is connected to the collective grid of all minds. In emotion, we find our oneness
5. Manos, according to my own understanding is: the mental body. when we work with our belief systems, I believe it is this body which guides the astral body's excursions, as in obe. or as I see it, ideally so.
6) Buddhi may also be called the Causal body. this I see as nonduality state of consciousness, but not full enlightenment. full enlightenment I see as pure nondualism.

7) Atma - Spiritual body. your guess as good as mine, but I would call it God realization, and pure nondualism, a PUL state but no negative emotions.


for simplicity purposes, as spirit, we are vibrating at a higher frequency of being. much like the blades of a fan when they spin, we cannot see the blades with the retina. that is how their bodies vibrate, so that we do not normally see them.
it appears on the 7th level, we are able to bliss out for as long as desired. however, I have been told bliss is available, if we should be letting a desire, or a curiosity to enter, we find ourselves planning another sojourn into physical life.
Unless we have reached the 7th level in this particular life. In that case, all desire to return is satisfied and the disc may wink out when the last voyager returns home.

don't ask me what happens after winking out of ELS!

there are some things we need to wait and find out through experience, trust and faith in higher powers.
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Re: What,perfect human bodys in heaven
Reply #14 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 8:20am
Thanks Alysia, spot on.

Hi George. One view is that despite all the complications of levels and so on that the human realm is actually pretty much perfect.

That the suffering we experience is our own creation - the result of our mistakenly concluding that we are no more than physical being stuck in a dog eat dog reality, and that the only way to survive is to get ahead at the expense of the other guy.

Life changes for the better (slowly at first) when we manage to start to shed this package of beliefs, and to start to live from love.

The problem in essence is not that there's much wrong with the world, it's the mistaken and non-loving view we adopt in deciding how to relate to it, and to others.

It's seemingly the case that the same applies in the Afterlife, and probably also at the higher levels of existence beyond that, although the issues presumably become subtler as we progress. There's also the probability that the reality experienced at each of these levels is in large part the creation of those beings existing within it - that as ACIM for example  teaches that these realities will 'wink out' as their inhabitants collectively achieve next level consciousness and move on - ultimately achieving God consciousness and returning to God or the absolute.

Buddhism would position this as working our way clear from samsara or the suffering of relative existence by transcending ego and the resulting urge towards the behaviours that create this reality.

An old Buddhist teaching on the topic suggests that it's easier to wear sandals than it is to cover the whole surface of the world in shoe leather. That it's easier to change ourselves and our view than it is to perpetually struggle to change the external reality (others and the world) to what we mistakenly think they/it should be - only to find that even those bits we do manage to change don't make us happy. (e.g. get rich, get the trophy wife)

That it's about adjusting our view to see how life and the world actually do function perfectly, and then our behaviour to fit with the flow of this....
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« Last Edit: Jul 9th, 2008 at 10:45am by N/A »  
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