Senior Member
Posts: 315
Dahlonega, Georgia
Well, here goes.
There are 6 others, and I am the seventh. We are sitting in a line, shoulder to shoulder, and before us is a Shaman in a feathered cape, looks like he/she has feathered bots on as well. Face is painted, covered in white dots over a dark complexion, and the hair is all plaited in dreadlocks. There is an elaborate necklace around the cape on on his/her neck. I say his/her because I am not sure if this is a male or a female energy, but it is a big energy.
We are in a crystal cave, a large roundish room that is smoky and covered with crystals sparkling in the walls, like chips of mica amidst bits of duller stone, a dark greyish. THere is a center pillar of stone, the legend, we are told, is that a Light Being opened this cave by standing in solid rock, turning to stone. The shaman touches each on the Third Eye. One second we are standing in the cave, the next we are on a cliff, the next we are on the moon, the next we are on an island inthe sea, the next back in the cave of dreams. THis time we are in a circle around the central pillar of stone, covered with slowing lights and crystals. It looks like thousands of tiny candle falmes, all flickering and bright.
On my palms there are symbols as I look. The right palm is a spiral, and the left is an asterisk. I hear, "The answer is blowing in the wind," for some reason, from my right side. TO my right is (I think) Zimmer Man, and to my left is unmistakedly LaughingRain, in a long flowing blue dress, with diamonds and crystals in her hair, sparkling and glowing like the flames flickering. Blink! We are urged to ground ourselves and to maintain it during the next portion of the Vision Quest. Three women (female energies) and four men (masculine energies). There is a group of other in the corner, chanting and playing instruments; I hear especially the thrumming of the didigeroo pulsing like a heartbeat.
We are shown objects like Dream Catchers that have handles, like tennis rackets. We are all sitting separately now, and there are two beings behind me sitting to either side, and one in front of me. These are very familiar energies. I see a vision of crystal skulls, like in the Indiana Jones movie, but only three skulls sitting on a white table, not with bodies, not full figures. We are given priviledges to "roam the Halls of Amenti, and the Hounds will not know you are there. To read the Akashic Records without restriction....." We will be invisible to them.
We are then brought back to the cave, and I hear the drumming and chanting and the thrum of the didigeroo again. I click out for some time. And then, I am called back to C-1 consciousness.
Pretty neat, y'all. Thanks for your company.
Love and Light,