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PE July 4th Weekend (Read 16461 times)
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Dahlonega, Georgia
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PE July 4th Weekend
Jun 27th, 2008 at 11:04am
Hey All-

I cannot help but remember the wonderful PE we had last year to Ayers Rock in Australia. How about we do it again?

I propose that sometime during the July 4th weekend you explore Ayers Rock. It is easy to find, and you can view it on any search engine like Google.

Meet at the top, and then.....explore.

Any one want to join me? Be there, or be square.

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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #1 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 9:05pm
sure I'm game. nobody accused me of being square yet... Smiley

see ya soon
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #2 - Jun 30th, 2008 at 1:39pm
This is what Romain posted last year when we went. It was so great I thought I would copy-paste:

All welcome.If you guys are up to it here it is:

Let’s meet on top of Uluru; join hand  forming a circle; fill yourself up with PUL of FORGIVENESS see it coming from our heart center gathering force and sending it down to the core of Uluru and Mother earth core and coming back up again through us and letting it explode onto  Mother Earth like a cosmic explosion waves and waves of PUL FORGIVENESS.

Asking forgiveness for all we have done to her and everyone/everything’s living/pass/present/future. Let is flow and enjoy the feeling/sensations of forgiveness.Let it flow through you removing all residue pass or present. 
Let it all flow dear Souls.

Here a few thing to know about Uluru if you’re interested; the link to the picture and web page where I got this is at the bottom. 

1-Ayers Rock is also known by its Aboriginal name 'Uluru'. It’s  a large magnetic mound located on a major planetary grid point much like the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

2-The climb crosses an important dreaming track, which has been a cause of sadness and distress among traditional owners. Aborigines believe that there it is hollow below ground, and that there is an energy source that they call 'Tjukurpa' the dream time. There are several deaths a year as a direct result of climbing the rock, mainly from heart failure. (Retrievals anyone)

3-Ayers Rock (Mount Uluru) is inhabited by dozens of ancestral 'beings' whose activities are recorded at many other sites. 'The Dreaming' is not a creation myth, per se, but a myth of formation. Giant semi-human beings, resembling plants or animals, rose up from the plains where they had been slumbering for countless ages

4-Depending on the time of day and the atmospheric conditions, the rock can dramatically change color, anything from blue to violet to glowing red!

5-Approximately 500 million years ago it was part of the ocean floor at the center of Australia. Some report that there is a light source emanating at various times of the year.

With love; Romain


So I propose the same outing for us as a group. Let's see how far we have come in this last year...

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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #3 - Jun 30th, 2008 at 10:16pm
Yes, I remember that PE!
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #4 - Jul 2nd, 2008 at 2:17pm
This sounds fabulous. There is a place similar to Ayers Rock where I live, except the (multiple) domes here are pink granite. I have spent many happy hours among these rocks enjoying the views. Ayers Rock should be easy to find, I hope.

will be there, love, blink

bbc article today re: diamonds (zircon crystals) found in Australia, may contain traces of first life on earth
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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #5 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 1:03pm
Well, then-

Sometime during the July 4th weekend (time is not important over there), we will meet as a group at the top of the rock, and.....

What you wear is NOT important, what you do is not important. Only how you BE. Come with loving compassion and forgiveness for our selves, or planet, and for each other.

I will arrange for some fireworks.

Love and Light
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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #6 - Jul 3rd, 2008 at 8:54pm
I regret not having as much input about Ayers Rock this time but remember seeming to talk to someone in my head about what makes it glow. like a guide perhaps. he was showing me little flecks of sparkle in the rocks. names of rock, mineral, maganite, metoninite...sorry, not a geologist. I was shown some marble. I questioned it being there, as I thought marble was man-made?

somebody help me. isn't marble man-made?

I ended up in the same cave but this time I saw the opening to the sea in the cave more expansively, with the water coming in, under. there are crystals in the rock, or in the cave.
I did this early as my kids are in town.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #7 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 11:21am
Well, here goes.

There are 6 others, and I am the seventh. We are sitting in a line, shoulder to shoulder, and before us is a Shaman in a feathered cape, looks like he/she has feathered bots on as well. Face is painted, covered in white dots over a dark complexion, and the hair is all plaited in dreadlocks. There is an elaborate necklace around the cape on on his/her neck. I say his/her because I am not sure if this is a male or a female energy, but it is a big energy.

We are in a crystal cave, a large roundish room that is smoky and covered with crystals sparkling in the walls, like chips of mica amidst bits of duller stone, a dark greyish. THere is a center pillar of stone, the legend, we are told, is that a Light Being opened this cave by standing in solid rock, turning to stone. The shaman touches each on the Third Eye. One second we are standing in the cave, the next we are on a cliff, the next we are on the moon, the next we are on an island inthe sea, the next back in the cave of dreams. THis time we are in a circle around the central pillar of stone, covered with slowing lights and crystals. It looks like thousands of tiny candle falmes, all flickering and bright.

On my palms there are symbols as I look. The right palm is a spiral, and the left is an asterisk. I hear, "The answer is blowing in the wind," for some reason, from my right side. TO my right is (I think) Zimmer Man, and to my left is unmistakedly LaughingRain, in a long flowing blue dress, with diamonds and crystals in her hair, sparkling and glowing like the flames flickering. Blink! We are urged to ground ourselves and to maintain it during the next portion of the Vision Quest. Three women (female energies) and four men (masculine energies). There is a group of other in the corner, chanting and playing instruments; I hear especially the thrumming of the didigeroo pulsing like a heartbeat.

We are shown objects like Dream Catchers that have handles, like tennis rackets. We are all sitting separately now, and there are two beings behind me sitting to either side, and one in front of me. These are very familiar energies. I see a vision of crystal skulls, like in the Indiana Jones movie, but only three skulls sitting on a white table, not with bodies, not full figures. We are given priviledges to "roam the Halls of Amenti, and the Hounds will not know you are there. To read the Akashic Records without restriction....." We will be invisible to them.

We are then brought back to the cave, and I hear the drumming and chanting and the thrum of the didigeroo again. I click out for some time. And then, I am called back to C-1 consciousness.

Pretty neat, y'all. Thanks for your company.

Love and Light,


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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #8 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 12:07pm
I don't feel like this trip is finished's so hard to describe...upon opening my eyes in the morning I felt the pull, as if a friend was saying hurry, let's go, and later, picturing driving away. It was a clear day.

There was a huge feeling of gratitude at Ayers Rock, and I was largely above, seemed to spend my time above ground very high. For a brief time, initially, I descended into the earth. It was an enveloping feeling of arms around my shoulders.

But then I was up high again, and there was a circle, certainly, a circle of people -- one in the center after the other. Dancing.

At one point I saw a helicopter flying above me. I was amused, and I felt the feelings of the earth, as if it was like an insect, so insignificant, as if the earth were amused by this tiny thing flying by.

We were there, top of the rock, dancing. There were some folks lying around among the rocks. It was sunny and beautiful. Everyone looked perfect, young. Someone danced with me, and I will not say who it was. I wanted to stay all day, and all night, and watch the stars up there.

So, I'm on my way back, but I'm not here yet.

love is real, blink
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #9 - Jul 7th, 2008 at 8:45pm
I've gotten not much, Friday I mostly zapped around, couldn't focus very good, but one time I felt like being on the rock, and in some distance, a bit higher than the rock's top, was a kind of source, from which a stream of something airy flew in the rock's direction and around me.


Don't know what it was, maybe "the answer is blowing in the wind" (Thomas).

Blink, maybe it's not related, but today in a meditation I sometimes fell into this half-dream-state, and a thought/voice snippet I received was: "Dancing is becoming more and more relevant in mind-journeys/OBEs." I couldn't make any sense of it.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #10 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 3:47pm
Very interesting, Spooky, and all. I love how positive and creative these adventures are. So, Spooky, you received images of something with a "blowing" feeling up above the rock. So did I, if you would like to see the helicopter that way. Yes, that was Friday.

I don't really understand why dancing is so important, but it does happen. One particular dance I was doing was very heavenly -- it was as if I was dancing alone; however, there was another "spirit" kind of superimposed on me. Not only was it beautiful, it was a dance that would be impossible to do with a stranger, and yet I don't know this person. I don't know this person, and yet I know who this person is.

Other dances were communal, in circle. I also did some whirling. Can a whirling dance cause a wind "out there"?  How? What really happens when we dance?

Perhaps dancing is important because the energy which flows while dancing feels like pure love. It is oneness.

Others focused under ground. They saw crystals, and shamans. I wish I could remember that. I know I went down there, but I can't remember what happened.

It doesn't matter, really. Perhaps the entire experience is of one piece anyway, remembered that way or not.

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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #11 - Jul 13th, 2008 at 3:11pm
most pertinent to Thomas PE and mine, and Blinks, would be mention of crystals. I remember conjecturing crystals have something to do with the color changes of the well, it's known crystals were used in Atlantis to move energy, or solid objects as a power source, and they tend to empower thought/intention, to reinforce reality objectives into manifestation.

rather magical to us here. when the crystal is aligned with certain cosmic star configerations, a portal to another dimension is opened and ships and freight have happened upon these portals, where a giant crystal is said to have sank beneath the surface, these solid objects and people have disappeared, never to be seen again. most curious.

I was shown tiny crystal like patterns at Ayers.

Thomas, my daughter chose a royal blue color for my website which is appealing to me, however, I had thought consciously my favorite color is burgandy; a purplish/red color.
when I saw the blue she had made, I somehow knew she had picked the right color for me. I mention this as you saw a blue dress on me.
then my book cover is Blue, the same shade.

color is associated with our soul qualities and effect our moods. for instance, in hospitals, they used to use soft green. green is associated with healing. I also associate blue as the color of the devoted.

In the esoteric circles the color of thought forms is noted:
yellow=intellectual pursuits  red=either passion or vitality, the darker reds are anger, blue=devotional, violet or purple hues=the transmutational factors of higher beings, gold=wisdom
green=healing abilities white= varying hues, the brightest is I would conjecture God essence.  orange in the aura would seem to be a mixture of vital life principle with intellect.

then these aura colors are very changable forms as we evolve.

I am still very curious about Ayers rock; as you can see, I have not learned much about it. I like Thomas's PE. thank you for your gift to us!

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #12 - Jul 13th, 2008 at 9:54pm
Blink, you like these "coincidences", synchronicities, I have a little one. I went to a bookstore last Saturday but didn't found the book I wanted, instead I found a book about shamanic healing which I bought, with the effect that today in a mind journey I danced to attract my animal of power. After it, I noticed "Hey, you just DANCED Cheesy  "...

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #13 - Jul 14th, 2008 at 6:48am
That's fun, Spooky! Did you find your animal of power? Smiley

love, blink
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Re: PE July 4th Weekend
Reply #14 - Jul 14th, 2008 at 11:51am
spooky2 wrote on Jul 13th, 2008 at 9:54pm:
Blink, you like these "coincidences", synchronicities, I have a little one. I went to a bookstore last Saturday but didn't found the book I wanted, instead I found a book about shamanic healing which I bought, with the effect that today in a mind journey I danced to attract my animal of power. After it, I noticed "Hey, you just DANCED Cheesy  "...


I think that's 3 of us I have discovered who have begun dancing. Spooky did you dance only in your mind, or did your body dance?

a secret. I feel foolish. whenever this board makes me happy, or even not so happy, I get up and dance and imagine the light coming into the board through the dancing.
it generates something. not sure what. but it helps me.

my PE partner saw my animal as a deer. I see the deer as an animal which sometimes doesn't look both ways before crossing the street.

an interesting fun thing to do for me was ice skating in my head, employing levitation techniques while doing it, but mainly it concerns whirling very fast.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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