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Star Signs (Read 2674 times)
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Posts: 18
Star Signs
Jun 24th, 2008 at 10:14am
Was just wondering what peoples take on Star signs are. Ive been reading a little about mine and yes some of it makes sense but i wouldnt but the whole thing about a particular sign has set in concrete.

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Re: Star Signs
Reply #1 - Jun 24th, 2008 at 11:45am
Despite that I'd have to say from fairly limited personal experience that astrology seems to be quite effective in identifying the broad trends and influences that blow through our lives. A good astrologer working with precise birth data can be especially insightful. Much of the popular stuff mind you is rubbish.

That said it's fairly clear too that there's lots more in play that determines our lives than just some predestined future driven by the movements of the planets....
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Star Signs
Reply #2 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 11:37am
Hi Reach,

  I've been into and have studied astrology for a long time.   At one point i was fairly obsessed with it, but lately i don't give it much thought.   Here are a few of my impressions of astrology having studied it and been on a couple of astro forums. 

1.  Astrology is a representative, "real" time language describing the movement of consciousness in space/time in a symbolic, coded way.   Hence it doesn't "cause" anything, but it describes and rather more so indicates various future probabilities and "past" actualities (karmic patterns).

2.  Mainstream, popular astrology is way off in putting so much emphasis on "Signs" in the chart.  I've repeatedly found that signs are less reliably and less powerfully indicative than the relative Planetary energies and their strengths.

   This is also borne out by one of the few scientific based studies involving astrology done by a French scientist/statistician who originally thought he would disprove astrology but actually found suggestive data FOR same.   He found definite statistical correlations beyond the average with Planets near and in angular houses.   To this date, studies based on signs, as in Sun or Star signs, do not yield much significant or reliable results. 

   Edgar Cayce's guidance also minimizes the importance of the signs in many people's charts, and emphasizes the Planetary indications more so.   He oft called the signs, the "wavering" indications, which corresponded to other physical life karmic patterns.   Hence the signs were also more connected to the emotional energies of a being (and more fleeting and mood oriented in nature), whereas the Planetary energies were more connected to the mental energies, and to the nonphysical experiences between physical lives which in many people cases seem to have a more constant and powerful influence on their overall psyche.

  For example, i'm a Capricorn Sun sign and while i do have some tendencies of that indication (sometimes), i'm far better, more powerfully, and more consistently described by the energies and tendencies of Jupiter which because it's the closest planet to my Rising/Ascendant degree it's probably the most important single indication in my chart. 

Quick example relating to that.  People born under Capricorn are said to be rather quiet, reserved, and often brief in speech and/or writing (strengthened by my Sun being in the 6th house which corresponds to Virgo).    I'm often rather verbose, which relates to Jupiter's energy.  I've been very universal oriented since a young age, and Cayce's guidance use to call Jupiter that of Universal Consciousness and of strength.    Also, i've found that if you could translate Jupiter's energies in and of itself, into our vibratory terms and descriptions (i will use color in this case), that Jupiter most matches up to a Purple shade or vibratory frequency.  Not surprisingly then, purple is one of the most prominent colors in my aura as seen by a few energy sensitives independent of one another.

  I've found that particularly that Planets in or close to Angular and Fire houses tend to be the strongest, even more so than say in conjunctions with the Sun, Moon, etc.   Especially when that Planet is near or closest to the 1st House/ASC degree.   This area of the chart is the single most amplifying and indicative area of any person's chart.  So for example, say your are a Libra Sun with your Sun conjunct Neptune, but Pluto is closest to your ASC (especially if near same or in the 1st house) you will be much better described (especially in a consistent sense) by Plutonian descriptions and tendencies than Neptune and especially more so than Libra.  Hence such a person will tend to be more reserved, more self centered (and yet often more centered on others in a negative, judgmental way), more interested in sex or sexual energy, more attracted to power and influence over others, and more secretive than what Libra or Sun in Libra conjunct Neptune in same would normally indicate.

3.  A significant percentage of people do not have the correct birth chart because astrology is not as cut and dried as always being able to rely on one's physical birth time or "first breath".   Many astrologers do not believe this, will argue against this, and aren't even open the possibilities of this (and so won't even question whether or not first breath is unreliable).   I've never seen it in any mainstream astrology book, but i first came upon this concept while researching the Edgar Cayce readings.   My guidance has repeatedly shown me the truth of this more true Soul birth concept which is not based on first breath theory that the huge majority of astrologers use.  Hence astrology is on even more shaky and uncertain territory than most astrologers would like to admit.  I've seen charts of people very close to me, whom i knew and/or know rather well, whose physical birth times though fairly accurate, do not seem to match to them but if you adjust it a little or so, it makes much more sense.   

  A good example is my wife's chart.   Her physical birth time, which we have no reason to strongly question the accuracy of, gives a mid Capricorn Rising.   Physically, looks wise, she does not fit this description very well.    Also personality and vibe wise, it doesn't quite fit.   But if you adjust the chart by about 40 minutes later, you see that her ASC degree would be cusping Aquarius, conjuncting Venus in Aquarius, etc.     This describes her physically and personality wise much better.  For example, she is really into art and physically she is curvy and voluptuous both major traits of a very strong and amplified Venus (and remember there is nothing more amplified than a Planet being conjunct the ASC degree).   And she is much more relationship oriented, and heart oriented (both major Venus traits) than what her really strong focus on Aquarius and Aries energies would normally indicate. 

4.  Too many people, especially those into astrology, give astrology too much power and not enough power to freewill.   I say this having been on a couple of astrology forums where only astrology is discussed.   Astrology is an amazing, oft fairly accurate (in the general sense), symbolic language that describes or points out indications, but that's as far as it goes.   It's basically describing how you have used your own freewill as a Co-Creator with Source.   It also generally describes the main parts, points, and tendencies of one's life plan or life contract that is made up in collaboration with many completed Light beings (i call them Elders), the Planning Intelligence, and one's own Greater self before the current physical birth. 

  But if you want a much more accurate and up to date way to tell such things, then study auras, because auras unlike a person's birth chart, show how a person is now using their freewill.    A person can come in with an overall fairly slow vibrating oriented chart, and by freewill and the right life catalysts transform their personality far beyond what their birth chart originally indicates, and basically change a lot.   Granted such major and extreme transformations are somewhat rare, but they are very possible. 

   Conversely, someone could be born with a fairly fast vibrating and evolved chart and personality, but for whatever reason, start to decide to use their freewill in more negative ways, and so negate much of their original chart indications.   Again, this is rare and probably even more rare than the first mentioned possibility and occurrence, but happens.    More usually, people slowly but surely progress a little here and there in major areas of their spiritual growth, and sometimes also back track (retard) a little in other areas.   

  In the both more extreme possible scenarios, you would have to write up a totally different, "new" chart for the person with maybe some similar things from the old chart for it to be accurate, but how do you do that? 

  Again, in those more rare and extreme cases, the aura is much, much more accurate and telling than the astro birth chart.   Actually in any case really.   But as they say, character is destiny, and the point of astrology is that it seems to suggest that we come in with plenty of our character already there...
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Re: Star Signs
Reply #3 - Jun 27th, 2008 at 10:18pm
Justin do u ever think the stars are beings? but the moon is just a reflectory orb?

or do you think it's like a big screen? and we are projecting the stars out there?
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Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Star Signs
Reply #4 - Jun 28th, 2008 at 7:31pm
LaffingRain wrote on Jun 27th, 2008 at 10:18pm:
Justin do u ever think the stars are beings? but the moon is just a reflectory orb?

or do you think it's like a big screen? and we are projecting the stars out there?

  If we use the premise that the physical is kind of a distorted reflection or projection of consciousness, then yes that last one would seem plausible, wouldn't it?

  As regards your first sentence, it seems the ancient Egyptians believed that some of them would become actual Stars.  Maybe what we perceive as "Stars" are completed Disk beings?   I don't know really.

  As regards the Moon, and other Planets, they represent various consciousness states other than physical.   

  The Moon is an interesting energy, i connect it with the 2nd Chakra mostly.   All in all, in and of itself, it is a somewhat slower vibrational pattern, but necessary just as all the colors, glands, Chakras, etc. are.   

  The Moon has a long and well observed association with "lunacy", irrationality, illusion, over emotionalism, i.e. not something one wants to overly indulge in, especially if one is already over polarized to the Yin side of reality to begin with.   Some folks however, could probably benefit from integrating some of those Lunar frequencies--especially those very over polarized to the Yang and especially to Mercury (very intellectual oriented usually) for example.    Positively, especially in those latter types, the Moon can lend some needed flexibility (or rather fluidity), awareness of feelings, and imagination.

   I much prefer though, getting in touch with Venus and Neptune, because these are like the Lunar energies but more refined, faster vibrating, more universal oriented, and more balanced energies than same.
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Re: Star Signs
Reply #5 - Jun 28th, 2008 at 10:41pm
it's interesting Justin, about the moon influences, as I noticed on a full moon more chaos happens, if I'm in a city, there's more emergency vehicles about, and also reports of more crimes. yet we romanticize the moon in our culture, in our the old song I used to sing to the older ones, "shine on Harvest Moon."

so I think we are water based in physical existence, and so the tides are moved as well, they say during a full moon. so there may be a subtle energy there, with the moon, and tides, and the emotions.

yet the stars compel, not impel, as we can look at these other influences of Neptune and Venus, and I'm in agreement, far more interesting planets to look at.

yet, as far as just plain visual aesthetics omygod last summer the moon was huge, fushia color as it set itself over the mountains..the beauty is mesmerizing. my girls were driving straight into it, and we had to stop the car speechless.

as a poet, we can look at this differently, that the dead orb (supposedly) is reflecting the sun.

that's where I assume it gets it's glow from. The sun gives life, and it also takes life.

the moon is simply a mirror in that case.

thanks for your thoughts, I especially like the disc reference as a thought.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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george stone
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Re: Star Signs
Reply #6 - Jun 30th, 2008 at 12:42am
My airforse friend told about the stars.he said that stars that twinkle are suns,and the ones that just shine are planets.George
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Re: Star Signs
Reply #7 - Jul 5th, 2008 at 10:16am
george stone wrote on Jun 30th, 2008 at 12:42am:
My airforse friend told about the stars.he said that stars that twinkle are suns,and the ones that just shine are planets.George

I felt a touch of PUL after reading this... Wink
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