Alan, thanks for the story. this really does happen. It was not your time to die, wasn't in the blueprints, that's why the angel was sent. my opinion. I've heard of this happening other sources.
If you aren't supposed to die, then an angel comes. sometimes angels also come as deceased family members, proving they know what's going on down here, or scuse me, the dimensions are like intertwined. be careful what u think if u like privacy. they know everything. will call u on it.
For instance, my grandmother become my mother's guardian angel after she left. Mother had spent much time with her during Nanny's slow illness, taking care of her, then Nanny reciprocated as her guardian. she only delivered PUL. used to tell me how to handle me mom.
One time it wasn't Kathy's time to go either. A car accident was in the being in the wrong place at the right time, or maybe it WAS the right place to be, as it shows us things about our universe, our reality, and just because it's not ordinary to happen, don't mean it didn't happen.
Kathy's car drove right through another car. She just kept right on driving. I wish I could have been with her! lol! Although she didn't mention any angels in the area, still, maybe her higher self, I'm sure was involved.
my Angel's name is David, said he was early Christian. I'm still researching, appears to be like part of my disc and also a life I lived either as him or beside him, very close. He reminds me of certain things Yeshua said, but not the things he didn't say.
mostly, they don't use names over there, it's only here we like to have a name. New agers get too much flack for having guide names. so they don't like to cause us trouble, it's hard enough without having to prove everything to someone don't have the same experience.
However, a friend of mine has a guide/angel name was given of Carlyle, and his name is Ric. I'm the only one I think he could share his story with. He told me he would talk with Carlyle all the time but wasn't sure he was just imagining the whole thing. so he asked for a name. He received the name in dreamstate. Then he woke up and was thinking oh humbug...started reading the newspaper and the name CARLYLE leaped up from the print..and he heard Carlyle say I've been assigned to you, I was your friend in another life. shocked him badly and that night he walked outside under the stars and cried his heart out, for he knew he was not alone anymore in his spiritual struggles.
After that night, Carlyle often rode in his car with him (not visibly) and told him things like, you're making a wrong turn..etc.I mean, what else would a guide do but guide? even the little things, as a matter of fact little things mean a lot.
It only seems like we go thru life alone and separated. We have lots of help, and it's everywhere once we can see it's possible. We are being watched over.
ok, now I'm going to get in trouble...
I know I was an Indian midwife. I saw myself, acting the way I always act life after life, impetiously, from emotion. however, I was not judged as wrong what I did, as I loved my tribe and acted from that love.
I was allowed to watch over them as a guide after I was killed. I'm sure I wasn't the only spirit doing this in the camp. I think I was waiting for them to get on my side so we could all plan to be together in another life. not sure, but this seems logical to me. we were the plains type Indians. Might explain why I keep wanting to live in a tent again. I don't like houses and I don't like cars, and cities, I don't like bad tasting water, I miss horses, seems strange to pay rent..well, you get the picture, the Indian life is still with me....