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How to reach my daughter (Read 11948 times)
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #30 - Jun 24th, 2008 at 5:47pm
Einstein was a scientist and yet he was openminded philosopher too, as he coined the phrase "imagination is more important than knowledge."

isn't that a funny thing to say from a scientist? so I suppose you have all degree of scientist. I think a scientist by definition is interested only in gathering info by the five sense; that would exclude the 6th sense or what Bruce and TMI call nonphysical senses.

love, alysia
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #31 - Jun 25th, 2008 at 5:53am
When you look a bit more deeply Alysia almost all of the great creative geniuses down the centuries seem to have had a strongly spiritual dimension - even those like Newton that have since been placed on a pedestal by the pure rationalists. (the logical positivists)

No surprise really, since all creativity seems clearly to come from the heart or intuitive side. Intellect is essentially sterile in creative terms, it's able only to weigh between already knowns (or at least concepts deemed to equate to these) using various forms of logic - the latter also intellectually derived and not necessarily based in any true reality.

Hi Alfred. I guess there's a bit of a 'never the two shall meet' aspect about the exchange between the cynics and those that experience otherwise.

One of the problems inherent in the debate about whether we and the reality we find ourselves in are more than just interacting physical objects seems to be to do with the nature of the underlying quantum reality - which seems to cause the physical to arise essentially out of an interplay between mind/intention and energy. (Einstein got as far as figuring out that matter and energy were interchangeable, more recent quantum physics is now demonstrating the primacy of mind as the creator - for an easy intro see stuff like The Field, or What the Bleep Do We Know, writings by Fritjof Capra or Gary Zukav, or even more recently 'Life After Death' by Depak Chopra)

What you don't believe simply does not seem to happen, at least not the sort of extraneous phenomena required for proof in the sort of experiments conceived to demonstrate the ability of mind to influence outcomes. Even if it does happen it's rarely very repeatable. Yet we all experience this sort of thing in a practical way in life with the way that synchronicities seem to come big time into our lives once we open to the fact that they can and do occur.

I have to say that I struggle with the rationalist/logical positivist/cynical viewpoint. Not because it's not a possibility (although my own experience  strongly suggests otherwise), but because the lobby supporting that view seems (despite protestations that they do not) to start from the position that it's true. (e.g. there is no God, or no metaphysical reality) They seem to have moved from this being simply a starting position until otherwise is proven to its becoming an article of faith for them - in fact the dogma of modern academic thought.

The problem with this is of course that given the creative nature of mind the cosmos will behave accordingly for such a person. Not to mention that we always perceive in accordance with our preconceptions anyway - we can't help but not admit data that conflicts with our beliefs.

It's like the cosmos 100% respects free will. But the result is that to see beyond our reality tunnel we have to drop our belief that its all there is. It's like we each go about our lives enclosed by this thought/belief bubble, this mini reality that forms around us in accordance with our preconceptions. The result seems to be that those that don't believe in the metaphysical are never forced to confront it, and so can sail on unperturbed in the certainty that their view of reality of the only one.

They are confronted every day with what they believe in, but that's rationalised as objectively existing, as having been there anyway. Nothing new is permitted into their reality bubble. The alternative seems to be the possibility that if we manage to drop our beliefs we can out of the blue find our lives filled with all sorts of weirdness that doesn't even remotely fit with what's 'supposed' to be happening.

Chapel Perilous it's been called by Robert Anton Wilson...
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« Last Edit: Jun 25th, 2008 at 10:14am by N/A »  
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #32 - Jun 25th, 2008 at 10:48am
all of the great creative geniuses down the centuries seem to have had a strongly spiritual dimension -
I think we will have in the future a merge of religion/science/spirituality...too bad I'll be
  all creativity seems clearly to come from the heart or intuitive side. Intellect is essentially sterile
what I hear u saying is intellect is not based in true reality..therefore only living an experience, gaining the essence from that, then sifting it thru the intellect, it comes out the other side, to intuitive expression, and I call this balance.
I agree intellect is very dry and sterile which I guess intellect is surface gliding in a way. which is why I am a proponent of hemisync to get both sides of the brain/mind active in balance. balance would happen anyway, but tools like hemisync are an aide to that process.

mind/intention and energy.
I mainly zero in on the mind's intention Ian. As we talk about intention a lot here (lol, last 8 yrs to be precise)  I have developed a talent to pick up on a poster's intentions by learning of the intention setting business. as well we speak of the intention to do a retrieval or other self type exploration. Bruce gives us the example of the little finger bending intention setting mechanism.
I call that eye of the storm, that quiet place just before action starts, where the decision is made, to do whatever, here or there. basically agreeing with you, I'm just using my own words. from your script I found your intentions here to be pure.  I hope u don't think I'm flattering you again, because, frankly, I'm not doing that. my intentions here are pure also. It's pure social I do here these days, but friends is all that counts to me, not that intellect stuff, but I like that too if it's on the menu.  Smiley I think pure intellect expressed wherever that's done, is mainly ego derived intentions, but rather unconscious intentions. as I see it, from ACIM we can view a definition of the ego, as that which must divide, measure, dissect, quarter, rationalize, judge, all this, not from knowledge, but through filtering through logical process and chucking out the, to me this is like barfing. haha!
sometimes I've barfed here I admit.  the intuitive side of things, as I see it does not do those things like measure and divide and categorize, but instead involves a different type of expression where it tunes into the oneness of all functioning parts. PUL is sticky, ok? lol. no matter how intellectual I try not to be, in a forum, that's what happens in appearance. it's a great place to develop extra sensory perception as surely, you can't judge a book by it's cover, right? at least this would be ideal.

What you don't believe simply does not seem to happen

Yet we all experience this sort of thing in a practical way in life with the way that synchronicities seem to come big time into our lives once we open to the fact that they can and do occur
about synchronicities. we can return to intentional setting for a look at how this happens. intentional setting has to do with (I learned this in ACIM)  making a decision. what is it that makes the decision?
the mind of course. I find making a decision is harder than we think it should be. for most of us.
it is a state of fixated nonduality processing and in most cases, not reversible in it's effects.
What makes us surprised about these synchronicities, is the fact we can easily forget having made a decision. Life just seems to happen with these synchronicities evident.
yet synchronicities can be played with this lend a sense of wonder to life, mostly lacking in the pure intellect surfer.  the religious part of me, says this: your way will be made smooth, for these that love god with all their heart and soul and mind. (can u believe I have to listen to this stuff all the time?  Grin  I call this aspect DP, as you know.

I have to say that I struggle with the rationalist/logical positivist/cynical viewpoint.
I too struggle, although I appear not to talk of inner struggle as I've adapted a one-pointed nondual perspective; what u have perceived correctly as true aim. if u think this is ego talking, it's not exactly that, but more of what I call my intentions here manifesting, here or there and everywhere. the one pointedness comes from viewing what is real, and what just alludes to what is real. we lie (unconsciously) to ourselves in a duality world, and are unable to find God while we are denying God at the same time.
It's what is focused on which manifests as synchronicities. our minds are like camera lens that focus in on what is appearing as "outside" us, when really, there is nothing out there that is real. Notwithstanding evidence of PUL. lack of loving expressions implies a belief in scarcity. A belief in scarcity implies it is based on nothing, therefore it's an illusion, or not real, or a lie, an untruth, but the ego is great at manufacturing it's own confusion. we all deal with dogma whether in politics, religion or any pathway whatsoever. it might be described as playing in our s-h-i-t. lol. sorry. it's a part of ELS although we never received an instruction bundle upon incarnation. the best we can do is all that's expected. I like your thoughtfulness.

The problem with this is of course that given the creative nature of mind the cosmos will behave accordingly for such a person. Not to mention that we always perceive in accordance with our preconceptions anyway - we can't help but not admit data that conflicts with our beliefs.
what I hear u say is you are with an open mind and do wish to be growing and so you can't help but consider another's viewpoint, despite it makes u struggle even more, as it introduces conflict to do this. what u might do is consider this is a natural course, that you are in a state of duality and so you must consider both sides of any question in order to make a decision what is true, but only true for you, while you allow it to be true for other, as everyone is where they are supposed to be, if you regard life as a temporary undertaking for learning purposes. call it human evolvement, or spiritual growth, although it moves slowly, crawls actually, you are developing, and must see all as developing the same as you, in order to reduce that feeling of struggling and move into the synchronicities of the pleasant variety. What I gained from Bruce's books specifically, was to consider opposing, possessed belief systems as personages within my mental. I would invite them to the table and the 3 of us would begin a verbal exchange. I would remain in the back as observer position or a mediator. I would ask first one belief system (yes, it's a whole system of connected thoughts) what is your purpose here? the system would speak back. It would say something like "I am here at your service, and in your employ as you asked me to be here."  example: Murphy's law I believed in. (everything that can go wrong, alas, does)
so then, I would turn to the opposing belief and ask "is this true?" Naturally, opposing belief structure, the new kid on the block would say nay, tis untrue. It's only true if you continue to believe it's true.

then I would once more speak to belief system number one to say, I am laying you off work, but I want you to know I appreciate your service to me, I understand you have served me well.
if this exercise is done properly, perhaps repeated a few times, belief system two becomes the manifested reality, and every thing that could go wrong no longer is seen to be true or outpictured in physical reality.
for me, usually belief system one fades off like a dawning sunrise displaces shadows. pretty naturally without a lot of struggle. I think the irony in this method is first seeing belief system one as real before you can make it unreal.

It's like the cosmos 100% respects free will.
u said a mouthful. lol. this  mouthful is what Bruce used to say to me here, now I know what he meant.  the cosmos is another word what I call God. the cosmos to me, is just a bunch of huge star beings, most romantic, but I don't know who hung them. unless it was god. free will is another way of saying we have choices here. u can listen to the heart or we can listen to what is a logical view, known as collective rumblings, I call it gossiping..if everyone believes it, then it must be true, right? wrong.
looking at life becomes like being enticed into buying a gossip rag looking for the truth, the more sensational the better. it's ego again. the problem with our struggle here, is most folks are not able to differentiate what is ego and what is heart talk. if we can see our oneness, our effect upon one another more clearly, we tend to relax our struggle to understand, we are all creating this world within our free will and have the capacity undo our errors, with the same power of decision which made the outpicturing of chaos.

But the result is that to see beyond our reality tunnel we have to drop our belief that its all there is.
that's why talking to ourself helps, described above.

It's like we each go about our lives enclosed by this thought/belief bubble, this mini reality that forms around us in accordance with our preconceptions. The result seems to be that those that don't believe in the metaphysical are never forced to confront it, and so can sail on unperturbed in the certainty that their view of reality of the only one.
it's my belief forcing anyone to believe anything is not a working principle of God. In the same way God did not force us to live on ELS. It never was a sentence imposed. That's why I say God did not create this world. We did. In unison. That is not to say it is a mistake. but it is to say it was a decision to individualize from what was one, into the get experiences within matter.
people who are dogmatic in their approach are locked into a belief system. they are in jail of their own making. The approach to them is not to order them to get out of jail at gunpoint, but simply hand them the key and say it's your choice. we are not to meddle in another's belief system, that is what I learned, that it's all about taking care of my own garden. PUL is practicing noncoercive techniques and I know u do this, or know how, and then u will see more synchronicities.

They are confronted every day with what they believe in, but that's rationalised as objectively existing
we also believe a chair or table objectively exists. but consider that within science, they are saying the chair does not have existence, that under the microscope it is a thing of molecules vibrating with space inbetween each molecule, so what is it? it certainly appears as solid. so then we see it is making an appearance. when I'm dead then and vibrating at a higher frequency will the chair still be useful to me, and if I can create with my mind another chair after I'm dead, poof, we must be quite creative on the other side to do this with the mind..and so we created this whole world as well with our minds in unison, again, it appears the power lies in our unison creative abilities. u appear to be struggling with changing what's out there, rather than changing your own viewpoint about what's out there, and u notice this in others as well.
What we do here is to try to change another, over to our way of looking at it. Instead you can try another approach to that. Approach (I'm seeing you in your work) other, from a sharing station rather than, "you don't, you can't, you aren't" (negatives) approach, I am, you are, we are, we can, (positive) people respond better to possibilities presented for change, when the speaker is saying this strength is inside them, because you can see it is in them, when you believe in the Oneness factor of all life.

about this means we are effecting each other constantly, the slightest gesture, word, thought about another effects their reality if we believe it does. from my experience, my mere thought about them is effecting them on levels unseen at first, evidence begins to show up, how I effect them. that's why it's so important to think positive thoughts about if you negative on them, it only increases their boxed in feeling and habitual ways of doing things which we don't like to observe, but we are a part of that which they are creating also. so we learn PUL and to practice instant forgiveness as we slide in on the shift in consciousness, sometimes on our
It is pleasant to exchange thoughts with you Ian.

as having been there anyway. Nothing new is permitted into their reality bubble
u are expressing a mild impatience right now. the thing about living in the unreality of linear time is days, weeks, months, maybe years can crawl by, and the ego will say, hmmm, this is all pointless as I see no results of my good intentions manifesting..(maybe some cuss words thrown in) but it's still just impatience, which is type of force which prevents what we want to manifest...
patience is the child of faith, and must mature within experience.

.The alternative seems to be the possibility that if we manage to drop our beliefs we can out of the blue find our lives filled with all sorts of weirdness that doesn't even remotely fit with what's 'supposed' to be happening.
U know, I think I know what you're talking about..Ian, my life too has been incredibly weird. I have been known to start laughing hysterically outloud at some things that has happened. (of course, not in public, I try to act normal)   Smiley  the weirdness is a sign you are working it. you are working your belief systems, to root out the conflicting ones and u r anxious to move forward.
getting used to the discomfort to see all this weirdness around and about you means you are awakening to priorities, and this is self realization, this is the awakening you have asked for. Bruce discusses some belief system crashes he underwent. I wasn't sure what he was talking about, to use the word crash, it seemed rather dramatic word. Now I have come after him in my experience getting, and I know exactly why he felt so crazy, as you will feel quite nuts when you start to wake up that this entire world is not real, we are all going along making it up as best we can, forgetting how we need each other to really do anything significant. and we are back to false perception, true perception, (ACIM) of the ego's holdings.
then choosing true perception.
perception however, true perception is still not knowledge. it is not wisdom either.
wisdom can only come from living lives, as few as possible, but people cannot accept we choose our lives to graduate ELS. Our free will lies in the choices we make between listening to ego, which divides truth, or listening to Spirit (god) which will speak 2nd. the ego speaks first.
I see this as the planet of Fear. Fear is false evidence appearing as real.

I like the intro to ACIM: quote: Free will does not mean you can establish the curriculum; it means only that you can elect to take what you want in a given time (lifetimes)...

Nothing real can be threatened
Nothing unreal exists..

Herein lies the peace of God

Chapel Perilous it's been called by Robert Anton Wilson...

I'm not familiar with Chapel Perilous, but agree our going home is fraught with "seeming" perils. what the bleep? smile.
hey y'all, that print moving across the page is called a marquee in the edit field. it's cracking me up this website provides us that little option for fun...
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #33 - Jun 26th, 2008 at 6:59am
Smiley Thank you for a well considered reply Alysia - it's good to see this stuff expressed in more practical terms than my fairly enigmatic way of putting it.

This whole business of mind creating and perceiving in accordance with it's preconceptions is right at the centre of topic after topic - including those elsewhere on the board right now on death, TV channels, OOB Dude's experience and lots more besides.

We can't seem to help adopting a self centred (as in what we perceive to be self in life) vantage point when we try to make sense of it all, but if we take into account all the differing dimensions of experience it's possibly hard to say much more than that we're each this point of awareness that seems to originate from God/source. And that the apparent separation of this point from Source with experience proves more and more a matter of perception than of reality.

We seem to come into life having taken up a set of karmic influences like a suit of clothes, and having forgotten most of our prior lives. We start out thinking we're located in C1, but with time may develop the ability to flit between all sorts of realities both relative and not. Including moving around in time. Then with more experience it starts to become clear that these realities probably don't have any objective/independent existence, are only creations of mind, and are probably not even wholly shared per se - they represent only prior or evolving  beliefs we hold, and anyway are really only the result of the interplay of mind/intention and energy to create form or whatever it is we perceive.

Then eventually we discover that selfhood is also a delusion, that there's all sorts of states of consciousness that allow our awareness to move into other selves, into collectives, into non relative selfless states and so on. That the mind stuff we create in life is largely disposable.

I can't speak for you guys, but I find myself left with the strong suspicion that the teachings that only the absolute/this point of awareness is real, that absolutely everything else we experience whether in C1, or the afterlife, or any other mind made reality is only the output of a novice mind lost in a self made maze and trying to get it's functioning and consequently it's creative tendencies under control.

Put another way - I can't help feeling that if we could just get our minds under control and clear of all the delusional but subconscious garbage we've picked up over lives upon lives that as ACIM says (Buddhist, Vedantic and lots of other systems of thought too) it'd all just blink out in an instant.

It's such a catch 22 issue. Having created a set of reality tunnels we can't but keep on experiencing these. Leading to further extension of beliefs, and further and more concrete seeming realities. It's hard to tell whether all of this has any purpose in the great scheme of things, although it's hard to think that it does not at some level.

Even if it's of importance I guess our task has surely got to be to step back from all of this, to return to source.

This in a way is what life or the spiritual path is about. To be of in this world, but not of it. We can't just decide to 'blink out' , at least not without a lot of work to collapse most of our belief systems  - but there's lots we can do in choosing how we live that can lighten the grip of the prevailing reality on us. This is almost always counter intuitive, because essentially what we are doing is trying to live the rules of a greater reality in a cosmos created by an aspect of mind that thinks largely in terms of rule of the fittest.

The further we get down the path, the harder it becomes. It's not hard to see how living a life as a rapacious robber or tycoon type sucks us deeper into suffering, or even how the use of religion for personal gain is wrong too. But as we progress into more ethereal territory the traps become subtler and subtler. Stuff like competing to be holier and more pious than others. To hold 'better' views than others on the nature of reality. Ultimately it can be as simple as becoming addicted to seeking intellectual answers to the never ending stream of 'spiritual' questions the intellect keeps on throwing up, when ultimately it entails replacing all conceptual or intellectual motivations and striving with just 'being'.

With resting in the Tao, or in flow.

This is perhaps the reason there's so much paradox associated with the spiritual. We have to care a lot about how we live, or we otherwise blunder into life situations that suck us deeper into suffering and the behaviours that cause it -  deeper into the mire.

But we can't care too much about it, or get hung up about it (in respect of either our own behaviour, or that of others), or that too will suck us into a closing down of our view which  also means that we will blunder deeper into worldliness and suffering. So we have at the same time to stay light, flexible and open in our approach, to only skim the surface of life.

Caring but not caring. This is the eye of the needle J spoke of....
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« Last Edit: Jun 26th, 2008 at 9:45am by N/A »  
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #34 - Jul 1st, 2008 at 8:16pm
kthorse wrote on Jun 13th, 2008 at 8:31am:
I need to connect to my daughter who passed in September 2007. I am going crazy without her. For the first 2 months she was around doing things. Then on her birthday in November just after she passed.  We had a party for her. I told her she could go I was ok because I felt she was staying around to be with me. I havent felt her since. At least not enough to satisfy my needs. I am lost with out her. I need to know she is still out there. I want to communicate with her.

The quiter you are the more you can hear.

The key to every thing kthorse is the heart, it is timeless, never restrained by distance or even the seperation which has caused such a wirlwind in you.

If you want assurance of your daughers exsistance look at the common tree and how it breathes in the wind, unfocus your eyes and see the truth as is pulses with life.

Do normal small things and do them well with 100% of your self with most perfect intention, if you wish to continue giving her love then it will be impossible if when this person breaths out and makes good wishes they will not be felt and used as maybe required.

The most valueable aspect as I see it is that you show great faith now and become a usefull energy piliar and source.

Every thought and every breath you take count, turn your dispair which orginated in love back into claim surrounding warmth.

I thank you for your honest post.

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