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How to reach my daughter (Read 11937 times)
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #15 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 1:32am
thank you Alfred for pointing out that the nonphysical do barge into your dream; I know as I've had a few use sudden appearances which are unforgettable in getting my sleepy attention into direct lucidity and listening mode.

a friend of mine awoke me in a dream by banging on the door, then the lock busted and he walked right in. scared me in the dream as I didn't know who he was until he sat down and started explaining why he was there. he said I'd asked for assistance. I couldn't even remember that I had until later.

so I'm saying to Scooby, you are probably asking right now for assistance and building a momentum in that, and you therefore will make contact if you keep it up. I always say, persistence is one of my better qualities when it comes to this area and just keep asking for what you need and want, you will surely get it.  yes, I'd say a few months is the norm. although with my husband, we had made an agreement before he died, that he would contact me as soon as possible, and in this case, since we had made this agreement, it was easier for him to get through to me and it only took a few weeks or so, but I'd say this was an exception to the general rule of 2 to 4 months.

also, when he arrived on several occassions he had an instructor with him, a guide, as he was new at communicating with this dimension also.
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #16 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 8:33am
I want to add that to understand the communications you need to be prepared, and you need to know about these spiritual things, because if someone unknown about the afterlife, might be dream with a relative, but is not going to understand the message,

For example: if my father had a dream with my grandfather, and my grandfather show to him a car, my father will not understand, and will think that everything was a nice dream,
Because in my father concept, the afterlife there are no such material things (cars, houses, caws, ships etc. ..) then he NO would have thought that dream was a communication, but only a game of his own mind,
but since I know that in the afterlife, it may have material things that is a world of "ideoplastic" (ideoplastia in Spanish), it is a world of "thoughts", I could understand and trust in that dream.

Can you guys imagine living in a world of "thoughts"?, I think that is not a easy thing, they need time to adapt and learn to this new dimension, also we need to remember that the time is not the same here and there  Wink.

I recently reed the excellent "Five Stars"new books, about investigations and confirmations of the existence of the afterlife;

1)  Induced After-death Communication,  by  Dr. Allan L. Botkin

2) Spirit Faces,    by Mark Marcy 

3) Life in the Spirit World: The Mind Does Not Die,  by Muriel Williams, Bill Williams, and from the afterlife the late Dr. Ian Currie


4) Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton, Ph.D

This is another excellent Link

best wishes

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« Last Edit: Jun 18th, 2008 at 9:56am by jm1974 »  
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #17 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 9:24am

Anything that 'thins the veil' between spirit and matter is important, IMO.

But Macy's photos look like my husband's (who has Parkinson's) when his
hand jerks while shooting.  Roll Eyes I probably shouldn't say that-- sorry.

Newton is a great favorite with me.  Cheesy

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #18 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 9:45am
betson wrote on Jun 18th, 2008 at 9:24am:

Anything that 'thins the veil' between spirit and matter is important, IMO.

But Macy's photos look like my husband's (who has Parkinson's) when his
hand jerks while shooting.  Roll Eyes I probably shouldn't say that-- sorry.

Newton is a great favorite with me.  Cheesy


Hello Betson

JAJJAJAJAJAJAJaaaa you are right my friend you make me laugh!!!!

I would like to know what you think about the photography of robert monroe and her wife? I' dont know...this photo of R. is fake to? in front of monroe daughter?... Wink

Newton is great!!... try Dr. Botkin to!!!


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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #19 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 10:53am
Alfred wrote on Jun 17th, 2008 at 11:14pm:
Hallo Snoopydoo,

Juan is quite right - it seems to be the "norm" for these things to take time, although of course there are other forms of communication which may be almost instantaneous, like crisis apparitions, where a person involved in a serious life-threatening scenario, or actually dying suddenly, can appear to a loved one immediately. But these are more "forced" (involuntary?) projections, rather than the intentional communications we are seeking. (Incidentally, the same FWH Myers that Juan refers to also studied these types of projections, and published them in a classic work of psychical research, "Phantasms of the Living").

On your other comment about whether a dream is really a visit or not - of course, many dreams will be produced by your own subconscious, but the "visitation" dream always has a different quality: more vivid, meaningful, stays in the memory long after "normal" dreams have faded, and often has an overt or covert message. In the case of my father's visitation dream, he actually "barged-in" on an unrelated dream I was already having, took it over, if you like, and appeared to me as (in the dream) I opened the gates at the end of my garden. He was glowing with health, and grasped me lovingly with both hands, asking, "did I understand everything he had done?". Before I could answer, the dream faded, but the memory of it has stayed undimmed in the mind these past 19 years, while others I may have had of him have gone.

You will not have any doubts about a true visitation dream - when it comes, you will know!

Best wishes,


Hi Alfred!

Thanks for your words!

I would like to add regarding Myers, which in my view Myer is the best evidence that exists of the afterlife.

"The most convincing and itelligent proof of the reality of life after death.”

The 'Myers Cross-Correspondences' have now become classic evidence for survival and are most influential and persuasive in helping many people come to terms with life after death. After Myers died in 1901, more than a dozen different mediums in different countries began receiving a series of incomplete scripts through automatic writing signed by Frederick Myers, The messages from different mediums in different part of the world that on their own would mean nothing, but which when put together would make sense. He and his fellow leaders of the Society for Psychical Research felt that if such a thing could be accomplished it would have very high 'probative value' and be a high level of proof of continued existence.

The scripts were all about obscure classical subjects and did not make sense on their own. But when the mediums were told by Myers to contact a central address and the scripts were assembled, they fitted together like the pieces of a jig-saw. In all, more than three thousand scripts were transmitted over thirty years. Some of them were more than forty typed pages long. Together they fill 24 volumes and 12,000 pages. The investigation went on so long that some of the investigators, such as Professor Verrall, died during the course of it and began communicating themselves.
The mediums used by Myers and the others from the afterlife were not professors of the Classics. They were not highly educated and all messages transmitted were outside their learnt knowledge and experience. On one occasion one of the mediums, Mrs. Coombe-Tennant, was conducting a discussion using 'automatic writing' between the spirit entity of Professor Sidgwick and his living colleague G. W. Balfour on the 'mind-body relationship', 'epiphenomenalism' and 'interactionism'. She complained bitterly that she had no idea what they were talking about and lost her temper that she was asked to transmit such difficult things.
Myers did say it was extremely difficult to transmit his messages from the spirit world across to the mediums. He described as being like:
standing behind a sheet of frosted glass which blurs sight and deadens sound dictating feebly to a reluctant and somewhat obtuse secretary…. (Cummins 1987)

Myers used Greek and Latin that very few people understand; he dictated to mediums everything in a academic language, thus proving that it was really him.



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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #20 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 3:28pm
Juan quote: …standing behind a sheet of frosted glass which blurs sight and deadens sound dictating feebly to a reluctant and somewhat obtuse secretary…. (Cummins 1987)

same thing happened with other channels of spirit communications. namely ACIM, known as A Course In Miracles. Helen Shucman was the channeler. Yeshua the spirit.

Helen was a psychologist who could not get along with another psychologist she had to work with for many years..their relationship was explosive. after many years of bickering they threw up their hands and prayed together for "a better way."

The Course in Miracles was the result of that prayer "where two or more are joined, there I am."

However, during the 7 years of writing the thing, Helen constantly argued with the voice as she wished to interpret it in her words, according to her psychology background. The voice then told her, if you insist on writing it your way, I will leave; I have my reasons for transcribing it exactly word for word. She finally agreed to listen to him and leave her own bias aside.

thanks for the Myers book review, I'm surprised more people didn't report such a work that even continued while the workers disappeared from Earth plane.

the human going here does indeed appear to have the ability to transmit information from beyond, however, they must lay aside their own ego resistence in order to be a pure channel.

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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #21 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 4:02pm
Just a quick mention, for the sake of people trying to distinguish between a "normal" dream and a "visitation" dream. I'm not a world authority on the afterlife, obviously, but the dreams that I have had which I feel could have been visitations from friends or relatives were noticeably different. They reverberated with happiness and joy. They seemed to be clear messages that the deceased was fine, actually much much better than before they died. Their appearance was much healthier and happier.

When others mention a deceased person "surprising" them, I can relate to that. I think that is also a particular quality of these dreams....the feeling of being surprised, which lingers after awakening from the dream.

Surprise, the feeling of surprise, is uplifting, wouldn't you say? It automatically creates a quality of lightness, and has a "springiness" to it. It wouldn't "surprise" me at all that spirits might employ that method of getting our attention in a dream.

love, blink
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #22 - Jun 18th, 2008 at 4:20pm
hi Blink, the surprise factor seems related to getting the attention of the dreamer.

In retrieval situations, this is a main point, we must somehow get their attention. I think once the attention is gotten, an opening in the mind occurs, through that factor, so that the retrievee is then able to sense the presence of nonphysical guides who have been there all the time, but needed a retriever who is still physical to get their attention.

its something I'm working on to explain.  Smiley

Juan, you reminded me of the car. The car my foster father attained. after his transition, he appeared in my mother's dream driving a rather old jalopy, a convertible and asked her to come outside her body and go for a ride. my mother has had a few contacts during her life with those passed on.

I know it's hard to conceive we would want cars on the other side even, but it must have been a lifelong dream of his, that was fulfilled as nothing is impossible when it comes to desires we hold for a long time. desires are very creative also, here or there.

in reflection, certain levels are similar to Earth. my sister loved horses and after she passed on, she came back to me in waking consciousness and told me she was taking care of abused horses, loving them. I thought that was a great service to life.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #23 - Jun 19th, 2008 at 9:10am
Hello Friends!

I find "very informative" this part of the book  "BEYOND HUMAN PERSONALITY" of F. W. H. Myers through the medium GERALDINE CUMMINS in April, 1935

Myer from the afterlife, uses the example of a woman to explain the transfer and adaptation of a person in the afterlife, also like bruce moen, Myers call the afterlife as " diferents planes of consciousness" (7 planes o leves of consciousness).

this is the link:

"...............Let us take as an example the soul of a wife and a mother whom we will call Margery Fitzgerald. Let us break through the mystery of death and follow her into the next world. She has been a devoted mother, and as a wife she has worked hard and unselfishly for her husband. Among the members of her family she is the first to make the crossing of death. There follows a period of rest and of dream in Hades(?), the intermediate world which I have previously described.

In time Margery emerges from her chrysalis state and becomes aware of her new existence and of her increased potentialities for living and loving. At a certain point in the journey she finds herself suspended in what might be described as "an air of matter." All around her stretches immensity of space. It appears to her perceptions as being pale and almost transparent. But Margery is not frightened; she is sensible of an extraordinary exhilaration, of an increased mental vigour, and, for the first time in her history, she feels like a bird floating happily, as it were, on the wind, drifting peacefully within the Unknown. After a while thoughts of those near and dear to her, who have already made the crossing of death, fill her mind; she desires their presence, and her urgent thought sounds like a voice through this apparently soundless world.

Swiftly they appear; for they have loved her dearly, and so are in tune with her mind and may hear its thoughts if directed towards them. She is still a very young soul, though she was sixty when she died. They take her to a radiant country, in beauty, as poetic as a picture by Titian. For these friends of Margery were advanced souls and consequently, when freed from the slavery of the physical body, were able to create out of their fine, sensitive imaginations surroundings that appeared quite material in character, yet were in every respect the creation of their mind and inspiring spirit. They explain to Margery that this world beyond death, which at first seemed empty space, actually consists of electrons differing only in their fineness or increased vibratory quality from those known to earthly scientists. These very subtle units are extremely plastic and, therefore, can be moulded by mind and will. In other words on earth matter cannot, as a rule, be altered by the power of thought acting directly upon it. But human beings, in the After-death, control substance through their freed&emdash(?);and therefore subtilized&emdash (?);imaginations..............."

Also Myers says,....

....Love and Marriage

On leaving the Third level of consciousness we assume a subtle body which, in beauty and in shape, no longer resembles the physical body. When, indeed, the intelligence proceeds on its journey to Eidos it makes a definite break with the material world; and few who have passed that way return to speak to men.

But, in the world after death which I have called the sphere of Terrene Imagination," men are the possessors of bodies which reproduce in shape and in general appearance the discarded physical form, though they are clothed in an ethereal substance which vibrates with a greater intensity.

In this sphere there is an absence of that strenuous struggle which leads to creative imagining&emdash;creative effort. Women do not bear children though the illusion of sexual passion may be experienced as long as it is the soul's desire. The woman possesses an etheric body so framed that it can serve her as the material shape served her various purposes, wishes and appetites on earth.

........When I was on earth uneducated men and women frequently contended that it was impossible that human beings survived death because space could not contain the innumerable army of the dead. This very crude argument was never put forward by any intelligent men possessed of astronomical knowledge however slight and, therefore, dimly aware of the vastness of space. But apart from the human astronomical view of the universe, the whole conception of eternity is at fault when it is based merely on our perception of material surroundings. It should be founded, as I have said, on the idea of motion. A discarnate being is invisible to the human eye because the etheric body or vehicle of expression is vibrating at a more rapid rate than the physical body. When the soul passes to higher levels of consciousness, its form, or outward expression of itself, becomes more and more ethereal. That is to say, it is vibrating with greater rapidity and with a far greater intensity. Numberless discarnate beings vibrate about you and within you, yet they are not of you, and in no sense make what one might describe as "contact" with either your mind or your physical body. When we seek to communicate with men we pass on to a different level of consciousness and can only do so by slowing down our processes of thought.....

incredible since 1935 Myers was explaining the consistency of the afterlife, and humanity is not aware of this Wink


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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #24 - Jun 19th, 2008 at 10:10pm
Hallo Juan,

It is good to bring Myers' work back in view again - as you say, most today are not aware of so much work that was done so carefully by dedicated researches so long ago, and they deserve to be recognised for their pioneering work. Myers was the leading light among the founding group of the British SPR, which included also Sidgewick, Gurney and Jackson. A massive tome called "Human Personality and its Survival of Bodily Death" came out of their collaborative efforts.

I suppose the main difference between what we might term the modern researchers into the Afterlife (like Bruce Moen, Robert Monroe, etc), and these earlier pioneers, is that the latter relied on mediums for their data, whereas the emphasis now (as on this site, and in the works of Bruce Moen, Monroe is on ordinary, non-mediumistic people having their own direct and personal experiences of the Afterlife. Many traditional psychical researchers, however, even now do still use mediums for their work, and such studies are still written up in  the SPR's and other journals.

Best wishes,

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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #25 - Jun 20th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Hi Alfred, Blink, laffingrain:

I find this quote from the book of EDWARD C. RANDALL, Frontiers of the Afterlife, about the creative power of the mind (thoughts) in the afterlife.

"...............The question of light in the afterlife has always interested me, and it is one of the subjects upon which I have sought information. I speak the late Dr. Hossack, for the reason that he has given me the most satisfactory explanation of any other spirit. This was my question to him:

"What is the character of your light, and how does it differ from sunlight?"

The answer:
"The light we have is obtained from the action of our minds on the atmosphere. We think light, and there is light. That is why people who come over in evil condition are in the dark; their minds are not competent to produce light enough for them to see.

"There is greater intensity of light as we go up through the spheres, which comes from the blending of the more spiritual minds.

"Our life is merely the condition of mind which each one has. We create images in thought, and have the reality before us, just as tangible as your houses and buildings are to you. You do not have any conception of the great power and force there is, or may be, in thought. It dominates all conditions and makes us what we are. One who realizes this may control his destiny.

"Thought is a fluid, which becomes substance to us when once it is formed into an expression. It is a vibrating, living thing, and should be recognized as such and controlled accordingly."……………………."  Wink


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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #26 - Jun 20th, 2008 at 3:48pm
Many thanks, Juan!

You are sharing wonderful insights, and not just when you are quoting others !

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #27 - Jun 20th, 2008 at 7:15pm
Yes, I second that, thanks Juan!  love, blink
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #28 - Jun 21st, 2008 at 2:59pm
chorusing in with the gals here Juan..thanks. makes sense. I think about this thing called Light also. I got the notion it is intelligent. and we as humans are encapsulated within it, in a spatial sense as we might perceive it within image. yet also I turn that thought around and see the light also in my flesh body, as I go within, I image myself as a tiny spark of light circulating in my blood stream, thinking wow, look what spirit has done...made itself into bodies.

not to speak of many retrieval examples where we send them into the light.
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Re: How to reach my daughter
Reply #29 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 9:44pm
Hi Juan!

Just to say thanks for the info and links you gave earlier. I ordered Botkin's book, and it came today. I am finding it very interesting reading! There does seem to be some sign of a softening of the prevailing ultra-materialistic view among professional medics and some scientific circles, however slight. There are, though, still plenty of the hardened cynics about - the James Randi's and Richard Dawkins's etc. Dawkins deserves respect as an accomplished scientific writer and thinker, but seems unable, or unwilling, to entertain any notion of other realities, or other ways of being. And yet a true scientist should always be open to possibilities outside the existing orthodoxy - that's how all progress to date has been made, isn't it?

Best wishes,

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