Hello Juan,
I understand your need to want to help. Combined with the love you have and with you being able to *see and feel* many of your countrymen possibly stuck due to their beliefs and desperation, I hope the following will be what you need. These are some of the simple and effective things I learned from Bruce Moen. The most important is to simply trust your heart and your guide(s), trust Helpers and just go along with their advice and let it happen, just trust what happens.
Since you've already accomplished some retrievals (wonderful!), do whatever you do to relax and/or enable yourself to shift the majority of your focus of attention away from your physical surroundings. One of the best ways to return to any place of consciousness--what you called the void--is to bring to you what that place felt like and feel it again. See it, feel it and trust what comes to your mind's eye, trust any information that you then get. Relive that feel and vision of the void and you'll be there. Or you can ask your guides for help in being there, whatever works for you.
Ask for Helpers to join you when you are there, or you can ask that you be able to perceive Helpers, by seeing them with your mind's eye, or by feeling their presence or just getting a 'knowing sense' that they are with you. Helpers always seem to know a great deal about stuck individuals, where they need to go once freed. Ask for their advice on how to approach the people, how to proceed. You may want to start with one person at a time. You may only be able to deal with each person on an individual basis, or as a group, depending on the area of consciousness they are located in. Just trust what comes to you. Don't be alarmed if Helpers or even you suddenly have different outfits on, or you may momentarily be right there next to the stuck person, experiencing their struggle or bewilderment or helping several towards a tunnel. Feel love for them (not difficult for you to do, Juan
) as this is a good way to get someone to notice you, to get their attention briefly away from their 'stuck-in-their-movie' predicament. Introduce them to a Helper and their hell is over with. Almost always I left it up to Helpers to inform the person that they had died, but go with whatever Helpers offer or what you feel will be good for them.
The only thing Helpers need our help with sometimes, is to simply get the stuck person's attention away from their 'temporary, stuck surroundings'. Like, one person may think he or she is still floating in a boat on their way to America. Another may be a confused or terrified child, trying to not drown or hanging onto a parent. Since they think they are still very much alive, they do not respond to Helpers who are in nonphysical areas...but they will respond to you because they can perceive/feel/sense your alive-physicalness.
I hope this is helpful, Juan. You are an incredible person and I'm glad you are here.
Much love,