Nice story Alan. I think it's probably a great example of the way 'communication with God' as on the other thread operates.
Much like the option of being aware (which I think is another way of saying the same) it's available to us all the time, but we're mostly not 'listening'. Or more to the point only capable as a result of our beliefs of receiving input through those channels we (at the ego level) deem acceptable.
Even little children have their belief systems. They have their limitations and needs to have their beliefs stroked to make it possible for them to receive at their own level too. No more than all of us - I suspect that to Source there's not a lot of difference between a child and any of us insofar as needing to find a way through that's not been closed off by our beliefs is concerned.
By beliefs I don't mean about religion, although that could indeed be a big decider of what we're open to. I mean the everyday assumptions we make about the nature of ourselves and the reality we inhabit, and the nature and/or existence of God.
God is around us all the time, literally contained in and speaking to us all the time from everybody and everything. But we can't open to this, can't normally see -
we go around waiting for a bush to go on fire, and a voice to speak out of it or whatever.
Since burning bushes are pretty rare we instead head off looking for 'special people' able to too or at least given cultural permission to communicate with Source, and then try to decide using our intellect between the 'genuine' and the 'impostors'......