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Channeling God?? (Read 8082 times)
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Re: Channeling God??
Reply #15 - Jun 3rd, 2008 at 10:40pm
if we are all god as one we can channell all facets of humanity according to our level what we pull in, anywhere from the lower astrals to the highest planes where the monads are.

life is in all degree of conscousness. another way of thinking about channelling is the person is picking up thought forms already existent, as well the dimension of astral level we share the same space.

the dimensions overlap as subtle energies. guides, helpers are above the astral negative planes and these are also in degree, but generally carry an energy signature of PUL.
they generally pose as your own intuitions at first.
IE: don't eat acidic foods.

guides and helpers can be people who have left the physical planes but decided to try and help humanity. they don't have 9 to 5 shifts, they do and go where they see a signal from someone who is distressed and who resonates with their own energy signature as a compatible being.
Guides and helpers can also be beings who have never had incarnated life, but nonetheless can be useful to deliver such as inspiration, giving hope to the despairing; in earlier times, known as angels.

They are as much in training often enough, as any human on ELS, learning how to fit a thought configeration into the human energy field. a positive thought. as they are not allowed to interfere unless someone has called out for help.

this is how prayers get answered. Channelling is just a higher order of receiving this intuitive energy and usually the channeller has had a relationship to the entity from way agreement to do the work.

Alan's fledgling channeller is at the kindergarten level, but I think he may improve. He or she is probably excited to find out how we can talk to ourselves, to what seems to be the subconscious and it will talk back. then we can label it with a name if we wish.
If there is an entity involved they are playing along with his wish that this is god, but like I said if we are God, as one, then Bet's parrot is God too.

You all can try this experiment sometime, and some rather surprising answers come from it.
just get a paper and pen and write a question down.
then sit quietly and see if an answer appears which you didn't expect.

You can call it higher self and that works also. but what you get, doesn't necessarily mean it would be useful for another other persons.
sometimes it's very private and shouldn't be shared.

love, alysia
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Channeling God??
Reply #16 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 1:33am

Alan's fledgling channeller is at the kindergarten level, but I think he may improve. He or she is probably excited to find out how we can talk to ourselves, to what seems to be the subconscious and it will talk back. then we can label it with a name if we wish.
If there is an entity involved they are playing along with his wish that this is god, but like I said if we are God, as one, then Bet's parrot is God too

As always dear Alysia summarizes the essence of the question so nicely again. My way of expressing this great interconnectivity is what I is accessing the Super-consciousness and this fledlging Channeler must be doing that, and obtaining some truths that way. He certainly is doing no harm to anyone!!

At least he is trying to know what God wants from us, unlike many of our world leaders who are lead by self-interest, power, pride and ego

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Channeling God??
Reply #17 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 9:40am
Dear Sweet Soul Alysia,

You do speak truth so well.

That imaginary parrot was born of an awkward attempt at humor
but your truth is gracious and speaks much more clearly.

Thank you!


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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Channeling God??
Reply #18 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 10:16am
Nice thread,

The issue, really is whether or not there exists a unified csomic consciousness which is both the sum total of all existence and yet, still an intelligent, directed force in the universe.

I find it too simple and not very satisfying, when given the answer that "we are all God," and because of this, if I speak to my stilled mind and ask for an answer, the answer will always be from God.  Yes, this may be true - in a sense, but not very useful.

If I make contact with a discarnate claiming to be God, and he/she and I both have a spark of the eternal in us, it still doesn't answer the big questions.  If there is a cosmic plan, for conscious beings to realize that love is the answer, and bring back all their experiences to God, then there may be (dare I say it?) a divine intelligence, and a divine plan.

This idea that God exists, and has both a plan for the universe and an intelligence, means that there is, in fact a difference between talking with myself, a mischievous entity, or my parrot, and receiving a divine grace or communication from the Lord. 

It is, admittedly scary to some, to believe that there is a God, as a discreet entity, because that sets up the idea that, hmmm....maybe its not ok to do just whatever feels good, because we are divine ourselves.  It makes us think - maybe, I should see whether I am moving toward God's plan, and what is that plan anyway?

For now, without a better answer, I believe that expressing love is the plan.  Acting out of love and not selfishness.  To follow the golden rule. 

Can guides, helpers, angels answer us and our prayers?  Absolutely.  Are they the creator of the universe as opposed to a messenger?  I think we know that they are not God.

I've been known to whistle at the birds in the backyard.  They respond.  We bond and communicate.  There is something great in all interactions with other beings.  But perhaps a true conversation with God the creator, in language only happens with grace, at certain important points in history, and may not be channeled so easily. 

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Ex Member

Re: Channeling God??
Reply #19 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 11:13am
Do we channel God or does God channel us? If I pay attention to my little finger it might have something to tell me or I might have something to tell it. It does a lot of things without me being consciously aware of the process. If I concentrated very hard all day, every day, I might be able to be aware of my little finger 24/7.

I can draw a face on my little finger and it might show an "expression" of my personality. It might have a silly grin or a scowl. It might just look at me. It is pink and the blood flows into it, and life in all of its strangeness and complexity visits it. It lives.

What would my little finger tell me if I paid attention to it, all day, every day?
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Re: Channeling God??
Reply #20 - Jun 4th, 2008 at 11:43am
Nicely put Alysia. That's what I was groping for earlier.

This is talking off the top of my head, but I guess Doc the basic problem with the communication from God issue is that setting aside the question of whether or not he/she ever exists as a discrete entity, the fact is that he/she doesn't do much by way of starring appearances in form.

Even if it was to happen only he/she knows what it might entail - most traditions are very clear that it's only by ascending through multiple levels (some suggest seven is it?) of ever more integrated but ethereal being that this becomes possible.

The phenomenon of Grace seems to be the one instance of direct communication that's usually spoken of, and that's strictly non intellectual and non relative, and more an influence that acts at subtle levels, and by subtle means to inform our deeper knowing.

I think as I've said before we're a bit like a fish that hears about this mythical stuff 'water', and spends his time rushing around trying to find some. He's so immersed in the damn stuff he's not aware of it. 

We seem to have gone beyond even this - to have developed all sorts of cultural and ideological hang ups on top of the basic blockages that prevent our 'seeing' what's not physical - we require a voice from a burning bush or something like that if it's to be taken as 'real'.

He/she seems happy in the meantime to communicate by all manner of means, at all kinds of levels. But it seems likely that if it's going to be in the form of an explicit message that this will be via some series of lower beings.

Another issue in all of this is that even when we receive communication it's very much a matter of personal interpretation as to the source. Meaning that we rely on the opinion of the receiver as to the nature of the source, and as ever given human limitations that's unlikely ever to be very reliable...

All of which is fair and good. But as ever - 'what the bleep do we know......'
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