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Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuition, (Read 7059 times)
Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Reply #15 - May 30th, 2008 at 10:23pm
betson wrote on May 30th, 2008 at 2:46pm:

Regarding the banana and the arrow, I can sometimes get that kind of information, but only after I appeal to my Higher Self or Oversoul. It must relate to whatever beliefs we've picked up as it sounds the same, as the link to breathing and kundalini applies for me too.

Previously when I've heard of 'expanded awareness,' I didn't relate the term to expanding sensory awareness. I just thought it was some sort of awareness 'out there.'  Roll Eyes But it is expanded in the physical sense, isn't it?  Mine works to route me away from traffic accidents, for example, as though it has a bigger expanded overview of my surroundings.

Good to hear your experiences and explanation, Justin.  It helps make 'sense of it all!


I believe it can be both, expanded sensory awareness which is basically being filtered through your brain via the sensory areas (and thus get interpreted in a more sensual like way), or more pure awareness which is just pure knowing and feeling in nature.   The latter is and was our way of perceiving before getting involved with this whole splitting, and space/time thing i believe.  Some sources say that if you can develop the latter more, it will lead to much less misinterpretation and skewing of the info you get.   In any case, my hunch is that whatever works best at the time, can change and depends, and sometimes (or lot's of times) info comes in on many different levels at once. 

  Thanks, i'm not sure how much sense i've made of anything, but i definitely appreciate the appreciation.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Reply #16 - May 30th, 2008 at 10:57pm
recoverer wrote on May 30th, 2008 at 3:41pm:
I've found that awakened kundalini by itself won't help one get over one's sex drive. Their are many kundalini gurus who made a practice of taking advantage of their followers sexually that prove this point. This includes some very famous gurus I won't name.

  I believe there may be subtleties here.  I'm not going by book stuff here, cause i've read very little about Kundalini all and in all, but going more by intuition.. but i believe there is a difference between getting the kundalini active and having it completely flow unimpeded throughout your entire system in a figure 8 manner.  The latter is the ideal situation, and what eventually accompanies full Christ Consciousness awakening or what some call the final and full enlightenment (wherein the body physical gets translated into pure coherent light energy). 

   Some folks get it active, but because they have *blocks* and imbalances within their system, it doesn't flow in that ideal manner, and oft doesn't even activate the higher Head glands, but will sometimes OVER ACTIVATE the lower glands like the gonads, adrenals, etc.

  This leads to those out of control guru types, who because they have had some unusual energetic experiences, their intuition may increase, etc. but their ego tendencies are still very strong, come to believe they are fully enlightened and don't you know it, oft proclaim it to the world and look for followers.   

  What is "Kundalini" to begin with anyways?  Is it anything "outside" of self, nah, i liken it to the Raw Consciousness energy that Bruce talks about, and which we all have within us because it's part of universal energy, but a very "concentrated" but UNORGANIZED energy.    Kundalini is creative energy or rather creative potential, and it's PRETTY MUCH THE SAME THING AS SEXUAL ENERGY, THEY ARE ESSENTIALLY THE SAME ENERGY.   And just like sex, it can be a creative or a noncreative thing. 

   Kundalini does relate to love, but for it to reach and flow completely through your system in the ideal figure 8 manner, from the lower glands to the higher glands and back and through, you have to be filled with pure love more than not!    Love is the catalyst or the key holder to that eventual experience.   As it flows through the higher glands and Chakras, the energy becomes increasingly organized, faster vibrating, expanded, more conscious, and refined in nature.   It's like your beaming a laser of light through various filters (except that the filters are all connected), and what you are ideally looking and hoping for, is for it to go through ALL the filters simultaneously, which then will equal the pure White Light Consciousness.   Kundalini is pure active energy, the Centers are both active and passive, kind of energy transformers which either step up or slow down the vibratory frequencies of said engine starting energy.

A person cannot really force Kundalini to vibrate to faster centers than what they themselves are already consciously vibrating at because of their Freewill.  It will only go as "high" (figuratively speaking) as much as you fit yourself as a channel for Source and Christ Consciousness in your daily life.   If wrong intentions, motivations, suppressed ego or separative type desires, tendencies, etc. are involved, again it will over stimulate lower centers, and instead of INTEGRATION AND COMPLETE BALANCE/MERGING  between all the major Centers, you get polarization, imbalance and INHARMONY which leads to various weaknesses or extreme conditions whether physical, emotional, and/or mental.   Often a person will become OVER sexed in such cases.

  Or at least that is my intuition and understanding.   


Regarding bananas, a while back I had three dreams in which a banana occurred that had a worm in it. I searched the internet and found that bananas tend to have a lot of parasites.

  Dude, that totally blows goats!   I didn't know that.   Maybe that's why bananas are one of the very few fruits that Cayce's guidance told people to avoid?   

Either way, i haven't been eating them much at all lately, and really shouldn't be anyways because of the candida overgrowth.   Pretty much the only fruits i've been eating lately are lemons (fresh juice of same), avocados, and the occasional moderate amount of watermelon. 

  But good to know about the bananas and thanks for letting us know about that!   Just don't tell me there is something wrong with avocados now..pretty please with kelp salt on top.

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Reply #17 - May 30th, 2008 at 11:41pm
Kundalini is not something I've studied. I would have no idea how it relates to sexuality. However, I find the idea that one must "conquer" one's lust a little extreme, at least for me. I feel that all of our impulses have a good reason. I do agree that such lustful thoughts/reactions can be considered a creative force which can be used in many ways.

  I would say it's pretty much the same thing as pure sexual energy.  Sex energy seeks what?  Merging.   Merging is another term for or rather facet of love, but merging can be motivated from things other than love, and when it is, it blocks, limits, and facilitates stuckness.  There is a difference between enjoying the fruits of the earth but not being attached to them, as compared to being controlled in some manner by them as most people are with lust.  If one can make love purely out of higher motivations beyond purely physical pleasure, desire, and sensations, then sex can become more fully creative.   But that seems quite, quite rare, for lust to be so absent in such unions that involve physical bodies because of the nature of the body to begin with, see? (even many nonphysical mergings and unions involve attachment and limitations of some kind).   The world does need to be transcended within self, before you can fully remerge with Source.

To consecrate the body of each to one another, to act as a channel to bring an awakened Soul through, well that's about as creative an act as one can do in this world and still be involved in something "physical". 

As far as the whole conquering thing, Vajra wrote the following: Quote:
The sexual cooling thing has for me not been a matter of willpower, more a matter of a natural easing. Theorising it's maybe because the energy gets diverted elsewhere.

  I can't speak for others, but it's been pretty much the same for me.  I wasn't seeking, desiring, wanting, or intending that this happened, it just happened and since i'm not that attached to it anyways i can let it flow away without any concern.  But in any event, i see the benefits and positive aspect of this...

  Also, i would point out there is a very big, important, but sometimes subtle difference between repressing or trying to "conquer" something, and consciously redirecting it for a higher purpose.   Not everyone is called to go to the ultimate in this life like say Jesus (though he asks us to try in whatever life we find ourselves in).   

But when this energy is consciously redirected throughout the entire energy system and to the fastest vibratory center, which is "guarded" by and resonates with the Pituitary, it is an amazing, powerful energy boost to the entire system.   The more energy you have, the more you can do and be (the more you can Love and channel Love), and at that point for it even to be directed all the way to and through the Pituitary, Love as in PUL type must be your motivation, your ideal, and your practice.  Well more so if its constantly flowing through all the energy centers in a perfect, balanced, and merged manner.

  As Ian says, this powerful energy that corresponds to sexual energy and desire is getting diverted somewhere else and so you just lose the desire for it to begin with, or rather the desire gets refined, universalized, and non attached.  It is still "sexual" energy in a sense, because it is "merging" energy, except that now it becomes Universal Merging, and not limited in nature such as lust or romantic love oft involves.   Limitation attracts and begets limitation.   Universality attracts and begets universality.  God or Source is Universality, and is remembered through living a life of Oneness.


Of course, love is the higher goal, the one which can show you the holiness in just about anything. I went to hear some music last night and this place I go is full of wonderful, positive energy. I don't know why it is so "light" in that place. No one else was dancing, but I danced through both sets of music by myself in the small area next to the stage. Most everyone else was riveted to their seats. I was feeling happy and centered and just in love with life. Perhaps I amused a few people.

Sounds like it was quite fun.  I'm glad you had a good time and felt free to dance as you like.  Frankly sounds kind of sexy, and would be a turn on if i could get turned on. Cheesy Wink

Whatever kundalini is, it was sure flowing everywhere it was supposed to be flowing last night. If that was it, it was gentle, happy, spirited, loving, and completely aware of everything around me, and every movement of my body.

Perhaps it flows freely when one feels free. Just a thought.

  Yup, but i guess people have different conceptions of freedom.  My conception of freedom, of ultimate freedom is using any or everything at your disposal to become the clearest channel of pure Light to others (at whatever cost to the limited self), and in that sense sacrificing one's sexual nature isn't really much of a "sacrifice" to begin with if it serves a greater good than selfs own narrow, temporal, outer based, materially focussed and thus limited pleasures.  With that said, there is nothing wrong with sex and enjoying same, but there are infinitely greater and limitless pleasures to be had.  Don't underestimate the power and the catalytic potential of that energy when it gets consciously redirected for a greater good. 

  One time my wife woke up quite amorous, but decided to not do anything about it.  Soon after, she OBE vaulted into space, came face to face with a much larger, older and whiter Star than our Sun (she could have been experiencing her own Crown Chakra), and experienced an extremely orgasmic energy explosion throughout her energy system which reverberated back and forth, or "up" and "down" her Chakras.   She said it was much, much, much more intensely pleasurable than any earthly sex and orgasm she has ever had before.

  That's the kind of state that i believe those like Jesus get to enjoy all the time, though it's not always necessarily at full blast like that (i don't really know..).   In a way you could say, folks and consciousnesses like that are just the ultimate, hard core hedonists out there.. Shocked Grin

  So yes, if one is looking to re-remember and re-become PUL personafied in this life, then yes losing one's attachment to the sex drive and to those desires is potentially quite beneficial and catalytic if the motivation and intent is the right one.  As far as i know, no one here is saying that you need to be celibate  to be a loving person though.   It can just help one to become a more effectively and consistently and more purely loving person if the right intent and motivation is there. 

  Notice how similar the sound of Celebrate is to Celibate...just a coincidence? Wink 

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Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Reply #18 - May 31st, 2008 at 6:26am
Shocked It's in truth the most remarkable territory given the range of way it seems to manifest.

That must have been pretty scary Bets. Sounds like I'd be wise to retain a fair amount of caution, although in truth it's hard to know what that means when it's so uncontrollable and inexplicable. It's actually got some parallels to the sort of experience UG Krishnamurti reports as a part of his transformation into what he calls 'the natural state', although he experienced permanent physical changes too upon dropping identification with mind too.

My own experience so far has been quite gentle, but it sounds like it was maybe starting to create a false sense of security.

It seems that as you suggest Justin that this (the range of ways it can manifest) possibly explains the many shades of related experience.

On  teachers R. Your image on uses of kundalini is very striking and fits with what's written - that it can lead badly astray. I guess the range of possible manifestations influences what happens with teachers  too.

Another factor with teachers is possibly this - so many of us get the urge to teach once we learn a little. Perhaps many of those that actually do follow through and end up teaching are those of a more egotistical persuasion - that they too as Justin says are only finding their way, and get led astray.

Maybe it's a bit like politics - those that end up leading are often those least fitted to lead. The genuine people get brushed aside. Actually an interesting phenomenon, one that may have some advantages in  that it makes sure that we get exposed perhaps to the lowest common denominator in our societies all the time.

On bananas. They also reportedly containing enormous quantities of the chemicals that are necessary if they are to be intensively farmed and ripened. I have to admit I get suckered in by the convenience, but think maybe I'd better drop them....

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Kundalini breathing, meditation upping intuiti
Reply #19 - May 31st, 2008 at 9:54am

That must have been pretty scary Bets. Sounds like I'd be wise to retain a fair amount of caution, although in truth it's hard to know what that means when it's so uncontrollable and inexplicable. It's actually got some parallels to the sort of experience UG Krishnamurti reports as a part of his transformation into what he calls 'the natural state', although he experienced permanent physical changes too upon dropping identification with mind too.

  Yeah totally  Shocked Shocked Shocked Bets!  That must have been quite a scary period.  I agree with you, PUL is the key.  How did the K first feel, did you get any sense of origin, etc.?

On  teachers R. Your image on uses of kundalini is very striking and fits with what's written - that it can lead badly astray. I guess the range of possible manifestations influences what happens with teachers  too.

Another factor with teachers is possibly this - so many of us get the urge to teach once we learn a little. Perhaps many of those that actually do follow through and end up teaching are those of a more egotistical persuasion - that they too as Justin says are only finding their way, and get led astray.

Maybe it's a bit like politics - those that end up leading are often those least fitted to lead. The genuine people get brushed aside. Actually an interesting phenomenon, one that may have some advantages in  that it makes sure that we get exposed perhaps to the lowest common denominator in our societies all the time.

Very, very, very well said Ian.  My feeling is that this exactly is what happens quite often.  It's part of the reason why i mostly gave up doing full astro. charts for others.   I don't have the depth and accuracy of perception to only help people in the most constructive ways all the time on such a personal level.   That's why i prefer to teach more so the generals to others, so they can better do their own charts. 

  As far as being a spiritual oriented teacher, i've come to the feeling that if i'm ever called to teach in such a public manner, i wouldn't even begin to consider until i know that "I and the Father are One" or at least rather close to same--thank goodness there are some outer indications of more true and full enlightenment, and it's not just purely subjective mental-emotional beliefs.  Meanwhile, there's a lot of transformation, regeneration, and service to do, and balance to strike.

On bananas. They also reportedly containing enormous quantities of the chemicals that are necessary if they are to be intensively farmed and ripened. I have to admit I get suckered in by the convenience, but think maybe I'd better drop them....

  Really?  Even the organically grown and slow ripened kind?   Cayce use to say that if one was going to eat bananas, they should be tree ripened and eaten completely alone and very moderately.   

  This would do two things, i get the sense of.  It would probably increase the potassium levels and make them easier to digest, which both would contribute to a greater alkaline forming affect and eating them completely alone would let the hydrochloric acid do it's job of completely killing any parasitic type organism (that's why most healthy, only meat eating animals don't usually have to worry about eating foods with parasites and other pathogenic organisms in them, in the wild especially they have such intense amounts of HCL constantly getting produced which will kill and break down pretty much any protein based food or organism). 

Problem is, if say you ate bananas with a lot of starch or something, large quantities of starch or even too many bananas in the same meal, would lesson (neutralize to some extent) the amount and intensity of hydrochloric acid in the stomach thus some destructive organisms may survive the turbulent journey through the stomach and it's intense acid into the intestines.

  Many people today anyways, because of the SAD American and to a lesser degree Western diet in general, do not produce enough HCL in the first place to break down heavier proteins (which is what this is suppose to do).   Starches, fruits, and most veggies on the other hand, either break down more in the mouth and/or in the small intestines than purely just in the stomach, and these get subjected (in the right conditions) to more alkaline secretions to further break them down once in the intestines.   

  Interestingly it seems that both because meat is alkaline in it's natural state, and tough in a non truly fiber way, it requires a strong acid to break down.   That whole opposite and complimentary Yin Yang thing on a purely physical level.
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