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Elkhart Tolle... (Read 10362 times)
Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Elkhart Tolle...
Reply #15 - May 31st, 2008 at 9:25pm
  My perception is that if Alan Watts (or any teacher now dead) was completely enlightened, chances are he would still using form (an apparent physical body) to be of service to his fellow human beings, like He/She of Monroe's last book and Yeshua of the N.T. and of the Shroud of Turin are doing. 

  The most effective service to others, is holistic service, and that means consciously within every dimension simultaneously. 

  It is a lack of understanding of true and full enlightenment that facilitates people buying into the notion that this, that, or another teacher is fully enlightened just because they say are, have meditated for a long while or had unusual experiences, and can speak wise words. 

  "Enlightenment" is exactly that for a human, the entire energy system of a human, including the physical body translates and resonates to a pure, super fast coherent Light frequency and in that resonation space/time and all accompanying limitations are dropped for good. 

  My sense is that there are definitely others out there besides He/She and Yeshua, but few of them are "public" in the sense that they proclaim themselves this or that, or look for followers.  They are probably fairly quiet and just go about their work being a constant example of pure Light in action and transforming energy and consciousness of those around them. 

  My sense is that more of these will step out into the limelight after the major part of the changes take place, and that there will be a percentage of humans alive now who have the probable potential to complete this within their selves within the next couple generations who also will become more public teachers after and during the changes.
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Re: Elkhart Tolle...
Reply #16 - May 31st, 2008 at 10:40pm
Hi All, I didn't know this thread was here discussing Tolle, and here I was over in announcements thread talking about his new book New Earth all by myself! lol. it illustrates that we are developing a group consciousness.

as well sometimes I end up talking with a member out there at night and remember snatches of conversation which shows up here..those are nice synchronicities I almost come to expect graciously.

Briggs, I don't know if you know Kathy, Lights of Love, she mentioned it was a good read, and I had gotten the Power of Now a long time ago. I find his new book to be more flowing, while the Power of Now made me concentrate harder, which is good too. my mind wanders a lot when I read, so I have to disapline myself which is coming along ok.

Yes, he's the real deal from my perceptions, and I've viewed him on U-tube, where you can read body language and see the eyes..subtle language of spirit going on there. He's happy. not many happy people in the world. most unusual.

I've also had the pleasure of viewing our friend Gordon on U-tube!  Gordon, you too are a delight to view, you have a soothing voice as well. Briggs, if u get a chance read Gordon's book, How to Enjoy Eternity, wait, Gordon, please correct the title.

and mention the 2nd one I'm on now, I only have less than a hundred pages to read on it, I like to savor each page. when I read entire rotes start floating by..I get completely immersed in a good book. If you like authors who do not BS around, that's Gordon. As well, Gordon actually has a personality and a sense of humor, pluses in my book.

Tolle inspires me to create a space in myself, a center, he speaks of the new consciousness upon the Earth, he will mention certain things JC said now and then to back up his verbose, which I like that too. He will now and then quote something from ACIM, but mostly it is him speaking about this new age upon us, where you Briggs, will still be here to enjoy what's coming, long after I'm gone and I want to check in on you and see if you're having fun after I'm gone, that is if you don't mind!

just a little note: it's very difficult to write a book without personal bias. it's a grueling task to be reading your own book as if you were another personality..but this is necessary to read your self, as we write things later, we wish to change one minute later, we are constantly becoming here, but some are masters, they are just enjoying who they are, still learning perhaps, but by sharing what they've learned, we are able to spread what is our common truth, a bit of happy, a bit of progress.

It's the little things that count. So I applaud most people for writing a book, for even trying to and always ask which book to read, as we can't read them ALL!

so we pick what resonates best with our level of understanding. Spirit will not fail to answer the sincere question which book to read that is our next level to leap to.

thank you Gordon, for I do believe, to my perception, for what it's worth, your book will someday be a classic. and maybe Tolle's will too. love, alysia

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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gordon phinn
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Re: Elkhart Tolle...
Reply #17 - Jun 1st, 2008 at 11:39am
Thank you, alysia, for the kind words about my books and video.!

LaffingRain wrote on May 31st, 2008 at 10:40pm:
Hi All, I didn't know this thread was here discussing Tolle, and here I was over in announcements thread talking about his new book New Earth all by myself! lol. it illustrates that we are developing a group consciousness.

as well sometimes I end up talking with a member out there at night and remember snatches of conversation which shows up here..those are nice synchronicities I almost come to expect graciously.

Briggs, I don't know if you know Kathy, Lights of Love, she mentioned it was a good read, and I had gotten the Power of Now a long time ago. I find his new book to be more flowing, while the Power of Now made me concentrate harder, which is good too. my mind wanders a lot when I read, so I have to disapline myself which is coming along ok.

Yes, he's the real deal from my perceptions, and I've viewed him on U-tube, where you can read body language and see the eyes..subtle language of spirit going on there. He's happy. not many happy people in the world. most unusual.

I've also had the pleasure of viewing our friend Gordon on U-tube!  Gordon, you too are a delight to view, you have a soothing voice as well. Briggs, if u get a chance read Gordon's book, How to Enjoy Eternity, wait, Gordon, please correct the title.

and mention the 2nd one I'm on now, I only have less than a hundred pages to read on it, I like to savor each page. when I read entire rotes start floating by..I get completely immersed in a good book. If you like authors who do not BS around, that's Gordon. As well, Gordon actually has a personality and a sense of humor, pluses in my book.

Tolle inspires me to create a space in myself, a center, he speaks of the new consciousness upon the Earth, he will mention certain things JC said now and then to back up his verbose, which I like that too. He will now and then quote something from ACIM, but mostly it is him speaking about this new age upon us, where you Briggs, will still be here to enjoy what's coming, long after I'm gone and I want to check in on you and see if you're having fun after I'm gone, that is if you don't mind!

just a little note: it's very difficult to write a book without personal bias. it's a grueling task to be reading your own book as if you were another personality..but this is necessary to read your self, as we write things later, we wish to change one minute later, we are constantly becoming here, but some are masters, they are just enjoying who they are, still learning perhaps, but by sharing what they've learned, we are able to spread what is our common truth, a bit of happy, a bit of progress.

It's the little things that count. So I applaud most people for writing a book, for even trying to and always ask which book to read, as we can't read them ALL!

so we pick what resonates best with our level of understanding. Spirit will not fail to answer the sincere question which book to read that is our next level to leap to.

thank you Gordon, for I do believe, to my perception, for what it's worth, your book will someday be a classic. and maybe Tolle's will too. love, alysia

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Re: Elkhart Tolle...
Reply #18 - Jun 1st, 2008 at 2:30pm
gordon phinn wrote on May 31st, 2008 at 7:34pm:
Briggs: he's the genuine article alright; a real teacher with an important message to impart.  Important for a new generation that is, those who missed the great Alan Watts, another fine modern american teacher in the Zen tradition.  I spent a lot of the seventies and eighties reading and mulling over Alan Watts and some of the more traditional zen teachings, so most of Tolle is "old hat" to me.
And that's not bragging; that's just what happens when you've been around awhile.

gordon phinn

briggs5534 wrote on May 28th, 2008 at 12:38pm:
What do you guys think about Elkhart?? I think he has some great teachings and I loved his book "The Power of Now." If, you guys haven't read his book, please do it for the better sake of yourselves..

peace n' love

I agree, with you..  I love his material and his presence is so good when you watch his videos.. You can tell he is a very well-educated man and a spiritual man too.. Whoever thinks he's a fake, I must say shame on you...

peace n' love
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Re: Elkhart Tolle...
Reply #19 - Jun 2nd, 2008 at 7:32pm
Just to add a bit more on Eckhardt. The Power of the Now is a great book, but deals with a certain view of path and existence.

He has a CD out called 'One the Edge of Awakening' which I can highly recommend as well. It's a  treatment of the nature of enlightenment - from a point of view that says that while certain intellectual ideas can get you so far, (he terms them signposts to get you to the edge of the cliff) it's in the end about the need to ultimately drop our identification with even them.

He goes on to develop his view on the problems inherent in getting attached to belief systems, and on the way that seeking after ever more sophisticated theoretical perspectives can sneakily substitute for this  - with the result that we can end up 'stuck'.

The point of course being that eventually we have to drop dependence on the edifice of thought, as it's actually a subtle form of grasping or ego building.

This as Gordon says is fairly standard Buddhist teaching too, but he gets the point across so well and lots more besides....
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Re: Elkhart Tolle...
Reply #20 - Jun 12th, 2008 at 8:31am
The scenario of Tolle's having a breakthrough experience following intense emotional distress is not the usual path but not unheard of. Who hasn't occasinally longed for a breakthrough shortcut to "see the Light" like the one Saul of Tarsus experienced. Wouldn't that cut through a lot of work and bs?

What would happen if a significant number of people achieved the "stillness"? What would the world be like?

Which is "more advanced"? to try to achieve the stillness or to try to achieve mastery over creating your own reality?

Has anyone ever met Tolle? Anyone can write anything. The person's presence would tell much more than their writings. But you might have to hang out with the person for a while before you could really tell .... anything significantly different about that person.
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