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Choosing your next life. (Read 16787 times)
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #30 - Jun 15th, 2008 at 5:35am
Hi All , its been a pleasure to join a site like this where no one judges and are open to others opinions , isnt it just a pity that our so called political leaders can not act in the same way has Vajra post surely the world would be a far better place and not just for those in the postions of power.

I live by a simple moto in life " Treat others has you would like others to treat you"

Regards to All.
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #31 - Jun 15th, 2008 at 8:13pm

Hitler is in a BST. it is where he believed the truth lies. possibly in his station, there are only blue-eyed blondes walking around. the idea he had of this race being superior over Jews. then one day he may see it was a hollow idea. a hollow heaven. as he begins to question his beliefs, life, or guides will step in and educate him that there is more to it than who is superior and who is inferior. It is about true compassion, not ego miscalculations. I'm sure Thomas understands this, but posting here, we cannot put ALL that we have learned, all that we believe. Not enough time, not enough words can bring what time, a lifetime brings to us in knowing through our individual experiences, whether we are leaders or followers.
From Disappearance of The Universe Yeshua has returned through the pages of a book. many of those who label themselves Christians await his physical form return. this is because they so identify with the physical body as the only reality that they cannot conceive there are many spiritual works out there within book form that go far beyond the biblical forms, where the many interpretations are simply the signs of that particular time frame.
Now civilization is ready for something new. To look within. To stop looking on the outside for the truth. The bible is like looking at history. Now we look within for what is happening to our own belief system, and noticing we are programmed to react according to our own belief systems.

Reach, by blaming the politicians for the state of the world, you have simply found a scapegoat to put all the sins of the world unto. it's another dualistic mind frame. a trap. either the politicians are also our brothers, or they are a bunch of aliens come to do us in. we need to move to different thinking rather than blaming.
It would be the way of do unto others as you would have them do unto you. therefore, if you were in office, in politics, would you want to be blamed for the entire world's problems by another on a public forum?
certainly you wouldn't. You would take charge of what you believe this way by not passing the buck, you would forgive, and allow higher thought to guide you into cooperating with forces of good coming our way, a balancing of power and a religuishment of selfish enterprises of power mongering, which is the voice of the ego. and we all have an ego of varying degree which thinks this way. listen to the voice of Love. it's in everybody. thats what doing unto others means, by your thoughts of them.

Here's a bit from Disappearance: Pursah and Arten appear physically to Gary Renard, author a series of visits of 17, over a period of time of 9 years and they were sent by your friend and mine, Yeshua, and as I said, it's believable when you see the content, although you have to listen to spirit for understanding. Pursah was Thomas of the bible, Arten was another disciple. there are two voices in each head, due to the split, the separation we did here on this planet which makes it seem as if God is absent. one voice is the ego, one is spirit which enjoins us to our oneness.
The ego always wishes to stand out, to be a correcting force for others. the spirit enjoins, to show the ego has no substance, and all it's good works it would point to are worthless on the other side.

When you all get home, the committe of your disc members only want to know one thing "how much did you love? Did you help just one person and not expect a return on that giving?
tell us whom you lifted from despair. Do not tell us how important you were and how you gained fame.
It was discussed within Disappearance of the Universe JC did not plan on establishing a religion which has gone awry by so many different viewpoints. It was then necessary for him to channel this material to help us awaken from the dream thru ACIM, as well he channels himself through whoever is willing and there are many willing vehicles for that job. Ask and you will be led to your appropriate reading materials, just especially for you and the position of your beliefs at present.
One thing J did say, that is correct, you can ask and receive. It never fails. try it.

None of this is real. We are at home. we are only partially here, to mean we dream we are here, because our bodies are vehicles of consciousness, we come here to gather experiences, but our essences are at home, known as higher self if you wish to call it that. We are probes. We gather, we learn to love, we learn to speak our truth and take self responsibility for our own woes, not blaming ANYONE, nor any organization, nor even some devil figment. We are to become mature co-creators and the ego is what crashes here and it hurts. But even hurt goes away within PUL. We are to forgive the world, just as JC did, in order to gain more awareness of who we really are, forgiving is to release the woe to higher authority.
It is like having faith and courage and humbleness. It is to be nonjudgmental. It is to love God with all your heart, mind and soul. These are the sayings of J, that you are love, that you dream a nightmare here and you buy into the nightmare by not lending a hand to these dirty lowdown politicians like Hitler. If you can do a better job of leading a nation, go and do it.
don't expect them to lead you to heaven.
they're probably sitting in their kitchen scratching their head, and wondering if they have to kiss a baby today or what, in order to implement a law they just thought of. they are just like you and me, on a journey and they know not where the ending point is, except that death is certain.

here's a little of Disappearance: "The people of the world will never live in peace until the people of the world have inner peace.

ATTAIN INNER PEACE! sorry for the shout. but this is the goal of the Course. That each one gain inner peace. this peace acts to extend itself once it is attained.

230,000 forums discussing the radical idea of attaining peace of mind..through the teaching of ACIM.
Wouldn't you agree it's popular and we are tired of biblical stuff and who begot whom is of no interest to me. I am only interested in the sayings and the rotes attached to what this person who walked here once said. Very very little of JC is in the bible. therefore we have to study what is available to us and listen to our own guidance and trust it.

R, as you know we will never agree on this literature. It is quite silly to continue to say the same things to each other. All you are saying is your guides are right, and mine must be wrong then. that's like saying your dog is bigger than my dog. Has that ever worked before? Isn't it childish?
We must let our differences go, for it is just a power play in truth. my large ego against your large ego. I do not wish to prove you wrong. I extend only what I have to give, peace to you on your journey and whatever you wish.  I think what you are running from is death of the ego that goes here.

I was just thinking today, it's true all of us will kick off someday and be forgotten as the world continues. the changes that come, for most of us, we are not born leaders, neither do we have to be, to have a life here. we are ordinary people having an experience of life, and that of course includes the leaders, who misuse power, as well as the ones who tried to make life better for others.
they are written down in a book somewhere, and once in awhile somebody remembers them.

We need to get unattached to this world. It is not our true home. But that does not mean we do not continue whatever our work is in this world. It just means we can do our work more efficiently and with more enthusiasm because we know what the eventual outcome of the dream will be. perfect peace, and perfect love even as the masters achieved.

continuing: Inner peace and true strength are major goals of ACIM, but it has a unique way of accomplishing this within you. The world will change as a result of it (u will see this) but that is not what the Course is for.  it is also a challenge and will shake you down to the core of your being. You will sometimes hear people say the Course is simple, but you will seldom hear them say it is easy. The world will appear to change for you  because the Course handles the cause of everything, rather than effects. If you ask for understanding, u will receive it. the more you react to it's message with disbelief, the more that you know this is what you need to look at, why you react to it with disbelief. it is your ego telling you to throw away something uncomfortable.
this is the world of the ego J wanted to show us a way out of the kind of thoughts that keep us here. the ego can be taught to perceive correctly, but we can not kill our egos. we can work with them to get beyond the first voice that speaks, the ego speaks first with limited perception.

it's exciting to hear the voice of truth speak to you. it's a direct communion with God essence.

The former disiple of Yeshua, Thomas, speaks: There is one more saying I must explain because it has been the subject of speculation for the first 400 years of the gospels existence:
J asked me to come with him, and he took him, and withdrew, and spoke 3 sayings to him. When Thomas came back to his friends, they asked him, what did J say to you? Thomas answered If I tell you one of the sayings he spoke to me, you will pick up rocks and stone me.
stoning was traditional punishment for blasphemy, although it wasn't used as much as you think.
J himself was never concerned for speaking blasphemy. the reason he told me (Thomas) not to speak these sayings was to protect me.
these are the 3 sayings he said to me that day.

You dream of a desert, where mirages are your rulers and tormentors, yet these images come from you. (we are making this world up, we are dreaming it)
Father did not make the desert, and your home is still with Him. (we are really still at home)
To Return, forgive your brother, for only then do you forgive yourself. (dont blame others for your troubles)

Essentially, to forgive your brother is the pathway to learn of PUL, and to release ourselves from continual bondage to life circumstances, as it reveals an eternal moment where the power lies, of life abundant through PUL. If we do not forgive, we return in order to exact justice from perceived wrongdoing. and this is called a cycle of lives.
we never become free souls then, to perpetuate this endless dream of an eye for an eye.
through the limited visions of the individual ego collective.

and yet we do need help to learn what forgiveness is. so we ask spirit for help in that. we cannot do it alone. we need each other's example, as to how to learn true forgiveness, which sets us free from our guilty minds. we all believe we are guilty of something. TG has said here a clue once, getting over what the ego tells you, that you are guilty of something and will be punished, is what we need to look at on a spiritual path back to our original beginnings. its not the mistakes we did we should concentrate on, but how we may proceed from this moment that counts.
It's a return to our beginning point.

the reason this world is not real, it's a dream, is because God would never create mayhem such as we have nor does he exact punishment. we wish to punish each other; it is us who created this world by shoving God out of it. We cannot look upon the face of God while we are still yet human, but we can practice releasing our hatred against those who believe differently than us, or have a different color of skin. the only thing we can really change is our own self.

and changing your own self has an effect on others.

in addition, we learn what it is we teach. We increase knowledge in our own selves by sharing it. this creates gratitude and it grows. It makes the way easier. we share this in common. You cannot know a great truth unless you put it into practice and test it. so expressing what you have learned is one way to share it and increase it. If it's not true, it will not grow as it does not enjoin. non truth falls flat on it's face and has no eternal life.

who and what we are is what we study. we teach each other. we allow each other to grow at their own rate of speed by keeping to the forgiveness principle, also an attitude of acceptance within faith is PUL.
ACIM says it cannot teach you the meaning of love, as that is beyond it's curriculum and for that, you must have an experience. ACIM is designed to remove the blocks in the mind which block the experience of love, which is behind everything and the basis of our being, each and every one, even Hitler. He "loved" his Mein Kampe, whatever, spelled wrong probably.

it was his creation. he thought he was some sort of mini god. how awful. we must learn from him how awful it is to discriminate an entire people as not worthy to live here. why can't we share the Earth with all peoples? we learned a little bit, not to be swayed by charismatic leaders led by the voice of their need for power and to play God.
as well Hitler had a strong type of anger inside of him. his people were intrigued by this what is called passion.
they stopped listening to the voice of the spirit. the voice of truth. They told the Jews, this is not your country. you have no country. then guess what happened later? The Jews began to build their own nation once more. See, there's plenty of room here on this old tired Earth. I'm at the least glad they have a home, even though it continues to be a place to fight for them. at least they were not all wiped out. theres a purpose. J was a Jew don't forget. and btw, it was not the Jews who put J out to death. It was the Romans. The Romans were particularly cruel natured I've heard and this seems logical as well. I would just say they were animalistic or young, alien type souls using this Earth for a training of how exactly to gain eternal participating on a planet not made by God, where killing was a thrill to them. the more gore, the better the show. a good example of the ego running amuck and an attitude of eat, drink and be merry.

although no one is going to read this, I must write it nonetheless. for myself. the anger energy which motivated Hitler drove him unto his end. He would never find God. He would never surrender to Love's purpose. Anger is a powerful thing.
we use it against one another all the time. we become righteous. We demand others submit to our righteousness. We pay for our attitudes with the same measure of sorrow, as anger separates us from Love. We feel so right. we set out to prove it. the more you try to prove you are right, the more the opposite energy arises to prove it is right and it's just a stand off at the ok coral. another drama to enact.
anybody who arises as leader, and misuses his power could be Hitler returned. therefore the heart path must be listened to, where the ego has to gain to earn, it extends love. only this is what you want.
only the changes love makes on you is what you want.

never give a gift expecting a return. none of us are the whole of God. A return to the joy of living is what a Hitler would desire if he could conceive of it's possibility. I wish some of you would go see him, get the real scoop. without joy of living, I see no purpose for this planet.

it has a lot to do with J's true message, apart from biblical expounding, and the nature of compassion and PUL energy.

Thomas TGecks, thank you for your post. The material will take off, however, hundreds of years of false teaching and misinterpreted biblical stuff is what has to be undone also, or pointed out and people have to give up their ego posturing and self righteousness, or just say "I don't know, but I will study, I will grow, I will know someday."

you do a fine job describing ACIM, just that one part about Hitler having a good time, I don't think we can buy that right now, but I can ask the holy spirit to help me forgive what I would be holding a grudge against anybody.
I'm looking forward to an enlightened age with no need of leaders. but I'll probably have another body if I decide to return. truly, I'm with Juditha on this one. I'd rather not re-enter the dream of this world if there's still people here who think they have superior truths and need to put down another's beliefs as inferior to theirs, and this is particularly insidious behavior to act this way "in the name of loving you."

Dont need this kind of love. thanks anyway.
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« Last Edit: Jun 16th, 2008 at 11:16am by LaffingRain »  

... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Choose this Day

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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #32 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 3:08pm
[quote author=Reach link=1211828911/0#0 date=1211828910 Now i for one can not understand why a person would want to choose a life like that. But even if that person did choose that life for a particular reason , the person who did the abusing did he now choose a life so that he could create misery and others. Did that person waste a life just to help another progress. Not so sure.

Surely when one is born into a new life that life must be determined by the previous life one lived. Live a good life increases your spiritual development. We have terms like cause and effect , freewill , karma and all of this must have some bearing on our next life. We are born , learn and return until we have reached a level of spiritual development that keeps us in the spiritual realms.

Or do we choose the life but not the circumstances ie choose the parents and were and when but our freewill determines the outcome. But if someone is so bad does that person not need retribution for the misery that he or she has to bring on others.

I mean people like Hitler does that person yes we know when he passes over goes to the lower astral planes but does someone like him be limited to the type of life he can live. Some books say that people who suffer here are those that were bad in there last life. There seens to be alot of conflicting reports on what happens when one moves from the phyiscal to the astral to the spritual.Please help has im confused with a number of these points. [/quote]

hey there Reach..I hear you. I have been nudged by spirit to respond to your post for several days, however I was ignoring the nudge... Smiley because I've got my excited nose in another book and other things I won't go into.

In my book Roadsigns i speak about molestation briefly, but only from my perspective of why I was in the molester's life. I've learned that all of us are One. we only think we are separated from one another because it appears we have these individual bodies. the body is nothing but an organic vehicle for spirit. In my life's plan I discovered I had ties to my family relationships. there was one I sponsored. as it was called by a friend.
I sponsored the molester. in other words I was going to help him gain control of his lust he had for children. While I was involved in the relationship I knew I was supposed to help him, but I had to call upon assistance, by talking to God, as I imagined I was safe, I was always with this concept of God although I couldn't tell you why I believed in Love and justice to prevail, I was willing to listen to the still small voice when I prayed.
I determined I learned how to pray from previous lives. I saw glimpses that we travel here until we become fully enlightened then we no longer need to return.
the soul set up was if I could "bring him in" deliver him from lust, then it would prove that forgiveness was a valid working thing on this Earth, as to redeem him, just like the Christ model, I would need to lay aside judgement of him, through this forgiveness procedure.
when it happened this way, of a sudden, he would have dominion over his own soul. I was told he was ready for this redemption, that he would go through a period where, this thing called repentence was ripe in his soul, but he need assistance, that I could do that for him, by demonstrating forgiveness.

but I didn't do it all by myself. we cannot forgive by ourselves. so I call it spirit, and in A Course in Miracles, the language is Holy Spirit.
This is how we dervive comfort is from spirit, when we go through these experiences, because we think we are here, in flesh. we are not really all here. it's is like a movie set. When we get home we see we as Mind projected ourselves into the movie of solid reality.

and sometimes we just come here to pick someone up and get them back home because they have gone astray and they need help.
although the man is not the entire reason I incarnated. but I have been told I am much celebrated in the heavens the day I gave his honor back to him and changed his life by forgiving him.
just love was all was demonstrated that day, through me, as I was being used by spirit.
also to demonstrate to myself I could do like Jesus did, I could be with that kind of love also.

J always told me we would do miracles of healing. healing someone from lust is the same as healing someone of a disease that they cannot overcome by their self.

this man never touched another child and now he will be a better person in his next life to have conquered it. also Nanner tells a similar story to mine, so I know this happens, I know I'm not the only one who lives a life to help someone else.

to answer briefly some of your other questions, keep in mind, if I may suggest this, that we need to condense our many questions down to one or it's confusing these threads sometimes. the main question to have is who and what are we.
time doesn't seem to matter because it appears there is no beginning, nor ending. and that is what time is; a measurement.

so u ask why would someone sacrifice their life, or part of their life for another's welfare? that's not a question for us, that's a question to ask J maybe. maybe because of his love?
personally I conceived that each of us has this love inside us deep down, that we have great capacity to extend it as well, and some many lives, some maybe, like our ascended masters, they got home before we did. for me, I knew this man in another life. he appears as a young soul, just learning to gain control of sexual appetite. all criminals are not young souls. I believe that the key to understanding this story is that he wished to return to a state where he was pure, and innocent, he did choose also to be "saved." He had a conscious memory when he himself was a child, in our true homes. he loved children but expressed it with a weapon. the body can be used as a weapon here..God did not want us to suffer through these things.
on the higher levels, karma to take on is a choice to enter the drama, we are always searching to do miracles, which miracles are only making something heal faster than it would in linear time.

I was an Indian in another life, this man and I used to argue about the fate of the babies which he did not wish to see die, and so he made some wrong choices. He sold me to a white man to get me off his back. all of this drama, it no longer matters. my job is done.
I finally got my point across to this younger soul whom I knew would understand, women, and children are not to be used or sold. that was the point. So did I have a choice to come in?

considering that he is just a tiny part of my life, it's all the other things that happened are more important to me. I have done my job for both my parents and him.

what should occur, if it's your last life, you should leave very satisfied feeling inside. If you don't have that satisfied feeling, you may end up planning another life.

now finally, I know who you! are. lol.   I mean I know your real name.  some years back I took you to this molester, I introduced you to him. You had a confused look on your face as you listened to him talk. at one point I told him, "I don't think he's here for you to entertain him, as this man was quite the talker, but he always talked of himself. you wanted to understand very badly our relationship. all I can say is it's been worked out. it has closure. I think every relationship eventually will have such closure if we have faith.
yes, I chose this life and my parents, with help in planning from higher guidance.

my dreams show me that time doesn't matter here, what's gonna happen has already happened.
we just repeat history here. someday we will all be back home, and wonder what a crazy mad idea to come here in the first place, as it's much more love filled on the other side.

you know, like gates of eden. it's our true home. love to you as usual
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #33 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 2:48pm
Wow , LaffingRain those are some words you typed there and i don't mean the length  Smiley

Thank you for sharing that with us.

Some of the books that i am reading at the moment include Our Ulitmate Reality - Adrian Cooper in fact i get a news letter every week and have just got my hands on The Science of being by Eugene Fersen. I determined to learn more has time goes on.

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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #34 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 2:56pm
Reach wrote on Jun 23rd, 2008 at 2:48pm:
Wow , LaffingRain those are some words you typed there and i don't mean the length  Smiley

Thank you for sharing that with us.

Some of the books that i am reading at the moment include Our Ulitmate Reality - Adrian Cooper in fact i get a news letter every week and have just got my hands on The Science of being by Eugene Fersen. I determined to learn more has time goes on.

Hi Reach, last night I had a powerful good feeling talk with someone and we went into a library within a school area briefly. I saw books climbing to the wall. I thought this person was you.

then I came here and you are telling me about your books. so now I am going to go enter the details in my dream log about it. the books titles look good to me. but I haven't read those particular ones. maybe you can tell us if you liked them later. Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #35 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 3:33pm
Alysia said (While speaking of Dissapearance of a Universe and ACIM), "as you know we will never agree on this literature. It is quite silly to continue to say the same things to each other. All you are saying is your guides are right, and mine must be wrong then. that's like saying your dog is bigger than my dog. Has that ever worked before? Isn't it childish?
We must let our differences go, for it is just a power play in truth. my large ego against your large ego. I do not wish to prove you wrong. I extend only what I have to give, peace to you on your journey and whatever you wish.  I think what you are running from is death of the ego that goes here."

R(ecovorer) responds:  I have Dissapearance of a Universe. I believe the whole thing is a hoax that Gary Renard made up. There are many things within it that I don't agree with including its claim that ACIM comes from Christ. Like ACIM, it claims that God had nothing to do with the creation of this universe. This universe is just a big mistake. Check out what the book has to say about NDEs. I think on pg. 263. The book says that NDEs don't accurately depict what happens during death. It says that because of guilt and fear of God most people reincarnate shortly after death. They have to reincarnate thousands of times. I've read lots of NDEs, and it sure doesn't seem to me that people run into guilt and fear of God issues. Rather they have wonderful experiences of divine love. Issues that relate to guilt are often taken care of during a life review. They usually don't want to come back to this World but do so because of responsibilities they need to take care of such as their kids.  They never seem to come back and state that you have to become an enlightened being or you'll have to reincarnate over and over again. They simply say to live your life according to love.

As I've written before, I've prayed to Christ a number of times and I have always been told that ACIM doesn't come from Christ. I don't know why people get so hung up on the book. If they really want to receive guidance from Christ, WHY DON'T THEY PRAY TO HIM AND ASK FOR GUIDANCE?  It is as if they are afraid to do so. Not much commitment is required if you simply rely on a book.  You can pick and choose as much as you want. Unfortunately,  as I found with my self and with others, the book can have a brainwashing effect, even if it has some nice things to say now and then.  Anybody can say: "Forgive, forgive..."  

I believe that some people are afraid to question the validity of ACIM because they've defined their spiritual state according to the course. They believe that to say something against the course is to say something against themselves.  They should have enough faith in themselves so that even if they did make a mistake about the course, they'll still find that there is plenty about themselves they can feel good about.

I believe if one wants to show at least a little respect for Christ, they'll pray to him and ask him if the course comes from him, before they start shouting to the whole World that it does. This is what I did, because I was honest enough to realize that I might make a mistake when it comes to discriminating if ACIM comes from Christ.

I've found that the instruction I've received from Christ is quite different than ACIM. None of this new age like 365 day fits all course.   People don't have to rely on me to determine this. They can pray to Christ, receive guidance, and find out for themselves.

One more comment about Gary Renard and the dissapearance of the universe. It sure seems odd that he supposedly had dialogues with beings he claimed to have dialogues with, and somehow mysteriously the tapes got destroyed.  First there is ACIM, then Renard's dissapearance of the universe in order to help people understand ACIM, and now there's a book to help people understand Renard's dissapearance of the universe! Talk about a cash cow.

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« Last Edit: Jun 23rd, 2008 at 4:56pm by recoverer »  
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Choose this Day

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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #36 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 5:00pm
This universe is just a big mistake.
no, not the universe, ELS is running on fear. Fear is the mistake. Love is the answer.

Check out what the book has to say about NDEs. I think on pg. 263. The book says that NDEs don't accurately depict what happens during death.
thats true. NDE's are experienced by the individual platform of their belief systems. all it's saying in conclusion at the end of page 263, (to my perceptions) is that quote.."you shouldn't confuse the very transitory joy of reported NDE experiences with enlightenment.
I fail to see how you can conclude Renard is a hoax from this statement.

It says that because of guilt and fear of God most people reincarnate shortly after death. They have to reincarnate thousands of times.
what you are not taking into account with this 1,000's of times business is that all those lives are occurring instantly in dimensional time frames as in truth there is only One here. We are the one.

I've read lots of NDEs, and it sure doesn't seem to me that people run into guilt and fear of God issues. Rather they have wonderful experiences of divine love.
Yes, but what the book is saying divine love is eternal. Still, we go through a life review, and this in real death, NDE is a taste of death. the life review is where we might want to see things we did, or left undone because most of us are not 100% fully enlightened while being in a physical body. and I seem to remember some of us enjoy building new lives and volunteer to reincarnate as quickly as a game plan is implemented. I think Gary is discussing a shift in consciousness occuring now which will essentially change the reincarnational process until all end up in the starting place. I always enjoyed the prodigal son story and think there is some truth in it.

Issues that relate to guilt are often taken care of during a life review.
again, guilt is a fear of being punished. a new consciousness to come will realize that we only punish ourselves, because we are all one. so there will be upon the earth less guilt to attend to, as we realize the value of do unto others, as you want done to you.
as to a personal experience, I have lost about 6 family members, not lost, for they still came around in spirit. each one came to different parties asking forgiveness for various things they had done. this shows me the value of attaining forgiveness before transitioning, and can speed up the enlightenment process considerably..however, it is done most often, in general after transitioning.

They usually don't want to come back to this World but do so because of responsibilities they need to take care of such as their kids.  They never seem to come back and state that you have to become an enlightened being or you'll have to reincarnate over and over again. They simply say to live your life according to love.
yes, well this is what enlightenment is. to live consistently according to Unconditional love. that is to give love, without expectation of having it returned. this frees the soul from guilt.

As I've written before, I've prayed to Christ a number of times and I have always been told that ACIM doesn't come from Christ. I don't know why people get so hung up on the book. If they really want to receive guidance from Christ, WHY DON'T THEY PRAY TO HIM AND ASK FOR GUIDANCE?
you're shouting again. it makes it very difficult to speak with u when u shout like that. remember, I'm a sensitive. I can feel your anger even if you think you have it well hidden.
Now, once more, your guidance is not my guidance. For one thing, you don't seem to believe that God would speak to anyone, excepting yourself.
you don't seem to give any others enough credit. you frequently find fault with authors who claim to have god conversations. you seem to look for dirt rather than looking for the light. you have a consistent pattern I've observed in the last few years.
As I've told you from the beginning ACIM principles are required for enlightenment of full potentiality. However those principles are also found in many pathways, and therefore you can gain from any pathway you stick with if you do unto others as you would like to have done to you, consistently enough, you will gain enlightenment. However, you are not doing that.
you are treating me with disrespect of my chosen pathway, and is this the way you do unto others?

You must allow others their beliefs without wresting them from them by your reports that god has spoken to you and told you that all the others who "say" God has spoken are simply a hoax.

to stop a war, or a disagreement, someone must lay their guns down. but you still have your guns; they are strapped to your waist. and your bullets are the bullets of self righteousness and anger.

It is as if they are afraid to do so. Not much commitment is required if you simply rely on a book.
you are in error that not much commitment is required when one relies on a book. My guide, which I say was Holy Spirit, which to say Holy spirit and JC are one and the same (my opinion) spoke to me as I opened the first page. A strong voice said "I will help you understand the Course, but you must commit to work with me daily on this or I will be wasting my time to help u get free of all your false beliefs about the world and about yourself.
ACIM is presented in Shakespearean blank verse or iambic pentameter; therefore it forces you to read the Course more slowly and carefully. Also it attracts the committed type of student. Obviously, the Course isn't for everyone. at least not for everyone all at once.
I found this in Disappearance the other day: "The mind that is the maker of the illusion chooses completely against itself in favor of God.
this is the fourth level of the enlightenment process I have entered. another way this was announced as to love God, with all your mind, heart and soul, praying ceaselessly.
that is to say a pure nondualistic state where the only loss is that of ego's illusions and ego's sense of separation and consequent state of conflict and confusion. I've not lost a thing in that case.

  You can pick and choose as much as you want. Unfortunately,  as I found with my self and with others, the book can have a brainwashing effect, even if it has some nice things to say now and then. 
yes, we can pick and choose, and thank you for telling me what I already knew. we have free will to choose. each of us does. free will is the one thing we like to guard zealously. however, as the Course says in the introduction "free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. it means only that you can elect what you wish to take at a given time. the Course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of Love's presence, which is your natural inheritage. The opposite of love is fear. but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. This Course can be summed up very simply in this way: Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists. herein lies the peace of God.

I believe if one wants to show at least a little respect for Christ, they'll pray to him and ask him if the course comes from him, before they start shouting to the whole World that it does.
the Course could have come from no other source than God, meaning our brother, Yeshua. I am very certain, in my heart. but I will not longer try to convince anyone, as I know they can find the truth in their own path, and not only that, they can take as many life times as they want, choosing all sorts of paths and experiences because even time is not what we think it is here, it too is an illusion, while in a slowed down vibratory rate of the body.

This is what I did, because I was honest enough to realize that I might make a mistake when it comes to discriminating if ACIM comes from Christ.
yes, I can see you value honesty above all; to the point of bluntness. rather masculine qualities.
The Course says, the student does not have to believe the source is the Christ, to attain peace of mind through the principles offered. and so our arguments here are really moot. We will cease then. I seek only to share myself, but I certainly would not say anyone has to go on the same path I have gone nor believe that it is the Christ. Whether you believe it or not, if it's true, you cannot change the truth. I say it's the truth it's J, you say it's not the truth, it's not J.  who is right? who is wrong?
what if it no longer mattered? what would we talk about?  Wink

  People don't have to rely on me to determine this. They can pray to Christ, receive guidance, and find out for themselves.
Not everyone is a Christian R, so you won't find them on their knees to him just because you advice them to.

One more comment about Gary Renard and the dissapearance of the universe. It sure seems odd that he supposedly had dialogues with beings he claimed to have dialogues with, and somehow mysteriously the tapes got destroyed.  First there is ACIM, then Renard's dissapearance of the universe in order to help people understand ACIM, and now there's a book to help people understand Renard's dissapearance of the universe! Talk about a cash cow.

hey, look at the pot calling the kettle cow. I think you are a cash cow. matter of fact I don't see how you can deny it. is it bad to be a cash cow? maybe not. I think Christ would say, it's quite all right how much money you make.
the reasons are explained why the tapes were destroyed; people would still say it was all a hoax even with the tapes, you couldn't prove that the two beings were who they said they were, and people would be arguing among themselves about another moot point instead of looking at the content of the book.

There are many ACIM students who have written books about ACIM. The best one to attain is Ken Wapnicks explanation of the Course's inceptions during the 7 year period Helen took notes in shorthand of the Course. Ken explains how to study it without getting confused.

I was told by my guide when I became stumped to stop for a minute and think about it. as I did so the confusion was supplanted by the insight of what it meant. But I was only hung up in several places.

My guide was too too kind to stick with me through reading of it as it was difficult to undergo this type of transformation where peace of mind at last came. No, I didn't talk myself into being a happy camper. I just became grateful that I was loved and had not known I was even lovable.

but, certainly not would I ever say one must read only this material; that would go against the Course's objective to love one another, and do unto others as you want done unto you.

It is my belief we are all in exactly the right place at the right time and all of us are unique and will end up being all together by practicing PUL and forgiveness every single day.

Blessings to you, I spoke with you last night in a dream. thank you for everything. love, alysia

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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #37 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 5:27pm
I certainly have some unanswered questions about Gary Renard, and I am unfamiliar with ACIM. I just went to the site and found that they have all the lessons available in any order in which a person would like to study them. Apparently, this was not always so. The lessons are not for everyone. Not everyone will be able to accept this course of instruction, as it is set out.

However, I did find a 2007 interview with Gary Renard which gave me a better idea of his attitude toward the personal seeker:

“Whatever we think about other people is really a message that we are sending into the unconscious mind about ourselves. So if we’re smart enough not to judge and condemn others - like the Buddha who had no judgment, and Jesus who not only had no judgment, but who had total love for everyone, and saw everyone as innocent and totally worthy of being with God - then that is the exact message that we would be sending into our own unconscious mind and that’s exactly how we would come to eventually feel and experience ourselves.”

Fascinated by this hopeful way of understanding the world, I asked Gary how to put such love and non-judgment into action. He responded by noting that there are two ways of undoing the experience of separation from God. “First, in the morning take some quiet time, 5 or 10 minutes, and forget about all the things you think you need or have to do or want. Just join with God in a state of meditation, with no words, and spend some quiet time with God - just joining with the light of God and feeling totally unlimited and getting lost in his love. If you do that every day, there is an aftereffect of inspiration. You will receive other gifts - not as physical miracles, but as inspiration in the mind that can lead to miracles.

“The other major way of undoing the sense of separation is through the practice of forgiveness. Forgiving others leads to an experience of rejoining with yourself and feeling whole again.” Such unconditional forgiveness may not be easy, but Renard suggests it is the core reason for being.

I suppose a person could take this advice to heart and never read any books at all. But, somehow, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Thank God for the many books we have available to us, and the freedom we have to express our truth to each other. Each of us is so fortunate to have the words to say how we feel, and the heart to feel it.

love, blink
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #38 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 5:44pm
Alysia said: "For one thing, you don't seem to believe that God would speak to anyone, excepting yourself."

Recoverer responds: On the contrary, I've said it over and over again that people would be better off communicating with Christ themselves, rather than relying on what a questionable source says.

If it's so darn easy to speak to God and Christ as people such as Helen Schuchman and Neale Donald Walsch claim, then why don't people just make contact themselves? I've gone through lots of energetic work and I found that it isn't as easy to receive word after word as Schuchman and Walsch claim.  I've found that communicating with Christ is more similar to what Bruce Moen experienced when communicating with the planning intelligence, rather than receiving a bunch of words as if you're speaking to a pal.

Isn't it strange that some of the most well know mediums say things such as "I hear a J, as in Jack or John, and then Schuchman and Walsch supposedly receive word after word after word?

Alysia, you speak of forgiveness, yet often when you speak to me about something where you have a differing opinion, you find all kinds of inapplicable negative things to say to me.  I've received a lot of help from the spirit of Christ. This being the case, does it seem so unreasonable for me to speak up when sources such as ACIM and Renard speak as if they are representing Christ when they aren't? If anything, I would be quite the ingrate if I didn't get upset.

You say ACIM comes from the holy spirit. Would the holy spirit lie about coming from Christ? Would the holy spirit shrug it's shoulders when it comes to the suffering of others and say nothing you see is real?  Would the holy spirit present a course that has a brainwashing effect that can't be judged by those who are currently brainwashed by it?** Does truth come from making a bunch of afirmations, or a state of mind that gets defensive whenever somebody challenges these affirmations? Would the holy spirit emphasize the ego as much as say for example, a Freudian psychologist like Helen Schuchman would do so?  Would the holy spirit cause a person to reach a depressed and angry state of mind where they end us saying things such as, "Damn that course," as happened for Helen Schuchman?"

**Regarding the brainwashing effect, eventually I realized that it was causing me to get brainwashed. I once visited ACIM booth at a new age fair, and the three people who manned the booth each had a brainwashed look in their eyes.  Course teacher Hugh Prather had the below to say. Also attached is a link which suggests the possibility that the course was a mind control project that Helen's cohort William Tetford created.

"What effect does the long-term study of such a teaching have on its students? I was surprised that after twenty years it was the opposite of what I expected. With two or three exceptions, everyone I saw at the gathering was far more separate and egocentric than they were when Gayle and I first met them. In fact, their egos were so large that many of them had lost the ability to carry on a simple conversation. They made pronouncements and listened deeply to no one. I was appalled, and when I returned home, I said to Gayle, "If this has happened to most of our Course friends, is there any chance it hasn't happened to us?"

The answer was that indeed it had happened to us. Even though we had long noticed the unhelpful effects of most religions and spiritual teachings on their students, we had thought that as Course students we were immune -- because the Course emphasizes reversing this very dynamic. If the dynamic is not the fault of the teaching or religion itself -- and in most cases it clearly is not -- what mistakes do students make that cause it?

When Gayle and I finally looked at ourselves honestly, we discovered that although we had been ministers and spiritual teachers for many years and had written over a dozen books on spiritual themes, we personally had not become kinder or even more sane through our devotion. We, like most individuals, started a spiritual path with the intention of becoming better people and finding ways to be truly helpful, only to move in the opposite direction. The more time and thought we had put into teaching and writing about our path, the more self-absorbed we had become. We had ended up less flexible, less forgiving, and less generous than we were when we first started our path!

What we had actually learned was how to mask our egos, act spiritual, and make our own thoughts less conscious. In addition, we had accumulated hundreds of new spiritual concepts, which, unfortunately, is the primary standard by which spiritual teachers are judged (as well, of course, as TV pundits, columnists, politicians, non-fiction authors, talking-head experts, and the like.).

As happened to us, most devout people seem unaware that these changes are occurring. They think they are making good progress, until one day -- if they are lucky -- they come face-to-face with the fact that their worst impulses have been growing in power and influence over them. In lieu of a true awakening, they make an unconscious determination that they have arrived, or that they have come close enough to the end of the journey that the remaining distance is of no consequence and requires very little of their attention.

There are clearly many individual exceptions to these generalizations, but not as many as we thought there would be when we began studying the phenomenon. This discovery has led us to place far greater emphasis on exposing the ways that the ego takes over spiritual efforts. Because the fact is, the day you started your spiritual path, your ego started it also, and for every spiritual motive you have, there is an ego motive as well. This is not reason to be afraid, but it is reason to be more aware. "
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #39 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 5:49pm
Hi Blink, thanks for your post. I am always grateful for this place to post my beliefs, as well my experiences as I've never seen so many friendly souls in one spot, as well from around the world.

I thank Bruce publically sometimes, but in my heart I constantly think thank you to him. and Monroe too.

I sense my time will end here someday, to be here among you, it's been about 8 years. so it makes the time here even more precious.

also one thing about ACIM is towards the end of the text it tells the student to "forget" this book. and go and have an experience, which means experience is more important, to test out the concepts for one's own self. I've been over 20 years testing the concepts about what love is and about what my illusions of love are..and I found it was all true, at least to my satisfaction. it is a self study course, unlike the bible thumpers, it can never be changed like the bible has been tampered with, until it is becoming well known that it has not the original message of love in it, which we call PUL here.

Yes, I've learned from being here, responding to so many posts, that how we see ourselves is how we see others, and making a statement about another, a person reveals then how they see themselves, and they are making a statement about this, and not about the other person or persons.

so I learned slowly, not to take it personally, whatever comes my way, is really none of my business what another thinks of me. yes, well, it takes practice! it's part of forgiving act.

Gary mentions in Disappearance that it took 9 years to complete his book, in which at the beginning he was still daily practicing forgiveness.

forgiveness is also about small things, like small irritations in life, as well as major relationships problems, so it's a way of life.
I like the idea of 5 or 10 minutes to be or feel at one with God. that is what I did too, only it was more like several hours of being with God oneness for myself, as I did not have to go to work during the time I took it. So 5 or 10 minutes would be great for the person who does 9 to 5.

thanks again, yes I believe the core reason for being is forgiveness so that we are not negative when we release the pain, the guilt, the fears that are hidden.

love, alysia
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #40 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 6:28pm
[quote author=recoverer link=1211828911/30#38 date=1214257492]Alysia said: "For one thing, you don't seem to believe that God would speak to anyone, excepting yourself."

Recoverer responds: On the contrary, I've said it over and over again that people would be better off communicating with Christ themselves, rather than relying on what a questionable source says
how do you know that they are NOT communicating with Christ? Directly, and then writing it down?

If it's so darn easy to speak to God and Christ as people such as Helen Schuchman and Neale Donald Walsch claim, then why don't people just make contact themselves?
u r repeating your question. How do you know they are not communicating with Christ?

I've gone through lots of energetic work and I found that it isn't as easy to receive word after word as Schuchman and Walsch claim.
so you are assuming something. you are assuming because YOU cannot receive word for word, then surely they cannot.

  I've found that communicating with Christ is more similar to what Bruce Moen experienced when communicating with the planning intelligence, rather than receiving a bunch of words as if you're speaking to a pal.
well thats nice. you are just like Bruce then. good for you.

Isn't it strange that some of the most well know mediums say things such as "I hear a J, as in Jack or John, and then Schuchman and Walsch supposedly receive word after word after word?
no, I don't think it's strange at all. what I think is strange is your obsessive behavior in persistently discrediting everyone you come across which is related to channelling.

Alysia, you speak of forgiveness, yet often when you speak to me about something where you have a differing opinion, you find all kinds of inapplicable negative things to say to me.
yet dear lite, I too find you speaking to me within negativity of inapplicable things..isn't this strange?
is this love? Grin

I've received a lot of help from the spirit of Christ.
yes I know. He is my elder brother as well. Scuse me, can we share him?

This being the case, does it seem so unreasonable for me to speak up when sources such as ACIM and Renard speak as if they are representing Christ when they aren't?
yes, my opinion,you are the most unreasonable man I have met in 16 centuries.

If anything, I would be quite the ingrate if I didn't get upset.
don't let little me stand in the way of you getting upset. for sure we can forgive each other if we try. also, I am very grateful to the Christ being, so I wouldn't want to let him down by not speaking my truth as I believe it and feel it. I'm sure you understand that as you are loyal to principle, so am I. but forgiveness is a must at some time in argument. Even the Christ would say that to you.

You say ACIM comes from the holy spirit. Would the holy spirit lie about coming from Christ?
No because the holy spirit IS Christ. are u still believing in negative forces of evil?

Would the holy spirit shrug it's shoulders when it comes to the suffering of others and say nothing you see is real?
Suffering is real but the reasons why we suffer are false. we don't have to suffer, and we can help each other to end suffering by ceasing to engage battle.
notice we are now engaged in the true meaning of battle.
let's get on with forgiving.

  Would the holy spirit present a course that has a brainwashing effect that can't be judged by those who are currently brainwashed by it?
I disagree it is brainwashing, it is only a message about love and forgiving the world. we train our soldiers to kill in the battlefield. that is a form of brainwashing. how can you say to love and forgive the world as J has taught is brainwashing?

** Does truth come from making a bunch of afirmations, or a state of mind that gets defensive whenever somebody challenges these affirmations?
We know you are the challenging type. I have already noted that, and challenge is your game.
It's not my game. you are far too macho. That's why Christ visited you. you needed some assistance.
if that's a negative remark, it's not meant to be one. your ego is very strong. you need to read about the things that your ego will say to you. it's all lies. we are all One, it's time to cooperate within PUL.

Would the holy spirit emphasize the ego as much as say for example, a Freudian psychologist like Helen Schuchman would do so?
the ego and the Holy Spirit's separate voices indicate our minds are split here. the mind split when we seemingly entered physical matter. we were no longer in Eden, we had entered duality, or split mind.
that is why hemisync works so well, it heals the split mind.

  Would the holy spirit cause a person to reach a depressed and angry state of mind where they end us saying things such as, "Damn that course," as happened for Helen Schuchman?"
depression and anger have nothing to do with the HS causing that reaction. that was Helen's ego; after all, it you were writing a transformational book for 7 years, wouldn't you sometimes lose it?
even writing my journal caused some mild BST crashes.

**Regarding the brainwashing effect, eventually I realized that it was causing me to get brainwashed. I once visited ACIM booth at a new age fair, and the three people who manned the booth each had a brainwashed look in their eyes.  Course teacher Hugh Prather had the below to say. Also attached is a link which suggests the possibility was a mind control project that Helen's cohort William Tetford created.

this is all rubbish to me.

"What effect does the long-term study of such a teaching have on its students? I was surprised that after twenty years it was the opposite of what I expected. With two or three exceptions, everyone I saw at the gathering was far more separate and egocentric than they were when Gayle and I first met them. In fact, their egos were so large that many of them had lost the ability to carry on a simple conversation. They made pronouncements and listened deeply to no one. I was appalled, and when I returned home, I said to Gayle, "If this has happened to most of our Course friends, is there any chance it hasn't happened to us?"
Yes, I no longer want to listen to you either. as you are vexatious and even the bible says to stay away from vexatious persons...I am equally appalled at you as whoever this is you are quoting. but I will still forgive you..later... Smiley

The answer was that indeed it had happened to us. Even though we had long noticed the unhelpful effects of most religions and spiritual teachings on their students, we had thought that as Course students we were immune -- because the Course emphasizes reversing this very dynamic. If the dynamic is not the fault of the teaching or religion itself -- and in most cases it clearly is not -- what mistakes do students make that cause it?

so you are not proving anything. are u going to spend all your time looking for the negative reports and hold them up against the positive reports? just follow your own path. I already said you don't have to read ACIM, you can find out it's true through other sources.

What we had actually learned was how to mask our egos, act spiritual, and make our own thoughts less conscious. In addition, we had accumulated hundreds of new spiritual concepts, which, unfortunately, is the primary standard by which spiritual teachers are judged (as well, of course, as TV pundits, columnists, politicians, non-fiction authors, talking-head experts, and the like.).

As happened to us, most devout people seem unaware that these changes are occurring. They think they are making good progress, until one day -- if they are lucky -- they come face-to-face with the fact that their worst impulses have been growing in power and influence over them. In lieu of a true awakening, they make an unconscious determination that they have arrived, or that they have come close enough to the end of the journey that the remaining distance is of no consequence and requires very little of their attention.
these are temporary conditions R. Not everyone wants to stick with it. Your experiences with a guru have something to do with your outlook regarding the Course's teachings. I assure you, this is not my experience what happened to them. Not everybody is willing to love God with all their heart and soul and turn completely against itself in surrender to God.

so you see that's the story, and you have just shown me another ego ploy to delay one's giving up the world for the world of God. it's guite ok. it's each's choice.

There are clearly many individual exceptions to these generalizations, but not as many as we thought there would be when we began studying the phenomenon. This discovery has led us to place far greater emphasis on exposing the ways that the ego takes over spiritual efforts. Because the fact is, the day you started your spiritual path, your ego started it also, and for every spiritual motive you have, there is an ego motive as well. This is not reason to be afraid, but it is reason to be more aware. "______
phenomenon is not how I see the Course's message. I see it as JC's trying to straighten out all the fallacies around Christianity which has sprung up. do you realize there are 230,000 different Christian doctrine based churches?

This is why he returns to individuals.
In 100 years or so it will be known it was the ascended masters teachings. Until then, I am not obligated to defend the material or it's source. I'm sure JC has everything completely in the palm of his hand, including yourself.

again, blessings, and now I will offer my forgiveness again to the HS to show me how to do it, and also ask HS to allow me to forgive myself for trying to help you as it's apparent you do not need anything like love from me.

I'm sorry. goodbye, I wish you well.

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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #41 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 6:35pm
Hi Blink, Alysia, R and Reach. I read Disappearance of the Universe, and got a lot from it. I'd a quick look at the organisation Gary started, but would have to say that I thought it wasn't quite on the same level as the book - that it's methods seemed possibly a little naive.

That might just have been my not connecting very well, but it might conceivably also be an indication that the book is the work of rather more than just himself.

There's from my own personal experience and what's taught by Buddhism enormous wisdom in what he and ACIM teaches on forgiveness, and on taking time for resting quietly and setting aside thought - stopping grasping, letting go,  resting with flow and meditating if you like. Even quite short periods of daily meditation can produce remarkable improvements in insight and well being - small miracles is a nice way of putting it, except that the miracles may well prove far from small.

Opening of the heart for example.

It's out of the silence that intuition and knowing come, rather than from reading or intellectual machinations. That doesn't mean that reading and intellectual explanation can't help to provide signposts, or to resolve technical issues getting us stressed out - but it's intuitive knowing and becoming, and not intellect that truly leads to transformation - to wisdom, compassion and loving behaviours towards both oneself and others.

It's a little rich for me to say this (Alysia knows why Smiley) but there's for me little point in getting too hung up about the legitimacy or otherwise of specific writings. The problem is that in the end even if a book is inspired we may not due to differences in how we 'see' connect very well with  it, or due to differences in how we use language draw the same meaning as another, or indeed as the writer intended.

We may at a given time have very different needs to another, or to those the writer was addressing. Writing can be pitched at levels ranging from the good old C1 linear logical objective ( e.g. the simple behavioural rules of conventional institutional religion), to the much much more subtle multidimensional, nuanced and paradoxical stuff that requires a great deal of insight and to connect with and apply. (e.g. certain Zen/Buddhist perspectives) We may also due to pre-existing belief systems simply be unable for the moment to take in what is actually very deep truth.

Books that really work spiritually have 'heart', that is they connect emotionally and spiritually at a much deeper level than the conscious intellect or ego, and act to weaken or even remove sometimes unconscious blocking beliefs. The trouble is that the 'chemistry' of this is highly subjective - how well or indeed if it works at all depends on the match between the reader and the writer, and to quite a degree on circumstance too.  A very skilled or better still an inspired writer will connect with a wider range of people, but it still comes down to fit or match.

What all this means for me is that it's best to remain pretty open and relaxed in responding to most books and teaching. No, it may not work for me, but that doesn't mean it's wrong for somebody else. Or I may not get it now, but be blown away in two years time by which point I'll have developed the required insight.

The truly great stuff of course plays at multiple levels - every time you come back to it it reveals deeper layers of meaning.

That's not to say there's not stuff that's so apparently off the wall that as a practical matter it's not best set aside. But even then it's probably best to do this as lightly as possible, to not get too invested in a negative (or a positive) view. Yes, it could lead another astray, but we all have our knowing, we all have to learn for ourselves and we're required to make space and to trust.

Never  say never. We're ultimately each our own guru/teacher...
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #42 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 6:46pm
Ian said: The truly great stuff of course plays at multiple levels - every time you come back to it it reveals deeper layers of meaning.

this is true for me also Ian. I remember re-reading Bruce's stuff and wondering how I could have missed something the first time thru, I think it is because we are constantly changing and widening our perspective and so now we perceive new thought and even interpret differently.

thank you for your way you have of leavening.
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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #43 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 7:15pm

If somebody took on a more traditional Christian belief system and wouldn't budge from it,  some people on this forum would say they are stuck in a belief system. At least ways traditional Christian beliefs systems refer to Gospels that actually have some historical relation to the life of Christ. The exact degree is hard to say.

To me words such as respect, reverence, grattitude, love, humility and loyalty do have a place in the dictionary. Therefore, when a source claims to represent God and/or Christ when they don't, I don't believe in taking a que sera sera attitude about it. I believe it is completely inexcusable for Helen Schuchman, William Thetford and Gary Renard with his imaginary characters to claim that they represent the teachings of Christ when they don't. If a person isn't able to see why it is completely unacceptable for them to do so, this tells me that they don't know what it means to have reverence, grattitude and loyalty towards a being like Christ. He has helped me so much there is no way I can sit down quietly when sources make false claims about receiving messages from him or beings who are supposedly closely associated and therefore authorized to represent him. Gary Renard just basically speaks Vedanta based views that don't represent the truth accurately, and then irrresponsibly attributes them to Christ.

With all the help I've received from Christ, he has never asked me to pass on words to other people, much less many, many words.  My feeling is that until a principle matches my level of wisdom, there isn't much point in my sharing it with others. All I do if I do so is add to the huge pile of incomplete and often inaccurate information that already exists.

People might say that they only have to accept what they want when reading ACIM, but the fact of the matter is that when a person assumes that something comes from an infallible source, either consciously or unconsciously, they are allowing their minds to take on a limited belief system that in the end will prevent them from seeing and living according to truth.   Being able to forgive doesn't mean you can't see when somebody is trying to con you.

It isn't a matter of whether "some" truth can be found in ACIM and the dissapearance of the universe.  It is a matter of whether these sources are what they claim to be.

Years ago when I was involved with eastern teachings there is a lot within dissapearance of the universe I would've agreed to.  This is no longer the case, even though some of the things the book says sound true.  I'm surprised that a fan of Buddhism such as yourself didn't take exception when Renard's imaginary beings supposedly told him that the Buddha wasn't completely enlightened.

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Re: Choosing your next life.
Reply #44 - Jun 23rd, 2008 at 7:24pm
and so, we know we are playing by the rules, from wikepedia:

Toleration and tolerance are terms used in social, cultural and religious contexts to describe attitudes and practices that prohibit discrimination against those practices or group memberships that may be disapproved of by those in the majority. Conversely, intolerance may be used to refer to the discriminatory practices sought to be prohibited. Though developed to refer to the religious toleration of minority religious sects following the Protestant Reformation, these terms are increasingly used to refer to a wider range of tolerated practices and groups, such as the toleration of sexual practices and orientations, or of political parties or ideas widely considered objectionable.
The principle of toleration is controversial. Liberal critics may see in it an inappropriate implication that the "tolerated" custom or behavior is an aberration or that authorities have a right to punish difference; such critics may instead emphasize notions such as civility or pluralism. Other critics, some sympathetic to traditional fundamentalism, condemn toleration as a form of moral relativism. On the other hand, defenders of toleration may define it as involving positive regard for difference or, alternately, may regard a narrow definition of the term as more specific and useful than its proposed alternatives, since it does not require false expression of enthusiasm for groups or practices that are genuinely disapproved of.


a polite applause by all, in recognition of their unwitting success, love, blink
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